GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1925 F A R M T O P IC S Parma, Idaho Edited by BALDBIDOE IMPLEMENT Lon Root was In this week get­ ting screen wire cloth for several jobs of screens he has been mak­ ing. We have screen In all stand­ ard widths up to 48 inches. Flies and insecta will soon be here, keep out with galvanized 16 mesh screen cloth. CO. ^ • here’s your dime.’’ Boy—"He said, “Do you want any ice today, lady?" Drop in and let us show you the Crosley Shelvador. Save your food stuffs by maintaining prop­ er temperature. Crosley gives you all the advantages that other Couldn’t Express Himself makes give plus the Shelvador Hank—"Had your telephone feature which adds nearly fifty removed, eh?” per cent to your storage space. Hi—"Yes, th' fools said I could Prices range from $85 to $199.50. not cuss over it! How could I tell A size to meet your needs. Josh Medders his cows was in my corn without cussin’ ?" Eric Boeing purchased a new Soon be corn planting time. We John Deere mower from us re­ have seed com again this year. cently. This new mower runs in High quality seed at $4.00 per oil. A stronger frame, wider cwt. Grown locally and has high wheels, lighter draft makes this an outstanding mower. See one germination test. on our floor. H. T. Francis is fixing his places up with paint and kalso- mime. He is using Fuller's of course, not because it is the cheapest but because he wants a lasting Job. Fuller's paints are “Made in the West for the West." Times Ha\en't Changed In the days of old when the knights were old, and barons held their sway, they took their orders from their wives—Just as we do today. Unusual Thing “Yes, I’m having a terrible time Boy—"Daddy, If you give me between the furnace and my 10 cents I’d tell you what the ice­ husband,” said the lady. “If I man said to mamma." keep my eye on one, the other is Dad UU excited)—"O.K., son, sure to go out. y W 4 W 4 S W 4 S W 1*, StJ. 24-18-46. short business trip taking with him 'sides local cars others from Wilder, 4-9-35. $10. | Mr. and Mrs. Omer Htie and Mr. Roswell, Parma and Payette. | Robert M. Beach et ux to W. M and Mrs. Glen Points. They retum- Mrs. Ruby Rust was a guest of s y Pane, Lots 17 to 20 incl. Blk 33, ed Saturday night. Mrs. Charles McConnell in Nyssa Hope-Holland Addìi .Vale. 4-16-35.] Wednesday evening, May 1st the ¡Tuesday and Wednesday of last $ 10 . eighth grade pupils of Owyhee will week George Brown et ux to George A give an entertainment and play at Melvin Crecker, young son of Mr. Lot 5, Blk 7, Kelley’s Addn j the school house. The pupils have and Mrs. E. E. Crocker was severely (_________________________/ Hart, Vale. 12-1-28. $650. I been practlclslng singing for some injured one day last week when he The Seniors held their annual class meeting Monday for the pres­ Coast Land Co. Ltd. to Loyel M. weeks past in preparation for this accldently pulled a large vise from sneak day Monday. Starting about entation of the 2nd annual Junior Maginnis, S'-SVV1, S W , Sec 27-31-j event. The P.-T A. ladies will have a table, which struck him on the seven o’clock they went to Boise to Prom on Saturday night, May 4th. 41 cont. 20 acres. 3-27-35. $59. ice cream and candy for sale at that head. Dr. J. J. Sarazin is In atten­ spend the day. Committees who were put in Rosa E. Hager et vir to Betty Lou time. Everyone is invited. dance and the lad is improved. The were accompanied by Miss charge are: decorations, Jake Groot, Hager. NE48E14, Sec. 18-17-47. 2-7 The baling crew which has been In spite of dull skies there was a Denny, the Senior class advisor, and Lonnie Parkinson, Harold Anderson, -35. $10. large crowd of picnickeis at Mitchell at the Rust ranch for five days is Mr;. Chas. Garrison. On arriving in Dorothy Lowe and Florence Boren; Butte Hot Springs Easter. Basket now at the Houston Dunaway Marriage Licenses Issued Boise they visited the capital, played refreshments, Mable Hearron, Ar­ Robert H Landers and Elma dinners and bathing was enjoyed by ranch. Not much hay remains in the at the White City Park, and then thur Cook, and Raymond Holly, in­ most of the crowd. There were be- community. went out of Boise about twenty vitation, Rose Worley, program, Spencer. 