ÔATK CITY " JOURNAL. THURSDAY. A > PH JLL -- ■-4...JU»- «■» u w iu .a. fan --------- The C B Sheri family spent Sun day with the p. B. short family In Payette. Little News of A baby boy weighing 816 pounds was barn to Mr and Mrs. M. S Birkes Monday April 22. Bruc* Pahrtiey had the misfortune ¡put He threw It out three times and to throw hla shoulder out of place tire last time It was necessary to Mr and Mrs. C. W Parmer spent last week while throwing the shot have he doctor put It back In place. -Sunday visiting with Mr and Mrs Charles LeMoine in Boise. ------ . ■ ----------1 —-w ! The Warren McHarguc family ac companied Miss Marla McElroy to Sid Burbldge was able to return Vale Sundry to visit at the parental to work Monday at the Nyssa Pack Bush McHargue home. ing company after a weeks Illness. Miss Margaret Pinkerton returned Mrs. Sally Dennis and daughter to Caldwell Monday to Che College Georgia spent last Wednesday visit of Idaho after spending Easter with ing Mrs. E, McLellan In Nampa. her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray of Pinkerton here. Huntington spent Sunday at the George Ray was able to leave St. Dewey Ray home. Alphonsus hospital Sunday evening. Mrs. Blair Johnson left Saturday He Is recovering from a recent goitre for Portland where she will spend a operation. The Dwight Smiths went week on business and to visit with to Boise after him. her daughters Clair and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cook and sons Jeanette Martin, teacher at Vale, Arthur and Jimmie drove to Baker spent Easter at the parental Conrad Sunday to help Mr. Cook's mother Martin home. , celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. | Walter Davis of Union were also Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zancker and there. Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Whiffen of Caldwell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paradis Easter. Come In And Try Our PETROL OIL Permanent Wave». Specially Prepared for Fine Hair Now Priced at— LAND FOR SALE $2.50 Complete FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Shampoo and Finger Wave 50c The Vogue It you wish to buy or sell land, anywhere under the project, It will pay you to see the— Owyhee Realty Co. BEAUTY SHOP Office near the depot Mae Keizer, Operator NYSSA OREGON Mr. and Mrs. George Herold of Savery, Wyo., arrived Thursday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow. Mr. and Mrs. C. KUnkenberg, Jim Lewellen and Hubert Leuck spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lewellen at Bonita. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Jensen and bab£ and Miss Olive Hunter spent the week end In Jordan Valley visit ing the BUI Noble family. The Ray and Clark Franklin fam- iliies of Payette were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake A to a Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Pruyn left Friday afternoon for Post FaUs, Idaho, where they will visit with Mr. Pruyn’s sister. Fill Up With STANDARD GAS Let Ut Grease your car regularly with Standard Products Drop in and see the New Plymouth POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Open Day and Night Phone 1 NYSSA GROCERY SPECIALS Mrs. S. D. McLain and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. W. Rodenspiel of Nampa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall. Mr. and Mi's. S. D. Goshert and Mr. and Mrs. Marlon KUnkenberg spent Sunday with the Harry Gosh ert famUy in Emmett Mr. and Mrs. S. W. SmUey and children of Apple Valley were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. De- Grofft. Charles Paradis left Monday for an inspection trip to the various public works projects in his district. He expects to be gone about a week. Misses Florence and Rachel Kelthley of Midvale were guests of their sister Mrs. Russell Vinsonhaler Sunday. Last Thursday evening Mrs. Bar ney Wilson and daughter June Marie and Barbara Browne attended a piano recital In Ontario given by the four best pupils of Miss Wilhel- mlna Hoffman of Pama. Miss