GATË CITY JOURNAL, TH Ü R8D A Ÿ, APRIL 1 8 .1&3& 9¡tt The Gate City Journal BERWYN BURKE, Publisher MANY VISITORS SEE S -------------------------------- ^ Farmer Brown’s - - Observations s_________ r Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postofflce at Nyssa. Oregon (or transmission though the United States Malls, as second class matter, under tha act of March 3, 1879. deer edetur: 1 notiaed by yore palper that we farmer wus invited to file a plica- tuns fur lerop lones; 1 went down and tridc it, but the man tole me i SUBSCRIPTION RATES I kundent get 1 bekoz 1 hadn't razed any krops for ten yeers, let aloan 2 One Year .... ________________________________________________ .$1.80 | years; i shure giv marthie the dick- Six Months Z .....................................................................»............. 75c uns fer lettin the land lay idul awl ' this tiem. I am shure goner fish in the dun- ADVERTISING RATES way fish pond when they get her Rates for Advertising will be furnished to both Local and Foreign reedy. 1 nevur kud git any kik Advertisers upon application. Classified Ads lc per word per inser outta fishin where you hafter wak tion. so mutch, but out thare 1 kin maik me a nise bed in the gravul, fix up INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC the ole fishin pole on a krotch, and IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE git me sum sleap. i hoap they haz EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY. her reedy this komin sumer, as i shure nead the rest. advantage in the world. We have n o 1 l sea the boys be aboot reedy to WE WILL TAKE floods to contend with, no cyclones, 'start in playin base bawl, i think no drouth. Every resident of this they orter sign up don gram, bekoz NYSSA FOR OURS— section should appoint themselves a j with his expurence in digging holes committee of one to tell those in j arid his tranein in pitchin manure other sections what a fine country, otter shure qualifi him fer pitchin. We may cuss around some when we have here. We can use more 1 i hev hed so mute tranein meself in we have a little bad weather here people of the right type and the my inspecktin wurk, 1 otter maik 1 but from the press reports of the helping hand is always ready to as- jhel uv a gud katcher. whut a bat- last month, those of us who are for- sist the man who Is willing to try tery that wud bea. peepul wud Rock tunate enough to live in Nyssa and help himself. Let’s boost Nys- 10 the gaimes to heer, sea and smel. should get down on our knees and I sa for we have all the arguments in 1 my whiskurs air Jist beginning to thank a higher being every nigh t! our fav0r; all the advantages, and Itch sumthin awful, whut a lotta for the privilege of living in this j Ict us hope we will take full ad- muney thare wud be fer sum 1 to wonderful country. The situation in vantage of our good fortune. , invent itcherless whiskurs, or sum- thin. the east is getting tragic with resi yore trulie, Fanner Brown. dents there in desperate plight. Continued high winds and devestat- Editorial Comments lng dust storms have destroyed By Clark Wood practically all the valuation in many places, with no hope for a crop; and in many sections, fanners see no There seems to be no limit to what hope of a crop for years to come. Livestock is starving, the people a nudist will Dare. Even though they never come | despondent, business is at a stand still; ns the wind makes desert across, Uncle Sam may be embar- [ EPISCOPAL CHURCH wastes out of millions of acres of rassed before long by his foreign re- \ lations. once productive soil. Good Friday service 2:30 p. m. The return of good times will sig In the Nyssa section we have some Sunday School Easter Sunday of the richest soil in the world with nify little to those who have ac 10:30. a wonderful dam only 30 miles away quired the habit of feeling poor. Easter Service 7:30 Sunday even rapidly filling with water to assure One person out of every five in ing. abundant crops. We have a pro this country is now on relief. Before Rev. Stanley Moore. gressive community, splendid long, we fear, there'll be nobody left schools, delightful climate; every to pay for the relieving. OWYHEE DAM SUNDAY The Owyhee dam was the mecca of Sunday outing parties with crowds viewing the sights of the fast-raising waters of the dam. Among visitors there Sunday and this week were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Norcott, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Llenkaemper. Conley Butler. Qtlbert and Freddie Spencer, the Leo Hollenberg family, Dean Smith family and Miss Clara Rettie, Mrs. Ethel Crawford and daughters, Mae and Sue Keizer, Bruce Hare and A. D. Moses fam ilies, Miss Eva Boydell and Miss Mae Platt and the Blackaby family ,of Ontario, Arthur Vemon Cook was a guest of Bob Johanesen at the Dam over the week end; Art Cook and Bob Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson and friends from Payette. Church News NYSSA METHODIST CHURCH GUILTY!.. OUR COAL Ha* Been Accused of— — Furnishing More Heat — Less Ash and — Greater Economy — W e ADM IT ITS GUILT— And Sentence it to hard duty in your furnace or range. We know it will make good. Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Dwight Smith, Manager See Us For Building Supplies NYSSA OREGON PHONE 15 Sunrise breakfast and devotional ! service six o'clock. This is sponsored ! by the Epworth league and everyone j is invited. Bring your bacon and jeggs. Subject of devotional service: Scientific Confirmation of the Res urrection. Sunday School 10 o'clock. Morning Worship 11:15. Sermon Theme: The Eternal Hope. Christening service 11:30. Special Easter Music. Reception of members at the end of the service. Baptismal service at the river at four o’clock. h The Easter Pageant “Blind Betty” will be presented at eight o'clock. This is given under the direction of Mrs. J. E. Wolfe. Constipation 6 Years Trouble Now Gone John J. Davis had chronic consti pation for six years. By using Ad- lerika he soon got rid of it, and feels like a new person. Adlerika Is quick acting—safe. The Nyssa Pharmacy, j —Advertisement. I BAKER PLANNING SPRING CLEANUP The Better Housing Committee at Baker, under the Chairmanship of Philo Anderson, is being assisted by the Ladies Garden Club, that or ganization having agreed to sponsor the spring cleanup and paintup campaign. Court House Filings Real Estate Transfers Recorded Week o f April 6 to 13, 1935 Richard McCallum to Sadia B. Shannon, Und., 4 int. ln N W 4 - NWVi, SE14NW4, Sec. 27-18-44, ex cepts rights of way for canals & lat erals of Vale, Ore. Irr. Dist. 4-8-35. » 1000 . Pacific Live Stock Co., to Flora E. Knlghten, Lota 38, 49 and 50, Secs. 332 & 33-19-42; Lots 48, 49, and 50, Secs. 4 and 5-20-42, cont. 256.03 acres. 6-22-34. *10. Malheur County, Oregon to Chas Loaer. 4-Í-3». City of Ontario to H. L Peterson, Complaint Filed in Circuit Court Lots 6 to 10 lncl. Blk. 19, Ontario. 4- P. Flegel et al, N E'iN E1* , Sec. 36- 14-40. 4-3-35. *17.67 Albert E. Rust vs. Ruby Rust. 4-9- 9-35. »100.- Chas P Flegel et ux to Eastern 35. Divorce. H. L. Peterson et ux to Ontario Natl Bank, Lots 6 to 10 lncl. Blk 28. Ore Land Co. NE VINE!*, Sec. 36-14- 40. 4-6-35. *1 USE JOURNAL WANT AD6 Ontario. 4-9-35. »100. Oordon Mortgage Co. to Doris B C Ashby, et ux to Lee Howard Leigh Oordon, NS.NE’a, NV»SWV»- ! NWVINEV», Sec 4-19-44. excepting NEVi. Sec. 16-16-44. W H N W h , Sec. 2 4 acres south of Bully Creek. 3-15- 16-18-43. W 4 N E 4 . Sec. 36-19-43, 33. *500. S E 4N W 4. Sec. 16-15 44. cont. 300 C. W. Olenn, Sheriff to J R Pan acres. 9-3-30. *10. ¡ike et al, E4NEV1, Sec 22. N W 4 - C. W Glenn, Sheriff to Joe Harris ! N W 4, Sec 23. Lot 1. Sec. 14. Lots 3. Lots 1. 2, and 20. Blk 10, Adrian. 1 4 and 5 8 4 8 E 4 Sec. 15-15-45. 4-13- 35. *206.50. 3- 26-27. *15. Joe Harris et ux to R. B. Baskett, C W Glenn Sheriff to J R. Panike Lots 1. 2, and 20, Blk. 10, Adrian. 4- et al S 4 , Sec. 22, W'A, 5E>4, WMs- 8-35 *400. NE%, Sec. 23-16-44. 4-13-35. *94.50 Malheur Land Co. et al to J A. Guy E Turner et al to George V i Luckel, Blks 5 to 8 & 10 to 18 lncl. Nesblt, WHNE>4, Sec. 15-17-46. S%- Sec. 15-16-43. Jamieson. 3-12-35. SW!4, Sec. 15. NHNH, Sec. 21. NH- 1 * 100 . NWVi. Sec 22, Lot 1 Sec. 1-16-46. 6- I C W. Glenn, Sheriff to Alfred 26-31. *1 ¡Vogue. AT No. 1 N E 4N E 4, Sec. 4- Marriage License Issued A Famous y 19-43. 4-10-35. *21. Arthur H. Gilford and Ina May L. Harmann to Albert B. Cain KAHN Sec. 8-18-47, cont. 10 acres. 4-10-35. Metes and bounds In the N E 4N W 4, Fabric » 1 . Payette Ore. Slope Irr. Dist. to W. R. Wells, All that portion of W 4 N W 4 . Sec. 26-16-47 lying east A group of smart "twisty" fab of the middle line canal of Payette rics— favorites for many seasons Ore-Slope Irr. Dist. and west of the Ore. Trail Hy. cont. 17 acres. 1-25-35. in the out-of-doors but no» Get Your Supply Early *850. equally popular for work-e-da- Roman Catholic Diocese of Boise Millet Seed wear. Not only are they d' to United States of America, Metes and bounds In the NW tiSEti, Sec tlnctlve and colorful, but ht Cane Seed 15-18-46, cont. 2.1 acres .3-30-35. *200 a fine record for long wear. Leonard J. Cole, Adm. to Ethel R MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS Jones, Lots 1 to 6 lncl, Blk 41, Bro At gan. 12-1233. *400. Cleaning and Pressing Ethel R. Jones et vir to Ell Rose Lots 1 to ft lncl. Blk 41, Brogan 4-6- Alterations and Repairs 35. *1. Laura V. Applegate et al to R. L. Scott. W 4 N E 4 , N E 4N E 4, N W 4 - S E 4, eSc 23-17-39. 