4-15-35. Wilford J. Latham and Pearl But­ miles to eat their picnic lunch. Com­ Alice Hashitani and Miss Rettie. In order to f inace this annual ler. 4-15-35. ing back to Boise they visited the Alfred Herbert and Elizabeth penitentiary, walked around the affair the Juniors are sponsoring the town visiting the park and various Junior Prom Queen Contest with Brown. 4-15-35. Harold Calkins and Alma Stepp. places. They ate dinner at the votes selling at lc each. Vote as Mechanafe, then went to a show and many times as you like for your fav 4-17-35. Clare A. Christiansen and Clar- arrived back in Nyssa around orite girl. The contestants include eleven o'clock. Rose Worley, Mable Hearron, Agnes enel Thorp, 4-20-35. See this beautiful new model giving complete Nels Modine and Ruby Hamilton. Ray and Dorothy Lowe. The contest refrigeration service in every model. Everything Student Body Meeting closes on Thursday night. May 2nd 4-20-35. The regular Student Body meet­ Boxes for voting will be found in Complaint Filed in Circuit Court you want in a refrigerator. ing was held Friday afternoon. In several stores throughout town and Wm. E. Lees vs. Belle Redsuull et that each class should donate $5.-for the grade and high school stud- al. 4-15-35. Complaint in Strict 1. PRESERVES YOUR FOOD PROPERLY t)he business meeting, it was decided ents and faculty voting can be done Foreclosure. This money is to be used to buy through the box in the office, 2. PLENTY OF ICE FOR DESSERTS—AND Petition Filed in Probate Court shubbery for the school grounds. | At the present time Agnes Ray is In the Matter of the Guardianship QUICKLY! After the business meeting the leading in Che Junior Prom Qreen of Martha Robbins, an Incompetent Sophomores gave a program which contest. 3. BEAUTIFUL CABINET person .4-18-35. consisted of dance, Nellie Jean Sch­ weizer; song, Eleanor Pashley; El­ 4. QUIET, ECONOMICAL OPERATION Court House Filings mer and Elais, James Nichols and OWYHEE CLUB and Alme Hendricks; violin solo, Real Estate Transfers Recorded It will pay you to see our line before you buy. ENTERTAIN NEW I Helen Enebeck; At the First Tee, Week of April 13 to ”9 I Evelyn HaworCh and Warren Larsen. SETTERS’ WIVES Many models to choose from, priced at from The program is to be given by the C S. Tucker et ux to Glen L. I Freshmen next time. Hutchinson. N H SE 'i, EM,SW!4, Sec. 36-18-44. 4-10-35. $143. Owyhee—Mrs. Nell Dlmmick was A Perfect Co-Ed E. L Koenig et ux to E H. Luikart, a charming hostess for the Owyhee To all Nyssa high girls who would' Receirvei- .S'aSK'iNEfc, Sec. 32-18- Community club at her new project be perfect we suggest they copy the 45, cont. 20 acres. 1-17-35. $10. home last Thursday when the club best attributes of the following girls. F. M. Duncan to Charles J Bush, met in regular session. After the Lets have hair like Dorothy Lowe, W ttflBK. S c 29-19-42, cont. 80 business meeting clever stunts were eyes of Alice Nye, alone with the at- acres 4-12-35. $10. enjoyed by the large crowd presnt, Connell. Add to this the popularity Milton H. Greene to Orval E. Mrs. Earl Patterson winning first tractive appearance of Ellen Mc- Greene, N W l.SE 'i, N4SW V.SE1/«, prize in the game of skill with Mrs. NYSSA OREGON of Harriet Sarazin, along with the Sec. 29-15-47. cont. 60 acres. 3-27-35. Wm. Peutz wining the consolation. personality of Tiena Tensen, and Delicious refreshments were served $ 1 . you would be the good comrade of by the hostess. Several new ladles Coast Land Co, Ltd. to Mary G. everyone as Vera Garrison. If we all on the project were visitors, includ­ Hagar, N 'iN E tlN E ti, Sec 9-32-40, went out for athletics as Flora Mae ing Mrs. Smith, Mrs. James Moss, Wimp and showed the old school cont. 20 acres. 4-10-35. $77. Mrs. Gray, Mrs. R. A. Low and M rs.) Coast Land Co, Ltd. to Mary G. Earl Patterson. The club will meet j spirit by attending all games as Nellie Jean Schweizer does, we Hagar, SliNEUNEVi, Sec. 9-32-40, for the next meeting at the home of would be the general good sport as cont. 20 acres. 