Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1935)
G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L , T H U K S d A V , A H i t l q i , 1 ft fe PATR O N IZE O P R ADVERTISERS | erts home left Monday for their NYSSA C O M M U N ITY CHURCH pension $10. Louise Ellen Jones, Old Mens Home for Feb. $47.91. Mrs. F Gibbs, labor $12. J R Haworth, labor ! new home at Brownlee. age pension $15. Edward Boydell, O Cleveland, M ilk for Old Mens $8 40. C B Sanford, labor $12. A E | Mr. and Mrs. Rex Brumbach and Old age pension $10. Hugh S. Eld- Home for Feb. *8.40. Geo. T. Carey, Gibbs, Labor $11.40. J R Hayworth, H E LD M EE TIN G I children spent Sunday at parental ridge. Old age pension, $10. Phillip Barber service for County indgta. Labor $4.20. August Rupp, labor Sunday School 10 o'clock. home in Big Bend. $8.05. Dr. L. L. Kline, Dental ser- $2.10. E. J. Dishion. Labor $6.30. FR ID AY, A PR IL Morning Worship 11: IS. Sermon M Binkley, Old Age pension $20. $20 Rich- Herby Fields, labor $6.30. W Ver- Mr. and Mrs. F A. Miller and Subject: Ttie Challenge to Chris Manhlas Newton Fegtly . Old age vUxsd for Cuuikty pension $15. Hersuhcl Q Johnston. ¡•rdson'a Puheroi Hoove, Funeral ex- j uver. labor $6.30. P M Dlahlon. labor I family were Nampa visitors Sunday tianity. ¡Old age pension $20. Jama* Ellis pense of Mrs Jennie Springer $40 $6.30. P E Patch, labor $6 30. J C Big Bend—W ad« P.-T. A. met at ! Mrs. R. L. Haworth, Elinor and Junion Epworth League 5:30.) Frazier. Old Age Pension $10. Walter O. L. Hall, Wood for County Indgt 5 Yost Labor $6.30. I L Root, labor the home of Mrs. Dyre Roberts Fri- * » ■ E- H Brumbach and league members are urged to : Fra2ier’ Age PeMi0n ,10' W * $21. Boise-Payette Lbr. Co Coal and »4.20, K Allen, labor $4.20. Paul dav and . " . . “I ? ! ? i ° I Henry Still, Old age pension $10 day and enloved enjoyed a a delicious delicious not pot luck luck Miss June Udlck were Ontario visit- j “ “ " ors Saturday. ‘i .t^ y W !?h . lÛ ! B. Scott, Old age pension $20. Cas- wood for Indgt. old Mens Home $19. Raney, labor $44. Geo. Guilford, luncheon. Mrs. F. A. Miller, program go on the Sunrise Breakfast Easter sius Hale Brown, Old age pension Vic Stolle. Druggist. Medical sup $42. Lester Guilford, labor $42. Rex chairman, led a discussion on morning. $10. George S. Jones. Old age pen plies for S. D. Downing, Indgt. $10.- Olulford, labor $31.50. E O. Judd, “ Health." Phyllis Haworth, Elinor Senior Epworth League 7 o’clock. sion $10. Sidney Johnson, Old age 10. Holly Bros. Supplies for James labor. $26.50. E B Raney, labor $44. Betts and Betty Jean Eachus gave N Y SSA FO LK H E AR The Easter Cantata will be given ; pension $10. William Shunn, Old Lynch. Indgt. $750. Vale Grain Sc C P Hudson, labor $44 Walter Bag- the reading they won at the zone I at 8 o’clock under the direction of age pension $15. T. Chas. Pritchard Peed Co. Supplies for Old Mens ley .labor $44. Wm. Littleton, Labor PEAC E SPEAKER contest In Nyssa. Mrs. Leo Betts Mr. Reid of Ontario. Old ago pension $10. Walter W. Home $1.50. The Ontario Pharmacy $39.50. J W Dllle, Labor $44. Frank made plans for the entertainment IN O N T A R IO Prayer and Praise service Wed Looney, Old age pension $15. Louis Medical supplies for Indgts. $16.28. Hopper, labor $2. Lee Webb, labor and candy sale to be given Thursday A Famous | Bruere, Old age pension $10. Emma Dr. R M Finch, Prof services and $2. H. A. Conner, labor $26.40 John nesday evening at 8 o'clock. evening April 11 to raise funds to Elizabeth Duncan, Old age pension med supplies for Indgt. $22.50. White, labor $26.40, Lester Yadrley, K AH N .» .V « send two pupils to summer school at $10. Wm. Chas. Parrott, Sr., Old age Shunns’s Transfer, Drayage for old labor $26.40. Arnold Wilson, labor A crowd of over one hundred LEGAL ADVERTISEM ENT Corvallis. F abric pension $10. George R Riggins, Old Mens Home; for Indgts. $2.85. WU- $26.40 Jack Adams, Labor »26.40. