Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1935)
i • • G A I E C IT Y JO U R S ’ A L , m % * ’ M D A Y , M A Y gil, 198* . meiit ,improve propvrtlM til their U t i I and 6, *46 l>47-44.i RXU* Will bi held M Juné i, Idas, (t Jor u much longer u nuy be nsowmy communities, and at the same time ! S E '-.S E 1», S E '.B W h Sec 36-26-44. dan Valley, Oregon. The ballot boxee to permit qualified electors present MUST HE RENEWED be insured against the ordinary 5-21-35 (1. will be open for the deposit of bal at five p m. to deposit their ballots. risk of loss. There will be many re : Everett B. GoUld to Otie Gould lots from two p. m. until five p. m W. F. JACKSON, Register. pair Jobs which the associations can NHNWVi, Sec. 25-18-43. 5-21-35. $1. and as much longer as may be nec essary to permit qualified electors finance, giving the borrower their All motor vehicle operator's lic C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Alfred enses In Oregon expire on June 30 of regular time to pay. thus bringing ¡Vogue, SE hSE ti, NW’iS E 'i, Sec. present at five p. m. to deposit their within the modernization program a ballots. this year, and on this account the [ 33-18-43. 5-21-35. $101. office of Secretary of State Earl large group of customers who can W. F. JACKSON, Register You can Carrie E. Heightsmenn to Dor Snell is malting extensive prepara not wisely attempt repayments ex othea A. Kobs, S ‘-i of Lot 3, all Lots Buy A Furnace Now tions for taking care of the applica ceeding (10 to (20 a month. 4, 5, 6. and 7, Blk. 127, Ontario; DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER tions that will soon be coming for Lots 12 and N(4 of Lot 8, Blk. 127, With nothing down new licenses. No licenses can be Lots 13 and 14, Blk. 27, Lots 15 and IOR, U. S. Land Oflice, The Dalles, and nothing to pay C ourt Houae Filings ; mailed out or used until June 15, but 16, Blk, 136, Ontario. 7-11-31. $1. Oregon, May 22, 1935.—Pursuant to u n t i l October 1st; prior to that time application blanks Paul G. Freeman et ux to Frank the provisions of Division of Graz for either original or renewal lic with payments spread B. Halverson, Metes and bounds in ing Circular No. 1, approved by the Real E state T ransfers Recorded enses will be available throughout the NW '.SW 1,, Sec 29-18-45. 3-27- Secretary of the Interior April 23, over 36 months. In 1 the state. 45. 3-27-35 $350. 1935, and in compliance with the re May 18 to 25, 1935 vestigate t h i s out 1 During the past two-year period. Mrs. Ida H Fraser et vir to Nan quest of the Director of Grazing, standing offer. Brady O. Fowler et ux to Roy Poe, nie Franks, Lot 19, Block 13, On 353,521 operators’ licenses have been notice is hereby given of a special issued. 64.061 being originals and E'aNE'.NE't, Sec. 31-19-47, cont. tario; also use of Vt brick wall now election to elect district advisors for Estimates Free 280.430 renewals. The latter class are 20 acres; also 10 shares capital on Lot 20, Blk 13, Ontario. 4-2-35. Oregon Grazing District No. 3, Issued without examination, except stock in Owyhee Ditch Co. 5-2-35. $1600. which has been established under GEO. J. KINZER in special cases, while the originals ( 2000 . George E. Simmons to The Estate i the Taylor Grazing Act of June 28, are put out only after a check as to Plumber Beaturice M. Shaw et vir to Louise of Mary Hartley Simmons, SW‘4 - 1 1934~48 Stat. 1269). The election the applicants' physical condition, B. Woods. E4NE14, Sec. 17-16-47. SE'iSEW, Sec. 12-18-46. 5-22-335. $1. will be held on June 3, 1935, at On Phone 134-J2 knowledge of the law affecting op 4-29-35 (1. Laura A. Adams et vir to Bessie | tario, Oregon, The ballot boxes will eration of a motor vehicle, and Parma Idaho Louise B. Woods et vir to M B A Swett et al. Lots 11 and 12, Blk 20, ! be epen for the deposit of ballots i actual ability as a car driver. So far Woods, WVsEtiNE'i, Sec 17-16-47. Orlg, Townsite, Nyssa, 5-25-35. $175. from two p. m..until five p. m. and for 1935, chauffeurs' licenses in the cont. 40 acres. 5-20-35. (1. Coast Land Co. Ltd. to Joseph [number of 12,772 have been issued Coast Land Co, Ltd. to Andrew |and during the year this number Long, NVjSEti NWV4, Sec 9-32-41, Crook et ux, N 'iN E '.N E 1,. Sec. 3- 32-41. cont. 20 acres 5-6-35. (59. will be increased by nearly 5,000. cont 20 acres. 9-27-34. (10. Coast Land Co, Ltd to Julia Mc In the coming operators’ license C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Crystal renewal period it is estiamted that Hammack, SWUNW-., Sec 23-15-42. Lennan. N '-N W '.N E ',, Sec 13-31- approximately 425,000 licenses will exepting strip 16'j feet, wide along 41. cont. 20 acres. 10-22-34. (59. be issued. As soon as the new period outside boundaries for road pur- Marriage Licenses Issued starts law enforcement officers will ! poses; also 60 shares uapital stock LaPhene Peterson and Dorothy B. beign an active campaingn to elim in Orchards Water Co. 5-20-35. Wood. 5-21-35. A few well chosen changes or additions will inate unlicensed drivers from the (4002.01. William F. Johnston and Faye m ake it m ore convenient and livable. highway, both in the interest of Lynn Kygar et ux to Lotta E. McNess. 