4-10-35. $77. Mrs. John Hite on May 16th. Rose Worley. Be able to sing as Alice C. W Glenn, Sheriff to Leonard C. E. Smith entertained his Sun- I Hashitani, play the piano as Mable Peterson, Lots 1 and 2, Blk 64, Orig. day School class with a picnic at Hearron, dramatize like Pauline Townsite, Ontario 4-13-35. $16.50. Table Rock last Saturday. Games Wolf and dance like» Mickey Hite. Jesse E. Thompson et ux to Ray were enjoyed and a delicious lunch Then to add to all this the straight Kmmott. S 4 of Lot 1, and S 4 of Lot was the main event. 1 grades of Helen Enebeck. Isn’t 2, Blk 5, Teutsch's Add. Nyssa. 4-15- The Owyhee Sunday School gave this the type of girl we would like 35. $10. a program at the regular meeting on to be. Coast Land Co. Ltd. to James Sunday. Mrs. Oscar Pinkston gave Spring et ux, N 4 N W 4 S E 4 . Sec 13- a reading; Miss Doris Klingback In order to make a payment on 31-41, cont. 20 acres. 4-10-35. $77. sang; Donald and Margery Hite Let Swan’s breads take a regular place in your the chairs, that were bought last recited poems; Margaret and Louise Viola Raudenbush et al to E. N. spring, the Junior high and high Klingback sang. Oscar Pinkston, menus! They’re baked just right to give that full scool are giving a general program Wood. SW‘,SW (iSE'/,, Sec. 5-18-47. the superintendent, gave a talk. May 2 at the gymnasium. Don’t miss 4-1-35. $10. flavor so seldom found in bread. And there’s a A crowd of local people enjoyed Paul F. Lake et ux to Genevieve it. a picnic at the Owyhee dam Easter kind to suit everyone in the family. McFall e# vir, 8 4 of Lot 18 and all in spite of disagreeable weather. Lots 19 and 20, Blk 36 Ontario 5-11- Junior Prom Date Set For May 4 The Owyhee P.-T. A. met at the Final plans were made at a Junior 25. $500. schoolhouse on Thursday, April 11 Lee Howard et ux to Albert Trent with president Mrs. Dlmmick, pre­ NW'.NE'/i, Sec. 4-19-44. except 2 Vi siding Mrs. Ole Trovaters gave an acres lying south and west of Bully interesting talk on traffic laws in Creek. 4-14-35. $1. this and other states and disscrlbed OREGON NYSSA Chas. D. Warren et ux to J. L some of her own experiences in driv­ [Rice, SViSEM, eSc 2, NViNEVi■ Sec. ing. A good crowd was present. 11-17-46. 2-27-35. $10. There will be a big community J R. Blackaby et ux to Lloyd L. dinner at the schoolhouse on the Cox, N W S W V4 NE Vi, Sec. 22-18-46. last day of school, the exact date of 4-15 35 $300. which has not been set. The old set-1 Glenwood Pounds et ux to S. Han­ tiers are entertaining the new set­ sen. Lot 5, Blk 8, Kelly's First Add. tlers and all those who are In Owy- j Vale. 6-17-33. $10. hee school district are invited as S. Hansen to A. C Heinrichs et ux guests. There will be races and con­ Lot 5, Block 8, Kelley’s First Adn. tests and at least one ball game. Old Vale. 4-16-35. $10. settlers are asked to bring basket C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to J R Black­ dinners sufficient for two families aby, W Vi SW Vi NW14, W 'iS E '.N - that day. WV4, WViEViSE>/.NWV4, E4NWV4- A Famous Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters. Bob 8W VINE Vi, Sec 5-18-47. Lots 1 to 6 Walters and Phyllis Rust were KAHN ...V incl. Blk 5, Riverside Addn. Ontario Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Lots 11 and 12. Blk 35, Orig. Town- and Mrs. John Hite. Fabric site, Ontario. 4-14-35 $222. Mr. and Mrs. James Abbott were Everett H. Bailey to United States down from McCall for a visit In the of America, Metes and bounds in parental Rudolf Hite home, arriving Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’* Sec. 23-18-46, cont. 17.70 acres. 4-9- last Wednesday. On Thursday Mr. fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and A group of »mart “ twisty Fab­ 35. $6000. Abbot went back to McCall on a Coast Land Co Ltd. to Clara L. ric»— favorite» for many »ea»ons old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. Foster, NViNE'.SEVi, Sec. 9-32-41. in the o u t-o f-d o o r* but now cont. 20 acres. 