FARM TOPICS Parma, Edited by Nysiia, Idaho BALDBIDGE IMPLEMENT CO. Oregon A homely example of modem Burnt grain drill with seeder progress and the advantages of attachment from us this week. machine methods U that it only The Van Burnt has an extra takes one-third as much cloth to heavy galvanized steel grain box make a dress now as It used to and a life time guarantee on the take to make a Mother Hubbard, disc hub bearings. The latest and still It costs three times as thing in grain drills will be found much. in the John Deere Van Burnt line. Andrew McGinnis has been giving the basement of the Ore­ The Budget gon Trail school a new coat of Hubby and friend wife were Kalsomine. Puller's Hot Water going over the family budget. Wall Finish was used to obtain Frequently he ran across an item, the best results. It spreads easier “H.O.K. $3.00,” another, “H.O.K and makes a nicer Job. We have $7.00.” it in the bulk as well as package. “My dear,” he said “what is Our price is 10c per lb. this H.OJC?" “Heaven Only Knows,” she Many took advantage of our replied. paint sale which closed last Sat­ urday. Mrs. Eulah Kelley purch­ The Fairbanks-Morse platform ased paint for her five houses. H. scale is a good one. Both the 500 T. Francis, Wendell Pogue, W. F. lbs. and 1000 lb. capacity are McLing and others also bought made entirely of steel. Mr. Jake paint for their homes. Mrs. Groot Just got one of the 1000 lb. James McCain of Jordan Valley scales from us. They come in added an order for porch-deck mighty handy on the farm. paint to the list. Wherever Fuller Paints are used one can be as­ We are glad to see our Idaho sured of a first class Job. Kleen friends coming to Nyssa to do Cp With Fuller*. their trading. No “Pennies for Benny" in Nyssa, as some one has Genaro Plaza and R. C. Corn­ said. “C. Ben Ross is the best ett purchased a 4-horse Van governor Oregon ever had.” s ------------------ X BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ‘v _____________ _____ / ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALB OREGON Anna B. Pritchett D. O. OSTEOPATHY —And— ELECTROTHERAPY PHONE 201 VALE - - - OREGON PORTRAITS OF QUALITY Expert Kodak Finish­ ing. Mail us your films. HEATER STUDIO Ontario, Oregon Guarantee Work WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Paciflo Ontario Oregon Vale Hot Springs Sanitarium DR. D. A. SEXTON, Prop. Rheumatism, Diabetes, Paraly­ sis, Influenza, successfully treated. Mineral Water 212 Deg. Fr. ROOMS AND BOARD At Reasonable Rates DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing on th e care of C hildren's Eye*. ONTARIO OREGON FARMERS ! We grind Flour, Cereal, Cow Feed. Horse Feed, Chicken Feed for small chicks and hens. We clean seed grain and treat it for smut at a very small cost to you. Look us over—our prices are RIGHT. Nyssa Flour Mill P. M. WARREN, Owner Phone 36F2 Nyssa Auction Sale Every Saturday beginning at 12 o’clock. The largest and best market for all kinds of livestock, farm machinery and furniture! is the PAYETTE AUCTION EXCHANGE “The Place where Buyer and Seller Meet A. C. FENSKE. Prop. PAYETTE, IDA. PHONE 104J HI-SHEEN DRY CLEANING Makes old olothes look tike new. safe, feeds the fabrics, odorless—true quality clean­ ing. Try our new Hl-Sheen Dry Cleaning ONTARIO PRESSARY Nyssa Agent: Mrs. Margaret Pashley. PLUMBING EXPERTS . . . . CONTEST IS HELD AT IRONSIDE Parma ' ------- ------------------ J- ~ - ............ - - - .................. NYSSA SCHOOL NEWS Thursday from a --- business trip to Salem. CTUB COOKED FOOD SALE The 4-H Club of Kingman Kolony will hold a cooked food sale at the Holly Brothers store In Adrian Sat- afternoon. Proceeds will be used to help pay expenses of a club member at summer school at Cor­ vallis. M. s. Gruce Hughlet and son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pettit were A very interesting talk was given .