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Eachus and greeted Alden G. Alley speaker for age pension $10. Ebenezer King son Bros Supplies for Ed. Parrish Chester Holloway, Labor $26.40. G. the National Council for the Pre Betty Jean, Misses Mary Weir, June NOTICE Ingle, Old age pension $10. Aura *6.10. Eder Hardware Co. Supplies K. Chandler, labor »26.40. P M vention of War at a meeting Tues Udick, Elinor Betts, Mr. and Mrs. day night In the Ontario high IS HEREBY G IVEN That the fo l Ingle, Old age pension $10. Clarence for Mrs. Laura Lathrop $3. Jackson Kindall, labor $6.30. Vernon Chan R. L. Haworth and daughters at school. Those from Nyssa who at lowing c 1 a i ms against Malheur Albert Yenter, Old age pension $7.50. Lbr Co. Coal for Mrs. GUdea * 6 . dler, labor $420. Lee Webb, .labor A group of »mart twisty fab tended the county declamatory con- ; Ida M. Kennard, Old age pension Ontario laundry, Laundry for Old $6.30. A. Lavol, labor $420. J O tended were Mr. and Mrs. W. W. test at Vale Friday evening. Phyllis County for the month of February, $15. John T. Morgan. Old age pen- ric*— favorite* for many *aa*ons $6.30 H Gardner, Poster, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Spencer Mens Home *3.75. Chas. D. Peters, Brown, labor Haworth won first place Is the 3rd in the out-of-door* but now and Rev. and Mrs. Floyd White. 1935, were considered and ORDER- sion $10. R. H. McNee, Old age pen Mileage, County Relief work $28.90. labor $6.30. J J Mahoney, labor, $8.40 and 4th humorous division. sion $10 Prank Hoard. Old age pen The Gate) City Journal, Adv. county Vale Transfer, Drayage .75. Davtl F. Practically every town In the Im ED paid as follows: equally popular for worlt-a-day Mr. and Mrs. Chat) Purdy who mediate Snake River valley were sion *15 Ella Harrington, Old age tax foreclosure *482.75. Ontario Graham, Trip to Portland re roads wear. N o t only are they dis spent some time working on Bould represented at the meeting, which M ARCH 6 , 1935 pension $15. Prank E Loree .Old age Laundry, Laundry for Court House *15. er Dam arrived In Bend Tuesday was sponsored by the anti-war tinctive end colorful, but havt pension $10. James Williams, Old .40. The Gate City Journal, Pub- L IB R A R Y FUND G ENERAL FUND and visited till Sunday In the Purdy groups in Ontario, Vale, Nyssa, Pay age pension $10. Mrs. Mary Ann j llshlng claims allowed $14.87. a fine record for long wear. Malheur County Library, Expense and Case homes. They were on their ette, Weiser, New Plymouth and Paul Grondona, For care of M c Downs, Old age pension $10. Mrs. i Mrs. Margaret M. P a y rr Rent for for February $554.52. M ADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS way to Coulee Dam where Mr. Purdy Fruitland. Martha Ferrell. Old age pension $5. Kinney, Indgt. $15. Mas. J. P. M c | Natl. Re-employment relief office JU N TU R A G R A Z IN G FUND as uansferred. Mr. Alley spent five months in Nulty, House rent for Riggins, indgt. Mrs. Louisa Loveland. Old age pen $12.50. C C. Anderosn Co. Supplies Cleaning and