•ms GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, AfRIL 18, li)3S. Helen Heavron ar.d Han-y Ntm- I Ralph James of Nampa Is visiting *s ! Mrs. T. M. Spencer spent Sunday .:ick made a business visit to Baker i his sister Mrs. Chas. Toombs. ' i in Bo.se visiting her husband. Attorneys Lott D. Brown and C. Horald Hoxie was home from Saturday. M' s. Russell Vinsonhaler and Miss ! II. Coad were business visitors in Beulah last week end on account of Margaret Young were visitors In j Vale Tuoeday. sickness. Miss Beshie Hatfield Is home for Caldwell Saturday. \ Miss Beverley Guye spent the A. V. Delarm and Bert Moore week end In La Orande visiting Miss Mildred Hearron made a i a visit from Boise wnere she has Mr. arid Mrs. C. W Parmer spent been working. spent Sunday with Mr. Delarm's friends. Sunday In Caldwell with Mrs. Par business trip to Boise Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fulton were sister, Mrs. Bob Stewart at Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. M oling, Mrs. mer's nelce, Miss Ruth Danielson Mr. and Mis. Newt Thomason of Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Toombs and Herschel Thompson and Eldon Mc- Big Bend spent Friday afternoon Mrs. C. B. Short. Mrs. Conrad Martin were visitors in Ling spent Tuesday in Emmett at j at the W. B. Hoxie home. I Mrs. Susie Johnson of the upper | the parental H. B. Earp home, ! J. E. Hearron and Sid Flanagan aot springs is spending this week Ontario Monday. j Mr. and Mrs. John Lewellen and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burbidge and made a business trip to Emmett adth the C. E. Elliott family. children of Bonita made a brief visit two children visted in Vale Friday | Monday. Frank Sherwood and C. C. Cotton at the C. Klinkenberg home Satur with Mrs. Harold Hill and family. j Wm. Thomason of Midvale was a ] attended the Wild Rose grange at day. Mrs. Jess Thompson, Mi's. Art ' guest Tuesday of his aunt Mrs. W. Unity Friday evening. | B. Hoxie. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin made Norcott and Mrs. Ed. Norcott were I Don Mellne of McMinnville Is a a trip to Caldwell Tuesday after visitor in Boise Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bunny Schweizer j new member of the reclamation o f baby chicks. Mrs. Ralph Richardson of Hill moved their new trailer house to fice force here. | Mr. and Mrs. Max Schweizer spent City, Idaho, came to Nyssa Tuesday Beulah Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Barr Sunday with Mrs. Schwelzers' aunt to look after property here. She was Doolittle helped them move. a guest of Mrs. John Hunter, j Mrs. Elma Simpson in Boise. Miss Maria McElroy spent last Herman Towne, Howard Larsen, week end helping her brother Tom | Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vinsonhaler spent the week end in Midvale at Ed Pruyn and his mechanic attend of Vale drive their cattle to sum : the Sam Keithley home, parents of ed a welding demonstration in Boise mer range above Brogan. one night last week. Mrs. Vinsonhaler. Mrs. T. C. Simmons, who now The W. C. T. U, met at) the home lives near Lincoln spent the week W. H. Russell, who has been with of Mi's. Mary Toombs for a business his son Tommy Russell on the new end at the parental T. T. Elliott SPECIAL PRICES | project, left Tuesday for a visit at and social meeting Tuesday after home. noon. the family home in Hollywood, Mrs. Malcolm Crawford a n d On Mr. and Mrs. Vic Marshall retum- daughter l Frank Wilson returned from the Marilyn returned from Veterans hospital Monday. He is the last of the week from a visit to Ogden, Utah, where she has been EASTER j recovering nicely from a sinus oper- Flint, Mich., and other mid-western visiting the past three weeks with cities. ' atlon. relatives and friends. PERMANENTS E. W. Wilkins, Salem, field repre Mr. Leo Hollenberg Is enjoying The Ed DuPre family from near BRING YOUR sentative of the World War Veterans a visit from his mother who came Ontario spent Sunday at the Dale * Reg. $5 wave $3.50 j ' from of the state aid commission was in i \ Corning. California, for an ln- Garrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Her- town conferring with Donald M. schel Thomposn were also visitors of Easter Bonnet Reg. $3.50 wave $2.50 ' definite visit here. and Mrs. J. E. Hearron and Graham Monday in regal d to prop- > the Garrisons Sunday. $ . 