Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1935)
. CATE CITY JOURNAL, yftURgj?ÀV. AfrliÛ- li, ISgS. q, will present their choice of names to P.-T. A. EXECUTIVE officer for the coming year. It Is the privilege of other members to COUNCIL MEETS nominations from the floor. IN ONTARIO make The date of the meeting will be Chambers oí Public Auction Commerce Meet ON TUESDAY, APRIL 16,1935 At Payette Mon. j At two o’clock in the afternoon, at the Old Mc Ginnis Farm, 1 1-2 miles west of the Owyhee Bridge, cn the south side o f the Owyhee River, 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following personal property, to- wit l ONE 2-W AY PLOW ONE SPIKE TOOTH HARROW ONE HAY RAKE ONE WALKING PLOW ONE MANURE SPREADER ONE FRESNO ONE WAGON FARM HARNESS THREE W ORK HORSES TWO MILCH COWS ONE ALLIS-CHALMERS ELECTRIC PUMP. Lott D. Brown y Attorney Automobiles.... For Sale 1935 FORD DELUXE four door sedan, radio and heater. Substantial discount. 1932 FORD four door deluxe sedan, big dis count. 1934 FORD V-8 deluxe coupe, radio equipped, a big bargain at $485. Many other bargains in used cars at CABLES CHEVROLET CO. ONTARIO OREGON Roy Stanley and Frank Oliver, Salesmen Steps were taken at a meeting of the Associated Chamber of Com merce meeting in Payette Monday I night to start a campaign to get new people to come to this part of the country from the drouth sec tions of the east. Information has reached the various Chambers that there are scores of desirable people in these regions who are willing and anxious to make a change, and it was felt a little publicity at this time would have a very beneficial effect. Those attending from the local Commercial club were Art Norcott, E. D. Norcott, Bernard Frost and Berwyn Burke. Officers were elected for the Asso ciated Chamber o f Commerce, which takes in organizations from Baker to Boise. Ted Baker, secretary of the Boise chamber was elected president of the group, Fay Lloyd of Weiser, vice president and Walter York of Boise, secretary. Other matters that came up for discussion was the milling in transit rate on wheat, which the IC C. is planning to change, to the detri ment of the small miling interests of this section; the alfalfa weevil sit uation and steps to be taken to get the intra-state ban lifted in Idaho and Oregon. It was voted to hold the next meeting in Baker, Oregon, on the second Saturday in June. The meeting in Payette Monday night was said to have been one of the most successful of the organiza tion; with good sized delegations be ing present from Boise, Nampa, Caldwell, Wilder, Parma, Nyssa, Homedale, Ontario, Payette, Weiser and Baker. It was voted to extend an invitation to La Grande to Join the Associated Chambers of Com merce. FOUND NOT GUILTY Ross Ragsdale was found not guilty Tuesday in Justice court in Ontario in connection with injuries suffered by Drew Anderson on the highway the evening of March 27th. The case was heard before a jury. GROCERY Remember FISHER’S EASTER CLOTHES SPECIALS ...FOR... Friday and Saturday MARCH 12 and 13 PEAS, No. 2 cans, Payette, e a ch ....................10c CORN, Golden Bantam, e a c h .......................... 9c STRING BEANS, each .................................... 9c SALT, Iodized, package.................................... 7c BEANS, Baby Lima, 4 lbs.................................19c BAKING POWDER, Calumet, 1 lb................ 27c Biscuit Pan FREE COFFEE, Hollywood, quart fruit jars, 1 lb.. 28c SOUP, Campbells, all flavors, 3 f o r ..............25c OVALTINE, large cans ................................ 59c | MUSTARD, Glen Oak, pint ja r s .................... 15c PUREX, quart b o ttle .......................................14c SOAP, La Paloma, 10 b a rs.............................. 25c OXYDOL, Washing Powders, large s iz e .....23c CORN FLAKES, Kelloggs, large size pkg..... 11c W ilson G rocery Absolutely Independent NYSSA, ORE. working at Rev. and Mrs. White attended a Mrs. Famham Sills and Mrs. Geo. minlsteral luncheon at the Meth Henley were visitors in Boise Friday. odist church in Payette Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy were A baby boy was bom to Mr. and visitors in Boise Friday. Mrs. Harley Jones Tuesday evening, Miss Barbara Guye left Sunday April 9th. for Stanfield after spending the Mrs. A1 Green is recovering nicely week end with lier twin sister Miss from a tonsil operation which she Beverley Guye. underwent Tuesday. A large delegation from Nyssa at Mrs. A. V. Cook and Mrs. Mary tended the service at the Frultland Felton spent Friday in Boise visit Methodist church Sunday afternoon ing Mrs. Cook’s mother and sister.. and heard the splendid address of Bishop Titus Lowe of Portland. Mrs. Dick Young substituted for Supt. Leo. D. Hollenberg in the high Mr. and Mrs. Wayne French