Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1935)
j — Extra Special! Woman* and Girls W ASH FROCKS Values up to $1.98 2 for $1.15 Don’t Miss This Sale W e now very have some pretty Wash Silk Dresses priced at $4.95 FISHER A P P A R E L SH O P Nyssa, Oregon G ATM C IT Y J O U R N A L , T H lïttS U À Y , M A Ÿ U1 EH« TECT i m i Frank T. Morgan IN S . CO. N . A. Mr.. Kay END OF STRIKE « GRANGE s e r v ic e CHOOSES OFFICERS CHEERS DEALERS Dui/y, Mr*. Ethel Crawford, K Ten- sen. Elden Jensen, Mrs. Ted Newell and Mrs. Grace Ernest. Merchants were well pleased with The Malheur Orange Service was The strike In the Chevrolet trans- organized at the Boulevard grange the business that came to Nyasa Mrs. John Hickman of Vale spent ! mission factory In Toledo. Ohio, was nail Saturday, May 11th and C. C during the elgh, days previous to Mable Hearron was a Saturday The Rubyc Lou Beauty Shoppe is Monday at the home of her mother ended Tuesday and local dealers are cotton was chosen as president. the awarding of s.iares in the P ro night guest of Lois Enos of Adrian, being redecorated this week. Mrs. Emma Baird. hopeful of making delivery on cars other officers elected were V. V. fit-sharing distribution and many soon. Trouble has been the lot of ¡Hickox of Weiser, vice president; F. people were convinced that Nyssa Rev. White attended a ministerial Mrs. Cltas. Paradis visited with Chas. Shafer and wife of Caldwell this company this year, with pro- w . Sherwood o f Nyssa, secretary- is the best place to trade. meeting at New Plymouth on Mon- her sisters near Caldwell Friday. visited Wednesday at the Leslie Me- auction slowed on account of the treasurer; Glen Hutchinson of Vale t*ay' Mrs. John Hunter and family d u re home. turret top bodies manufactured by an(j Arthur Antrum of Huntington Mrs. George Haycock came last 3Pent Sunday in Eagle visiting with Mrs. Chas. Newbill and Betty Lou WefV 'I T ? ' deman,t! > board members. week to Join her husband who is in ° le John Potter family, for Oldsmobile and Pontiac, as well j ------------------------ Donald spent Mother's day at the charge of the maintenance crew on I Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper, Mrs. Sid You can I as Chevrolet; and then the strike Chas. Garrison home. the Owyhee project. Burbidge. Mrs. Ray Emmott and further complicating matters. With C R O W D A T T R A C T E D Buy A Furnace Now Mrs. Wesley Browne were business The Norcott Service station Is get- | the elimination of these troubles, Mrs. Bert Alford spent a few days B Y D IST R IB U T IO N visitors In Boise Friday. ting a new coat of paint, Inside and j local dealers feel certain of getting With nothing down visiting Mrs. John Hunter this we I enough cars to supply the demand; Chas. Paradis left Monday for an out, this past week. She reports that her husband Is and nothing to pay _ _. , _ » . „ , and these within a very short time. inspection trip of public works In his The G irl Scouts of Kingman K ol- i ____________ quite 111 at the Hot Lake hospital. u n t i l October 1st ; Owyhee Canyon Profit Sharing , district. He plans to be gone the of ony held camp the past week at the days attracted a big crowd to town with payments spread Mr. and Mrs. John Lewellen and the month. Snlvely Hot Springs. E X AM IN E R W IL L N O T early Saturday evening. In spite of children of Bonita visited at the C ., over 36 months. In Emory Beard spent last week In Klinkenberg home Saturday ev en -' M r- and Mrs- chas- Thompson BE HERE M E M O R IAL D AY the cold windy weather which prov vestigate t h i s out j and, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens ed somewhat of a handicap. Every Nyssa recovering from a sprained lng. of Emmett visited Sunday with the back while working at the Beulah person whose name was callel was standing offer. dam. Mrs. Elizabeth M cKay of Baker U Jess Thompsons, W. L. Turner, traveling examiner present, with the exception of How ard Hatch, whose name was drawn Estimates Free spending this week with her daugh- Miss Jeanette Martin spent Sun- Mrs. Bert Barker expects to leave for operators and chauffeurs, Is ter Rose Worley at the Sid Burbidge day at the parental Conrad Martin Sunday for Portland where she will scheduled to be in Nysseu on Thurs- out as the winner