Pressing John Mogus returned from a two Robert D. Lytle, Attorney fees, by Europe last summer and was able to »7. Rube Boston, Care of Tom Price sion $10. Ed. Washburn, Old age i for indgts J12 so. Eastern Ore. State »ks stay In the Caldwell Sanitar- order of Malheur Ceunty Grazing speak from first hand information. Indgt, $ 8 . Bank of Malheur, Rabbit pension $ 10 . Tuberculosis Hospital, Special treat Alterations and Repair* •ir>i. Mrs. Dorothy G. Maupin, Depend- men(. for Clarence p 0rsman $5. Fred Board $285. Ora E. Clark, Services j According to Mr. Alley the situation bounty .29. Natl. Re-employment Joe Brumbach attended the opera ; jn EUr 0 pe ¡s tense at the present Service, County relief $90. Arthur ent mother ,$25. Parmeha L. M att- Gruej Care o { Fred Crummett's son on Juntura Grazing Dist. Board $5. “ Aida’’ In Boise Thursday evening time and we are closer to a war Heer, Deputy Sheriff $124.72. Chas. hews, Old Age pension *10. Mabel $20. Mrs. Ida Hayes, Indgt. $42.25. E. H. Brumbach, Services on Jun S.. Leavitt, Deputy Sheriff $124.72. Peterson. Laundry for indgts. $9.80. W all Sc Rawlings, Supplies for In tura Grazing Dist Board $6.75. Lytle Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweet w erejthan many realize. business visitors in Ontario Satur- | __________ Valeda Thayer, Clerk, Sheriff’s o f State Indus. Acc Comm.. Insurance digents $1924. Holy Rosary Hospital Sc Coad. Attorney work for Juntura day. fice $99.72. C E. Howell, Deputy $22.20. Robt D Lytle. Rent for o f Care of Indgt. for Feb. $629.20. West Graing Dist $50. Gate City Journal Miss Allda Numans and daughter OREGON T R A IL CLUB MEETS Clerk $125. Margaret J. Molenaar, fice for relief committee *12. Ora E. ern Union Tel Co. Telegram acct. Advertising meeting of Juntura Clerk's stenographer $100. Margaret Clark, Services as County Commis Indgt .95. Juntura Mercantile Co. terprise. Pub. Notice of Meeting & of Boise called at the M untjewerff D. E. M O R G A N , Prop. George, Clerk’s stenographer $100. sioner $20. E. H. Brumbach, Services Supplies for Al Hardwick; for Walt me Saturday. Miss Johanna was “ anks for Juntura Graz)n* The Oregon Trail 4-H Calf Club I Jean Burrelle, Deputy Assessor $125. as County Commissioner and ex Yandell *19.61. O G. Leuhre, Medical Dist. $19.55. line her friends good bye as she iwrig Thursday for Washington met Monday evening at the home of j Mildred Bennett, Clerk, Asessor’s o f- pense, *24.50. Ontario Argus, Offic. supplies for Indgts. $86.35. Dre. the leader Albert Hopkins. Regular ¡flee $100. Ora Hope, County Treaur- adv.; supplies for Schol supt. Treas Weese, Palmer Sc Belknap, Care of ■ ' to accept a position there. • Riggs and son who business was conducted by G ilb ert: er, $100. Kathryn Claypool, County urer, and Dlst. Atty., $591.50. Dr. indgts, $345.50. C. C. Anderson Co. • i n visiting in the B. G. Rob- Holmes; Raymond M orfitt had ! School superintendent $125. Mrs. Anna B Pritchett, Care of County Supplies for indgts; for Court house $145. James Sherwood, $44.82. Vale Transfer, Drayage for charge of games; Junior DeGrofft j Anna B. Pritchett. County Physician indgts. the songs. All members were pres-1 $24. A. G. Moore, Stock Inspector, Acct. indgt. $10. C. W. Glenn, Trav Sh eriff’s office, for court house, for $31.52. indgts. *19. David F. Graham. Acct. ent and enjoyed the refreshments $33.33. John Hart, Janitor $99.72. eling expenses as Sheriff which were served at the close. State Indus. Acc Comm, Workmens’ Scribner-Adams Motor Co, Auto indgts. $20. C W Glenn, Traveling expense of Sheriff $14.09. C. W. expense as Sheriff $39.85. Mrs. Ef- Compensation $15.20. Glenn board prisoners $25.0. West felea French, indgt. $15. Mrs. Perry Mrs. Geo. McTavish, Act Bob GIVES F A M IL Y DINNER Coast Prntg. and Bndg. Co. Sup Rutherford $20. Mrs. Herman Young plies for Sheriff’s office acct. collec Maupin, indgt *30. Della Riggins, Circuit court witness $5.40. Act Mrs. Sarah Jones $30. Mrs. Len- tion of taxes $56.60. West Coast GENERAL RO AD FUND nie Blrge, Act Steve McMahan $15. Printg and Bndg Co. Supplies for Rev. and Mrs. Floyd W hite enter Elmer Leavitt, Labor $8 Beall Pipe Mrs. E. L. Perkins. Act. W. B. Miller, Sheriff’s office $6.15. C. W. Glenn tained at a fam ily dinner Saturday. $10. Mrs. Lee Williams, Act Mrs. Expense of Sheriff’s office, act sup <Sc Tank Corp. Culvert pipe $1151.90. Covers were laid for eighteen. Those Annie Williams $10. Mrs. Herman plies $6.26. West Coast Printg and W u lff Hdw Sc Imp. Co., Powder and present were the Nat Marmon fam- Rose, Act Bill Hart $20. Mrs. Harry Bndg. Co. Supplies for Sheriff’s o f fuse $820. State Indus. Acc. Comm I ily of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Day, Act Lloyd Robert $15. Mrs. R. fice, act. collection of taxes $192.30. Insurance $25.90. Robert B Cope Pee of Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Ray G Wheeler Indg. $25. Chas. Cant C. W. Glenn, Sheriff, Collection of land, Logs for bridge * 6 . J. D. Let Swan’s breads take a regular place in your Tener of Wendell, Mr. and Mrs. Jess well, Indgt. $10.00. Mrs. Jane Davis taxes $476.55. Fletcher’s Typewriter Adams Co. Grader repairs $12.01. L. Marmon of Pocatello and Ted Mat- menus! They’re baked just right to give that full Gas, $12.97. Indgt. $12.50. Mrs. Clara R. Young. Exchange, Overhauling typewriter K. Bullock Garage, json of Caldwell. In the afternoon $4. J. Edwin Indg. $12.50. Mrs. Orson H. Leavitt, for County Judge $12.50. West Coast Amos Stltzel, Labor flavor so seldom found in bread. And there’s a the group enjoyed, a trip to the Indg. $10. Mrs. Steve Wukelitz,, Printg. & Bndg Co. Supplies for Johnson .Salary Sc expenses $151.15. Owyhee dam. kind to suit everyone in the family. Indg. $10. Harvy Stephens, Indg. County Clerk’s office $2.25. West Shunn’s Transfer, Hauling bridge $7.50. Chas. E Dinkey, Indg. $10. Coast Printg. and Bndg. Co. Sup timbers *4. Valley Hdw. Co.. Tools r f C I A L PRICES Mrs. Tillie Pierce, Indg $12.50. Mrs. plies for County Clerk’s office $11. and supplies $6.92. S Llona, Labor SHOWER FOR MRS. DEITER On Fannie Johnson, Indg. $12.50. Doc The Malheur Enterprise, Supplies, * 8 . Vale Supply Co., Supplies *8.50. Hager, Indg. $10. Mrs. Addie Bridges Clerk’s and School supt. offices; Jackson Lbr Co Lumber $41.44. Boise Mrs. Otis Bullard and Mrs. John Indg. $10. Mrs. R J Ivers, Indg, $10. Court claims allowed; Pub. summons Payette Lbr Co. Lumber and sup plies $3829. T. D. Scott. Labor *2. Zlttercob entertained about 2 0 Dr. George Bean, Indg. $15. Emma Tax Foreclosure $539.34. Chas. Cox, I : r m a n f n t s Clarence Scott, labor $2.10. G L Hor OREGON NYSSA women of Arcadia community Wed Peterson. Indgt. *10. Mrs. Ida M Field work as Deputy County Asses Craig, Indg $10. Morton Lesh, Indg or $25. James Biggs, Field work as ner, Labor $12.60. John E. Johnson. nesday afternoon at the Bullard Ret;. $6 wave $3.50 Engineering $26.88. Rex McDonald home honoring Mrs. Trueman Deit- $20. Mrs. Louie Hyde, Indg. $12.50. j