THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon VO LU M E X X IX . GATEW AY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS N O . 15. SCHEDULE DRAWN POD IDAHO-OREGON LE A G U E SEASON Nyssa Plays Middleton In Opening Game— Sea son Divided in Two Parts. N Y S S A , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 18, 1935. « 1 .5 0 PER Y E A R NYSSA GRADES DEFEAT VALE TEAM EASTER CANTATA PLEASES AUDIENCE ( i n ( In C h u r c h f a s t e r S i u t h a y The Nyssa grade school baseball team won their third straight game Tuesday at Vale by defeating the Vale team 6 to 1. Last Saturday the Nyssa boys defeated Ontario here 10 to 1. The batteries in both of the games for Nyssa were Raymond Graham as pitcher and Lloyd Nelson, catch er. The pitching of Graham; tne hitting of Claude Patterson and the excellent fielding of Grant String- felow were the high lights of both games. Next Friday the Nyssa boys play Ontario a return game. DAM CONTINUES TO RISE RAPIDLY j$L fJmtl« — Good Friday __________________ S to 4 P. M. The seven last words from the Cross. Easter D a y .....................................10:30 A. M. Church School program and presenta tion of Mite Boxes. Easter Day ___________________ 7:30 P. M. Holy Communion and Sermon. Service of Holy Baptism. The baseball schedule for the Idaho-Oregon league was announc ^ i = (Eommumfy (Eljurcl] ed this week, with Nyssa playing Middleton at Middleton for the first game of the season, April 28th. On Sunrise service _________________ ___ 6 A. M. Sunday, May 5 the first home game Sunday School _____________ __ ___ 10 A. M. will be played with Nampa as the Morning Worship ........................... 11.15 A. M. opposing team. The complete Sermon theme: "The Eternal Hope" schedule for all the teams is as fol lows: Christening service ........................11:30 A. M. April 28—Caldwell at Nampa, Lankford Big Scorer In There will be special Easter Music and Re Boise at Emmett, Nyssa at Middle- Inter-Class Meet Held ception of members at end of the service: ton, Ontario at Payette. May 5—Middloton at Boise, Pay Here Tuesday. Baptismal Service.............. ......... .......... 4 P. M. ette at Caldwell, Nampa at Nyssa, This will be held at the river Emmett at Ontario. Easter Pageant, "Blind Betty" .......... 8 P. M. May 12—Payette at Nampa, Mid The Senior class of the local high dleton at Caldwell, Nyssa at Em school had but little trouble in win- mett and Boise at Ontario. i ning the inter-class track meet held M ay 18—Caldwell at Boise, Monday afternoon. The upper Nampa at Middleton, Ontario at classmen piled up a total of 64 Nyssa and Emmett at Payette. points, with the Sophomores second May 26—Boise at Nampa, Ontario with 17; Juniors third with 11 and Miss Isabelle Morton, the society woman MUSIC at Caldwell, Middleton at Emmett the Freshmen brought up the rear ...... - .... — ........................ Dorothy Austin INVOCATION by the pastor and Nyssa at Payette. with four points. Bob M itchell.................................................Dwight Brown PRIMARY SONGS June 2—Caldwell at Emmett, Pay Oather Langford was the big “ BLIND BETTY" a gospel drama in two scenes. Greta Gunderson .......................... Francis Foster ette at Middleton, Boise at Nyssa, scorer of the meet, winning first in Lenore Leonard _____ Eleanor Foster Scene I—Street In city. Time about 8:30 Easter Nampa at Ontario. the 50 yard dash, first in the 100 eve. Lavia Lawrence..........................Vivian Patterson June 9—Payette at Boise, Emmett yard dash, first in the 220 yard dash, Scene II—Miss Morton’s apartment. Time 10 Madlyn Meyers .............................. Pauline Wolfe at Nampa, Nyssa at Caldwell and first in the broad jump, second in o'clock same evening. Oarl Swain ............................ _.... Chester Sager Middleton at Ontario. the shot put and tied with Raymond j Johnnie Jones ................ Curtis Poster CHARACTERS Bill Smith ........................... Gilbert Kllnkenberg Holly for first in the high jump. SECOND HALE Hal Spencer ...................................... John Sweat Blind Betty ............... Mrs. J. E. Wolfe, director Winners in the various events and | June 16—Nampa at Emmett, On Olaf Peterson Howard Foster, song leader Special songs by members of the cast. time was as follows: 50 yard dash, j tario at Middleton, Oaldwell at Nys 1st O. Lankford; 2nd Claunch; 3rd sa and Boise at Payette. June 23—Nyssa at Boise, Ontario Spencer, 4th, Hendrick, time 5.3. 100 yard dash, 1st O. Lankford; at Nampa, Emmetf at Caldwell, 2nd Hendricks; 3rd Claunch, 4th Middleton at Payette. MRS. GEO. GREEN ÎNYSSA LODGE June 30—Nampa at Boise, Emmett Spencer time 10.2. 220 yard dash, 1st Lankford: 2nd HURT IN AUTO WILL B E HOST at Middleton, Payette at Nyssa and Claunch; 3rd Landrith; 4th Spen Caldwell at On; irio. WRECK TUESDAY HERE SATURDAY July 7—Middleton at Nampa, cer. 440 yard dash, 1st, Spencer; 2nd Boise at Caldwell, Payette at Em Mrs. George Green Is recovering Jack Rust; 3rd Landrith; 4th D. mett and Nyssa at Ontario. in St. Alphonsus hospital In Boise The Rebekah and Odd Fellows July 14—Ontario at Boise, Cald Boren, time 56 seconds. following an accident Tuesday even lodges o f Nyssa will be hosts to Half mile, 1st Rust: 2nd Keck; 3rd well at Middleton, Emmett at Nyssa The newest arrival on the Owyhee lodges of Snake river valley Satur ing on the highway between Boise Mazac; 4th Hashitanl; time 2.26 and Nampa at Payette. project was busy getting acquainted day night when the Missing Link Mile, 1st H. Wilson; 2nd Keck; 3 r d 'and Nampa- Mrs Green was one July 21—Nyssa at Nampa, Ontario of the three Injured when a car with his new home today and degree work will be put on. Baker at Emmett, Boise at Middleton and Crockett; 4th Landrith; time 5.20. although no interpreter could be lodge will put on the work. Repre High Jump, 1st and 2nd Holly and driven by Jack Jenness of Nampa Caldwell at Payette. crowded a Gem State stage off the found who could understand him, it sentatives will be here from lodges July 28—Emmett at Boise, Nampa Lankford tied; 3rd Montgomery; road and into a telephone pole. Jen- was judged by his actions that he is of Baker, Huntington, Weiser, Pay at Caldwell, Middleton at Nyssa and 4th Hendricks; distance, 5 foot, 3 ness was fined $125 for failure to j well pleased with practicaly every- ette, New Plymouth, Caldwell, Par inches. Payette at Ontario. stop and offer assistance to the in- thing. The young fellow was named ma, Jordan Valley, Vale and On Broad jump, 1st, O. Lankford; 2nd Hendricks; 3rd Claunch; 4th Spen jured. Other Injured in the accident Hans Wurl, Jr., weight 9 pounds, tario. The meeting will be held In cer; distance 19 feet, four inches. I were Mrs. Levi Broadbent of Weiser j who arrived Wednesday to made his the high school gymnasium. It Is and Bert Robertson of Parma. | home with Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wurl. the anniversary of the Odd Fellows Shot put, 1st H. Boor; 2nd Lank _________________ The young man has the distinction lodge. ford, 3rd A. Slippy, 4th Cook; dis of being the first baby to be bom G.A.A. PROGRAM tance 44 feet, three inches. on the Owyhee project. SENIOR TRACK TEAM WINNERS ic * EASTER PAGEANT PROGRAM FIRST BABY BORN ON NEW PROJECT LAND SELLS WELL AT COUNTY SALE IS BIG SUCCESS The young man picked for parents | two people who are enthusiastic A large crowd enjoyed the pro- boosters for the new project. Mr. The land sale held at Vale Sat gram Thursday night given by the wurl came from Germany when he urday. at which time the county sold G.A.A. The program consisted of j was four years old and lived for several tracts of range land and city four parts. Part I was character many