Trull consisted of Gilbert Holmes OREGON TRAIL and Frankie Wilson. A large crowd SCHOOL CLOSES atended the picnic given at the hour. A large table was spread. WITH PICNIC noon A P.-T. A. meeting followed the DATE CITY ¿OÜftNAU,THURSDAY' MAYj^L 19ÿ _ hny Vehicle or combination of drive In Oregon throughout the an d C han Warner tor the single EAGLES CONVENTION CHANGES GIVEN vehicles f r o m 40,000 to $4,000 year if properly registered In state boys. of residence. WILL BE JULY 4, 5. 6 IN MOTOR LAWS pounds. Trucks used In SERA work may BIO BEND WILL HOLD be operated with temporary permit IN KLAMATH FALLS A. V. DeLarm spent Sunday at the costing $$. CHILD CLINIC SOON Turned out In the Oregon state Any city having population of home of his sister Mrs. Bob Stewart dinner. In the afternoon the Ore legislative mill during the last reg Friday, May 10 was a big day at gon Trail married men defeated the 1 Big Bend—Miss Edna Flanagan, Already more than 1,000 reserva ular session were miny new motor 100,000 or more may adopt city or in Nampa. Oregon Trail. In the morning the single men in a thrilling base ball county nurse, was In the Bend Sat tions for housing quarters have vehicle laws, several of which, when dinance calling for periodic Inspec Oregon Trail school team defe&tec. gime 14 to 11. Batteries consisted of urday making preparations tor a been made with the Grants Pass they become effective, will be of tion of motor vehicles. Nellie Stewart of Valley View by Eagles from all over the j vital Importance to every man who Private passenger vehicle owners spent the week end with Mrs. Wal the Kingman Kolony boys in base Frank Byers and Albert Hopkins for clinic to be held at the sdhool | aerie who intend to be here July 4, [owns or operates a automobile. ball 24 to 16, Batteries for Oregon the married men and Carly Ayers [ house in District No. 47 at which state 5. and the state convention of I This was pointed out by Earl residing in adjoining states may ter Marshall. children from both districts be Eagldom. 6 for Two-thirds 3nell, secretary of state. In an tween the ages of four and seven contacted have reported of to the the aeries gen article appeared in the April will undergo a thorough examin eral committee that they will be ; Issue of which the Oregon Motorist, a ation by a doctor and dentist. fully represented. [ magazine published by the Oregon Dr. J. J. Sarazin of Nyssa was a The general committee has been State Motor association. caller in the end last Thursday. booking housing facilities for the A form of legislation entirely new A number of parents attended the Eagles and urging rooms be to Oregon, according to Mr. Snell, Achievement Day program at Wade visitng early, due to the large Is the safety . responsibility act, See this beautiful new model giving complete school house last Thursday after reserved number of visitors who will come which will go Into effect July 1. refrigeration noon. service in every model. Everything there soley for the Fourth of July measure, a part of the uniform Mis. Leo Betts was confined to her j celebration. The aerie expects to en- This you want in a refrigerator. motor vechlcle code, Is already in ef bed with an attack of flu last week. ; tertain 20,000 delegates and visitors fect In more than 20 states. L. Eachus, who was a patient in 1. PRESERVES YOUR FOOD PROPERLY the three convention days, The law will be felt only by the the Caldwell Sanitarium, returned during Claud Gotschall, general chairman, motorist who Is Involved In an acci home Saturday. 2. PLENTY OF ICE FOR DESSERTS—AND this week. dent and who Is held responsible by Mrs. Elmer Prosser entertained said Plans for the convention's high courts for the death or bodily Injury QUICKLY! the P.T. A. at her home Friday. Mrs. light of entertainment, the "Ven of any person, or for damage to ROLLATOR REFRIGERATOR George Swigert of Arena Valley was etian Nights” water carnival, are property of others in amount ex 3. BEAUTIFUL CABINET a guest. taking shape rapidly. Individuals, ceeding $100. Such a person may Wade school closes Friday, May 17 organizations, and Interested groups not drive again until he has satis 4. QUIET, ECONOMICAL OPERATION with a community picnic at Big hive been Invited to enter decor fied final Judgment and furnished FOR AS L I T T L E AS Bend Park. ated boats In this huge water par proof of his aballty to respond to Judge David F. Graham of Vale ade. which will be staged on the damages caused by him in the It will pay you to see our line before