Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1935)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, \m. OREGON TRAIL SCHOOL i Keck and Raymond Morfitt; M D , . 11; l [Walter Fox, Mrs. Clifford Fox, Miss described real premises, to-wit: „„ seventh grade, Warren Wyatt; and A v llS . XV11CllIClY I Crete Marie Foster and Frank Kam- Lots Forty (40), Forty One HOLDS SPELLING TRYOUT Plghth grade, BUI WUson and Rosie ! .'ski. (41), Forty-two (42), Forty- ------------ Keck. -5 - three (43), Forty-four (44), and LIRTHDA i PARTY The Oregon Trail school held their These pupils will compete at the Fcrty-flve (45) tn Block Three local spelling tryoutj Monday. The Owyhee school Friday at the zone (3) In Terrace Heights Addition David Sarazin entertained young following pupils were selected win- spelling contest. Winners there »dll to the City of Ontario. In Mal friends Tuesday afternoon to help ners: fifth grade. lone Bensen and compete In the finals at Vale, Frl- heur County, Oregon, lUm celebrate his sixth birthday. Prankle Wilson; sixth grade, Elsie1 day, April 28. Lou Ellen Sperry and Coleen Towne and that the title of plaintiff Is good Although only a small crowded were winners of prizes. Easter deco and valid In fee simple therein. And .......... attended an enjoyable evening was rations and lunch were served. that you be forever enjoined and - *■ had at the last party of the Eagles barred from asserting any claim ft I card series held Friday night. Grand whatever In or to said lands and AID SOCIAL MEETING fi prizes for the series of six parties premises, adverse to the title of ft were awarded with high score In plaintiff; and for such other and X bridge being won by Mrs. Earl Dan- further relief as to the Court may ft Costume Jewelry that helps complete the ley. Mrs. Nick Rudllck won high The ladies aid will hold a social | seem meet and equitable, and for prize in pinochle. Both were very meeting at the home of Mrs. Don j his costs and disbursements herein 'v New Costume I pleased with the lovely prizes given Graham next Thursday, April 25. All incurred. j the Eagles lodge. Winners for the members and friends of the aid are K Watches— Jewelry— Diamonds— Silverware at j by This summons is served upon you evening were, bridge, women, Mrs. invited to attend, by publication thereof, under and by Aden Wilson high, Mrs. Ethel Craw- vited to attend. virtue of an order duly mads and [ ford, low; men, Dick Adams, high, entered by the Honorable Charles and Art Cook, low. Pinochle wln- W. Ellis, Judge of the above entitled j ners were, women, high, Mrs. Ernest MERLE LARSON | ONTARIO, OREGON Court, on the 19th day of March, | McClure, low, Mrs. Hugh Glasgow; 1935; the date of the first publica |C )pp osite Moore Hotel Phone 265 men, high, Charles Paradis, low, D I E S SATURDAY; tion hereof is the 21st day of Nferch, ^»»«»aeeooeaeeeoeisoeeeeooeeecsieecceeee oooooeooood Hugh Glasgow d i T D i c h A nr A u / v u r r 1935, and the date of the last pub- -r . , ------------- —---- iSUKILD A 1 O W Y H E E lloation hereof ^ ^ 18th day of y ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - MONDAY BRIDGE Aprii, 1935. ■ I I Mrs. Dick Young was hostess to LOTT D. BROWN, the Monday bridge club this week, Big Bend—Friends in the Bend Complete Assortment of Attomey far Plalntiff, Mrs. Eddie Powell won high score were saddened this week by the Residence a n d addresa and Mrs. Dick Adams, low. Guests deaths of two former residents. Baker, Oregon. playing with members were Mrs. Merle Larson, a well loved boy died Russell Vlnsonhaler, Mrs. Frank Saturday at his home near Roswell Hall and Mrs. C. L. McCoy. and was burled In the Owyhee cem etery Monday afternoon where ser MARKET FINDER SUPPER CLUB Valve Springs and Valve Keepers vices were held owing to his death Try our Market Finder to dis Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Schireman being caused by scarlet fever. For all the popular cars. pose of surplus goods, rent a were hosts to the Supper Club Sun W ,F. Jacobs, a long time resident Ignition parts and coils for all cars bouse, find lost articles, to buy or day evening with a Jolly party. of Bend died Monday at a Boise sell produce and many other uses. Generator armatures. Prizes were won by Mr. Schireman, hospital where he was being treat first, and Mrs. W, F. McLing, sec ed for cancer. For several years Rates one cent a word per Inser tion. Minimum 15c. Spring bolts and bushings ond. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young he has baen water master on the played with members. Spindle bolts and bushings government ditch and lived In Wild er. The funeral services will be held FOR SALE—Four to five week old SHOWER FOR BRIDE White Leghorn cockerels. If taken Complete assortment of genuine A.C. fuel at the Wilder Baptist church Thurs Mrs. C. 2. Elliott, Mrs. Oscar day afternr' n interment will be In before next Thursday, only 15c each pump parts. Schaffer and Mrs. Wm. Toombs en the Roswell cemetery. Mrs. Maurice Judd. 4-18-ltp. tertained with a lovely shower for Elmer F park left for Portland Mrs Wyott Patterson, recent bride last Wednr :d y where he is receiv LOST—Block and tackle Wednesday Welding of all kinds— No job too tough afternoon. Return to Gate City | of the Kolony.. About thirty guests ing treatment for an injured eye. Journal for reward. It j enjoyed a pleasant afternoon with Mrs. B. O. Roberts entered the j entertainment being furnished by sanitarium Thursday FOR SALE—1 20x16 movable build all guests telling when and where Caldwell ing and 1 Red Jacket pump with they met and married their hus where shi i dc went a im jor oper bands and about the charivari. ation Friday morning. At last re cylinder and 26 feet of pipe. C. A. NYSSA OREGON Jungquist, Rt. 1. Nyssa. 4-18-ltc. | Little Donald Toombs and Betty ports she is gaining steadily. L. Eachus is reported on the sick Jean Toombs were dressed as bride LOST—Bunch of keys somewhere and gxoom and pulled a wagon dec list. south of Nyssa. Return to Journal Mrs. H. R. Hatch and Miss Helen orated with crepe paper and loaded for reward. 4-18-ltp. with many nice gifts for the hon- Hatch attended the Home Makers oree. Refreshments were served by Meeting held at Boulevard grange FOR SALE—One cabinet electric hall last Thursday. | the hostesses. sewing machine, $40, ten dollars Wade P. T. A. made nearly twenty down and terms on balance. Mrs. C. STARS SOCIAL MEETING Aprl8 ltp. eight dollars at their play last W. Barrett. The Eastern Stars held their reg Thursday evening. The 4-H girls ular meeting Monday night at the put on a short play and a panto- LOST—Brown and white Springer Spaniel, female. Answers to the Eagles hall. After the business meet mine while the grange ladies and For the benefit o f the people of Nyssa who de ing bunco was played and members men each presented their plays. The name of Peggy. Lost near the old sire a richer milk than the Holstein milk which j enjoyed a nice lunch served at tables fund needed to send two pupils to Sleep orchard. Phone 348J1, Ontario. April 181tp. ¡decorated In yellow and white, with summer school Is now complete. we have delivered for the past several years, we tapers and flowers carrying out the Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker were FOR SALE—Alfalfa seed at Frank have recently purchased some Guernsey cows, color scheme. The committee in Nampa visitors Saturday. A, Miller ranch, Adrian. Apl8-4tp. and are now delivering high test Guernsey milk, charge of arrangements was, Mrs. Mrs. H. R. Udlck came over from FOR RENT—Light housekeeping Chas. Paradis, Mrs. Don Graham, Ontario for Miss June who returned produced in one o f the most modern and sani rooms, unfurnished. Inquire at Mrs. H. T. Francis, Mrs. Ray Em- home to spend the week end. tary plants in this section of the country, accord mott and Miss Eva Boydell. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts and Nyssa Shoe Shop. ing to dairy authorities. children of Roswell were calling in WANTED—Men mechanically In MR. AND MRS. CLUB W e still maintain our high-standard Hol the Geo. Scheimer and E. H. Brum- clined to train as Dieeel Engineers. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boydell were bach homes Sunday. stein milk, which is considered by medical auth Reil opportunity If you can qualify. hosts to the Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Mr .and Mrs. Bernard and son of Write Box 147 Ontario, Oregon, 4-11 orities everywhere as the best milk for babies club Tuesday night. Mrs. Famham Parma were Bend callers Sunday. -2tp. and growing children. Sills won first prize and Mrs. Dick Grandma Stam o f Nyssa spent Adams, second. Guests were Mr. and several days visiting relatives and W e produce milk for everybody’s needs. Try FOR SALE!—Red clover seed. 3(4 Mrs. Artie Robeton and Mr, and friends in this vicinity. it! miles north of Nyssa on highway. Mrs. Dick Young. Messrs, and Mesdames C. R. Purdy, N. S. Phelan, C. E. Peck and Jacob Groot. 4-U-3tc. - 8 - BIRTHDAY PARTY W. J. Robinson of Roswell were WANTED—Pasture for about 30 Miss Mariel Fox gave a birthday among neighbors who gathered at head of young cattle. Jim Boor. 4- party Sunday in honor of her broth the Phin Case home Sunday with ll-2tp. er Clifford Fox and Jack Hoare at well filled baskets to help Mr. Case j her home at the Nyssa Tourist park. celebrate his birthday. Mrs. Case is FOR SALE—Hatching eggs, white I Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. has been sick. Leghorn, English strain. We won Mr. and Mrs. Dye Roberts and 1st at County fair. Mrs. H. E. Hlght, B. G. Roberts spent Sunday in Parma, located In Big Bend. 4-4-4tc. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Caldwell with Mrs. Roberts at the FOR SALE:—Mastadon Everbearing WANTED—MEN TO QUALIFY sanitarium. Strawberry plants. Mrs. Charles FOR GOOD PAY POSITIONS Bradley, Owyhee. A4* LEGAL ADVERTISING FOR SALE:—Baby chicks, all popu Will personally interview men TESTED GARDEN AND FIELD lar breeds. Baby turkeys and baby willing to work hard for good pay SUMMONS ducks. Custom hatching and hatch positions in Electric Refrigeration and Air Conditioning business. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ing eggs. Cain's Hatchery, Ontario, STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL Oregon. 2-14-tf Prefer men with fair education, HEUR, COUNTY. mechanically Inclined, now em-1 M A N WANTED — for Rawleigh ployed. Must be willing to devote JOSEPH MERRILL, Plaintiff Route of 800 families. Oood profits some spare time here in Nyssa to for hustler. We train and help you. vs. preliminary training to become ALEXANDER DICK80N, Defend Write today. Rawleigh Co., Dept., installation and service experts. ORD-148-SA2. Oakland, Calif. 4-4- ant. To Alexander Dickson, the above 4tp. Write, giving age, phone, present named Defendant: occupation. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE FOR SALE:—One hundred thirty good lots In Nyssa, Oregon. Terms OF OREGON: You are hereby re UTLILITIES ENGINEERING quired to appear and answer the C. C Hunt, owner. 3-21-tfc. INSTITUTE complaint filed against you in the WANTED—Turkeys, ducks, chick Phone 452 Ontario, Oregon Box 551. Beverly Hills, Calif. above entitled suit, within four ens, gese at highest market price« weeks from the date of the first . „ ., , . Twenty-six years In the same place, publication of this summons; and If [c H BOWMAN, Payette, Idaho you fail so to appear and answer for Phone 163. tf. want thereof the plaintiff will apply j to the Court for judgment, order TRUCKINO—Coal, wood, grain, and decree, adjudging and decreeing | produce, gravel, and, livestock, that you and all persons claiming 1 anything moving. W ell haul It under you, have no estate, or inter- anywhere. H U O H OLASGOW, est whatever in or to the following I Phone 36F3. tf Mrs. Dan'ey Win G r a n d Prizes 5 Easter Sunday is April 21 st ij Ginzel Jewelry Shop K E L V IN A T O R See this beautiful new model giving complete refrigeration service in every model. Everything you want in a refrigerator. 1. PRESERVES YOUR FOOD PROPERLY 2. PLENTY OF ICE FOR DESSERTS— AND QUICKLY! 3. BEAUTIFUL CABINET 4. QUIET, ECONOMICAL OPERATION It will pay you to see our line before you buy. Many models to choose from, priced at from * 99 ” NORDALE FURNITURE STORE NYSSA REPLACEMENT PARTS Larsen & Towne NORTHROP KING AND GO’S Make Yours a Better Home Remodel or Build— This Spring The Thing to do is Consult Us Now WE STILL SELL THAT GOOD ABERDEEN COAL JACKSON LUMBER CO. PHONE 47 POTATOES S pray M aterials We handle a complete line Local Idaho grown and high altitude of Spray Material for your Purple Tag Certified Russets. This is orchard and would be ideal seed for commercial crops and pleased to figure on your seed plots. See our Mr. Rogers or Mr. needs. Closson in Nyssa regarding contracts on this seed. The Idaho Equity Exchange is a grower controlled co-opera tive for the marketing and ■ ■ handling of all farm produce. ■ B THIS WITH OUR PAST TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE AND REPUTA TION OF MARKETING AND HANDLING THESE CROPS ASSURES THE GROWER OF THE BEST POSSIBLE RETURNS AND A SQUARE DEAL AT ALL TIMES. W e solicit your patronage for the coming season on this basis. Get in touch with our local representative who will be pleased to go over our deal with you. PHONE— Nyssa 103 PHONE— Nampa 655 IDAHO EQUITY EXCHANGE NYSSA, ORE. You Want To Stay H ealthy Let Swan’s breads take a regular place in your menus! They’re baked just right to give that full flavor so seldom found in bread. And there’s a kind to suit everyone in the family. The Swan Bakery OREGON NYSSA fo lia * titJm Jtrf B A S S-H U ET E R PAIN T SEEDS ANDREWS SEED CO. OREGON M O D E R N IZ E .... Guernsey Milk Sunshine Dairy up Freshly painted porches look prosperous A barber’s shave sea a man up—a new hat gives a woman confidence and a front porch freshly painted with Bass-Hueter Porch and Floor Paint steps up the whole block! This sturdy finish is grand for porches and porch steps— it guards against hurried, careless feet and it’s good paint for indoor floors and stain that get hard wear. You'll like ia eight pleasing colon. BASS-HUETER PORCH IT. q c P 6 FLOOR PAINT For wood, concrete or linoleum. Dries in about fout bouts. GAL. $3.25. B. * H. K A L SO M IN K 9c POUND MEAT... Full Line McCormick-Deering Repairs FREE BOOK For Home Owners Is the answer to that daily question “What shall 1 serve?” Fairest prices always. Our Regular Stock Is Grain Fed Beef EAT MORE MEAT N YSSA PACKING CO. NYSSA OREGON $ 60.50 72 pages of the "how and when" of house repair and paint . . . 28 color scheme*. Ask for your FREE copy. EDER HARDWARE CO. NYSSA OREGON