years In central Nebraska. He lots, was attended by a big crowd The regular spring term of court j says that a windy day in this section and buyers bid briskly for the land opened Monday when Judge Ellis I dances given by girls In costume. Part II was a one- act play “ Betty ; is milder than the everyday weather offered. Many sales were reported charged the grand jury. Members of considerably In excess of the the the grand jury are R. W. Jones, Behave." The cast included, Betty, of his old home. Many a day he says Ellen McConnell; Ellen. Pauline j he has worked In the fields when minimum prices advertised. foreman; Lex Anderson, George L. I w o U e ” Joanette Evelyn Haworth ! he had a hard time seeing his lead The sale started at 10 o ’clock with Baker, A. F. Hill, John Howard, Ed ’ Joanelle The scene took place In a fashion- horses for the dust. Sheriff Glenn acting as auctioneer. Oakes and Otto H. Sehweizer. able school and told of the pranks Dr. J. J. Sarazin was the doctor on The courthouse was jammed most of The trial juries will be selected | Gf college girls. the case and by a coincidence, It was the day as prospective buyers check from the following panel: A. P. Part III was a cleverly arranged Dr. Sarazin who also helped when ed carefully the location of the land. Ackerman, Ewing Armstrong. E. J. Fashion Show. One group of girls the first baby was bom on the Court house officials report that In Beam, John E. Bennett, John Blue, modeling fashions of 40 years ago Kingman Kolony project. At that most cases the land sold for It true C. Otis Bullard, Ezra M. Carter, and another group those of the value and that the demand was Fred Curry, John Dunphy, Harry pre€snt time. Part IV gave to the time, more than a quarter of a cen tury go, he heli>ed bring Miss Eliza especially heavy for range lands. Featherstone, A. B. Fraser, Nelson audience an idea of the work the beth Wade into the world. Miss Grover. Raymond Gutteridge, Frank glrls. tumbling class has been doing Wade Ls a granddaughter of Augus CIVIC CLUB HOLDS E. Hall, John F. Hoffman, M. C. xhe entire forty-five minutes show- tus Kingman,, founder of the Kol Imler, Clarence A. Keefle, H. G. g j good training and practice. APRIL MEETING Kennard, J. W. Kiser, Frank Miller. , Miss Ruby Denny, instructor of ony. She is now married and living in northern Idaho. Mike Needham Geo. S. Parks. Al- girl's physical education, is to be The Civic club held their April fred W. Quast. John E. Sapp, Dean J congratulated on the very fine ex- meeting Wednesday at the Eagles Smlth, F. W. Smith, Klass Stam .! mbit. This is the first time such a BUYS HOME hallj Mrs. Ed. Norcott presided in Roscoe Starr, Frank L. Steam program has been given by Nyssa the absence of Mrs. Ray Emmott, Shirleigh D. Tucker and Grover C. High and the audience was well In a deal closed recently, Ray Em president. Plans were made for a Vest. pleased. mott purchased the Jess Thompson guest day to be held at the next home and he moved his family there meeting. Committees were appoint I INSTALL NEW PUMP this week. The Thompsons moved to ed. Mrs. Tensen reported that $60 WALTER HATFIELD AT POWELL SERVICE the house occupied by the Emmott was turned over to the city library, WEDS ONTARIO GIRL family. proceeds from the recent banquet This week marked another pro given by the civic club. gressive step for the Powell Service A very nice program was given when a new Wayne pump was In Coming as a surprise to friends under the direction of Mrs. C. C. stalled. This gas pump tells the here was the wedding of Walter E. | Cotton. Mrs. Howard Larsen sang I purchaser exactly how many gal- oldest son of Mr. and Mrs an Easter song accompanied by I „ Hatfield, „ „ . Ions have been delivered and how Mrs. Dick Tensen; Phyllis Haworth M. C. Hatfield of Nyssa and Miss much co, t hlm, rtght ^ thp and Anna Marie Toombs gave read