. ■— WAl'K CITY JOURNAL, THOR* BBM n . U J l . !; U .... Saiaaiu liome Saturday afternoon. reasonable. Mrs. W . G. Campbell. FOR SALE—Hatching eggs, white Citizens Military Camp Nyssa, An egg rolling contest was enjoyed I Oregon. April 25 tic. Leghorn, English strain. We won New Tank Trucks Built in Oregon Plant with the following winning prizes: | •----------------------------------- - 1st at County fair. Mrs. H. E. Hlght, Opens July 5th David Sarazin, Twilla Crawford, J WILL CONTRACT weeding 6 acres Parma, located In Big Bend. 4-4-4tc. Robert Browne, Marzene Hollenberg, j CONTJIACT CLUB } of onion for season to right party FOR SALE—Mastadon Everbearing J. C. Beam, Nyssa. 4-25-Up. The Contract Club met at the Helen Boydell and Korbet Sarazin. Vancouver Barracks. Wash. April I-------------------------------------------------- Strawberry plants. Mrs. Charles home of Mr*. Artie Robertson Mon 11 —(Special)—Benefiting from a FOR SALE—Two male purebred Bradley, Owyhee. A4* TUESDAY BRIDGE day afternoon. Mrs. Dewey Ray won recent order which has more than j pointer pups. Be right age for Dlavlna with Mrs' Bamey bridge Wllson ««««alned high score. Guests doubled the tentative quota, Mal hunting this fall. Chas. Leuck. 4-28- FOR SALE—Baby chicks, all popu »„ n, ? ^ “ the Tuesday club this week, members were Mrs. Dick Young 5 and Mrs. Ed. , Noreott .. .. won first prize and lar breeds. Baby turkeys and baby heur county now will be entitled to 3tc. w_c Mrs. Wm. Seal reman. ... Mrs. T J. T J. 0 Sarazin won second. ducks. Custom hatching and hatch send 2 students to the tenth annual Citizen's Military Training Camp at FOR SALE—Several small homes ing eggs. Cain's Hatchery, Ontario, —8— Guests playing with members were this post starting July 5th, it was and chleken ranches. Owyhee | Oregon. 2-14-tf THURSDAY CLUB Mrs. Ray Emmett and Mrs Eddie Realty Co., Nyssa. 4-25-ltp. announced today. Mrs. George Stacey entertained Powell, AN WANTED - for Rawlelgh The quota was set first at 218, but FOR SALE—Twenty head wearier M Route the Thursday bridge club last week} - —§— of 800 families. Good profits this has just been raised to 480; and pigs. Wm. E. Schwelzer. inviting Mrs. Barr Doolittle and JOLLY JANES for hustler. We train and help you. Brigadier General James K. Par Mrs. Watson Ketchen to play with Misses Sue and Mae Keizer enter- — L a w n mowers Write today. Rawlelgh Co., Dept., sons, camp commander, has directed SHARPENING members. Mrs. Doolittle won first} talned the Jolly Janes bridge club j sharpened 50c. Good, efficient ser ORD-148-SA2. Oakland, Calif. 4-4- that the increase be distributed prize and Mrs. Sid Burbidge .second. Monday evening. Miss Doris Smith vice. Andrew McOlnnis. April 25 tf. 4tp. proportionately to the counties. won first prize and Miss Maria Mc- 8 The camp, as formerly, will run FOR SALE CHEAP—Fairbanks and FOR SALE—One hundred thirty EASTER EGG HUNT Elroy won low. for four weeks, and will be without Morse Centrifugal six inch pump good lots in Nyssa. Oregon. Terms. The Episcopal Sunday School held cost to the trainees Including trans with suction pipe. One mile west of C. C Hunt, owner. 3-21-tfc. EASTER FAMILY DINNER their annual Easter egg hunt at the portation to and from home. The J. T. Long home was the j First of th* fft«»n n«w tank truck« now undar construction at tha Baall Pipa Owyhee school house. Mrs. Mamie The students live in an orderly Derrick. scene of a big family dinner Sunday ind Tank Corporation In Portland for tha Teias company. Thai# bodies ara baing on Ford, Dodga, and Intarnational truck chassis and will vary in sUa from open-air tent camp, follow a pro honoring Mrs. John Long of Salem, j nountad — gallon capacitias. gram in which work and play are FOR SALE—Alfalfa seed at Frank Drink Water With Meals Mrs. Oscar Golden and Mrs. D. H. I * 0 ta ‘ 1800 blended with heavy emphasis upon