•orUanU enjoyed a br,.i visit on Sunday visitors at A. E. Nichols before the student body last week by Saturday with her slater Mrs. Jess home. Miss Heist, a teacher from India. Brown. Loyd Reily of Boise scant Sunday She described the apparel of- the Ironside—The Zone spelling con­ Mrs. Effle Downs and Mrs. Myrtle with his mother Mrs. Ida McCullum. girls, teachers and 1 adieu of liigh test was held here Friday, April 12, Stewart spent Wednesday afternoon Olive Brailey and Madylen Dailey caste and dressed some of the high with Mrs. Irene Nightengale in with Mrs. Lottie Rees. were visitors of Mamie Ruckers school girls to Illustrate them. She charge. Brogan, Jamieson, Mountain Mis. John Dyer and family and Sunday. of the modes of traveling: de- View school near Huntington, Bon­ Mrs. Buel Hickey visited Mrs. V. C. A birthday dinner was enjoyed | told scribed **»• Prtmnry and high school ita and Grouse Creek schools all Belisle Wednesday afternoon. at the J. J. Hicks home Sunday.!and SP°*“ 111 the °f India. sent contestants. Jamieson had two Mr. and Mrs. W. T Hickey spent Those were Mr. ^ i teUlng also some of the mistakes COMMON CAUSE OF winners, Mountain View two. Grouse Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. A Do- Mrs. R. entertained S. McTyre. Mr. and Mrs. madeubyT '* « V * * * unacquainted I Cre< k one and Ironside had to. They man. Gee of Roswell. Mr. and Mrs wlth Indlan ton«ue v | were Charlette Walkins of the 8th Valley View and Cairo played Ray Fred Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Wade [ i grade and Ida Bessie Jone of the baseball on Friday, April 5th. The Robinson. of rhe chief cause« of premature gray- If you see someone dashing One ¡5th, who will represent the Ironside score was 7 to 7 for the boys. The Mrs. Mattie Clendenlng an d around falling hair and ultimate baldneaa la and earnestly entreating oess. lack of circulation in the scalp. j school in the finals at Vale on the Valley View girls won by 2 points. To overcome bring an abundant ‘26th. The ladies served a free dinner Richard and Elizabeth Farnsworth daughter Myra and Ed. Robinson “April showers bring May flowers." supply of blood this to and nourish the hair roots, were Boise visitors Monday. massage scalp at night with Japaneae Oil. ifor everyone. don’t be alarmed. It's probably Just are two new students In the school. antiseptic counter-irritant | Miss Florence Johnson, who is Their parents Mr. and Mrs. Guy The Ladles aid will meet this week one of the Biology students en­ the Thousands of men and women report «max. ing results in stopping falling hair, grow­ i staying with Mrs. Earl Lofton visit­ Farnsworth are living on the former at the home of Mrs. J. I. Boston. deavoring to make their flower col­ ing new hair on bald areas and ed her mother at Fruitland last Leavitt ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen visited lection complete before the end of ing dandruff and itching scalp. in eliminate Wednesday. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. dene school. Japanese Oil costs but 60c at any drug, Hallen Snow Is the newly appoint­ gist. Economy size. $1. FREE “The Truth Reed. Mr. Fox, who is employed by Ed ed librarian. Write Dept. 36- Oakes, has moved his wife and baby The honor roll for the ujjper Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith of Supt. Leo Hollenberg returned About N the A T Hair.” IO N A L R E M K D T CO. SD W e st 4 5 th S tree t* N ew Y o rk here. They are living on the Ander- grades the past six weeks is as