1-12-35. *10. Union Central Life Ins. Co. to Opal Adams, E 4 N E 4 , Sec. 22, 8E 4 "The Fanner's Own Co-Op" SE 4, Sec. 15, 8WVISW4. S 4 S E 4 , Phone 26 Nyssa 8 E 4 S W 4 , Sec. 14. NCNE4. N E 4 - D. E. M ORGAN, Prop. N W 4, Sec. 23, S 4 S W 4 , Sec. 13, N 4 N W 4 . Sec. 24-16-46. cont. 560 acres 12-27-34 *2,250. C. W Glenn, Sheriff to B W. Mul- key, SEtiSW^SEy*. Sec. 22-16-43. INSURE IN 4- 12-35. *41.75. SEED CORN Al Tailor Thompson Nyssa Shop Grind Valves on all Cars including the E ÏÏH 5ÏÏSE hardened seats used l N L S. j CO. u N u . A. in the late models. NORMAN GRINDING METHOD See Us for further in formation. No addi tional cost OURS Is a “ hospital" for run down heels and worn-out soles. After our attention, old shoes look and step along like new! First Class Repairers —that's ns! PROMPT SERVICE Phone 76F3 Ross Parkinson, Prop. E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Nyssa, Oregon NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY FACTS ABOUT NYSSA Filled With ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NYSSA OREGON Norcott Service Station Nyssa, Oregon Drink Let ut help you obtain an ap praisal, make suggestions, and furnish adequate insurance. Fire Insurance Bonds i Notary DR. C. A. AB BO TT CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office in Residence Three blocks So. M. E. Church PHONE 25 NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY Town Patrons..... .3:30 to 5:30 Out-of-town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian A. L. FLETCHER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NYSSA : OREGON M ayor_______________________ Don Oraham Councllmen _________ Art Norcott, Al Thompson, Dick Terisen, Dean Smith. DR. E. D. NORCOTT City Clerk ............... A R. Millar D E N T I S T City Treasurer ..........Arthur Boydell Marshall______________ A. V. Cook Office Phone 35F2 Watermaster........... J*. H. Pinkerton Residence Phone 35F3 Health O fficer..... Dr. J. J.- Sarazin X -R A Y EXAMINATIONS County Officers Commissioners ....... ......... Ora Clark, E. H. Brumbach. County Judge ..... David F. Oraham Sheriff ................ C. Clerk ................................. Roy Daley Assessor ................... Murray Morton Treasurer ..... ......... Mrs. Ora Hope County Attorney......... M. A. Biggs County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson County Physician,...... Dr. Anna B. Pritchett. Coroner ................. R. Superintendent . Kathryn Claypool Nyssa Public Schools NYSSA OREGON Nyssa W. Glenn Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT KAOLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome A. Tacke BERNARD FROST, President DON M. ORAHAM. Secretary Superintendent ...... Leo Hollenberg Facts Aboot Owyhee Project Don IM. Graham NYSSA Plenty of MILK Population, (1930) ----------- ---------821 Recent estimates ________ „..1000 Elevation ----------- .3186 City Officers And Shod with Firestone Tires y WE RECOMMEND THEM LO TT D. BROW N Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy much valuable property in a brief time. You owe it to yourself to be carefully protected. How could you be adequately compensated for your loss if you were uninsured or underinsured? Ambulance Service Nyssa, Oregon Get That Old Buggy Washed and Greased / F you arc underinsured, or if you let your fire insurance lapse even for a single day, your property values are exposed to loss. Nyssa Funeral Home Nyssa Shoe Shop SHELL GAS and OIL ANOTHER HOME BURNS A U T O LICENSES Frank T. Morgan W e Specialize in the Spring Has Came Evertjlwc Minutes Sure Insurance W e Are Equipped to VA N BANNOCKBURN Public OREGON Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’ s ON THE OLD JOB fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and H. D. Holme« old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. TRANSFER Shelton Dairy NYSSA OREGON and BAGOAOE An Kinds of Hauling in City Limits NYSSA. OREGON Phone i Cost of Owyhee D am ___ *6.000.900 7H miles of Tunnel ..........*4.000 000 Siphons, canals, etc. ____ *3.000.000 Owyhee dam storage capacity___ — ........ ......... 715,000 acre feet Heigh th of d a m ....... ........ *30 feet From lowest point of foundation to top. Leading project city, Nyssa. Oregon Elevation of land .3*50 to 2*00 Acres in Owyhee project, 100*0 acres Principal products___________ hay. com. dairying, s t o ck raising, grains, potatoes, clover seed, peas. IeWuce, onions and carrot* CITY TRAN SFER TRUCKING and TRANSFERRING Phone 1* and Phone tS C. Klinkenberg