Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1935)
Owyhee Canyon Profit-Sharing Days Start In Nyssa on Friday, May 3 and End Saturday, May 11 THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon GATEW AY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS V O L U M E X X I X , N o. 17 ---------- ----- Fastest Growing Town in Oregon N Y S S A , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y M A Y 2, 1935 NYSSA LOSES io!F1“ E MIDDLETON IN IT INNING GAME SUN. DESTROYS OREGON CAPITOL BUILDING THURS GRANGES WILL START WHOLESALE PLANT IN COUNTY HAS LOWER FLAT RATE SCHEDULE $ 1 .5 0 PER Y E A R NYSSA WILL BE REPRESENTED AT MUSIC CONTEST OWYHEE CANYON DAYS PROMISE TO PROVIDE SPORT The State oi Oregon has been CITY PAYS OFF WATER Nyssa will be well represented in On May 10 members of the Mal without a capltol building the past BOND NO. 1 TUESDAY the Music Contest which will be heur county granges will meet to week since the fire which destroy held In Ontario May 10 and 11. Mrs. complete organization of the Mai ed the state capltol at Salem Thurs Water Bond No. 1 in the series re- heur County Gas and Oil Corpora Howard Larsen Is the Nyssa chair day evening. Fire broke out in the man and this week she reported that r~ ' ‘ ‘ ' ,, “ issued in 1933 was paid off Tuesday, tlon. Members of the committee in basement of the building about 6.4o The ^ was amount ot twelve pupils from here will partici charge have been working on this Thursday evening and in a few pate. District medals will be given to $1,000, plus interest, and leaves a plan for six months and hope to Play Nampa In Opening minutes was bursting through the ; balance Announcement Made On winner at Ontario. The Nyssa Civic Two Nights of Entertain of $18,000 in water bonds have their corporation functioning roof by way of the main elevator Game Here — Practice shaft. j yet to be retired. During the present soon. Plans are made for a whole Tuesday of Lower Rates Club the American Legion are ment Expected to Sur i awarding two medals to two Nyssa warrant indebtedness of sale plant to be established where Game With Ontario, Two alarms were turned in and I * vear this . , , . __ . . __ For Power Customers. pass All Previous Shows winners, but these will not be given the combined fire departments o f , N>’f a reduced by 567 gas, oil, grease, tires and all kinds of at Ontario but at some later date May 11. farm machinery will be sold. It is Salem. Sllverton and Mount Angel a a l hundred dollars. in Nyssa. not definitely decided where such a futilly fought the blaze. Thousands j Reductions In three residential Committees in charge of the an Those who will take part from plant will be located, but it Is valuable records were destroyed. OLD TIME FERRY combination rates of the Idaho here are Lila Day, Barbara Browne, nual Owyhee Canyon Days celebra IDAHO-OREGON LEAGUE Sunday the scene of the fire was I OPERATOR DIES thought probable that the site will Power company, estimated to save Lucy Pudge, Joe Robertson, Alyoe tion, to be held Friday and Saturday j be picked some where between Nys- STANDINGS visited by thousands of people to consumers $75,000 a year, were an Hashitani, Claudena Crawford and nights, May 10 and 11th in Nyssa, William Sexton, who operated the sa and Ontario. view the ruing oí the 58 year old nounced Tuesday morning by the Pet. W. L. ferry east of Nyssa across to the Notices will be sent to those who public utilities commission as a re Helen Boydell voice; Colleen Towne, report splendid progress and the 0 1.000 capitol building. Small fires con- Emmett ......... ............. 1 tinue to break out and a constant; Idaho side for many years, died last are already members the last ol this sult of conferences and agreements Marjorie Howell and Ethel Marie probability that the 1935 show will 0 1.000 Caldwell ......... ............. 1 watch is on hand to keep these j Tuesday at Reno, Nevada. The re- week concerning the meeting. Any of the company and the commission. Stradley, piano; Audrey Gray and be the best ever attempted ln Nys 0 1.000 Payette ........... ............. 