1 Reg. $2.50 wave $1.95 I son Mr. Johnnie returned last Wednes- erties owned by the state here. Mrs. Laura Fisher and Miss Mae Cln and let us design Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson spent Keizer drove to Fruitland Wed I day from Yakima where they were ^complimentary Coiffure^ ' called by the death of Mrs. Hear- the week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. nesday evening to get Gladeen Nick Leuck, parents of Mrs. John-j Fisher who has been visiting at the ron’s father. Mrs. C. E. Elliott, Mrs. Wyott Pat son in Baker. * Hezeltine heme there. George Ray is convalsecing from j Mrs. Ray Northrop of Maywood, iO on’t neglect yourself— o terson and Mrs. Susie Johnson were BEAUTY SHOP a recent operation for goitre at the business visitors in Vale Tuesday. Calif., sister of Mrs. Geo. McKee woman’s beauty is her\' They returned by way of Ontario St. Alphonsus hospital in Boise. Mrs. I arrived Friday and has been visiting ''a V v Mae Keizer, Operator John Ray. Sr., his mother, has been where Mrs. Elliott got some baby Mrs. McKee and wiih relatives in ^greatest asset. with him. He is reported to be r e - ! Wilder. She plans to leave for her chicks. covering nicely. home today. A delegation of Rebekahs and Odd i Jack McConnell came down Tues RUBYE LOU Fellows attended a pie social at On- day on business. The McConnell Ò ! tarlo Wednesday night given by the sheep outfit are lambing near Nig £ BEAUTY SHOP Ontario lodge. About $15 was pre- ger Rock this year and Jack re ! sented to the Nyssa lodge for their ports considerable rain and snow the NPHONE 16 Nyssal I building fund. past ten days. Fill Up W. O. Jackson and A1 Thompson I spent the wepk end in Portland. With They w r e accompanied home by , Mrs. Ralph Beutler of Salem, j STANDARD daughter of Mr, Thompson. She is I visiting with her parents and other relatives here. Chas. Davidson and wife were visiting frirnds in Nyssa Wednesday. | Tho Davidson' are former residents of Nyssa, having run a barber shop I here for many years but left here 20 I yeas ago. They are living on a farm I out from Nampa at the present time. Mrs. Lucille Johnston returned j Let Us Grease your car regularly with Standard , home Wednesday from Sutherlln, j j Oregon, where she had accompanied Products Mrs. J. B. Smith on a visit to Mrs. Smith's sister Mrs. J. C. Campbell. Mrs. Smith remained and will at Drop in and see the New Plymouth tend the golden wedding anniver sary of her sister. Mrs. W. H. King, mother of Mrs. C. L. McCoy returned to her home In Pendleton Wednesday after spend ing the winter here. Mrs. McCoy drove her mother over and will Open Day and Night spend Easter vacation with her children Gayle and Robert, who are students of St. Joseph's Academy. Ted Newell made a trip to Walla *A TH O R O UGH BRED FOR EVERY HEAtf 1 Walla last week end to get Mrs. Newell and baby who have been The name THOROUGHBRED on a hat is an as visiting relatives and friends there for the past two weeks. They re surance that it is a quality hat— one of class and turned Sunday evening. Mrs. D. E. distinction. Newell, mother of Mr. Newell, who has been visiting here for some time You will better understand what this means returned to her home in Freewater. ! Little News of Nyssa j li B E J J 77 7 r—"-7 " . ------------ PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING Bernard and Son SEE US FOR ESTIMATES . . . Call 75W Parma PARMA — IDAHO IwM i'for it. T h e Vogue GAS TH O R O U G H B R E D Jy D I C K 7* POWELL GLO R IA STUART, ADOLPHE M ÏN J O U , O L ÏN D A F A R R fll 3 S O N G HITSI 30 0 GORGEOUS GIRLSI 13 STARSI Coming — SUN-MON-TUES, April 28-30 Will Rogers in “ LIFE BEGINS AT “ 40” POWELL’S SERVICE STATION NYSSA Phone 1 GROCERY S P E C IA L S ...FOR... Friday and Saturday APRIL 19 and 20 OATS, 9 lb. b a g ....................................................39c CORN MEAL, White or yellow, 9 lb. bags 35c COFFEE, Hollywood, 1 lb. glass ja r .......... 28c COFFEE, Yellow Bag, 1 lb.................................. 16c SOAP, Bob White, 10 b ars............................... 25c BAKING POWDER, KC, 50 oz. s iz e .......... 33c TEA, 1 lb. package, G reen............................. 29c PORK & BEANS, Van Camps, medium size, 3 cans fo r .........................................................17c SHRIMP, 2 cans fo r ........................................... 25c DEVILED MEAT, 1-4 lb. cans, 3 fo r ............ 10c TOMATO JUICE, 14 oz. cans, 3 fo r ............ 25c CRACKERS, 3 lb. box, each ...........................37c WASHING POWDER, White King large size package .................................................. 29c LOST FAT Fooled Gossipers Mrs. X R. McCausland of Pitts burgh writes: "I took off 8 lbs. in two weeks with Kruschen. I ate as usual and feel fine.” You .too. oan safely reduce as Mrs. McCausland did if you’ll have a mind of your own. Pay no attention to gossiprrs who wouldn't want to see you the slender woman you can be if you'll take a hail teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts In a cup of hot water every morning .(Tastes fine wth juice of half a lemon added.) i Kruschen is SAFE—it’s a health treatment and when your body abounds with Kruschen fitness—ex cess fat leaves. Jar lasts 4 weeks and costs but a trifle—'.any drugstore. The Nyssa Pharmacy sells lots of It. —Advertisement. PHONE 21 NYSSA, ORE. Wilson Drygoods The Friendly Store NYSSA OREGON Easter Box Candy Baskets— Greeting Cards— Candy Novelties NYSSA PHARMACY ^llll!llllllllll!llllllllll!lllllilllllllllllllllllllllil!l!ll!!lll!!ll!llll!lllllllllllll!lll!llllillllll!illllll!lll!lllll|||||!|||||||l!l|!l!|||||||||||||||||||||i;ii|||||||||||||||||||||^ BIG REDUCTIONS IN WOMENS SILK DRESSES - - just a sort of ‘beauty’ hint . . . . E- These must be moved by Easter and we have put E a very attractive price on these fine silk dresses. Regular $7.95— Reduced to Only $6.50 Regular $5.95— Now Priced at $4.50 Mr. and Sirs. Bert Barker are back from the east with lots of Women’s Wash new ideas for your Beauty HOSE DRESSES Make an Appointment now for ycur Easter Permanent. E velyn's B eauty Shop Absolutely Independent 98 c to $1.95 Special . . . . i Caldwell’s oiler caldwellsstore ... n >». ' Work. W ilson G rocery when you look at our new arrivals of THOR OUGHBRED straw hats, which include the most advanced styles in the season’s popular straws. Not all straws suit all faces. Let’s fit your face with the one that will be pleasing to you. NYSSA Regular 89c. Special Now Only 69c. 2 pair $1.19. We are putting an r tractive price on thece to move them quick. Be Sure T o See Our Window Display Regular 98c — Now Priced at only 79c. Remember the Shoe Sale! Regular $1.49 Now 98c 5ÏI llillilllllilliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliili lltlilnililiiliH llitiil SPORT JACKETS Every Man and Boy will want one for $4.25 up. == M SFRING TROUSERS $3.95 and Up EH BELTS to go with your Easter Cloth) s. Snappy E-. new white styles at 98c. Also some as low as 50c. e i OILCLOTH SPECIAL— 29c Yard g E A - . cP. HATS— Hurry to get that new Easter Hat — $1.55 and $2.95. Er Ei New Patterns =3 DRUG BARGAINS at our Novelty Counter. rH Nationally advertised brands in 10c sizes. \m ä