A, Miller ranch, Adrian. Apl8-4tp. Good For Stomach Long of Lebanon who are visiting at athletics and recreation, and enjoy the parental home, and Mrs. Ralph | BIG BEND NEWS FOR RENT— Light housekeeping TAX LEVIES OF a menu especially arranged for Beutler of Salem. Other guests were Water with meals helps stomach rooms, unfurnished. Inquire at juices, quantity and quality. The camp is Nyssa Mr. an<J Mrs. Clyde Long, Mr. and aids digestion. If bloated with Shoe Shop. OREGON CITIES GIVEN open to boys J7 years old or over, Mrs. A1 Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. add a sponful of Adlerlka. One and both former students are to be FOR SALE—Red clover seed. 3t4 gas Hersehel Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Helen Cartwright was honor dose cleans out poisons and washes accepted. Robert Long and daughter Evalyn, guest at a miscellaneous shower miles north of Nyssa on highway. BOTH upper and lower bowels. The and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long, Mr. i given at the home of Mrs. A. Brad- University of Oregon, Eugene, General Parsons asks that pros Jacob Oroot. 4-U-3tc. Nyssa Pharmacy —Advertisement and Mrs. Bert Barker were callers ney Friday afternoon. A large num —The average citizen in the average pective applicants communicate as ber of guests were present and many Oregon city pays $14.81 per year soon as possible with the camp In the evening. beautiful gifts received. taxes to maintain the functions of authorities, addressing communica Eleanor Haworth, Flora Prosser his city government. City taxes vary tion to C.M.T.C. Headquarters, Van PINOCHLE PARTY and John Timmerman were the from nothing at all In a few small couver Barracks, Washington, or Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing enter successful spellers from Wade school towns to a high per person of $73.71 call upon their county chairman is tained with two tables of pinochle who will enter the county contest at per year. Nyssa pays an average per more convenient. The enrollment Saturday night. First prize was won Vale Friday. capita tax of $9.96. chairman in Malheur county is Mr. by Hersehel Thompson and low by Mrs. next LA CHARM Kathryn Claypool of Vale Portland pays somewhat above the Stanley Mallett, Ontario, Oregon. Mrs. Ralph Beutler of Salem. CHEVROLET DEALER visited Bend schools last Wednesday average, $17.37 per capita, and in and also made a few social calls. cidentally t?nds to raise the general THEATRE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chancey enter average, due to its much greater MALHEUR COUNTY TO The Perfect Misses Mae and Sue Keizer, tained FIRESTONE TIRES sons Lynn and Horace population. Most of the Oregon Permanent Wave at Claudena and Charlena Crawford, and their their families HAVE HOUSING CAMPAIGN at their home cities fall b: tween $5 and $12.50 per Maria McElroy and Edna Burt made no extra cost. Sunday. capita, and a fourth of them are j up a party who attended the show Easter CERTIFIED LUBRICATION F. A. Miller, N. S. Phel between $7.50 and $10. “The Girl of the Limberlost” in Vale an, Mesdames Chairman Gerry Manville, of Difficult hair our ; Wednesday W. J. Gibson, Leo Betts, E. H. These and many other figures on night. After the show Brumbach, R. L. Haworth, Harry city asse s.-d valuations and tax lev- Malheur Better Housing Committee, Specialty they enjoyed a waffle supper at the Russell, application has been Tom Godwin and Misses is are included in detail in bulletin reports for that : McElroy home In Vale. SERA funds to assist the Henderson, Weir and Johnston at No. 10. just issued by the Bureau of made in conducting a Better Hous tended County Council of P- T. A. Municipal 11 : :arch of the Univer county Evelyn's canvas. It is believed a lot of Grandma Betts is visiting at the at Ontario Saturday. sity of Oregon and the League of ing modernization