1 and Helen Enebeck, violin. Mrs. C. C. sa. I under control. As officials attempted mains were taken to Prairie City for one interested in becoming a mem The rates are effective with the 0 1.000 Middleton ....... ............. 1 Two big dances are being planned, to salvage records, it was found | burial. He will be remembered by ber should apply to Prank Sherwood May meter readings. They affect Hunt will be the accompaniest for Nyssa .............. ......... 0 1 .000 all Nyssa contestants. one each night, and many games to ' that many valuable records will b e , many old timers who used his ferry and C. C. Cotton ol Nyssa. schedule No. 1-A, residential lighting 0 1 .000 Boise ............ Last year Nyssa had eight contest appeal to the sporting blood of those saved although the loss was tr e -; 10 Bet across the river in the days Members of the committee mak and cooking; No. 1-B, residential Nampa ........... 0 1 .000 ants and had nine winners, one ln attendance are being overhauled mendous and many records were | before the bridge. ing arrangements for the organiza lighting and refrigeration; No. 1-D 0 Ontario 1 .000 pupil winning two awards. and will be ready when the doors are tio n of this corporation are: C. C. residential lighting, cooking and Nyssa lost the opening game of destroyed that it will be di'ficult to thrown open to the big crowd an Cotton. Big Bend chairman; Prank replace. water heating, and residential light W.C.T.U. LEADER the league season to Middleton Sun ticipated. There will also be refresh The Rose Bud is being re-decorat Sherwood. Nyssa; J. Edwin Johnson While the state offices have been ing and water heating. day 3 to 4 after 11 hard fought in ment stands to cater to the hungry HOLDS MEETINGS IN ed this week, with the interior get and Glen Hutchison of Vale; and V. moved to temporary quarters, plans WU1 Save $75,000 nings. Middleton shoved in the win and thirsty; and features to appeal ‘As nearly as may be estimated," ting a coat of kalsomine and the ex to every taste will be ln evidence. COUNTY THIS WEEK V. Hickox oi Oregon Slope, ning run in their half of the 11th. are underway for the rebuilding of terior a new coat of paint. said the commission announcement, The second was Middleton’s big the capltol. It is believed that FWA This big show .which is sponsored tv e changes in rates, charges and inning, when they connected for money can be secured to help in the annually by the Nyssa Commercial Mrs. Cizer, nationally known W. CUCUMBER SEED re-construction job. other provisions in these schedules three hits and with the aid of an er Club, has always received big pat C. T. U. organizer and lecturer will afford a saving to consumers of ror, and a base on balls, scored three ronage from not only Nyssians, but talked to members in the interest of GROWING IS NEW approximately $75,000 annually in runs. Nyssa scored in the third, from people all over Southern Idaho Temirerance at a meeting held in again in the fifth and tied the score INDUSTRY HERE the Idaho and Oregon territory and Eastern Oregon who appreciate Ontario Monday. On Tuesday, Mrs. served by the company. up in the last half of the ninth. a good time. j Cizer organized a new union in "All the schedules affected by George Johnston did the heavy I Vale. Three carloads of Nyssa mem- these changes provide a reduction stick work for the locals, getting a | bers attended and as Nyssa was re- Seventy acres of cucumbers! Some POSTMASTER GETS HIS in room charge for homes of more single and a triple. Art Servoss also ponsible for the meeting this union field even for the Nyssa country PERMANENT APPOINTMENT than four rooms, and permit the use gathered two hits; Pederson got two j get a state banner for helping to but E. E. Crocker of the Owyhee dis of motors up to a connected load of and Carter made one hit, making Arrangements for holding the | organize a new union in the county. trict has contracted with the J. C. five horsepower without additional seven hits for Nyssa. The Middleton S. D. Goshert, who has been acting national wheat program referendum Robinson Seed Co., to grow 70 acres monthly charge. The previous batters touched Rambaud for eight The Nyssa high school