Katherine Young Is visiting with her sister Miss Margaret at the Vinsonhaler home and with her brothers Dick. Nate and John Young here. She accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Nate Young from Madras. Mrs. Nora Green, who was Injured last Tuesday evening in an auto wreck near Nampa, was expected to be able to return to her home here the last of this week. STRAW HAT Season is Here! .FOR. Friday and Saturday For Men, Women and See Them at APRIL 26 and 27 49 F LO U R , Pride o f the Valley, lb. bag .. $1.49 SH O R T E N IN G , Carstens, Snowcap, lb. package ............................................................ 59c S N O W D R IF T , 3 lb. c a n ........................................69c S N O W D R IF T , 2 lb. can ................................... 49c S U G A R , 10 lb. b a g s ............................................... 59c P E A C H E S, No. 10 c a n s ...................................... 49c J A M , 2 1-2 lb. glass jars, all fla v o r s ............ 39c P E A N U T B U T T E R , 2 lb. glass j a r s ............... 39c P E A N U T B U T T E R , 1 lb. glass j a r ...................19c M A Y O N N A IS E , Best Food, pint jars..............29c C H O C O L A T E , Our Mothers, 1 lb. can...........19c T O IL E T TISSU E, 1000 sheets, 5 r o lls ...........19c L IM A B E AN S, 4 lb..................................................19c R AISIN S 11 oz. pkgs. 2 f o r ................................... 9c T O M A T O JUICE, Campbells, 14 oz. cans ... 9c K R A U T , Gold Bar, each ..................................... 9c CO R N , Yellow, each .............................................. 9c P E A S, No. 2 cans, e a c h .......................................... 9c T O M A T O E S , e a c h ..............................................— 9c 4 W ilson G rocery «aoaoooooooooooooooooofrs* Owyhee Canyon Days SPECIAL PHONE 21 NYSSA, ORE. The Leslie McClure home was the scene of a big family dinner Sunday, when relatives of Leslie and Ernest McClure and Mrs. Leslie McClure from Caldwell and Boise gathered. About 25 were present. W. F. McLing has just completed a paint job on his house In the north part of Nyssa. The new green coat ing adds considerable to the appear ance of the house and shows what a little paint will do. Mrs. Emma Duncan had as week ] . . end guests her son Dallas Duncan | 1 and wife from Boise, who attended ' ' the missing link lodge service Sat vj urday night. The Felton Duncan family were also dinner guests Sun day. Mrs. John Long of Salem arrived ] last week to make a business and ? 1 pleasure visit She was | . • • V VUMb l here. iC I C . k «rc w oo « ac- V have grey w h lS - 'J companed by Mrs. Oscar Oolden and * D. H. Long of Lebanon who are when you can “ 1 Mrs. visiting at the parental J. T. Long lovely b l a c k home. FORM CLUB ALEXANDER’S ONTARK \ . . . . >' Why “ - X kers have ones and keep that youthful appearance. Mr. and Mrs. M Pa ugh and daughter and Alvin and Jim Crock ett, nephews of Mrs. Fields, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fields Sunday. In the afternoon the visit- 1 ors, with the Lawrence Blodgett family and the Fields enjoyed a visit to Owyhee dam. We Also Specialize In tid ies Lash and Brow Dyeing. Come up and see os sometime Claudena Crawford and Rubye Lou Hemenway RUBYE LOU BEAUTY SHOP PHONE 16 Nvssa On Sunday a large crowd gather ed at the Vinsonhaler home for a picnic lunch. Thoee present were Misses Beverley Guye. Florence and Rachel Kelthley. Margaret and Katherine Young. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Young, John Young and MS’, and Mr*. Rus sel Vinsonhaler. -OREGON Special Offering Until May 1st SUITS- *13 85 This offering brings you your choice of 50 All W ool Suits in sizes from 34 to 44, out of broken lines that previously sold up to $20.00. Colors are from light to dark. Styles are the popular two button type And the Values Are Exceptional. Ladies Pure Thread Silk Full-fashioned Stockings New assortment of spring shades. I Gentlemen. 