Iris Wlsloy of Ontario. The youn* L New sign for Larsen and Towne penny and to a fraction ings; Helen McConnell and Wilma couple were married In Payette on of a gallon. blacksmith and also at garage . . . Pullen gave a dance, accompanied April 6th, by Justice of the Peace Grant Rinehart and Betty Tensen by Ethel Mary Boydell; Flora Pros Leo Ballinger. They were accom Mrs. Emma Duncan entertained bicycling Sunday . . . No sign of ser and Elinor Haworth also gave panied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. H. whiskers on some of our prominent a dance; Helen Boydell sang a solo o f Ontario. The groom has lived In R. Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Charles j citizens Big surprise being accompanied by her mother Mrs. Nyssa all his life and has many Marshal, Mrs. Mary Felton and M rs.; planned for whlskerless Nysslans . . . friends who wish them well. Mr. and Roy James. Arthur Boydell. Tom Coward and Charlena Craw Mrs. Arthur Boydell was hostess Mrs. Hatfield will make their home ford washing school bus . . . Artie for the afternoon, assisted by Mrs. in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost and Robertson and Dewey Ray fixing Wm. Schlreman and Mrs. Ethel children and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest dugouts at ball park . . , Big touring Crawford. Frost of Ontario spent Sunday visit- | car parked in front of Rubye Lou NYSSA TO COMPETE ing at the Harry Frost home In Beauty Shop. . . . W e s Browne IN SNAKE RIVER TRACK AUCTION SALE DRAWS Nampa. planting garden for himself and AND FIELD MEET SAT. FAIR SIZED CROWD neighbor* . . . Oswald Forbes scor- Mr. and Mrs. Nate Young returned o f baaebftH « » « o n • • • Monday evening from a vaefttion ln* f,rst Nyssa high school will send a tnp Portland and Madras where Slight signs of a beard on Don The Saturday sale held In Nyssa ’ 8am_galdwf 111 * * Norcott, last Saturday afternoon was attend track team to the Snake River Track they „pent a week visiting relatives Dean 8mith. Wendell Pogue, Aden ed by a fair sized crowd, and there and Field meet, to be held ln Weiser ' -,nd friends was a fair amount of merchandise Saturday. April 20th_ Boys onthe | p ^ l a r mating of the Kingman Wilson, Oeorge Johnston R o y sold as well as several head of stock. team are LanWord, Claunch, 8pen- p T A ^ held Friday, April Pounds, W. C. Jackson, Barney Wll- Bemard Frost, and Dick The weather was Ideal and a big eer, M. Rust, Jack Rust. L. Lund- 2gth at g^ppi house. A full at- Holmes. crowd of Saturday afternoon sh o p -1 rath Calvin Wilson and Raymond tendance Is desired. pers were in town this week. Holly. .J II COURT MEETS IN VALE NEXT WEEK « » 'ROUND TOWN f t Fastest Growing Town in Oregon MRS. GIBSON DIES IN PORTLAND Mrs. Laura E. Gibson, one of the pioneers of the Nyssa district died Sunday. April 14 at the home of her son Albert Gibson In Portland. Fun eral services were held at Glendale. Calif., Thursday. Mrs. Gibson had been In poor health for the past year. Death was due to pneumonia. She was a charter member of the Nyssa Methodist church and the first president of the ladles aid. She and her family were well known here. She Is survived by five child ren, Delano Gibson of Olendale, Calif.; Albert of Portland; Clair of Los Angeles; Blaine of Seattle; and Mrs. Elsie Payne of Tyler, Texas. VALE FALLS BEFORE STRONG NYSSA NINE The Nyssa high school more than revenged themselves on Vale for an earlier defeat when they walloped the boys from the neighboring town 18 to 4 Tuesday evening on the local diamond. Anderson pitched for Nys sa and Cook did the receiving. The Nyssa boys hit freely and took ad vantage of numerous Vale errors to turn the ball game Into a field meet ln the last half of the 5th. IAtae to Ontario Friday aftemon Ontario took the measure of the local team. 7 to 2. on the Ontario lot. The neighboring