you buy. • D o n ’t d elay . was a Bend visitor last Saturday. Rogue river at the city Riverside ! future. Mrs. Tom Ferguson of Apple Val park. | Mr. Snells' article carries a com Many models to choose from, priced at from Start sav in g with ley is recovering from an attack of All boats will be Illuminated and plete, official and easily understood Rollator Refriger flu at the home of her parents. Mr. the entire scene will be set off by summary of the safety responsibility ation now. T h is A M O N T H and Mrs. H. R. Hatch. Mr. Fergueson flood lights from the shore. Music act. spent Sunday visiting his family. for the pageant will be furnished Another change which h a s w eek! W e can Mrs. Charles Peck and baby by the Grants Pass municipal bind. aroused much inte.est among mot prove that N orge will pay for itself daughter of Boulder, Colo., are Other committees are working orists the amendment to the right over and over again. So the sooner guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. out schedules to include dancing, of way Is law. giving the driver on the you take advantage of today’s easy Plln Case. tours, tennis, bowling, hikes, boxing, right the right of way at Intersec Mrs. A. Cornell of Peoria, Illinois, wrest line, baseball, bugle and drum terms, the more you will save. ^ Under the old rule, the driv arrived in the Bend Tuesday to corps drills, golf, horse shoes, and tions. er entering the Intersection first had Come in and see the Norge. spend the summer in the P. B. An various oth’r activities besides con the right of way. This become ef NYSSA OREGON derson home. vention busiruss. fective June 12. Mr. and Mrs. Kester and baby and Besides this new legislation, other Charles Kester, Sr., of Emmett spent Important changes outlined by Mr. OWYHEE NEWS Mothers' Day with Mrs. Kester's Snell were as follows: Mrs. Thomason. The guests NYSSA ADRIAN mother Persons arrested on charge of brought an elaborate dinner which while intoxicated Imme was celebrated picnic style at Big Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Ellis of driving Bend Park. Idaho Falls, were visitors over the diately shall be examined by phy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatch moved j week end with Mrs. Ruby Rust, sis sician. of state authorized to CHEVROLET DEALER 'fallar the JeaJtr! to Oregon Slope where they will live ter of Mr. Ellis. On Sunday accom Secretary temporary driver's permits to In a tent at the V. V. Hickox home panied by Morgan, Jack and Phy issue applicants for operators’ licenses. so Paul will be nearer his work. llis Rust and Mrs. Rust, they drove Necessity of obtaining notary Mrs. Joe Gardner, Mrs. L. Eachus to the North Hornet mine, in which public's signature on applications FIRESTONE TIRES and Claud Eachus were Caldwell j Mr. Ellis is interested. They left on for operators’ or chauffeurs' lic visitors Saturday. Monday. eliminated. CERTIFIED LUBRICATION Mrs. Ray Cartright entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ness Hatt were On enses Registration fees for motor trucks, tario visitors last Wednesday. the teachers and pupils of Wade BASS-HUETER PAINT trailers and semi-trailers reduced 10 school with a chicken dinner Friday Mrs. Ruby Rust and daughter cents per hundred pounds, those Phyllis were guests last Tuesday weighing 2000 pounds or less ex in honor of her sons birthday. and Wednesday of Mrs. Mary Mc cepted. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright en- Connell Nyssa. tertained relatives from Nampa, P.-T. A. In met Either annual or semi-annual lic at the school house enses Sunny Slope and the Bend at a din last Friday afternoon may be oBtalned for many at two o’clock commercial ner on Mothers Day. type vehicles. In an Interesting session. A large Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hatch have crowd was In attendance. Several Flat rate of $10 per year prescrib An Independent Station purchased a new home In Adrian worthwhile motions relative to the ed for certain commercial vehicles and will soon move there. together with load, weigh not Nyssa, Oregon betterment of school and com- which, exceed 4000 pounds. You'll stretch your better housing dollars to the limit " | munlty were carried. Mrs. Neil Dim- to Maximum allowable load upon if you paint your property with Bass-Hueter Mixed mick, president presided. Paint. It outlasts other paints . . . it wears smoothly The Owyhee sewing club met with and evenly. . . its colors please to the end—all good Betty Schweizer at her home