work can be develop S. B. Davis home. Mrs. Ray Cartwright, Miss Helen Oregon Cities. ed in that area as soon as weather B eau ty Shop The Elmer Stradley, Hugh Glas Cartwright and Mr. Wesley Lyons The average assessed value of conditions An Independent Station become more favorable. gow and George Herald families en were guests of relatives in Nampa Oregon cities, per person, computed NYSSA joyed Easter dinner at the Buel Sunday. on a 50 per cent assessment ration. Nyssa, Oregon Clement home. M. and Mrs. L. Eachus and Mr. Is $695. The average for the entire Mrs. Aden Wilson, Eddie Powell and Mrs. Claud Eachus were Cald state, including both city and rural and Mrs. Otto Keller and son en areas, is $725. For Nyssa the average joyed a fishing trip on Burnt river well visitors Saturday. ad a visit to the Powell mine last Joe Gardner went to Boise Thurs is $380 per capita. day to transact business and spend Gearheart, which also levies the Sunday and Monday. "follottr theJeaJer! with friends. highest per capita tax. Is the “rich \ Easter Mesdames C. E. Peck, F. A. Miller, est” city in the state, with a per E. H. Brumbach and R L. Haworth capita assessed valuation of $2263. MARKET FINDER attended Book Club at the home of Portland ranks second with $885 per Mrs. H. R. Otis in Adrian Friday. capita, while Roseburg is third with Try our Market Finder to dis “Green Light” was reviewed by Mrs. $809, the survey shows. pose of surplus goods, rent a The average city tax rate for the house, find lost articles, to buy or M. M. Greelin'?. BA SS H U E T E R PAINT Mr. and Mrs. Lora Pillsbury were state, on a 50 per cent valuation sell produce and many other uses. basis, is 21.3 mills. Nyssa, on a 50 Rates one cent a word per Inser Caldwell visitors Wednesday. cent basis, would pay 26.2 mills tion. Minimum 15c. A daughter was bora to Mr. and per per person, although on the regular Mrs. Homer Brewer at the Caldwell county assessment ratio the rate Sanitarium .April 18. is 25.7. The highest is 78.1, second ducks, chick Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brewer went to 75.2, and third 71.3. Of cities over WANTED—Turkeys, ens, gese at highest market prioea. Caldwell Friday to make the ac 5,000 population Corvallis Is lowest Twenty-six years In the same place. quaintance of their new grand with 17.5. Hillsboro, with 16.3 Is the C H. BOWMAN, Payette, Idaho. daughter. « lowest In the 2500 to 5,00 population Phone 163. tf. When furniture begins to look a bit dull and unin Ezra Brumbach who attends group In the over 5.000 group, how teresting it may only need a color cocktail. The recipe Our Regular Stock It Grain Fed Beef school at Spokane spent his Easter ever, Pendleton has a lower mileage TRUCKING—Coal, wood, grain, is simple: One part color-imagination and two parts vacation at his home. levy, 13, than Corvallis, but Its asses- produce, gravel, and, livestock, EAT MORE MEAT Lustrelac Quick-Drying Enamel. Brush on easily and Mr. and Mrs. John Holly and Mr. ment ration is much higher than anything moving. We'll haul It smoothly and allow to stand ’til dry (about 4 hours). anywhere. H U O H GLASGOW and Mrs. Dan Holly and children of that in effect in Corvallis. It will stimulate your whole room—you’ll feel the Copies of the study, which in Phone 36F3. tf Adrian and Mr. and Mrs. N. S. effect yourself! And the dullest furniture will go gay Phelan enjoyed an Easter dinner at cludes every city in the state, may I DO ALL kinds of hemstitching | NYSSA OREGON and sprightly on you. 14 sparkling colors. the F. A. Miller home and then at be obtained from the Bureau of and small pleating. My prices are Municipal Research at the univer tended a show in Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach, Joe sity at Eugene. and Ezra were Easter guests in the s' Rex Brumbach home In Vale. MARTIN REAPPOINTS