fol- the Owyhee District were in Apple son ranch. ows: Elizabeth Farnsworth, Paul Valley Friday calling at the home Morg Carlile of Jamieson, who is Kirby, Ralph Hickey. Homer Brewer of Mrs. Orln Oldsberg. the water master this year was call­ and Darrela Pickering. The Senior class of the Parma ing on the fanners Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith moved high school enjoyed a party Friday Sunday. evening on the river near the Leigh onto the D. T. Sleep ranch. The Ben Jones family of Brogan Mr. and Mrs. Bud Schultz moved ranch. visited at the Eli Rose home last onto the D. T. Sleep ranch. Mrs. Eva Newgen returned to Sunday. Wilder Sunday after a two weeks The Glee club girls motored to Mrs. Bud Shermon spent the past Wednesday to participate In visit with the L. E. Newgen family. week visiting her parents at Rob­ Vale the music festival. Before returning Mildred Fisher Is working at the inette. She returned home Saturday. they enjoyed a plunge in the Vale E. G. Johnson home In Parma. Elmer Lawrence sold his cattle to natatorium. Mrs. T. H. Brewer, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Freeson of Em­ Eugene and Lewis Pratt of Nyssa. Alva Amidon and Mr. and Mrs. W. mett spent Sunday with Mr. and They received them last Wednesday. E. Brown accompanied the girls and Mrs Henry Meier, calling on Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence who have the girls a".d their director Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Fisher in the after­ resided here the past two years Wilma Billups. noon. have moved to one of the Rouse ranches at Unity. C. F. Wise and grandson Fahy Tague of Nyssa delivered two horses by trailer to Coy Wise Saturday. THANK YOU Mrs. Jack Cover returned home LORE and more travelers ore “coming bach" to the from the Ontario hospital this week train every day, to save time, cost, worry. On your We appreciate the fine patronage we have en­ and is recovering nicely from a next trip, go by train. Enjoy fast, safe travel, In com­ plete comfort in our modern coachci for o-Iy 2c recent operation. joyed since opening our store in Nyssa and wish a mile (even less for round trips). A Fortsr in the Henry Parker of Ontario was here to thank the people for their trade. We invite coach is just one of many new Union Pacific features last week ith his truck and moved to make your trip moat pleasant. you to stop in and see our display of quality Elmer Lawrence to Unity. And, this summer, Union Pacific through-trains will meat. We keep good meat and sell at a fair price. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lofton and offei cool, clean, air-conditioned comfort in coaches, daughter Mrs. Lloyd Judy of Unity sleeping cars, dining and observation cars, t t no ad- Located in Tensen Building motored to Ontario on Thursday to dltlonal ! rail fare— fare a feature providod by no Fresh and Cured Meats other form of transportation. Trav Travel by train, see Lillie Lawrence who is ill in the tha modern way, at lowest cost ever. hospital She is reported to be im­ proving slowly. A ik |lour Agent for fu ll information Mrs. Frank Elms of Unity attend­ ed the zone spelling contest here Free Delivery Service UNION P A C I F I C Phone 60 Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woodcock and daughter Fern were Vale visitors Wednesday. "a* BALDNESS el PETE’S MARKET ROCKVILLE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Cunnihgham made a business trip to Caldwell Thursday and returned Monday. There has been a great deal of rain the past 2 weeks, leaving the road quite muddy. The grass Is splendid for this time of year and cattle and sheep are re­ reported to be doing fine. Andrew Greeley