$ Summer $ $ $ Time $ Profit Sharing Aden Wilson Wins Quilt at Auxiliary Benefit Party A fair sized crowd attended the Eagles Auxiliary benefit card party Friday night in the Eagles hall with bridge, pinochle and bunco being in play. Mi's. Klaus Tensen was award­ ed high for women in bridge and Dick Adams high for the men. In pinochle. Mrs. Berwyn Burke won high and Lloyd Marshall won high for men. Myri Clendening was the prize winner for women in bunco and Hugh Glasgow high for men. Aden Wilson won the Eagles Aux­ iliary quilt. SURPRISE PARTY Friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Roll&nd Holmes of Oregon Trail Friday evening honoring their birth­ day. Three tables of pinochle was in play. High prize for women went to Mrs. John Bowen and high prize for men was won by Glen Holmes. Mrs. Chan Warner and Albert Hopkins received consolation prizes. Ice cream and cake was served. A big time was reported by everyone. START IN MONDAY BRIDGE Mrs. Howard Larsen entertained Monday bridge club at her home this week. Mrs. Dick Adams won first prize and Mrs. Dick Young won low. Guests were Mrs. Charles Par­ adis. Mrs. Dean Smith and Mrs. Ernest Wilson. - FRIDAY, MAY 31 FIRST DISTRIBUTION TO BE HELD SATURDAY, JUNE 15 & 50 Silver Every other week plus DOLLARS GRAND PRIZE at final drawing. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. To Be Distributed 1 ............. 1 . ................................ $ 1 2 ................. ................................ $ 1 3 ................. ................................$ 1 4 ................. ................................ $ 1 5 ,................ ............................... $ 1 6 ................. ................................ $ 1 7 ................. ................................ $ 2 8 ................ ............................... $ 3 9 ................ ............................... $ 4 1 0 ................................................ $ 5 11 ................ ................................ $10 1 2 ................ ................................ $20 With every 50c cash purchase or payment on ac­ count you are entitled to a ticket on this Profit Sharing event. Ask your Nyssa merchant for tickets. - 5 - BIRTHDAY DINNER Mi's. Cora Newton entertained Tuesday with a dinner at her coun try home honoring the birthday of Mrs. Arvilla Fauchier. A lovely birthday cake formed a centerpiece for the festive table. Guests were Mrs. Mary Felton. Mrs. Emma Dun­ can, Mrs. Floyd White, Mrs. Jess Spencer. Mrs. Florence Meyers, Mrs. R. A. Austin, Mrs. C. A. Abbott and Mrs. Fauchier. - 8 Shareholder must be present to participate in the distribution of awards. No owners or managers or employees of a participating store eligible to participate in the distribution of shares. Every ticket holder will have a chance on the Grand Prize to be distributed on the last day of Profit Sharing Dollar Days. Cozy Cafe AI Green Nyssa Tailor Shop Nyssa Realty Co. McHargue Barber Shop Schweizer Cafe Nyssa Pharmacy Eder Hardware and Grocery Johnson Variety Caldwell Store Nordale Furniture Store Jackson Lumber Co. Boise Payette Lumber Co. Bert’s Barber Shop Frank Morgan Nyssa Seed and Grain Western Hotel Fisher Apparel Shop Green Lantern The Vogue Beauty Shoppe Dr. J. J. Sarazin Scotty’s Service Pete’s Market Nyssa Funeral Home Gate City Journal Larsen and Towne Witch For Other Profit-Sharing Distribution Dates SEVERAL MALHEUR COUPLES | make as calves are in fine condition MARRIED LAST WEEK and all boys have been working hard. ; f-ttiJ Several marriage, licenses were is­ sued to Malheur county couples the past week that are of Interest to local readers. In Boise Friday a lic­ ense was issued to Linden Eli Har­ ris, Vale, and Cleila Betty Russell, Vale. The groom is the assistant county agent, stationed at Vale, where the young couple will make their home. He is well known here as he spends one day a week here on business pertaining to the county agent’s office. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rus­ sell of Vale and taught school at White Settlement the past term. William J. Cole, Brogan, and Dor­ othy Moore, Durkee, Oregon, were Issued a license at Payette May 18. William Harvey Jones of Juntura and Cassie May Becker of Juntura were also issued a marriage license May 18 at Payette. GIRLS CANVASS TOWN FOR BIcLE SCHOOL CENSUS Misses Crete Marie Foster, Ruth and Pauline Wolfe were canvassing the town this week in the interest of the coming Daily Vacation Bible School which will open next Mon­ day, and to check up on the church affiliations of the residents of Nys­ sa. [Y -ONTARIO SUN.-MON.-TUES. HERE TH EY ARE - IN THEIR FIRST GREAT HIT TOGETHER! - BIRTHDAY PARTY Helen Boydell entertained eight COUNTY CLUB LEADER AND ALBERT HOPKINS VISIT friends with a bunco party Friday afternoon honoring her 12th birth­ OREGON TRAIL CALF CLUB day. Peggy Sills won the prize. The usual nice birthday lunch was en­ E. M. Hauser, county club leader joyed . and Albert Hopkins, Oregon Trail local club leader, visited members of CHAIN PARTIES the Oregon Trail calf 4-H Club The chain party fad continued Tuesday examining calfs and record quite brisk the first of the week, but books. The outstanding club boy will the last of the last of the week be selected from the following: Ray­ brought a noticeable lull. Mrs. Klaus mond Morfltt, Gilbert Holmes, Dew­ Tensen and Mrs. Nick Rudlick en­ ey Thomason, Junior DeGrofft, tertained Monday with two tables of Frank Wilson and Hollis DeGrofft. bridge. Mrs. Dick Tensen won the The boy selected will attend the 4-H prize. club summer school a t the Oregon Mrs Art Servoss and Mrs. Aden State college, June 9. The Oregon Wilson entertained with Mrs. Ralph Trail P.-T. A. will pay expenses and Lawrence winning high score. On tuition. Selection will be based on Mrs. Robert Stringfellow and Mrs. interest, record books, care of calf, Cliff Tillman were hostess at a and general activities. Mr. Hauser chain party with Miss Lotta Phillips thinks the selection will be hard to winning the prize. Subscribe to the Journal, >1.50 a year. WEËLÉR Boy Scout Jamboree Friday, June 7 T h e First World War’ INSURE suai kVÜÖAiWL'J Shareholder Must Be Present GET YOUR TICKETS FROM THESE NYSSA MERCHANTS Dick and Leiby Garage Olympic Club Powell Service Station Pruyn Garage Norcott Service Dr. E. D. Norcott Wilson Brothers Schlitz Tavern Rose Bud Swan Bakery Nyssa Packing Co. Baldridge Implement Co. Rubye Lou Beauty Shoppe Lawrence Service 8 - GIRL SCOUTS PARTY The Girl Scouts gave a party Monday night at the Dick Tensen home in honor of their Captain Miss Margaret Young, who will be leaving soon for her home in Madras for the summer. A short business session was held at which time Marzene Hollenberg was elected treasurer and Louise Tensen was elected sec­ retary. The Scouts are planning a show to raise money for a camping trip this summer. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, June 4 at the Tensen home. A very pleasant even­ ing was brought to a close with nice refreshments. POSTAGE STAMP ILLUSTRATOR: When President Roosevelt end Postmaster General “Jim ” Farley sat down to choose the ten greatest American natural wonder pictures as illustrations for the national park series of postage stamps they selected the G reat White Throne, towering master of Zion National Park, as one of them. Its gleaming white precipices defy venturesome climbers: its plateau-like top untrod by man. Zion National Park in southern Utah is a summer mecca for tourists from all over the world. Photo by Union Pacific Railroad. . C GEHÜI INS. CO. N . A. IN Sure Insurance AUTO LICENSES Frank T. Morgan .... w We Have Just Received Some l’M I B . New Arrivals W e would like you to see HIS GUARDIAN ROPER foods, ample sleep . I these are very important to baby’s health. But don’t let protec­ tion stop there. Wise mothers depend upon the Rexall Drug Store for many things that baby needs—castor oil, mineral oil, cod liver oil, harmless baby soaps, talcums and creams . . . and many other items so essential to baby’s health and happiness. P NYSSA PHARMACY Nyssa Oregon S A V E with S A F E T Y at Tth DRUG ST ORE! SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES Real quality products that are made for restful sleep — Priced from $16 to $35 STUDIO COUCHES and DAVENOS Beautiful new combination couches and beds— newest colors. FAULTLESS ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES See this machine before you buy. Nordale Furniture Store NYSSA OREGON