of school several days this week. Juntura were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thomposn Sunday and S. T. Calhoun 1s building a nice Monday. Mr. French is the barber home on his land on the new pro In the interior town. ject. Mrs. Frank Wilson and family Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McNall and Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Jones spent went to Boise Sunday to visit Mr. Wilson who is in the Veterans hos Wednesday In Boise. pital. Ha is reported to be improv Mr. D. West has Just completed a ing. new chicken house on his ranch on Mr. and M rs M. S. Pride and the new project. daughter of Kuna spent Sunday Whity Williams Is building a cabin with Mr. and Mrs. Blair Johnson. at the Raymond Hotel and expects In the afternoon they enjoyed a to have It ready for occupancy soon. visit to the Owyhee dam. Albert Hopkins, teacher at Oregon Mrs. Grace King, an old school Trail took his pupils to the music friend of Mr. and M rs C. C. Hunt festival in Vale Wednesday. arrived in Nyssa for a visit at thé Hunt home. The visitor is from Mrs. Charlie Toombs and Mrs Connecticut and this is her first trip Roy James attended the music fes west. She came by way of California. tival In Vale Wednesday aftemon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy James moved Mr. and Mrs. Lon Root and fam from the Lindsey cottage this week. ily visited relatives in Caldwell Sun Mr. James has gone to Beulah dam day. where he has work and Mrs. James Famham Sills made a business is staying with her grandmother trip to Boise and Caldwell last Wed Mrs. Mary Felton. nesday. The P. E. Short family of Payette Mr. and Mrs. Max Schweizer were and Miss Geraldine Short of Weiser overnight guests Saturday of Mrs. and Mr. and Mr.s Frank Schrum of Ontario were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder in Caldwell. C. B. Short Sunday. Chas. Paradis returned Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John Sopher and from a weeks stay In Portland on Sidney Pate of Homedale were Sun Federal Re-employment business. day guests at the W A. McNall home Miss Isabelle Sarazin spent the Sunday. Other guests were Jim week end with Miss Virginia Miller Caldwell and Arthur Hayden of In Big Bend. Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Peterson of Mr. and Mrs. George McKee and Parma were Sunday guests of Mr. son Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Max Schweizer and daughter Patty Jean Russell Vlnsonhaler purchased a and Mrs. Leslie McClure. were visiting In Wilder Sunday at new Plymouth four door sedan Mr. and Mrs. Buell Clement were the George English and James Arm Wednesday from Powell Service. guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh strong homes. Glasgow. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Francis ar Mr. and Mrs. Allen Forbes of John Walter of Caldwell was a Boise and Mrs. Beatrice Marshall rived Tuesday night to spend some time here cleaning their houses. visitor at the J. H. Hunter home left Friday for Portland where they They have spent the past three Monday, planned to visit until the last of months at their home in Depoe Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Duncan of this week. Mrs. Marshall plans to Boise visited with Mrs. Emma Dun return with them and will make an can and the Felton Duncan family Indefinite stay here with her mother Mrs. Betty Forbes. Sunday. For Your ^ Bunny Schweizer is Joe Stlngley of Payette visited at Beulah dam now. Che Austin heme Saturday. FISHER APPAREL SHOP Nyssa, Oregon Miss Dorothy Austin returned Dan Corbett, who moved here from Kanasas about a month ago, is home Friday from Pendleton where building a new home on his land she spent the past week with her sitser Mrs. E. D. Green. She had ac on the Owyhee project. companied her sister on return to Mrs. Bill Clement of Caldwell ac her home after visiting with her companied her husband on a busi parents here. ness trip to Nyssa Monday and visit Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Pruyn motored ed with Mrs. Barney Wilson. to New Plymouth Sunday to have Mrs. E. D. Norcott and Mrs. Artie dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pack Robertson entertained the St. Paul's er. helping him to celebrate his Guild at the Norcott home Wednes birthday. The dinner also was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Pruyn who day aftemon. were celebrating their 33rd wedding Mr and Mrs. Harry Merchant of anniversary. Marsing were visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Haycock, old time friend Geo. McKee Wednesday. Mr. Mer chant is the general pumper at the of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Farmer was a dinner guest at their home Monday Gem district. evening. Mr. Haycock is employed by the government. He plans to move his family here when school Is out. A Shipment of ENAMELWARE At A meeting of tns Executive com mittee at the County Council P.