of the $20 prize. GEO. J. K IN ZE R , home. | home. Miss Martin will complete her atend a two-weeks special beauty day. May 30, but in-as-much as this Mrs. John Klug was the winner of course. | date falls on Memorial Day, advice tlhe rug. year's teaching at Vale next week. Plumber Other mlnners were Mrs. Nate ! from the Secretary of State’s office Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost and M. E. A. R. Lilly of Caldwell and Mrs. received that he will not Young, M ary Ann Shafer. Phone 134-J2 IN SU RE IN children attended a Mother’s day Jennie Tate of Criokston, Neb., were ^ on duty jn Nyssa a3 scheduled. Colter, Alta Marshall, R. A. Shlng- Parma Idaho dinner at the home of Mr. Frost’s guests at the W. A. McNall home j _________________ shang, Larry Wick, Mrs. Medesker, | sister Mrs. Jonas Brown In Paye- Tuesday. j Mrs. Ruth Allen, SI Ashcraft, W. C. ette Sunday. Gets Promotion Richard Jordan, who spent the | Mrs. Hawks, Mrs. Davenport and past two weeks visiting friends In 1 I Mitten and daughter of Los Angeles Long Beach, returned to Nyssa and Mrs. I. A. Rohrer of Biose spent Monday. Joe Wilson of Parma, nephew of Friday afternoon visiting at the C. Ernest Wilson, was Jim Elston purchased a, new De Barney and W. Farmer home here. luxe four-door Plymouth sedan and signally honored the past week by A U T O LICENSES The Roy Sterling family of Pay Barney Wilson bought a similar car being advanced to managing editor ette were guests of Mr. and Mrs. this week, both purchases being o f the Idaho Dally Statesman of Boise. Joe has been working with Thos. Nordale Sunday. In the after- from Powell Service. I noon they drove to Vale to make a Ladies of the St. Pauls’ Guild were the Statesman since his graduation from the College of Idaho five brief visit with friends. busy Tuesday cleaning the Parish years ago and has been advancing [ Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Spell and hal land varnishing the chairs. At rapidly until now he occupies a sen Jack of Pendleton spent Sunday noon a covered dish lunch was serv position only exceeded by the editor | and Monday at the home of Mrs. ed. himself. | Spell’s sister Mrs. C. L. McCoy. The Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing and i McCoys and Spells visited friends Eldon McLing and Mr. and Mrs. P A R T Y FOR RECENT BRIDE i in Nampa Sunday afternoon. Hersohel Thompson spent Mother's Mrs. Herbert Snyder o f Boise day at the H. B. Earp home In Em ! spent a few days here visiting with mett. W e have purchased T H E R O SE B U D and would Sixteen Kolony Girl Scouts held her sister Mrs. Farnham Sills and Miss Eva Roberts, who has been a party at the Maurice Judd home J family. Another sister Miss Virginia visiting at the W. W. Foster home Saturday, honoring Mrs. Floyd Zes- appreciate having you come in and get acquain j Pullman of Burley, Idaho, Is also here, accompanied Arthur Smith lger, nee Helen Winters, a former visiting at the Sills home. ted. and friends to her home at Gooding members. Thg honor guest was pre sented with two very nice gifts from Delbert Taylor left Sunday for his Sunday. the group. home itt Hyrum, Utah. He was call- Mrs. Laura Fisher and daughter | ed here by the death of his mother Gladeen spent Mothers day at the I Mrs. Alma Taylor of Weiser.. Fun parental N. W. Hezeltlne and Grant You have one guess as to Salem’s eral services were held Friday. While Fisher homes In New Plymouth and attitude toward the suggestion that here he was a guest at the Jess Fmitland. the new state capltol be built In j Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray and Portland. Sure Insurance C j Little News of Nyssa Mrs. Frank Hall Went to Boise Wednesday to spend a few days. Boise were callers at the Frank Hall home Sunday. ---------- J Announcement!! We Have Purchased THE ROSEBUD Mike Hays G LID E or G A LLO P? Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Pruyn return ed last week from a two weeks visit with Mr. Pruyn’s sister at Post Falls Idaho. They made the trip by way of the North and South highway and returned by way of the Coulee dam project. Driving safely depends on the way your brakes stop your car. Stop In here today—we’ll change that galloping stop to a dependable, smooth glide. LA R SE N & T O W N E G ARAG E N YSSA OREGON »G U AR AN TEED SERVICE GROCERY SPECIALS .FOR. Friday and Saturday F R ID A Y & S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 17 and 18 59c 30c Mrs. Mary Felton Is now living In her small house formerly occupied by the Parkinson Shoe Shop. Friday | the Rebekah ladies helped her to get settled. A covered dish luncheon was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Emma Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Blair Johnson spent a very enjoyable week end at the homo of their neice Mrs. P. S. Pride of Kuna. They enjoyed a visit to the Arrowrock dam, which is quite a sight now with the dam full and the water running over the spillway. The Sunday School and ladies club of Ten Davis brought a picnic luncih Sunday a week ago, and spent the day with a former mem ber, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz, who are now living on new land in the Kingman Kolony section. The Kolony Oarden Club met Wednesday at the Wilson-Rooney gardens at Parma, there being 20 ladies present. Several other gar dens were visited, including the Gough. Walmsley, Moore. Kirkpat rick and R. H. Young gardens. Tea was poured at the Mrs. Thomas Rooney home at the close of the aftemon. FOR SALE—Four wheel traitor house, 8 by 16. tots of built-lns. Inquire at Pruyn Garage. R. O. Horn. 1 tp. 59c Misses Mae Keizer, Claudena Crawford, Rubye Lou Hemenway and Mrs. Laura Fisher attended a beauty demonstration at the O w y -! hee Hotel in Boise Wednesday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carl return ed to this section Saturday after a trip to Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Er nest McClure, who accompanied them, went on Into Wyoming before returning home. WE AS K YO U K IN D L Y We ask that you patronize the I j merchants who make your home j (town paper possible. They sell! ¡good merchandise and will stand( I oehlnd It to the limit. úLflOUflT-í S Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets— newest colors From $1 up The Kingman Kolony P.-T. A. will sponsor a clinic Monday, May 20 at the school house at 8:45 A. M. This Is for all children of the dis trict from four to six years. The first grade may be examined also, and | any s o c ia l cases among the other children. The county health nurse. Miss Flanagan, assisted by Presi dent Mrs. C. C. Cotton, are making the plans. A doctor and dentist will be present to assist. Eat At C O L E M A N ’S LUNCH NYSSA Cameras— ju3t the thing for the graduate Memory Books Greet Summer W ith A . . . NEW WAVE g. 59c 23c ] \JL I SELL 3 < Start Perfumes— Something that will be appreciated Our Reasonable Prices Makes It Easy to be Smart. Try the D R U G STORE First The Vogue B E A U T Y SH O P Mae Keizer, Operator preparations now RAISINS, 11 oz. pkg. 2 f o r ......................... 9c getting a G R A PE JUICE, 14 oz. cans, 3 f o r ............... 37c by guaranteed Permanent W ave TO M A T O JUICE, 14 oz. cans, 3 f o r ......... 25c SARDINES, Oval cans, 3 f o r ....................... 25c With Print Graduation JELL POWDERS, Preferred Stock, all flavors 4 packages f o r ...................................... 19c ^ Original Styling and '■ Outstanding W ork manship. Toilet Sets— A ll Prices The fresh new charm of the newest summer clothes de mand an equally fresh and lovely coiffure. Charming hairdresses for this season must be waved . . . and we are featuring the waves you’ll want! 19c OATS, Wedding Crystal, 3 lb. pkg., each .. 24c (¡IFTifr K IN G M A N K O LO N Y TO HOLD C L IN IC M ONDAY Now Open A ll Night W e Put Up Lunches $1.13 COFFEE, Our Special, packed for Wilson Brothers, 1 lb..................................... and Miss Josephine Yost were guests at the Dewey Ray home over the week end and attended the Owyhee Canyon Days celebration here. A printed salesman always looks and feels his best. And, if his best is something worth taking notice of. you’ll find he’s every bit as welcome as anyone you could have sent to your prospective customer. Just as a salesman must be neat, so must a printed salesman. It must look as if special pains had been taken to insure its acceptance and approval. Our printing service gives you the best in workmanship, at low cost, plus our advice and ex perience. NYSSA PHARMACY Phone 14 Nyssa, Oregon