school got off to a good start and made five runs ln the first Inning. After the disastrous first Inning, both teams settled down to real ball, but Nyssa found It Impossible to overcome tha big Initial lead. Play Harper Friday A game has been scheduled with Harper for Friday at Harper and today the Nyssa nine and Ontario teams are playing the game which was postponed last week on account of rain. Tuesday the team goes to Payette. The Easter cantata, “Crown Him,” given Sunday evening at the Meth odist church by the choral club was enjoyed very much by the large crowd attending. S. J. Reid of On tario was director and Mrs. Dick Tensen was accompaniest. T h e church was beautifully decorated with potted plants and flowers. Water Raises 21.5 Feet There were about twenty voices Above Tunnel Sills— taking part. Those singing special numbers were Malcolm Crawford. A l m o s t Three Feet Charles Jones, Mrs. Laura Fisher, Raise Wednesday. Eldon Carter, Mrs. Wm. DeGrofft Mrs. Lucille Johnston, Mrs. Ray Emmott, Mr. Howard Larsen. Mrs. W. W. Foster and Mrs. Howard Lar The water supply for the Owyhee sen. project Is practically assured for this year with the announcement this morning that the water had risen 21.5 feet above the tunnel sills, representing 111.000 acre feet of storage. Wednesday the water level rose 2.85 feet and is still rising. It is estimated that within a few days the water going Into the dam will start storage for next year with all demands for this year assured. Practice Game Scheduled It is estimated by reclamation of With Ontario For Sun ficials that approximately one mil lion feet will be necessary to raise day Starting at 2:30. the water sufficiently to run oven«, into the ring gate spillway. Many friendly wagers have been made as Tlie baseball season started In to whether the water will run over Nyssa Monday when the Nyssa this year, with the opinion about league team handed the College of evenly divided. Should the run-off Idaho a 1 to 0 defeat. This was continue long enough to fill the dam a practice game In preparation for and allow water to run through the the league season and all Indications spillway, a water supply ample to point to a winning team this year. take care of the needs of the pro Before they ran into Nyssa, the ject for over two years Is assured. College had an unbroken string of eight victories including two wins over Homedale and Just last week ZONE SPELLING defeated Nampa 8 to 4, besides de CONTEST WILL BE feating the Idaho prison team and other good outfits. HELD AT OWYHEE Rambo started In the box for Nys sa and pitched six innings of air tight ball, allowing but two hits and The zone spelling contest for keeping these well scattered. Spen grade schools of this part of the cer pitched the final Inning. Young county will be held Friday, April served behind the bat for Nyssa. 19th at the Owyhee school, starting Others on tha lineup for the open at two o'clock ln the afternoon. ing game were Forbes, McCullough, Schools who will compete in this are Flannlgan, Johnston. Burke, Moore, Owyhee, Oregon Trail, Big Bend, Price, Sehweizer ad Carter Kingman Kolony, Wade, Nyssa, Ar Play Ontario Sunday cadia and Snlvely Camp. A practice game has b e e n Two winners from each grads scheduled with Ontario next Sun competing will be picked to enter day, April 21 on the Ontario field. As the county contest at Vale on Fri many fans as possible are urged to day, April 26th. Grades competing attend the game. Tuesday evening, will be the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th. April 23, starting at five o'clock, the Winners ln the county contest will Nyssa and College of Idaho teams be awarded cash prizes. will play here again . PRACTICE GAME WON BY NYSSA PUBLIC WILL CHOOSE JUNIOR PROM QUEEN On the night of May 3, the Junior class of Nyssa high school plans to hold Its annual