-T. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Irwin Troxell in Ontario to make plans for the spring meeting. Mr. Hauser was present and outlined the plans of the newly organized Mal heur county local leaders assocatlon of which Mrs. Victoria Schweizer is president, Mrs. C. C. Cotton, vice- president and Mrs. Connie Barton of Annex, secretary. This organiza tion will help In carrying on the Four-H club work in the county. Mrs. M. C. Imbler gave a talk on the work being done In Child Wel fare In this county and reported a meeting conducted by Mrs. Saidle Orr Dubar of Portland would be held In Pendleton April 12 and 13 to which all were welcome. Miss Edna Flanagan who is planning on spending a couple of months in this county will have an important part on this program and will be In Vale to start work here next week. Mrs. Kathryn Claypool, county superintendent spoke briefly on the coming events In which al lin the coming events In which all in the makers meeting to be held at Boulevard grange hall April 11 waj discussed. The presidents of the local units present reported on their work dur ing the past year. The county presi dent Mrs. E. H. Brumbach, request ed each local president to fill In their blanks and return to her at end of school year so she can send a complete report to state president. The nominating committee, Mrs. J. Smith. Mrs. O. D. Boyer, Ontario, and Mrs. J. Edwin Johnson, Vale Filled With SHELL GAS and OIL And Shod with Firestone Tires Norcott Service Station Nyssa, Oregon Alexander’s $1485 SUIT 10 SALE An offering of better values than you have real ized for several seasons. Suits that are suitable for year ’round service and colors as practical. Come in— try on your size in these ALL WOOL WORSTED SUITS At $1 085 Only IO In Our Regular Line of You’ll find an unusual showing of the Fancy L iberty T heatre NYSSA OREGON THURSDAY, FRIDAY, APRIL 18. 19 Lyle Talbot and Mary Astor in “ RED HOT TIRES” Honors were divided among six Malheur county schools Friday at the rural county declamatory final contest held at Vale. Albert B. Hopkins, chairman of the county committee, who had charge of the finals reports the fol lowing winners: 3rd and 4th Hum orous: Phyllis Haworth of Wade; 3rd and 4th Non-humorous: Vlrglnii Jarvis of Kingman Kolony; 5th and 6th Humorous: John Perkins of White Settlement; 5th and 6th Non- humorous: Dewey Thomason of Oregon Trail; 7th and 8th Hum orous: Dick Nease of Juntura; and 7th and 8th Non-humorous: May Cloud of Park. Handsome bronze medals were awarded winners by Mrs. Kathryn Claypool, county school superin tendent. Medals were furnished by the Malheur County Teachers’ As sociation. The county committee who has planned and made possllbe the local, zone and final rural df rlamatory contests Include: Albert B. Hopkins, chairman, Mrs. Harland Kelley, W. M. Frahm, Walter Marshall, Cassie Becker. Mrs. Victoria Schweizer, and Mrs. Kathryn Claypool. S p r in g S u its ! TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 17 Irene Dunne in “ SWEET ADELINE” With Donald Woods, Hugh Herbert, Ned Sparks and Joe Cawthom RURAL SCHOOLS DIVIDE SPEAKING HONORS AT VALE Get That Old Buggy Washed and Greased Helen Lackey, sister of Mrs. Bert Barker, underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Holy Rosary hos pital In Ontario Saturday. Mrs. Barker and her grandmother, Mrs. J. T. Long called on her Monday and report her recovering nicely. Johnson Variety SUNDAY-MONDAY, APRIL 14, 15 Alice Fave, James Dunn, Ned Sparks in “ GEORGE WHITE’S SCANDALS” Those in attendance from this part o f tlie county were Meadames Greeling, Cotton, Judd. Haworth, Lowe and Brumbach. Spring Has Came USE JOURNAL WANT ADS FRIDAY-SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 13 “ CAPTAIN HURRICANE” With James Barton, Helen Westley, Helen Mack and Gene Lockhart announced when the main speaker U definitely settled. and Staple Models in all the most popular colors. $175° $2000 $2500 I ONLY TEN DAYS UNTIL EASTER Let Us Tell Yon now a boot our Permanent Wave« which are second to none. Our repu tation is protected by the use of Standard or Special Solu tions and Supplies so that the lasting quality aa well as the beauty of the wave Is gusran- Have You Heeded Our Warning w v # About Pure Thread Silk S to c k in g s ? W e don’t know how long ’twill be until the ad vance, but they’re still 2 PAIRS for $1.00 WE GIVE SILVER DOLLAR DAY TICKETS W e Are Giving a Free Manicure with each $5.00 Permanent Until Easter RUBYE LOU B E A U T Y SHOPPE Phone 1« eeeeeoeg Nyssa. Ore. ALEXANDER’S ‘‘Where Good Clothes Cost Less” ONTARIO OREGON