Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1935)
NYSSA, OREGON Gateway to the Owyhee and , Black Canyon IRRIGATION PR O JE C T S THE GÂTE CITY JOURNAL — VOLUME XXV. NO. 35 - NYSSA; OREGON Busiest ?nd Fastest Growing Town in Oregon INVESTIGATE—-LOCATE y# NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, ' T\Y ,2 8 f 1931 $1.50 PER YEAR ï i i --- - NYSSA UPSETS UNBEATAN VALE Ï0 TAP LEAGUE 5 TO * VICTORY GIVES NT SSA AND VALE TWO-WAY TIE IN PEN NANT RACE; WILDER DOWNS ONTARIO. BOBBY MADDEN OPENS BASEMENT GOLF LINKS; FIRST INDOOR COURSE •'Well. I ’ve built a golf course.” This is the announcement Bobby Madden, 9, brought to The Journal office yesterday. It called for a special edition but Bob said Thurs day would do. It seems that when Bob Pittman left town, iris Itty-Bitty course went to rain. A bright idea struck young Madden, and as a result he opens the Basement Golf course at the paternal residence for ail the kids in town tomorrow (Friday). He goes one better than Bob, the first. His charge is one cent per round. (5 rounds for a nickle. Clubs and balls furnished. Rocks painted green line the Ea; ement fairways. Which haz ard is the toughest? A drive through a pipe and over a water junq). said Bob with a beaming smile. Airplane', horseshoe, gates and others were mentioned. The course has nine holes. Bob and Alvin Rcot, chief aide, are ready for business. By one point, Nyssa edged out Vat in a 5 to 4 encounter Sunday that was either team's game from start to fim 1 Tile victory placed Nyssa on an even footing with Vale at the top of the Idaho-Oregon league. Defeat at Wild er 3 to 2 placed Ontario three games behind. Vale's heavy hitting Henry pounded out a 3-bagger in the first. He scored on Hutton's single. A 2-bagger for Hoxie and singles for Nat Young and Creeling gave Nyssa 2 in the fifth. Nyssa hitters were on a spree in the seventh and they accounted tor 2 more runs. Price's hit and an error gate Nyssa 5. The ninth was Vale's inning. Voyen, Earwood, Kitchen ana King chalked up hits, scoring 3. It looked like a tie. Fans were breathless when heavy hitting Henry struck out to NYSSA COMMERCIAL C l V b WILL ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF NEW make the third down. Young struck out 15 men. Kitchen 3. COMERS; ARRANGE BANQUET Nyssa garnered 9 hits off Kitchen. AND DANCE. Vale 10 off Young. GIVES NYSSA IE MEW TRANSFORMERS INSTALLED HERE; NYSSA SYSTEM STEPS AHEAD OF THREE LINK UNIT; BUSINESS VOLUME GROWS. T ien a T en sen High in County 8th Grade Test Nysst pupil« made such a splendid showing in the recent 7th and 8th grade examinations that Mrs. E. M. Crail, tounty school superintendent, telepho ed the results to The Journal office tils morning. In the 8th grade division, Tiena Ten- sen made second high average in the county. 96. Pauline McOill of Ontario made 97.6 per cent; Ella Martin of Nyssa. 95.8: V j. Blackaby of Ontario 95.7. In the 7t.\ grade—Eldred Howard, Grouse creek, 99; Relta Lee Powell, Harper, 98. Nyssa 8th graders averaging above 90 were: Louise Strode 95, Ethel Boy- dell 94, Harriet Sarazin, Betty Cook, Elsie Munsterman, Eleanor Foster, Emerald Harding, Elvera Garrison, each 93; Betty Schlapkohl 92, Flora Shelton 92, Bird Walters 91. In the entire county, 232 pupils took the 8th grade examinations; 266, the 7th. STURGEON FISHER SELLS LAUNCH TO SKIPPER ED POWELL GERMAN ESTATE: E WALTER MARIONHOLTZ W I L L LEAVE SOON TO TAKE POSSES SION OF PROPERTY WILLED TO HIM BY HIS MAIDEN AUNT. Eddie Powell has added eons to his popularity by purchasing a launch for no other purpose than joy-riding on the Snake. He bought the boat from R. Burnside, visitor from Spokane, who was fishing for sturgeon sev eral weeks. It Is a well-built 25- foot launch equipped with a 35- horsepower motor. Its speed is about 20 miles per hour—pretty fast on a river, Eddie says. As yet the boat has no name. Who has a bright idea? Burnside caught no sturgeon. It takes Pud Long to accomplish this feat. He caught two five-foot sturgeon this