baseball KANGAROO COURT in Malheur county have been made postmaster since the 11th of June, of cucumber seed this year. This schedules allowed but two horse safe ones. Batteries for Nyssa were team had a field day Friday at On- MET FRIDAY AFTERNOON seed firm, with main offices in Wat power without additional monthly by the allotment committee, which 1934, received his credentials Sun Rambaud and Young; for Middle- j tario’s expense, driving out 14 hits is seeking to get an expression of day as permanent postmaster. His erloo, Nebraska, and branches at charge. ton. Schwashinger and Endicott. while shutting out the Ontario team, opinion from every present contract appointment was formally confirm Kangaroo Court was held in Nys Rocky Ford, Colorado and Modesto. The change is of particular bene and converting tliem into 14 runs sa Friday afternoon and several California expects to contract 800 signer between now and May 25, ed April 2, but it was not until Sun Other L.nguc Games fit to the farm customer who can says County Agent R. G. Larson. day that he received his official acres In this vicinity if they can get Nyssians paid for the privilege of At Payette Sunday. Ontario took W * 8pe? Cf pd* hed g£ fd , ^ “ ’ use more than a total of two horse 1 allowing but four hits as his team going with out whiskers. However the growers. papers. A series of community meetings a beating. 5 to 13 in the opening power In motors for his farm oper mates ran wild on the bases to win the judge warned them that they have been arranged to explain the E. E. Crocker 1; - the distinction ations. game. Boise lost to Emmett, 10 to 4 14 to 0. new contracts, to elect new com CCC CAMP TO BE of being the first settler on the new must start growing a spinach crop, and Caldwell defeated Nampa, 10 to Parkinson had a big day at the or it would be too bad at the next land to make a contract to grow a munity comitteemen, and to take 3. IN JORDAN VALLEY bat, getting five hits out of six times Kangaroo Court. the vote. The schedule for this vine seed crop. Mr. Crocker says ¡OWYHEE P.-T. A. Play Nampa Sunday at bat, including a triple and a county follows: that S. W. Smiley of Parma is to be , C M T T D T A IN The first home league game will double. this seed company’s representative W I L L LIN 1 L K 1 A lP t A CCC camp lias been established Friday, May 3, Ontario, Boulevard CHORAL CLUB MEETING Batteries for Ontario were Stein- in Jordan Valley for this summer be played in Nyssa Sunday with and they expect big things from the NEW SETTLERS Hall 8 P. M. with assignments of building roads, Nampa as the visiting team. Nampa haus, Parrott and Vandcrpool. Spen The Choral club expects to meet Nyssa district for the growing of Monday, May 6, Nyssa, Owyhee has strengthened their team some cer and Cock served for Nyssa. drift fences and the development of Friday and will continue their work seed cucumbers. Irrigation District office 8 P. M. what since their defeat by Caldwell water holes. Last Tuesday afternoon several Duieat New Plymouth of preparing for a concert to be held Tuesday, May 7, Kingman Kolony, and expect to put a winning com A carload of CCC boys went ladies of the Owyhee P.-T. A. called The Nyssa high school ball team in Vale later in the month. Practices through Nyssa Friday morning, bination on the field. Ceremonies on new project settlers and in school house 1:30 P. M. added another victory to their string | are being held in the Methodist Tuesday, May 7 Big Bend Wade bound for Homedale, en route to the will be conducted prior to the game vited them to the school picnic and when they defeated the church. Those interested in this to fittingly celebrate the opening 1 new camp at Jordan Valley. There dinner being given by the old set school, 8 P. M. New Plymouth team on the local lot, movement in Nyssa are urged to at day for Nyssa. tlers for new comers next Friday, Wednesday, May 8, Harper, school was one car of men and a carload of 14 to 3. Fred Spencer knocked out tend Friday night. Dewey Ray considering plans for May 3. Dinner will be between house 1:30 P. M. baggage in the lot which is being a home run for the high