Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1935)
The BERWYN Gate BURKE, City Publisher Journal publish«1 every Thursday st Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon foe transmission though the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1873. “A GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1935 Tillamook) the percentage of loss io GIRL WIN IN LIFE REPORT SHOWS SÎ NYSSA I value was less than the state aver- INSURANCE CONTEST AT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON MALHEUR CO. HAD ! age. Farmer Brown’s The repo.", shows that 22 deaths from fires during the period - - Observations Mary Margaret Hunt. Ed Labbe, 31 FIRES LAST YEAR I resulted ___________________ /* ! and Jack Mulder won the life In surance salesmanship contest held last week In the Commerce hall at Salem —(Special)— State Fire the university of Oregon and will Marshal A. H. Averill has released appear in Portland before the Life a report showing a summary of In Insurance Underwriters association sured fire losses reported for the May 16 where they will be placed ac various counties of the state for the year ending December 31, 1934. cording to their abilities. Six students competed in the con This report shows 4283 fires for test, which took the form of at the period as compared with 4620 tempting to sell an insurance policy fires for the same period In 1933. to a client picked by each contest- The actual loss sustained was $2,- a rt I 402,008 as compared with *2,713.360 The winner in the Portland con for the same period In 1933. The test will have his or her name en losses paid by insurance amounted graved upon a plaque and will be to »2,067,733 as compared with $2,- presented with an Individual award. 266,275 fo rthe same period in 1933. All three contestants will divide a the period the percentage cash prize which has been created of During fire loss to the value of property by the Life Insurance Managers’ as at risk for the entire state was 4.53 sociation of Oregon. cent as compared with 3.44 for Judges for the contest were: How per the same of 1933. In six coun ard Pickett, district manager of the ties of the period state (Baker, Clackamas, Oregon Mutual Life Insurance com- Clatsop, Columbia, Multnomah and pany; Mrs. Maud Morse agent for Equitable Life Insurance company of New York; and March Goodwin, agent for the Aetna Life Insurance company. deer edetur : boy, the be shore growln on awl sides now. and do you notls the gray In the whiskers of our onerabul mayer. the storm and SUBSCRIPTION RATES I strife and handlin the manure and ............................................................. »1.50 I other monetus qwestions arisin In One Year ._. ........................................... Tie | our fare city, has shure plaised the Six Months ! gray in don’s hare. and the fawls teeth must be qwlte a problem tew. ADVERTISING RATES sum peepul say this be a fast aige, but it aint so fast after awl, bekoz Rates for Advertising will be furnished to both I/Ocal and Foreign it taikes the average woman 50 years Advertisers upon application. Classified Ads lc per word per Inser to reech her 35t5h burth day. tion. tother day i wuz talking to burt boxie when a air plain flue over hed. INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC bert sea, sez he “that a mail plane.” IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE “my gosh bert" sez I to him sez 1, EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY. whut good eyes you must have to tel the sex of the plane that fer 'this, the matter of control Is not an ,awa.’ AN OUNCE Individual matter. No farmer or 1 day last weak w. c. Jackson and DF PREVENTION— business man can afford to sit back tom nordale wuz talkin. sez tom to because they have no I w. c. sez he “thare is only 1 honest One of the questions confronting unconcerned noxious weeds in his imme way of maikin muney." “whats that' the residents of this county, whether diate vicinity. present They are spread so sez w. c. “well,” sez tom, sez he “1 they be fanners or business men, Is easily, by stock, by birds, by Irriga didn’t think you wud kno.” the noxious weed problem. Some tion water, by the wind, by farm lm- mack the barber, sez that from work was started several years ago ! pIcn-.cnts. No farm is safe while hear on no 1 kin roll any beer bar- to eradicate these weeds, but they there noxious weeds present in the mis In his shop, unless they be are slowly gaining. The county tract. empty. agent's office and some of the more Control and eradlction measures yores trulie, Farmer Brown. conscientious farmers have been will accomplish but little unless the COMMUNITY CHURCH fighting these weeds with spray, gas, all-important question of pure seed Sunday School 10 o’clock. smother crops and by pulling them, is given attention. No farmer can Morning Worship 11; 15. Sermon but they are slowly gaining and each afford to take a chance on Inferior theme: The Advancing Church. BATTER UP year the problem becomes