DEBT Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Haworth and ADJUSTMENT COMMITEES daughters were Easter guests in the J4PT-40CQT. Rex Brumbach home in Vale. M-. and Mrs. R. L. Haworth and daughters were Easter guests at a Expressing hearty approval of the B&H Kalsomine family gathering at the S. Haworth work accomplished during the past 9c per lb. two years and a desire for the con home in Star. tinuance of farm-debt adjustment work through the voluntary com Bungalow House plan, Governor Martin has CONTEST STARTED mittee committees in each coun Paint—All Colors TO HELP DESTROY appointed ty of Oregon. committee for Malheur coun $2.40 a gallon PREDATORY BIRDS ty The consists of P. Tensen of Nyssa, E. M. Greig, Ontario, P. M. Boals, Pay The Malheur County Fish and ette, Full Line D. C. Deming Vale, and H. G. Game league Is sponsoring a cam Joseph, Welser. All these men have paign against mapgies and crows, served on this committee previously. McCormick-Deering the campaign starting April 1st and $69.50 ending June 30th. Prizes will be of PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Repairs fered for the most points in the contest. Points will be scored as fol lows: Crow heads, 4; crow eggs, 1 each; magpies 4 and magpie eggs, 1 each. will be necessary to qual D on’t N eglect OREGON ify 500 in points NYSSA the contest. The time to think about safety is when you’re O. G. Luehrs of Ontario is giv buying a new car. So note this: In the big, new Y our Cooling ing a .22 rifle for high prize and fast Plymouth you have two great safety fea the Malheur Fish and Game league Is adding $5.00 for second and $3 for tures which have sold more than a million Ply- System third prize. mouths in the past few years . . . and which are Social N otes - - SHELL PRODUCTS Noreott Service Station A Pick-me-up for jaded furniture NYSSA PACKING CO. LUSTRELAC Quick-Drying ENAMEL THE 2 GREAT SAFETY FEATURES n 70c That Sold A Million Plymouths 1. Genuine Hydraulic Brakes. 2 . Safety Steel Bodies. EDER HARDWARE CO. GUILTY!. .O U R COAL Has Been Accused of— —Furnishing More Heat —Less Ash and —Greater Economy —We ADMIT ITS GUILT— And Sentence it to hard duty in your furnace or range. We know it will make good. Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Dwight Smith, Manager NYSSA See Us For Building Supplies PHONH 15 OREGON / DOCTOR TOLD HER HOW TO LOSE 17 POUNDS OF FAT GOSSIPERS PEEVED Mrs. Robert Hickey of Roseville, Calif., writes: "My doctor prescribed Kruschen Salts for me—he said they I wouldn't hurt me In the least. I’ve I lost 17 lbs. In 6 weeks. Kruschen is I worth its weight in gold.” | Mrs. Hickey paid no attention to {gosslpers who said there was no safe way to reduce—envious women who don’t like to see others youthfully slim. She wisely followed her doc tor’s sdvlce. Why don't YOU. Get a jar of Kruschen to-day 'lasts 4 weeks and costs but a trifle and If you don't lose 12 lbs. and feel years younger and healthier—money back. Simply take half teaspoonful In cup of hot water every morning (tastes fine with Juice of half lemon added). The Nyssa Pharmacy sell lots of It. —Advertisement. Complete Flushing and Cleaning treat ment, including can of Super Solvent— $1.50 selling twice as many so far this year! First, genuine hydraulic brakes, self equalizing . . . smooth stopping . . . safest made. Second, an all steel body . . . steel reinforced with steel, throughout! Plymouth alone of “All Three’’ leading low-priced cars, gives you both these vital modem safeguards. Use Super Solvent for clogged, overheating, radiators. Restores perfect circulation. 50c for can of Super Solvent big enough to clean any radiator. Jte Solder Seal to Stop Leak»-—can 75c E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Ny*»a, Oregon ✓ SEE THE NEW PLYMOUTH . . . DRIVE THE NEW PLYMOUTH. Prices start at $510 list at factory. Powell Service Station NYSSA OREGON */