spot of the boat . . . W. T. Posey slips while twelve and one o'clock. Only those j Thursday, May 9, Vale courthouse. moved from Medford, Oregon to the Oswald Forbes left Saturday for game. Anderson pitched the full new location in Jordan Valley. Portland where he will visit with taking a bath and lands on the stove new settlers who are in Owyhee I 1:30 P. M. route for Nyssa. Nyssians going into hiding be school district are Invited. There will his sister and her husband. Mr. and Thursday. May 9, Oregon Slope hind dyed whiskers . . . Dr. Sarazln be sports and a ball game during the Mrs. Webster Eldridge. CHILDREN ARE KILLED leading Kangaroo Court constables day. Mrs. T. M. Lowe, Mrs. John Park school 8 P. M. BY TRAIN NEAR WEISER I Not only will former contract house is - ln . foot raoe • . • . • Sam CaldweU d**' Hite, Mrs. Nell Dlmmick and Mrs. _______ i The Douglas M c D o n a ld ------------ ,__ Ruby Rust made the trip over the signers be allowed to vote ln this Funeral services for Leroy and getting a new coat of paint th is ]* * * basement for new house nation-wide poll, but any other new project. Oran Davis, who was kil.ed last F r i-! week. wheat grower who can show that he Ill day afternoon by a freight train, is eligible to sign a new contract A crew of men have been busy the were conducted by Rev. Mr. Wil may cast a ballot. Many Oregon past week repairing an earth slide liams of the Congregational church counties, including Malheur, will fol on the bank of the main canal of at the Northam parlors Tuesday low a plan for taking the vote work the Owyhee south of the Owyhee afternoon and; interment was made ed out by extension officials with The thirteenth annual Blossom siphon. There was no loss of water in Hillcrest cemetery. representatives of the AAA who held Festival at Payette, Monday, May and engineers say that such troub The Davis family recently came a conference on the referendum in 6, promises to be the best ever held. les are expected on all new canal her from Scotts Bluf, Neb., and re Walla Walla recently. Fruit trees will be in full bloom to construction. A few of the new set- side on the Clarence Nesbit place The original plan called for all of add to the beauty of the festival. tiers are receiving water and there a short distance west of Weiser and Zelma McCarroll, queen of the the vote to be taken on May 25 at is no doubt that things will be ln across the highway from the rail actual polling places arranged by the festival, will rule the day. Her at- shape to deliver water to every new road tracks. The two children, aged county wheat control assoclations. j tendants will be. Alice Shurtliff and settler when needed. The rain Tues 18 months and nearly three years, Arrangements have been made ln | Dorothy Young of Payette; Dorothy day, which resulted in a perclptta- had, it is said, been playing in the Oregon, however, so that wheat pro Wherry and Eleanor Prltael of tion of .15 soaked up the ground yard. Unseen by anyone they ducers attending the community Fruitland; La Vena High and Elean well and will probably delay nec crossed the highway and were on a meetings, which are to be held prior or White of New Plymouth. essity for irrigation of the new cattle guard when a through freight The pageant. "The Giants and to May 13, may cast their ballots lands for a few days. camq up the track. The tots were Fairies.'' directed by Mrs. Alice there. In tlie meantime the construction struck by the engine and instant The wheat section wants an in Snook, will be one of the principal of the Malheur siphon is proceeding ly killed. It,is understtod that neith formed vote, a fair and secret ballot parts of the festival. at a good rate, with nearly all the er the engineer nor the fireman saw The morning parade will feature free from coercion, and adequate ln excavation being completed and ap them; in fact they knew nothing numbers. Dr. Edward Beil of Wash many beautiful floats, as well as proximately two-thirds of the con about the tragedy until told of it ington. D. C. informed state officials comedy. crete piers in place. Steel is schedul when the train reached Payette. Band concerts will be given while he was ln the west. In view of ed to start arriving Monday, May According to reports some persons the fact of questions raised concern throughout the day. 6th for the new siphon. in an automobile that was stopped The baseball game In the after ing AAA programs, such a vote is waiting for the train to pass saw expected to have a far-reaching noon will be between Ontario and the children but not in time to get GEORGE HENLEY LOW effect upon the future of agricul Payette high schools. BIDDER ON DRAIN JOB them off the track.’ Street sports for boys and girls tural (¡operation between growers A coroners’ Inquest was held Sat- will be part of the afternoon enter and the government. George Henley was low bidder on j urday and they simply returned the Wheat control associations are tainment. bids opened Tuesday morning in verdict that the children’s death Arrangements are complete for a now operating ln 1758 counties, Ontario on excavation for the Shep- was caused by their being struck by maintaining a check on 75 per cent night parade, followed by a large hard drain five miles north of On- train No. 9512. of the nation's production. The display of fire works. tario. The price was 8 cents a cubic -------------------------- ----- The dance ln the evening will be single question is being asked, ‘‘Do you favor continuing a wheat pro a good one. Music by the Georgians. cu M yards c^ d to srn m o v T It 'itu T ATTEND Free coffee and lemonade will be cubic be ^ moved. is ex- n A FUNERAL- tcr T iir c n av duction adjustment program to pected that it will take approxi- IN tSUlDfc 1 U t o U A Y follow the present one which ex served at noon to everyone. Bring your cups. mately three months to complete j _____ pire« with the 1935 crop year.” the Job. | Mr. and Mrs. George Swan, Fay Morrtson-Knudsen were low bid- and jess attended the funeral Tues- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coulter of VISITS DUST REGION ders on bid* opened Wednesday on day of Mrs. Mary A. Brown, 60, who Pritchett, Colo., who have been visit IN EASTERN COLORADO ing their daughter Mrs. E. E. Crock the south canal Job leading from the died at the family home in Boise state line to Jump Creek. There is Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Brown and er and family for the past winter, 12 miles of canal construction In this Mrs. Swan were sisters, have purchased a twenty acre tract John Mull returned the post week east of and adjoining E. E. Crockers. contract. Mrs. Brown had been ailing for from Campo. Colorado, where he -------------------------- ! some time and had spent much of was called by the death of his moth ATTEND CHURCH NEAR VALE the past two years in the hospital Pud Long and W F McLlng made er; she passing away from dust ----------- i for treatments. She was an active a business trip to the Pacific Live pneumonia, a disease peculiar to the A representation of the Nyssa W. church worker, a member of the dust ravaged sec*lone of Uv mid stock ranch out of Burns Wednes C. T. U. attended services at the Methodist church and the Womens day They planned to return Thurs west Mr Mull says that In the little Friends Church above Vale last Sun Relief Corps of Boise. She was well day. town of Campo there has been an day morning. Rev. Zerns Partsho known to many Nyssa residents as average of nearly one death a day brought the message. After the ser- she made her home here several Mrs. Rena Schwelzer was In Nam from thia disease He palnta a picture vices the following ladies picnicked years ago. She is survived by a pa several days this week with her of desolation and deapalr In that ln the Vale park: Mesdames Fauch- daughter, Lillian Brown of Boise; a mother Mrs Helen Clement of On part of Colorado and was mighty ier, Newton. Hlgby, Toombs, Oildea son. Clarence of Nampa; four staters tario who has been seriously til fol glad to get back to a real country And Basil Newton. „ j and two brothers. lowing a major operation. j Wheat Growers to Meet Here May 6 High School Wins From Ontario 14-0 ’ROUND TOWN Steel For Siphon Expected Monday Payette Festival Set For Monday Mother's Day Is Sunday, May 12th