more ser seeds. Pure seed laws should be en- Junior League 5:30. ious. froced, and if necessary, they should Senior Epworth League 7 o’clock, Baseball dope gathered from The habits and characteristics of be strengthened to protect our far and near . . . Praise and Evening Worship 8 o’clock. noxious weeds are such that they growers. As the farm and livestock panning . . . facts and figures. Prayer and Praise service Wednes are Impossible of complete eradica Interests is pactically the only source day evening 8 o’clock.. tion. Seeds of morning glory have of wealth in Malheur county, this OREGON TRAIL been buried 40 years in government questlori is just as vital to the busi experiments, and when dug up and ness man as It Is to the fanner. The league season starts Sunday Sunday School 10:30. planted they had practically 100 per when Nyssa travels to Middleton Worship 2:30 . cent germation. The problem is not for the opening game. Caldwell plays so much one of complete eradica COOKING _____ CLUB MEETS j at Nampa, Boise at Emmett and On- | IRONSIDE HOLDS tion as It Is of control. These weeds P'a^ at Payette on the must be kept from going to seed. By Division 3 of the cooking club of ! tar'° COMMUNITY MEET fighting the weeds as they appear, the KiRony met at the Slippy home i opening day. The first home game and by preventing any plants from with their leader Mrs. Schaffer Sat- wiU 1)6 Sunday, May 5th, with Nam- Ironside—Approximately 100 per Pa furnishing opposition for the sons attended the community meet going to seed, they can be kept un urday. Eileen Slippy baked te bread home team. ing Friday night. A play ‘‘The Spin der control. and the other girls prepared a full sters Club," Interspersed with song, In an Irrigated country such as meal for a club project. The practice game Tuesday even readings and musical numbers was ing failed to furnish much practice given. After the program dancing ^ I for anyone .The weather was too was enjoyed until a late hour. A de cold for good baseball and Nyssa’s licious lunch was served at mid team was far from intact. The Col night. The school children will have lege of Idaho ran around the bases charge of the May meeting. until they were tired and then Nys Mrs. Esther Perkins of Prairie sa started running around in the City visited this week at the home final innings. The game was called of her daughter Mrs. Fred Laurance.. when it was too dark and cold This section of the country had For the benefit of the people of Nyssa who de to off play the score 21 to 9 or another fine rain last week. sire a richer milk than the Holstein milk which something. with The game was entirely The Ralph Beam family visited at we have delivered for the past several years, we different from the close contest the parental E. J. Beam home last the locals handed the College Sunday. have recently purchased some Guernsey cows, when Ed. Oakes was In Vale several and are now delivering high test Guernsey milk, a 1 to 0 defeat. days last week serving on the grand produced in one of the most modem and sani The practice game at Ontario jury. tary plants in this section of the country, accord Sunday turned out bad for the Mrs. Fred Laurance was hostess to locals, who lost 7 to 2. Nyssa scored the Ladles club last Wednesday with ing to dairy authorities. runs in the first inning and twenty-three members and one We still maintain our high-standard Hol jtwo present. Mrs. Laurance and were hitting freely but after the first visitor Bud Sherman entertained with stein milk, which is considered by medical auth Inning the hits were few and far be- Mrs. a clever and original program In The players were glad to get keeping orities everywhere as the best milk for babies ] j tween. with Easter and very much that game out of their system so and growing children. j when the season starts they will be enjoyed by all. The hostess served We produce milk for everybody’s needs. Try playing real ball. Burton and Ram- a delicious lunch. The S. Rose family and Mrs. baud pitched for the locals. it! Arthur Simpson were Vale visitors At an election Tuesday evening, Monday. “Babe” McCullough was elected The Earl Loftons were also Vale Tuesday. playing captain for the coming sea visitors and Mrs. W. J. Hinton and son. Dewey Ray is business manager, two Mr. daughters Grandview, Idaho, and is doing a good job of it; and It Miss Norma of Woodhouse, Norma will be up to “Babe’ ’to put a win White and Mr. Fry of Boise all ning combination on the field. the week end at the Elms and The next home game for the high [ spent White home. On Saturday a birth school squad will be next Tuesday day was given in honor of when New Plymouth will tangle H. C. dinner Elms. Frank Elms a son from with the locals. Unity was also) present. Mrs. Schall and daughters of On OREGON TRAIL tario visited at the Ed. McDeRoe home on Easter Sunday. P.-T. A. ELECTS OFFICERS FRIDAY LEGION AUXILIARY WILL SELL FLOWERS FOR MOTHER’S DAY At the regular meeting of the | Oregon Trail P.