last Wednesday afternoon with club reasons why Bass-Hueter Mixed Paint costs far less leader Mrs. Truelson in charge. A on the job. It adds to the value of property—house, I good attendance is reported. garage, fences, etc. Paint now for protection and } Mrs. John Hite visited her parents beauty that lasts for years. )Mr. and Mrs. Ratcliff In Ontario j Wednesday. j Rex and Jack Walters drove to BASS-HUETER MIXED PAINT .Council last Sunday. Covers More Daily Vacation Bible school started Quart $1.00. Wears Better in Owyhee Monday for a two weeks Lasts Longer session. Mrs. Peterson of Caldwell, Gallon $3.30 of the Sunday School Union work I SEE BY THE for Idaho and eastern Oregon and Our new used car lot it Geraldine Nlckens of Kingman Kol PAPERS located across the track on ony are in charge. the road toward Payette. B&H Kalsomine —That Conoco is one of the STOP! LOOK! See the nation's biggest users of news A contractor of Quincy, Mass., de paper advertising (and Geo clares Bargains! Bungalow House that “During my 20 years of rge Harvey has his trucks experience in this line of work, I plastered with reprints of have never seen any drive so ef Paint—All Colors same). 1934 TOWN SEDAN, Master six, trunk, fective as the Quincy Better Housing $2.40 a gallon —To be a successful advertiser Program. has new car guarantee. Big saving over a period of time, you at our price......................................... $625 Full Line must have a product which We suppose the chain-letter fan will stand up under constant figures that good dimes are coming. 1933 CHEVROLET COACH, tan, equip McCormick-Deering scrutiny of critical NEW users. ped with heater and other extras. In $69.50 —Such as Conoco Bronze gas Repairs vestigate this one ........................... $515 oline and Germ Processed Motor OH. TRY IT. KELVINATOR na aon Can tn a O f i f i $ 6.50 $QQ50 up NORDALE FURNITURE STORE nrH EDER HARDWARE CO. *» * SHELL PRODUCTS Make your Better Housing Budget go farther Norcott Service \ DE SURE TO SEE OUR DARGAINS Used car Lot m EDER HARDWARE OREGON CO. NYSSA DICK & LEIBY GARAGE ATTENTION!! Stock and Poultry Feeders I » Our Plant Is Now Open All Day Six Days Per Week We are carrying a full line of stock and poultry feeds at prices that are right and in line with market values— Can furnish any quantity We Do Custom Grinding and Bean Cleaning Your Patronage Solicited THE NYSSA ELEVATOR NYSSA OREGON Rupture II. L. Hoffman, Expert, former associate of C. F. Redlich. Minne apolis. Minn., will demonstrate with out charge his "Perfect Retention Shields" In BOISE Friday, May 31 at the Bristol Hotel From 10 A. M. to 4 P M Please come early. Evenings by appoint ment. Any rupture allowed to protrude Is dangerous, weakening the whole system. It often causes stomach trouble, gas and backpains. My "Perfect Retention Shields" will hold rupture under any condi tion of work and contract the open ing in a short time. Do not submit to avoidable opera tions and wear trusses that will en large the opening. Many satisfied clients in this community. No mall order HOME OFFICE: 305 Lincoln Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. COMMON CAUSE OF BALDNESS One of the chief c.uscs of prem»«ure grmf. m m . fslltni hair end ultimata baMaaaa is lack of circulation m «hn acalp To D to ta r t till and brill* an tbundei* •upply of blood tn nm.rhd. th. hair root» maaaa*. acalp at m th t with Japaaaae Oil. the antiseptic counter-irritant. Thousand, a f men and women report emaa. in* reanlta in ■tap»«* fnll.n* hair flow - in* new hair on held arena and la dimnaP in* dandruff and itchin* acaip. Oil Japan.« mete but *0c at any drum fiat. Ecnoomr me, j l PRKK "The Truth About the liair." \Vrit* Pept M NATIOWAL SBSEDT CO, l e w T u rk M W ant IS tb I tn a a t. In Extra Good Used Cars Three 1930 Coaches, all with g o o d motors, good paint and rubber 1929 COUPE, priced to move quick Two 1931 SEDANS, reconditioned and ready for the road ............... 1928 COACH, cheap transportation for someone looking for a family car $260 $200 $265 $150 PICKUPS 1930 PICKUP, a real value in a used car . $175 1934 PICKUP, practically new, has over sized tires and in extra good shape. $485 Two 1929 PICKUPS, we want to sell them so have cut the price to only $150 TRUCKS Two 1933 TRUCKS, these will make some money this year for the buyers. Good shape ................................ !.........$485 1934 TRUCK, ready for heavy hauling $625 1932 TRUCK, this one won’t last long at $200 Cables Chevrolet Co. Ontario . . . Oregon /