5-23-35 safety and of revenue to the state. Phillip. EHEttNEh, Sec. 32-20-46 W e are ready to help you by furnishing you LEGAL ADVERTISING also 12 shires capital stock in Owy hee Ditch Co. 5-2-35. (1. LOAN COMPANIES high g rad e m aterials a t low prices. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Henry MAY COOPERATE IN Lind. NE'.NWmSW1,, NW%NWU IOR. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, BUILDING CAMPAIGN SW1*, S ^ N W '.SW li, Sec. 22-16-43. Oregon, May 22, 1935.—Pursuant to 5-18-35. (20. the provisions of Division of Grazing Florence Erma Withers to D. B. Circular No. 1, approved by the G et to g eth er w ith us now. Regulations of the Federal Hous Withers, Metes and bounds in the Secretary of the Interior April 23, ing Adminstration have b e e n NWt%NE‘/i, Sec. 16-17-47, cont. 16.68 1935, and in compliance with the re quest of the Director of Grazing, amended recently In such a man acres. 12-29-? $1. D B Withers et ux to Arthur R. notice is hereby given of a special ner that thousands of building and loan associations may more fully Kopp. Meted and bounds in the election to elect district advisors for cooperate in the modernization pro NW’;NEt4, Sec. 16-17-47, cont. 16.68 Oregon Grazing District No. 4, which has been established under NYSSA, ORE. gram, by having their loans insured acres. 4-1-35. $100 PHONE 47 Val Becker et ux to Carl Thomas the Taylor Grazing Act of June 28, without any substantial change in their customary lending procedure. NttNWtt, Sec 17-18-39. 9-16-30. $10. 1934 (48 Stat. 1269). The election Harvy Stephens to E. H. Hilton. It Is explained that associations now will be able to expand a type of Midway Placer Mining Claim, 4-6- business with which they are fam 35. $1. M. N. Fegtly to Dennis W. Hon. iliar, increase earnings, aid employ- D R I V E R S ' L IC EN S E S The Gate City Journal BERWYN BURKE, Publisher Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission though the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 41 54 Six Months ____________ ________ _____- .... - ----------------------,5c ADVERTISING RATES Rates for Advertising will be furnished to both Local and Foreign Advertisers upon application. Classified Ads lc per word per Inser tion. INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY. --------■"------------------------------- ---------------------------------- - FENNELL SPEAKS ON HOUSING Friday night a group of interested business men had an opportunity to hear J. A. Fennell of Boise speak on the Better Housing movement. On of the most significant statements he made was that “a community can do anything if it tries hard enough.” What holds true for a com munity of course holds true for an individual, but in a community the individuals making up the city must all pull together if anything is to be accomplished along constructive lines. You can’t build a house without substantial foundations and you can’t build a city without solid support. We have seen demonstrations in the past of Nyssa folks pulling together and putting over worthwhile things. If Nyssa wants a Better Housing drive; more houses and better houses, lets put our shoulder to the wheel and push hard. DON’T FORGET THE SCOUTS It is hard to visualize a more useful organiza tion for the building of solid American citizen ship than the Boy Scout and Girl Scout move ment and we are certain that the majority of cit izens are pleased that Nyssa has such organiz- ions in our midst. For the training of our young folks in the difference between right a n d wrong, for an opportunity for congenial com panionship and the teaching of fundamental truths, it is hard to beat a good Boy Scout or Girl Scout troop under competitent leadership. Too often in the hurry and bustle of everyday life we are apt to push these things into the back ground but the future welfare of our civilization rests with our young people and anything we can do to help the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts should come under the heading of patriotic duty. BLUE EAGLE DIES Monday night the Supreme Court of the United States handed down one of the most im portant decisions of American history when it outlawed the NRA, the very heart of the New Deal. Since the court decision made all codes of fair competition unenforcible, all methods of compulsory enforcement of the codes were im mediately suspended. The news was received in Nyssa with varying opinions, but for the most part business men seemed to think it was a good thing and with the government strangleholt on business relaxed, total recovery might become an actual fact. However it is encouraging to note that many large industrial concerns intend to continue to ad here to code wages and hours whenever pos sible, and that unfair practices of competition were still in disgrace. There is no question but what