spring that ranged from 100 to 115 pounds In weight. Being a hunter for the biological bureau, Pud uses cured sturgeon steak for coyote bait. m u FÜRS MITCHELL BUTTE UNIT OF OfflEE DR. MEAD FAVORS COMPLETION OF NORTH DIVISION FIRST; SURVEY COMPLETE ON FIRST 10 MILES OF CANAL. Involving an investment of between Waller Marionholtz of Middleton, Conforming with the recom four and five thousand dollars, the formerly of Nyssa, has inherited an es mendation of the irrigation dis Idaho Power company is improving tate in Germany valued at more than tricts under the Owyhee project, the Nyssa power system by installing a $300.000. He is making arrangements the government will build the separate set of three 100 k. w. trans to leave Middleton and his adopted Mitchell butte division first. formers. This will put Nyssa on a sep- land in June, as the will of his aunt. In This Is the message Engineer F. A. rrate power circuit while heretofore which he is named beneficiary, calls Banks received from Dr. Elwood Mead, Nyssa, Kingman Kclony and Parm,. for his return to Germany. commissioner of reclamation, and R. F. v/ere on the same circuit. Improved To the old German custom of priority Walter, chief engineer, stated Frank T. service is assured local patrons. for the eldest son, Marionholtz gives Morgan, secretary of the district, who Installation of t he transformers credit for his good fortune. The estate was at the dam Tuesday. Mead also was in progress this week by Chas. was owned by his two maiden aunts informed Senator Chas. L. McNary Pierson, Boise, foreman, and a crew of many years. They had named his thatt this procedure would be followed. five men. father their heir but after death. Mar The announcement settles the question The company is building an extension ionholtz was next In line. One aunt as to whether the government v.ould Power company ranks second in vol died several months ago and willed her first construct the Mitchell Butte or ume of business in Malheur county share to him. He is also the benefi Succor creek canal. The company senes close to 500 pa clary in the will of hte Surviving aunt. Construction of the Mitchell butte When Marionholtz labored from SHEA SETS NEW WORLD RECORD trons here« 75 of this number being ir canal, running north from the Con- morn till night on the Sam Little farm rigation customer.,, heavy users of elec IN MONTH APRIL 18 TO MAY 18 nelly- 8 hea tunnel, will carry water for Just across the river from Nyssa a few tricity for pumping. Bernard Frost is IN TUNNEL EXCAVATION. 30,000 acres of land in the Mitchell ADRIAN MATRON B U R I E D AT years ago. he did not dream of th« for agent for the Nyssa division. butte division and about the same The company is building an etension GENESSEE; BODY IS RECOVER tune coming his way. He was bom acreage In the Dead Ox Flat. Nyssa and reared In Missouri. He has lived line to the J. W. Kygar land near King- ED WEEK AFTER DROWNING If It isn't one sand slide, it is another occupies a central location in the in America so long, he feeis a stranger man Kolony for pumping from Snake NEAR NYSSA. In Germany. He has been happy here. that retards progress on the Owyhee Mitchell butte area, most of which is river. Kygar had an extension con Box Score AB R II E For him, his wife and three children, diversion tunnel being built by S. S. new land. structed at his home place about a Nyssa— Ccmpl intent ary to newcomers in the o Surveys for the Mitchell butte canal Germany will be an experience. They Magoffin, Vancouver. According to ........ 5 3 Hoxie. cf ........ ; cr mmunity, the Nyssa Commercial month ago. The body of Mrs. C. M. Beaumont of will leave soon for Missouri and will Frank Purvis, superintendent, a slide have been completed and the f’ata ....... 4 -0 2 Greeling. 3b b will give a "get-acquainted” ban Adrian was found in Snake river near depart for Europe after a visit to their of about ten carloads of sand and sheet for design of major structures is 0 1 Rambaud, If ......... ........ 