and family mot­ ored to Jordan Valley on business Saturday returning the same day. Frank Mullinix was 111 the first of the week but is better. Miss Alice Ketcham expects to spend the week end at her parents home In Payette. There have .been several large bands of sheep passing through en route to better grass the past two week. Joe Shaduka of Jordan purchased a new Ford truck and Is hauling hay. Plans are being made for an Easter party next Saturday night to which the entire community is Invit­ ed. There have been a number of large trucks hauling machinery to the Morrison-Knudsen constuctlon camp. Lee Strode Is very busy irrigating his farm on Sucker creek but re­ ports it will be some time before he can farm the Cow lakes farm on ac­ count of high water. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wise and fam­ ily were in Jordan Valley Saturday. Mrs. Otis Nichols who has been sick since Christmas Is Improving C. H. Armstrong, highway en­ gineer is In McDermitt. He expects to return to Baker soon. The 4-H Sewing club is doing splendid work this winter and spring under the leadership of Mrs. Beatrice Cunningham. FEEL TIRED, ACHY-. “ALL WORN OUT?” We are proud of our record as plumbing and heating experts. Whether your job is large or small, give us a n opportunity t o show you what we can do. Estimates cheerfully given. Geo. J. Kinzer Plumber Phone 134-J-2 OAK CITY JOUKNAL. THl'HSbAV. AfKlL IS. 1185. VALLEY VIEW NEWS APPLE VALLEY ZONE SPELLING Get Rid of Poisons That Make You 111 a constant backache keeping r j you miserable? Do yon suffer turning, scanty or too frequent Nyssa - Vale - Ontario CREDIT BOARD PART OF A PERMANENT, STATE WIDE ORGANIZATION OF BUSINESS AND PRO­ FESSIONAL MEN TO IMPROVE CREDIT CONDITIONS, OPERATING IN E V E R Y COUNTY IN OREGON AND IN MORE THAN 20 OTHER STATES. Monthly Delinquent List Issued DELINQUENT DEBTORS TRAILED FROM COUNTY TO COUNTY, AND FROM STATE TO STATE. MEMBERS EXCHANGE INFORMATION, THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF OUR STATE OFFICE, REPORTING THOSE WHO DO NOT PROPERLY RESPECT THEIR CREDIT. WE DO NOT GUESS AT CREDIT INFORMATION, BUT IN OUR REPORT TO MEMBERS WE LIST DEBTORS’ NAMES, ADDRESSES, AND AMOUNT OF THEIR INDEBTED­ NESS. All Debtors Notified BEFORE LISTING THE NAME OF ANY DEBTOR, WE GIVE HIM DUE NOTICE AND AMPLE TIME IN WHICH TO TAKE CARE OF HIS PAST-DUE ACCOUNTS. IT IS NOT OUR PURPOSE TO EMBARASS ANY MAN, RICH OR POOR, WHO DOES HIS BEST TO MEET HIS OBLIGATIONS. NAMES OF DEBTORS ARE NOT REMOVED FOR ANY REASON UNTIL THEIR ACCOUNTS ARE PAID. Unpaid Claims Offered For Sale WHERE PAYMENT IS PERSISTENTLY REFUSED, UNPAID CLAIMS ARE OFFERED FOR SALE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, AND ARE SOLD FOR WHATEVER THEY WILL BRING, FOR THE BENEFIT OF CREDITORS. No Commission on Collections WE ARE NOT OPERATING A COLLECTION AGENCY—DEBTORS MUST PAY DIR­ ECT TO THEIR CREDITORS. NO FILING FEES. NO. DOCKET FEES. WHEN COL­ LECTIONS ARE MADE, YOU GET THE MONEY. NO CONTRACTS TO SIGN AND RE­ GRET. urination; attacks of dizziness, rheumatic pains, swollen feet and tnklee? Do you feel tired, nervous —all unstrung? Then give toms thought to your kidneys. Be sure they function properly, for functional kidney dis­ order permits poisons to stay in the blood and upset the whole eye- Use Doan’i Pills. Doan’t are for the kidneys only. They help the kidneys cleanse the blood of health- destroying poisonous waste. Doan'i PUD ere used and recommended the world over. Get them from any druggist. Good Credit is Your Greatest Asset. It Pays to Pay When You are Notified Pioneer Service Co., Inc. OF OREGON - STATE OFFICE: EUGENE, ORE. Watch Tor Lists With Accounts For Sale DOAN’ S P IL L S /