the codes did serve a purpose and that gains w’ere made that might not have been made otherwise. It was only when the code set prices and regulated business to closely that complaints started to shower in on the administration. J Tone Up Your Home J JACKSON LUMBER CO. Guernsey Milk For the benefit of the people of Nyssa who de sire a richer milk than the Holstein milk which we have delivered for the past several years, we have recently purchased some Guernsey cows, and are now delivering high test Guernsey milk, produced in one of the most modem and sani tary plants in this section of the country, accord ing to dairy authorities. W e still m ain tain our high-standard H ol stein milk, w hich is considered by m edical au th orities everyw here as th e best m ilk for babies and grow ing children. W e produce m ilk for everybody’s needs. Try it! ... * Although Roosevelt made a sound argument against the Patman bonus bill, to the House it seems to have been principally sound. Getting into the quicksands of inflation is much easier than getting out. The present session of Congress is likely, it is said, to run into August. Nor is that all it is likely to run into. NYSSA FU N ERA L H OM E Phone 76F3 Take along plenty of good baked things and make your picnic a real pleasure. The Swan Bakery OREGON NYSSA NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY WE RECOMMEND THEM FACTS ABOUT NYSSA A. L. FLETCHER LOTT D. BROWN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NYSSA OREGON Population, (1930) Recent estimates . Elevation _______ ____ 821 ____ 1000 Everijlwc Minutes / P you are underinsured, or if you let * your lire insurance lapse even for a single day, your property value* are exposed to loss. Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy much valuable property in a brief time. You owe it to yourself to be carefully protected. How could you be adequately compensated for your loss if you were uninsured or underinsuredf Let us help you obtain an op- peaital, make eug/ettion*. and v tvrnieh adequate insurance^ Fire Insurance Bonds Notary CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office in Residence Three blocks So. M. E. Church PHONE 25 NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY Town Patrons.......2:30 to 5:30 Out-of-town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian H. D. Holmes TRANSFER and BAGGAGE AH Kinds of Hanling in City Limits Public OREGON M ayor______________ Don Graham Councllmen _________ Art Norcott, Al Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean Smith. City Clerk __________ .A. R. Millar City Treasurer_____ Arthur Boydell Marshall _____________ A. V. Cook W atermaster___ __N. H. Pinkerton Health O fficer__ Dr. J. J.' Sarazin County Officers NYSSA :—T OREGON DR. E. D. NORCOTT D E N T I S T Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 35F3 X-RAY EXAMINATIONS NYSSA OREGON Commissioners ................. Ora Clark, E. H. Brumbach, County Judge .......David F. Graham Nyssa Aerie Sheriff ................... C. W, Olenn C lerk________ ________ Roy Daley F. O. E. No. 2134 Assessor ............... Murray Morton Treasurer ..................Mrs. Ora Hope MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT County Attorney ............ M. A. Biggs County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson AT EAGLES HALL County Physician,....... Dr. Anna B. Visiting Eagles Welcome Pritchett. Coroner ________ R. A. Tacke BERNARD FROST, President Superintendent.. Kathryn Claypool DON M. GRAHAM, Secretary Nyssa Public Schools Superintendent .......Leo Hollenberg Facts About Owyhee Project ON THE OLD JOB Don |'M. Graham NYSSA DR. C. A. ABBOTT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ..... 2186 City Officers The President, it seems, no longer controls Congress. This makes things a bit awkward, as Congress is unable to control itself. Upton Sinclair says the nation is doomed to bankruptcy, but he may be no better prophet than he is an economist. Sympathetic and understand ing direction have marked the Nyssa Funeral Home for three years. Low cost, too, has been an outstanding factor. We have earned our reputation for fair dealing and depend ability. Sunshine Dairy ANOTHER HOMEiBURNS! EDITORIAL COMMENTS BY CLARK WOOD It’s a question in this country as to which let ters are becoming more of a nuisance—chain or alphabetical. Fill Your Picnic Basket With Good Baked Goods NYSSA. OREGON Phono S Cost of Owyhee Dam ____ $6,000,600 7(4 miles of Tunnel ...........*4,000,000 Siphons, canals, etc............. (3,000,000 Owyhee dam storage capacity___ ___________ 715,000 acre feet Heighth of dam ...............„..520 feet Ftom lowest point of foundation to top. Leading project city. Nyssa, Oregon Elevation of land .......2,250 to 2,500 Acres In Owyhee project, 100,00 acres Principal products _______ hay, com, dairying, s t o ck raising, grains, potatoes, clover aeed, peas, lettuce, onions and carrots. CITY TRANSFER TRUCKING and TRANSFERRING Phone 15 and Phone 2S C. Klinkenberg