-T. A. Friday. April The Legion Auxiliary held their j 19 the following officers were elect- regular meeting last Thursday night Jed; Mrs. Albert B. Hopkins, presi- with Mrs. Don Graham and Mrs. jdent; Mrs. William DeGrofft, secre Archie Howell, hostesses. It was de tary and treasurer; and Annie cided to sell flowers and potted i Holmes, pianist. Retiring officers plants for Mothers’ Day. After their are Albert B. Hopkins, president; meeting they joined the Legion in a Mrs. Lloyd Adams, vice-president; | joint social. Mrs. J B. Smith, secretary and j ----------------------- treasuer; and Mrs. William De- ! APPROVES LOANS AN O TH ER H O M E BU R N S 1 Orofft, pianist. _____ The P.-T. A. will sponsor a com- The Federal Housing Admlnlstra- munity picnic May 10 on the school tion has approved 3.580 loans under / P you are underinsured, or if you let grounds. This is planned for an all the Mutual Mortgage Insurance your fire insurance lapse even for a single day affair. I.system, known as Title II of the ---------------------- - I National Housing Act. The average day. your property values are exposed to USE JOURNAL WANT ADS amount of these mortgages Is $4,532. le.-s. amount of Insurance carried on ind the amount of Insurance P ri id. The report shows that Malheur county with a population of 11.269 had 31 fires; sound value $98,429; actual loss »58.991; and amount as compared with 22 deaths far the the insurance *79.990; losses paid same period in 1933, while 180 per of »49,497; per cent of loss to value sons were Injured from fires as com 59.93 per cent. pared with 173 for the previous year. The report segegates the loss of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McNall and each county of the sustained, state as to sound th e, Mrs. Wm DeGroft were in Boise number of fires value of proherty at risk, actual fire, Monday. '1 Church News Guernsey Milk Sunshine Dairy Evenjlw© Minutes loss. Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy much valuable property in a brief time. Y ou owe it to yourself to be carefully protected. H ow could you be adequately compensated for your loss if you were uninsured or underinsured? Let us help you obtain an ap praisal, maks suggestions, and , tunnels adequate insurant* Don jM. Graham Fire Insurance Bonds NYSSA Notary Public OREGON MODERNIZE.... Make Your* a Better Home Remodel or Build— This Spring The Thing to do ia Consult Us Now WE STILL SELL THAT GOOD ABERDEEN COAL JACKSON LUMBER CO. PHONE 47 NYSSA, OR& NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY WE RECOMMEND THEM y LOTT D. BROWN FACTS ABOUT NYSSA ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Population, (1930) ________ ___ Recent estimates ______ _____1000 Elevation _____________ _____.2186 City Ofltcers Mayor _________ Don Graham Councilman .... Art Norcott, AJ Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean Smith. City Clerk _______ __ A. R. Millar City Treasurer .........Arthur Boydell Marshall _____ A. V. Cook Watermaster ............N. H. Pinkerton Health Officer ..... Dr. J. J.1 Sarazin County Officers Commissioners ...... Ora Clark, E. H. Brumbach. County Judge .....David F. Graham Sheriff ___ C. W. Glenn Clerk ----------------- ------Roy Daley Assessor _______ Murray Morton Treasurer ............. . Mrs. Ora Hope County Attorney.......... M. A. Biggs County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson County Physician,...... Dr. Anna B. Pritchett. Coroner ------------------ R. A. Tacke Superintendent.. Kathryn Claypool Nyssa Public Schools Superintendent ..... Leo Hollenberg Foots About Owyhoe Project Cost of Owyhee Dam ___ J6.000.600 7tt miles of Tunnel ......... »4.000.000 Siphons, canals, etc............»3,000,000 Owyhee dam storage capacity___ ---------------- 715,000 acre feet Heigh th of d am .................320 feet Prom lowest point of foundation to top. | Leading project city, Nyssa. Oregon j Elevation of land .....2250 to 2,500 Acres In Owyhee project, 100,00 acres Principal products ______ :___ hay, corn, dairying, s t o c k raising, grains, potatoes, clover seed, peas colons and carrots IÄY8SA OREGON TOR. C. A . ABBOTT CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office In Residence Three blooks So. M. E. Church PHONE 25 NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY Town Patrons . 2:30 to 5:30 Out-of-tawn patrons 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Mrs. Fred Marshall. Librarian ON THE OLD JOB H. D. Holmes TRANSFER and BAOOROC All Kinds of Kaolin« fat City Limits NYSSA. OREGON rheme « A. L. FLETCHER \ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NYSSA : OREGON DR. E. D. NORCOTT DENTIST Office Phone 3SF2 Residence Phone 35F3 X-RAY EXAMINATIONS NYSSA OREGON Nyssa Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 VfEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT BAOLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome BERNARD FROST, President DON M. GRAHAM. Secretary CITY TRANSFER TRUCKING and TRAN SFERRINO Phone 13 aad Phone 28 C. Klinkenberg