4 quet at tne high school gymnasium CALL FOR BIDS ON in the office of the chief e'ngineer. It Nyssa last Saturday night, just a week old home. Although they will live In a water deluged the tunnel yesterday. Johnston, 2b ........ 3 0 0 next Thursday night, June 4. The On- YELLOW STONE CUT after her tragic death. Chester Gray, picturesque old castle near Berlin, they Last month, while Magoffin battled Is anticipated that bld3 will first t:e ........ 2 0 0 D. Young p ...... ,ano Commercial club will be invited. who lives on the island beyond the are loath to leave America. slides and pressure, Martin Boss, super called on a 10 -mile sector running from 4 1 1 Price, ss ........... Pians were formulated at a meeting Friends of the Yellowstone Cut-off. Nyssa bridge, sighted the body about Nyssa friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. intendent for J. F. Shea company, set the tunnel to the north side of the 4 0 0 Servoss. lb ...... at the city hall Monday n.ght when Robertson, were their guests yesterday a world record In tunnelling through Mitchell butte saddle. This 10 miles 1 ........ 2 1 N. Young, rf the following committee was appointed ail up and down the line, are jubilant dusk and towed it ashore. solid rock. From April 18 to May 18. will Include construction of three si Officials were advised by telephone at Middleton. ........ 4 1 1 J. Young, c rf o proceed: Mayor Dick Tensen, chair over the action of the state highway phons, the longest 1700 feet, and four he covered 1411 feet. 0 0 Pud Long, rf .... .....,...2 man; Leo Hollenberg, Thos. B. Nordale, commission in inviting bids on 53 miles from the J. S. Stout home in Apple In May, Shea made 485 feet in the short tunnels, ranging from 350 to AB R H E Wm. Sliireman, A. L. Barker and Don of grading between Burns and Lake- Valley. No inquest was held and the FIRE DESTROYS Vale— big tunnel, total excavation 4740 feet. 1900 feet. 1 ald M. Graham. Others will assist on view. Bids will be opened in Portland family took, charge of funeral arrange King, 2b ............... ......5 0 1 JOHNSON HOME 1157 feet In the small tunnel, total ex The Owyhee project office has begun ments. Burial was at Genesee, Ida., June 4. 0 0 various committees. Brubaker, ss ....... 0 a drainage Investigation in the Dead cavation 9494 feet. Judge David F. Graham also reports the old home of Mrs. Beaumont. Her 1 3 0 Heniy, c ................. ...... 5 The civic club will serve the banquet. The farm home of Tom Johnson in Shea has proceeded somewhat slower Ox Flat and Gem units. Data will be ...... 4 1 1 It will bê followed by a dance at the that work is proceding on market roads husband .and sistei Mrs. Conrad Mar- 0 Hutton, 3b’ Valley View burned to the ground the past week or so as he struck a fault gathered from test wells. in Malheur county. J. H. Scott, state tin attended fror.Jfciji community. 0 gymnasium. 0 0 Ackerman, If ...... ...... 2 > A severe illness extending over two Monday, entailing a loss of approxi- zone of shattered rock and Is obliged to market load engineer, and Engineer J. 0 1 1 Baker, if .............. ...... 2 I Edwin Johnson inspected the Big i years caused Mrs. Beaumont to end her mately $3500. It is believed a defective timber. 0 1 2 Voyen, lb ............ . . 4 GAME NOTABLES SEE c h a s . M c C o n n e l l il l flue caused the fire. Most of the fur 0 3 0 1 Earwood, rf ......... Chas. McConnell, Nyssa sheepman, Bend, Jordan Valley, Harper and Ore life. Until her health began to fail, nishings were saved. The loss was NYSSA VS. VALE TILT 0 0 underwent a major operation for gas gon Slope market road Friday. A new she was identified with community af- 0 Rash, cf ................ .... 4 NYSSA REBEKAHS WIN 0 tric ulcers at the Ontario .hospital this market road on the Vale project has fairs at Adrian. She leaves a host of covered by insurance, 1 1 Kitchen, p .......... ...... 