1 Absolutely Independent /¿afea P.T. A. COUNTY Mrs. A1 Thompson and daughter1 Mrs. Verna Beulter of Salem, Mrs. Oscar Golden and Mrs. D. H. Long of Lebanon, Mrs. J. T. Long and Mrs. Robert Long and daugther ] Evalyn visited the Owyhee dam Tuesday. j 1 Johnson Variety - It is usually the taxpayer who qualifies as the forgotten man, save at taxpaying time. COUNCIL MEETS We are personally all set for the I The ladles of the Arcadia com The Harry Sales family and Mr. munity met at the home of Mrs. spring fever, but we first must have ind Mrs. Marie« KUnkenberg and the spring. *>n Jimmie gathered at the parental The Malheur County Council of Albert Bohys Wednesday to form a S. D. Goshert home to celebrate Parents and Teachers met at Che j neighborhood club. Only eight ladles They're after ti-~ t Horae Heaven Jimmie's first birthday. According Ontario high school for their annual were present but they decided to hermit who has boen trying to get to S. D. Ooshert the party was a spring meet Saturday, April 20. Mrs. hold another club meeting May 8. by without living off the govern ■flop” because the honoree took his E. H. Brum bach, county president, at the home of Mrs. Frank Burke. ment. bottle and slept all through the called the business session at 10:00 Mrs. Burke was elected president; The federal government is now party. and heard reports from the follow Mrs. Fleming, vice president, and spending at the rate of $563,000,000 ing units: Conklin. Kingman Kol- Mrs. Albert Bohy, secretary and per month. It would seem to be ony, Oregon Trail, Wade, Big Bend, treasurer. At the next meeting, about time for the official spenders, NYSSA CLUB MEETS Llndbergs, Valley View, and Annex. every one Is asked to be prepared who’ve been cutting quite a figure, The following county chairmans with a quotation on Mothers Day. to be figuring a cut. The Nyssa 4-H sewing club met at made reports: Mrs. M. M. Greeling CLARK WOOD the home of Mrs. N. H. Pinkerton on of Kingman reported on resolutions Tuesday to organize their work for and Albert B. Hokplns of Oregon COMMENT WHEN YOU NEED. . . the coming season. Officers elected Trail reported on the publicity pro were: president, Zeola Benton; vice gram. Under Huey Long’s fantastic Announcements president, Marjorie Groot, secretary, County officers were elected as fol “share the wealth” plan, many lows: Mrs. M. M. Creeling; of King- Doris Graham. Other members of Calling Cards would be glad to share, but few to the club are Lucille Benton, Marg man president; Mrs. E. H. Brum- produce. Letterheads aret Toombs and Thelma Root. A bach of Wade, vice-president; Mrs. Benevolence, as a governmental program of work for the coming Irwin Troxell o f Ontario, secretary; Envelopes year was discussed and a definite and Mrs. Franklin Fry of Oregon policy, Is much easier to start than Trail, treasurer. The new president to stop. Statements meeting time decided upon. has called an exeoutive meeting Handbills Saturday, May 4 at the Ontario high If It’s News, We Mrs. Leo Hollenberg is still con school to outline the years work. Programs fined to her home by Illness. The program for the afternoon Want It— Tickets consisted of a musical solo by Reece Mrs. Helen Clement of Ontario Jenkins of Ontario; talk by Super Booklets Do you know any news? spent Friday visiting with her intendent Turnbull of Ontario; About yourself, your friends, Invitations daughter Mrs. Rena Schweizer. music by Ontario high school girls your neighbors? Do you know including Mary Ryan, Virginia Cox, Circular Letters anybody who has been bora, Mrs. Eddie Powell spent Saturday Dorothy Llllard, Helen Anderson, married, died, gone away, and Sunday in Weiser with her Rheta Courtney, accompanied by — See— come back, had a party or an mother Mrs. Tom Morris. Barbara Grahm; talk by Miss Mild THE GATE CITY anniversary? red Olson, county librarian; and the Don’t take It for granted Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne and main speaker of the afternoon was JOURNAL that we know all about It. A children spent Easter In Boise with w D. Vincent, superintendent of the No obligation for estimates friendly telephone call or a Mr. Towne s mother. ! 