3-27-35 $77 Smoking and Drinking? equally popular for worlt-e-day United States of Am. to Mary E. Watch Your Stomach Rust, NE'iSWVi, SViSWVi, Sec. 12, wear. N o t only are they dis­ NE Vi NW 'A , Sec. 13-21-45. cont. 160 tinctive end colorful, but have For quick relief from indigestion acres. 12-30-19. and upset stomach due to excessive a fine record for long wear. Thomas Turnbull to Margaret E. smoking and drinking try Dr. Emil’s Dowell W4SWV4, Sec 14-18-45; also MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS Adla Tablets. Sold on money back water right in arm springs Irr. Dlst. guarantee. The Nyssa Pharmacy. NYSSA OREGON Cleaning and Pressing 3-15-35. $10. —Advertisement. Mary Ellen Beckley to J. L. Beck- Alterations and Repairs ley, SViNW'i. NW Vi SW1 1 , Sec. 11- ¡31-46. 33-19-35. $1. j R. A. Thompson et ux to Charles L. [Thompson, 8E48WV4, E 4 SW VI­ SE 'i, Sec. 12-19-46, cont. 60 acres. 14-2-35. $1. f Charles L. Thompson et ux to R A. Thompson.SWViSW 14, Sec. 12-19 D. E. MORGAN, Prop. -46, cont. 40 acres. 4-2-35. $1 We handle a complete line L D Mitchell to Audle Johnson, • r- •• • " ' v, L N y ssa S ch ool M ew s j KELVINATOR î 9 9 50 up J- FARMERS ! BUSINESS We grind Flour, Cereal, Cow Feed, Horse Feed, Chicken Feed for small chicks and hens. AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY __________________________ - / * We clean seed grain and treat it for smut at a very small cost to you. Look us over—our prices are RIGHT. Nyssa Flour Mill ROBT. D. LYTLE P. M. WARREN, Owner Phone 36F2 Nyssa ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 vale OREGON Auction Sale 7 Anna B. Pritchett D. O. OSTEOPATHY —And— ELECTROTHERAPY PHONE 201 Every Saturday beginning at 12 o'clock. The largest and best market- for all kinds of livestock, farm machinery and furniture! is the PAYETTE AUCTION EXCHANGE “The Place where Buyer and VALE - - - OREGON Seller Meet A. C. FENSKE. Prop. PAYETTE, IDA. PHONE 104J PORTRAITS OF QUALITY Expert Kodak Finish­ ing. Mail us your films. HI-SHEEN DRY CLEANING NORDALE FURNITURE STORE You Want To Stay H e a lth y The Swan Bakery Drink Plenty of MILK HEATER STUDIO Ontario, Oregon BANNOCKBURN Guarantee Work WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Oregon Ontario Makes old clothes look like new, safe, feeds the fabrics, odorless—true quality clean­ ing. Try our new Hl-Sheen Dry Cleaning ONTARIO PRESSARY Nyssa Agent: Mrs. Margaret Pashley. Vale Hot Springs Sanitarium DR. D. A. SEXTON, Prop. Rheumatism, Diabetes, Paraly­ PLUMBING EXPERTS.. Shelton Dairy Nyssa Tailor Shop POTATOES sis, Influenza, successfully treated. Mineral Water 212 Deg. Fr. ROOMS AND BOARD At Reasonable Rates We are proud of our record as plumbing WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF and heating experts. NORTHRUP KING AND GO’S Whether your job is TESTED GARDEN AND FIELD large or small, give us DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST a n opportunity t o can do. Estimates cheerfully given. Geo. J. Kinzer Specializing on the oare of Children's Eyes. ONTARIO OREOON SEEDS show you what we Plumber Phone 134-J-l Panna ANDREWS SEED CO. Phone 452 Ontario, Oregon Local Idaho grown and high altitude Purple Tag Cen Certified “ “ Russets. This is ideal seed for commercial crops and seed plots. See our Mr. Roger« or Mr. S pray M aterials of I Sprav Material for your orchar chard and would be pleased to figure on your needs. Closson in Ny««a regarding contract« on this seed. «________ ♦ The Idaho Equity Exchange is a grower controlled coopera­ tive for the marketing and 1 I handling of all farm produce. ■ H THIS WITH OUR PAST TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE AND REPUTA­ TION OF MARKETING AND HANDLING THESE CROPS ASSURES THE GROWER OF THE BEST POSSIBLE RETURNS AND A SQUARE DEAL AT ALL TIMES. We solicit your patronage for the coming season on this basis. Get in touch with our local representative who will be pleased to go over our deal with you. PHONE—Nyssa 103 PHONE—Nampa 655 IDAHO EQUITY EXCHANGE