3 Who said a woman could not keep a When Mr. Johnson was In town Mon- Chas. McClees, recently appointed friends throughout this section. morning. He was rushed to Ontario j been christened Graham boulevard. Monday, he stated that the house secret? game supervisor, and Art M. Fish, Graham is urging the state to a.. :r he became seriously ill Wednes Rebekahs retained a secret an entire warden for eastern Oregon, came BIBLE SCHOOL TO would be replaced by a new residence WATER USE CURTAILED day night at his sheep camp in the in a ume tl. $”»000 debt incurred by Nys- week. They did not break the news across the state to see the Nyssa-Vale END W ITH PROGRAM terior above Harper. His condition is ! sa in impi'oving the Nyssa highway H. G. Kennard. county watermaster, in the near future. that Yellow Rose Lodge No. 202 had ball game at Vale Sunday. Monday bridge. turned off the water in the Owyhee won the sliver cup In the Rebekah they returned to Portland. During his critical. Rhododendrons are In full bloom on Monday, June 1, the last day of va ditch above the intake owing to a race in Oregon till this years as game warden in Malheur Mrs. A. V. Cock and sen Jimmy wl'l shortage of water in the ditch this the Roosevelt highway. Lovely flowers , membership cation bible school at the Methodist LIQCOK FINE $53 evening at the regular lodge session. county, McClees made a host of friends vie with the ocean on the coast drive, church, will be celebrated with an Nora Stout pleadtd rr-ulty to posses- let ve tomorrow for LaGrande where season Three large ranches, the (reported Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Barker, Miss Myra Clendennlng, delegate, was evening program. It will begin at 8 p. | slon of uquor iU the justice court Mou thry will attend the graduation of Miss Belle MacLafferty, Vincente Mendiola who returned Frtdftv [ am n diUgh'.'ul presented the cup at grand lodge In friends and surprisingly few enemies, considering his position. Everyone rn. and everyone is cordially Invited by I (|.ijr sl.e , ,s fjnctj 550 , according to Do othy Cook from Eastern Oregon and J. P. Dunaway properties and sev- ! 'Corvallis last week,Mrs. Jess Lawrence, eral ranches at Watson are deprived of trip. They motored as far south as noble grand, presided at the meeting. wishes him well In his Statewide field. Miss Josie J. Blokland, pastor. »rict Attorney Bruce R. Kestcr. The Normal school. j the California line. They returned by The program follows: march, flag fine was paid. lire. David F. Graham and daughter water. There is sufficient water to | I way to Portland and Prosser, Wash., Refreshments were served At the close. serve only the priority rights, accord salute, songs; piano solo by Flla Mar EMMETT NINE PLAY Christine; he guest Miss Stewart of and were accompanied home by a rela- tin; tribute, Albert Coleman; bible ; Po Hand an ; M s Mildred Bennett of ing to Kennard. HERE MEMORIAL DAY McCOY WILL BUILD I Uve, Mrs. Ardelle Bouch of Seattle. In story, Alta Campbell; violin solo. Mar- a(Jcl Mrs- I'“os- B- Nordale a ‘‘ Va c were guests last night of Mr. and C. L. McCoy, Nyssa druggist, has 1 Portland the Barkers attended demon garet Kilpatrick; bible story. Vivian tended high school commencement ex- Mi . Donakl M. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Larsen and strations of the late method of perma- made definite plans to build a modern Dean Smith, manager of the Nyssa Higby; tribute, Margaret Cloward; eIC-ses in Payette Saturday g i. sons Howard and Warren will leave to !ntnt waving and hair dressing. Their stucco residence on his lot Just north ball club, arranged a game with Em Mr. and Mrs Bud Short and Mr. and song, Olive Pack; talk. Curtis Porter: Their granddaughter Miss^Merle^ Stc-r- morrow to spend the week end at Walla two children accompanied them on the of the Jesse Thompson home. Con- mett for diversion at Nyssa Memorial 23rd Psalm, boys’ class; school drill; ling was among 41 graduates. The Nor Mi s. Glen Frizzell were dinner guests tractor J. W. Youngman of Boise will 'day. Stores here will be closed all-day WaUa' 'trip. dales drove over to Payette with Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Bullock in Vale bible story, Roy Pack; address by Miss Dr. Raymond Tackle and Miss Hoff- I ----------------------- begin work July 1, It Is expected. Mc Saturday as Memorial day Is a state Sunday. Blokland; talk by Louise Tensen; song, Carl Bauer and daughter Jo. man of the Ontario hospital were com- Attorney E. M. Blodgett was a busi Coy's residence will join an addition of and nationwide holiday. (Toys' class; reading, Frances Foster; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Volswinkler have Buck Ramsey, for several months plimented at a dinner at the Sarazin ness visitor In the county seat Tuesday, beautiful new homes. girls’ class. Ice cream will be served moved into town from the Oregon operator of a taxi in Nyssa, has gone to home Sunday. BOYS BREAK WINDOWS Clyde Beam is working on state high McDermitt. He is considering Reno, after the program. 1 Trail community. Breaking windows Is a serious pas GIRLS SELL POPPIES Mrs. Mary Lyells, mother of Mrs. A. V. way construction near Vale. Seventy-one youngsters are enrolled j C. E. Brown of Los Angeles arrived Nev., for a permanent location—if he Graham and Martha Schlap- time, two Nyssa boys, aged 9, found Cook, her sister Mrs. Sylvia Reiger and j Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Harris were here . kohl Ethel In the school. It has been very suc Sunday to visit his brother W. S. 'ikrs it. ^ Nyssft.s quota of Sat- Wednesday. They were arrested by cessful, Miss Blokland reports. Teach B) own of The Journal. It has been Rev. W. Bradner, from Massachus C. Palmer of Boise were guests at the from Kuna, Ida, Tuesday Marshal A. V. Cook and charged with j urday for Mrg Donald M. Oraham, ers are Crete Marie Foste^. Gladys some 30 years since Mr. Brown first etts, held*evening services at the Parish Cook home Sunday. -breaking a total „ „ „ . . _ . , Miss Wanda Hite made a recent visit j local chairman of the American Legion __ of 26 windows In the Campbell. Pauline Rogers, Aus saw Nyssa and he believes it was then house last night. He came west to a t The boys said they H. C. Garman returned Sunday from (n Montana wlth a party 0f friends. sale. Mrs. Oeorge McKee sold popples ; school building tin, Helen Miller, Dorothy Austin, Lula It's than a filling station. He is agree tend summer school at Cove in June. Los Angeles, Cal., where he spent a for the Veterans of Foreign Wars. * ere throwing rocks at sparrows. They Irwin; pianist, Margaret Pinkerton. Mr. — and Mrs. R. F. White — and little Proceeds benefit disabled veterans and have been cited to ----------- appear In the Juv week's vacation with relatives. --------------- ---- ably surprised and likes Nyssa im Mrs. Ada Montgomery returned from daughter Gloria Lorraine were Boise their families. enile court at Vale. mensely. Patrons of the Nyssa Packing com visitors Sunday. .he John Norwood ransh at Jamieson APPLE VALLEY' 9 WIN • Harry. Newby came from John Day junday a brief visit with hoftie pany are assured steer beef. Thirty- FAST PAINTING Virgil Lund returned Monday from Apple Valley nine defeated Home- Saturday, to spend the week with his folk. She is dividing her time between six head of grain-fed steers weie pur his uncle’s home In Colusa, Cal., to H. T. Francis, old timer of Nyssa, has H. C. Lovett of San Francisco made dale Sunday 11 to 10. The team from mother, Mrs. Lillian Newby. He Is leav- her daughter Mrs. Brice Reed and Mrs. chased from C. R. Emison Monday. ... v i . __ ,1 found work at his new home In Depoe spend the summer with his mother Bay Qregon He u bulldlng a home fast work of painting the Nyssa plant across the I t s soon for K etc h W Ida., w here he Louise Ward. R. H. “Chief" P ratt has sold his Mrs. Elwyn Hamrick. of the Standard Oil company Tuesday Reed p. Glen L ^dm gham c Pau Mor iMume work , 1th w . H. Puckett for his son Albert Iredale. As soon as ¡and Wednesday. With a speedy spray Art Davis and Mrs. Earl Davis and household goods and Is moving to rts lb, Roy Boston 2b, Roy