Junior Prom. It will be an all-school dance sponsor ed by the Junior class. As a special feature of this dance a Junior Prom Queen will be crown ed. The public Is Invited to help choose the queen. During the next two weeks there will be ballot boxes placed ln the stores. Each vote will cost a penny but one person may vote as often as be wishes. Drop your money into the box on which tlie girl's name appears for which you wish to cast your vote. The girls who have been suggest ed for the honor are: Rose Worley, Anges Ray, Dorothy Lowe and Mable Hearron. FINAL TOXOID SHOTS TO BE GIVEN FRIDAY Another toxoid treatment will be given Friday morning at nine o’clock for children of pre-school age and those who missed the treatment giv en last Friday. These vaccinations are being given for the prevention of diptheria and is being sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. About 30 treatments remain, so those planning to take advantage of the offer are urged to be on hand promptly at nine o'clock Friday morning at the high school. COUNTY COUNCIL TO MEET APRII. *0 IN ONTARIO The County Council of the Parent Teacher* Association will be held ln the high school auditorium ln On tario, Saturday, April 20, with the business meeting starting at ten ln the morning. The public Is cordially Invited to attend all of the meetings and the luncheon at noon, which is being served by the Ontario chapter of the P.-T. A. W. D. Vincent, superintendent of the Boise school system will be the principal speaker ln the afternoon session. There will also be special music and other features on the program which should make it of In terest to all. Mrs. R. L. Haworth of Wade and Arthur Bone of Vale have charge of the program. The public la Invited. NYSSA PEOPLE IN AUTO WRECK A car smashup a half mile cast of the Lincoln school on the highway leading toward Vale Tuesday after noon, came near being a serious matter but fortunately no one was badly hurt. The accident happened when Mrs. R. D. Griffin, returning from Vale with some of the grade school base ball team who had defeated Vale that afternoon, attempted to pass a Chevrolet touring car. It is said that Mrs. Griffin sounded her horn and the Chevrolet attempted to turn into a plowed field and ln an effort to avoid hitting the car, Mrs. Grif fin turned towards the barrow pit. In doing so, she struck the right rear of the Chevrolet, throwing It Into the path of a school bus coming along at that time. The two cars came together with a crash, and the Orlffln car, a Plymouth coupe, went into the barrow pit and skidded along Its side for some distance. With Mrs. Orlffln In the Plymouth were her five months old baby and Miss Theda Orcen. The boys riding ln the rumble seat of the Plymouth escaped Injury when the rumble seat Ud came down and they were imprisoned within.. The boys were Buddy Short, Dee Zink, Dale Blng- man, Oerald Warren and Hubert Boren. Children In the school bus were Shaken up some but no one was seriously Injured ln the accident. CALHOUN FIRST TO BUY WATER 8. T. Calhoun, newcomer on the Owyhee project, has the dis tinction of being the first farm er to buy water under the Owy hee project. Monday he pur chased water for his 200 acre ranch Which Is located near the Owyhee school house. Mr. Cal houn came here from northern California about two months ago. He has built a new house on his pises along with other Im provements. Mr. Calhoun farm ed under the Klamath project before coming here. Peter Corsie was ln town Friday for medical treatment from Dr. J. J. Sarazin. He suffered a scalp wound Mrs Orace King left Monday for when a rock fell from the top of her home ln Connecticut after the tunnel and struck him on the Mr. and Mrs. Oeo Henley spent spending a week visiting at the C. C. head. He Is a tunnel man for Mor Hunt home here. rison-Knudsen . Monday ln Boise on business. / '