3^ ^ . In ^ u lk on post card telling us about It Mr. Vincent Mrs. Laura Fisher and daughter cation Experiments" will be appreciated—and it Gladeen spent Easter at the parent-!?0’^ “ ut factors whlch af- will help make your home paper newsier, than ever. al Hezeltlne home In New Plymouth., the„ ^ Ud’ th eK ho“ e’ the school, and the church. Vincent’s Gate City Journal A baby son was bom to Mr. and lnt,eresting talk centered on an ex- Mrs. Wm. Duffy Wednesday, April P e rce n t which he was oarrylng on The Phone Number is 19 with Boise high school seniors. The 4th. result o f the experiment was the John Mull left for Campo, Colo., study of the Individual. Mrs. Kath Saturday night, being called there ryn Claypool, county school super intendent and Miss Edna Flanagan, by the illness of his mother. county nurse! gave short talks. Pat McIntyre has been quite sick from a slight infection from a tick bite but is very much improved now. Better Housing Organizing— Dr. J. J. Sarazin is attending him. A Washington report to the As sociate Director Oregon FHA act- Mr. and Mrs. Roy James moved to . . . . . „ .. ivi ties states, that up to the end ol Juntura Wednesday to live so they March a total of 6.838 Better Hous- W hen y o u b rin g n r /M I lH h a n I e v e n r 4 a V i i m W O r lf Qt would be closer to his wot «, in ing community chairmen had been your doctor’s pre Beulah dam. scription to our drug appointed, 5,422 communities had store you may feel Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson, Mrs. organized and 2,454 Better Housing Canvassers reported sure that it will be filled exactly as Herschel Thompson, Mrs. Ralph canvasses. your doctor ordered. For every Beutler, Mrs. D. H. Long, Mrs. Oscar almost 7,000,000 calls made and prescription in our store is filled Golden and Mrs. John Long made started. Work pledged was valued at ! »319,763,055. by licensed, qualified, experienced a trip to Boiss Wednesday. pharmacists. Only the finest o f Mrs. M. Clendenng and daughter fresh, pure ingredients are used. Roy Williams, brother of Mrs. Myra and son Tom, Mrs. Betty And our double checking system Lloyd Marshall, is visiting at the Forbes and daughter Mrs. Beatrice is your guarantee o f accuracy. Lloyd Marshall home. Marshall were Vale visitors Thurs Let us fill your prescriptions. day. Charles Flint of Long Beach, Cal Have your prescriptions Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dunaway and ifornia visited Fred Marshall on Sunday. Specializing In Voiles tilled at the sons Jack and Carl of Portland were visiting friends here last week. Organdies and Prints Mr. and Mrs. Bunny Schweiz« Drug Storie' The called at the C. C. Hunt home were down Monday from tihelr home Saturday. Be sure and see these before at Beulah dam. baying elsewhere. Yon will Mrs. Famham Sills left Monday need several of these dainty for Ellensburg, Wash., where she frocks for spring and summer NYSSA PHARMACY WE ASK YOU KINDLY will spend a few days visiting wear. Nyssa Oregon friends. She accompanied Mrs. Geo. We ask that you patronize the J FISHER APPAREL Henly, who went on to Seattle to merchants who make your home j visit. SHOP town paper possible. They sell j SAVE with SAFETY at * good merchandise and will stand} Nyssa, Oregon Mrs. Frank Morgan and son Clay oehlnd it to the limit. DRUG ST0R£ returned Friday after spending three weeks visiting relatives and friends in Eugene and Portland. Mr. Mor gan and Ted drove to Portland to meet them and bring them home. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Otto Keller and son Elmo, who have been visiting here with] Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Powell and Mrs. Fred Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Aden] Wilson left Thursday night for their home in Calumet City, 111. Children iM 2 Pairs For C :iL S U n « O l IK $1.00 White or Pink |_ace Trim or Plain 90c EACH or 2 for $1.75 A L E X A N D E R ’S Ontario “Where Good Clothes Cost Less" Oregon