Hallis ss, company, Boise contractor. infant son Richard, formerly of Nyssa, Homedale where he has work on the I If you are bargain hunting, read th e ,it Is completed, he and Mrs Francis 1 machlne he palnted the plant ^ a day Ralph Stevens 3b. Lynn Landincham Is in this week’s Journal. Don't miss pian to return for a visit with th e ir, and a half ads weie here to see friends Sunday. They j state highway. Waiter Marshall and wife were called rf, Tom Ferguson If, Howard Rogers I one. many friends here. had been visiting relatives in Horn: dale to Twin Falls last wek by the illness of I Dewey Ray and son Stanley plan to cf, and Henry Boston, substitute. Mrs. Nettle Mederker and Miss Het- Mr. Marshall's father. He Is some- and planned to return to Twin Falls leave lor Portland tomorrow for a few Mr. and Mrs. Nell Dlmick and Mr. days’ visit. They will be accompanied antl Mrs- Chas. Thomason were In Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Graham tle Medesker, teachers In the Nyssa Mr. and Mrs Dallas Duncan came what improved so they returned home | the fore part of the week. Mr and Mrs. Leon Hlgby attended Me- j school, are located In Portland for the Jack Doolittle spent last week with home by Mrs. Ida Brawn, mother-ln- Nampa Tuesday. from Emmett to see the Nyssa ball last Tuesday. « 1 i. mortal services under the auspices of j summer months, law of Mr. Ray. who will spend several Mr. and Mrs. Grant Briggs and child his older brother Barr, owing to the Ill team play Vale Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Smith returned Sunday 1 the American Legion at the auditorium ' Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hlgby and Miss Don Linnville. workman at the dam. ren and two sisters of Mrs. Briggs oi | ness of their father M. N. Doolittle of weeks In Nyssa. from Royston Hot Springs. She Is feel In Ontario Sunday night. Maud Cone were In Boise Monday. Is at the home of his father-in-law P. Rigbv. Ida., spent Thursday and Friday Vale. Jack accompanied his brother Mrs. John Shaw had her tonsils re ing somewhat Improved in health. McGinnis. He has had a pa nful in- with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing. They and Miss Evelyn Schweizer home Sun moved by Dr. J. J. Sarazin Friday and Earl Richardson returned to Or- fection in his eye. He is under the care planned a visit at Grandview before day. Mr. Doolittle also returned from has recovered nicely. Luit Stam of chard, Ida., recently where he has em their return home. Boise where he hall been under a doc Big Bend also underwent a minor oper- pioyment. of Dr. J. J. Sarazin. tor’s care several weeks. He is improv atlon Friday. Dr. R. O. Payne assisted Leonard W. Jones of Nyssa left the ing slowly. Dr. Sarazin. veterans’ hospital In Boise Saturday.— Bryan Founds returned Thursday Statesman. Within the law, motorists can speed Excessive speed undoubtedly has some from Jordan Valley for a week or two J. A. Davenport, manager of the Mal over Oregon highways at 45 miles per bearing on this. THANK YOU, FRIENDS in Nyssa. He will soon resume training heur Home Telephone company, war, hour next Saturday, June 6 , when a The new traffic code also provides "The Journal has improved. I for riding in the races at Reno. here Monday from Ontario. traffic code adopted by the last legis for the examination of drivers of motor Daiey and deputy Chas. E. Howell to look forward to my copy each Jirls, in particular, do not care to Mrs. John Sopher of Nampa. Ida., i week,” wrote Mrs. A. M. Burbldge I Mrs. Carl Burgess of Portland was a lature become »effective. The speed vehicles, effective July 1, and the for Leslie McClure and Blanche Latture. jllsh their intention to marry. Blush- mation of the state police system, ef from Lincolnshire, England. Mrs. 1 guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marshall limit wax increased from 15 to 45 mile« fective August 1. The proposed police brides-to-be find a reason to prefer Reed Davis and Mabel McCumber, and ner daughter Mrs. Earl Davis, a visitor from Iv 4 u Falls, were guests | over Sunday. per hour. Chas. Stephens and Ellen Lewis. Fred Burbldge receives the only copy of ;gon matrimonial bureaus. system ( favorded by Oovemor Meier, Friends have received word that Mr. The Journal that goes to Europe. Since the Idaho "gin marriage" law Cullen and Hope Adams, Walter Whit Sunday of Mrs. W. A. McNall. Although greater speed la permitted, and Mrs. C. C. Austin and childi in. effort will be Intensified to cut down would consolidate the traffic, game and Mrs. W. Collins suffered a severe ill- j "May I congratulate The Journal at into effect several weeks ago. re ney and Georgia Zimmerman. Jas. Pol formerly of Nyssa, are nicely located at careless and reckless driving. Penalty prohibition enforcement departments. ring applicants for a marriage li- lock and Gladys Vera Carlton. Wm ness the past week. She Is under the for being a most interesting and Meier Is proceeding with plans to ef » well edited paper.” Mrs. C. C. Medford. ise In Idaho to make 5 days notice Poison and Harriett McClun, Fay care of Dr. J. J. Larazin at the Owyhee for reckless drivliig Is Jail sentence fect the change, although opposition their request before a license can be White and Vera K1 ingam an. Quackenbush, Spokane. Wash. hotel. Mrs. Clarence Loveland returned from 5 to 90 days and fine ranging has arisen. "We are glad to see the Improve inted. business has increased at the Saturday from Burns. A number of I from $25 to $500 Yancy stated that a petition asking Rev. Robt. B ymer closed revival ment In our Nyssa paper. It will visitors were here during the week to | Traffic Officer W. W. Yancey, here ice of County Clerk Roy Daley in the for a referendum on the state police meetings at the Methodist church last C. C. Ketchum. Vale project engJi- mean so much to our town.” H. T. ; see Mr. Loveland, who is recovering Tuesday, stated that he does not be- law has already made its appearance .Iheur county seat. )aley advised The Journal Saturday eer, accompanied by Mrs. Ketchum and week and returned to his home In Francis, Depoe Bay. Oregon. from a skull fracture and other Injur- lleve the Increased speed limit will In Ontario. Portland. • Such c o m m u n 1 cations and it business has Increased from a vol- her father Bert Robinson, of Sun River.: les Jess Loveland and Prank Jones have much effect upon the number of On return from a Sunday at the Par the good wishes of town folk, are e of about two licenses per week to Mont., were Nyssa visitors last Friday were here from Ironside Sunday. Ike accidents that occur. He is of the optn- gratefully received at The Journal hi or ten. Most of the patrons are evening. Mr. Robinson spent the even ental C. R. Purdy home In Big Bend. and Albert Loveland and Miss Marlon ion th at carelessness causes most of Engineer Fred Schlapkohl and family office. We r e p e a t o u r oft re I Hardesty were visitors from Jordan the mishaps. He stated th at It la some- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. iho couples and a number have ex- ing with Thos. B. Nordale. friend of by Mr. and Mrs. Chat Purdy of Vale stop peated wish that we may do justice wsed their opposition to the new gone years in Montana. The Ketch - ped at the Nyssa pumping pi&nt to Valley. Mr Loveland Is Improving) what surprising but true that a greater Betts at Owyhee dam. Lawns, te—s urns called cn Mr. and Mrs. Fred make a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. to the splendid community we have rapidly and his doctor advises he will number of accidents occur on straight and gardena never were more beautiful iho law. Geo. McKee. joined. be up and around In a few days. stretches of highway than on curves. (at Owyhee, the 8 chlapkohls said. »ast week licnrea were issued by Schlapkohl and at the McLing home. GET ACQAINTED IS BANQUET PLAN Cupid Likes To Keep A Secret, County Clerk Finds ISLAND FARMER DISCOVERS BODY ANOTHER SUDE SLOWS MAGOFFIN New Speed Limit Is 45 Miles; Governor Plans State Police