Deputy county Assessor $25. James Engineering $12.75. A. L. McDonald, Reg. $3.50 wave $2.50 er with a miscellaneous shower. A Robert M Goodwin, Indg. $15. John Diven, Field work as Deputy County Engineering *6.50. M. F. Head, Labor pleasant afternoon was spent. The Maddock, Indg. $7.50. Mrs. Walter Assessor $20. West Coast mrintg. <Jc Reg. $2.50 wave $1.95 $4. Virgil Neilson, labor .50. A. E. J ' honoree received many nice gifts. A Starr, Care of 2 Corliss children, at Bndg. Co. Supplies for Assessor’s o f lovely lunch was served at the close. $7.50 each $15. Mrs. A. M. Lackey, fice $12.80. Murray Morton, Office "i Rent of office for relief committee Supplies; field work $30. Idaho (Ontario) $25. George Schiemer, Typewriter Exchange, Typewriter David Austin visited friends in Rent of house to Mrs. Gildea. indg. for County Assessor $152.50. Bank $5. Mrs. John Bennett, Rent of Ontario Saturday. of Malheur. Supplies for Assessor’s B E A U T Y SH OP house to Fields family, indg. $5. East office $25. Ora C. Hope, Postage for Ray Ashcraft spent the week end Side Grocery, Rent of house to Mr. County Treasurer's office $6.45. West Mae Keizer, Operator In Nampa visiting friends and rela Bowman, indgt. $8 Mrs F B Zutz, Coast Printg and Bndg Co. Supplies rent of house to Mrs Craig $5. On tives. for County Treasurer $325. Kathryn tario Natl. Bank, By order of Mur Get Your Supply Early Claypool. Trav. exp, as School ray Morton. Assessor $20. J. & E. Supt.; office expense $14.55. Esther Kilpatrick, Indgt. wages. Old Mens Claypool, Secy, for County School Millet Seed Please report any changes in listings at once. Home $75. Angela Unamuno, Rent, Supt. $25. Dr. R. A. Tacke, Coroner’s i Old Mens Home $30. Mrs. Emmeline services (Baby Green) $5.98. Chas. Cane Seed ; White. Indgt. $10. Mrs. Cora Rudd. Non-Patrons— W hy not have that phone recon B. Oral, Sealer of weights and mea | Indg. $10. B W Stone Indg. $10. sures $16.55. Thos. Jones, Justice nected so your name will appear in the new ! John Fickle. Indgt. $7.50. Mrs. B. Court costs, $9.60. West Coast Printg Make Your» a Better Home At j Goldston, Care of Fenton girl $15. book? and Bndg. Co. Justice Court Docket B A Matthews, Indgt $7.50. Mrs. J. $9.50. Malheur Home Telephone There is someone calling you every day. | T. McNulty, Rent of house to C. Co. Phones and tolls $67.10. City Riggirj* .indg. $7. of Vale (W ater Dept.) Water for W e Try To Please Fred Augustus Ausmus, Old age Court house, lawn and Old Mens | penison $10. Abram Lewellen, Old Home $8.00. Halverson's IG A Store, I age pension $15. John B. Turner, Supplies for Court House, fo r indgts ¡Old age pension $10. Mary Jane for Old Mens Home $45.19. Home The Thing to do is “The Farmer’s Own Oo-Op” I Jones. Old Age pension $10. Phil- Lbr. Sc Coal Co. Coal and Wood for Nyssa Ontario Vale enia Ellen Smith, Old age pension Court House, for indgts. supplies for Phone 26 Nyssa $15. Hattie Elizabeth Reed. Old age Court House $14328. Vale Supply Co pension $10. John E. Johnson, Old Suplies for Court House, for indgts. W E STILL SELL T H A T GO O D age pension $10. Edmund Baxter Î $15 g 5 Idaho Power Co. Lights for Wood, Old agq pension $15 William Jail for Court house, for Old Mens A BER D EEN C O A L VV Glenn. Old age pension $10 Home $ 5 7 . 30 . Boyer Bros. & Co. Sup- y Susan O. Cartwright. Old Age pen- Jplies fon county indgts. *3127. Natl, sion $15. Silas Cartwright, Old Ago Re-employment Service, County re pension *5. Chas Thos Ferrell, Old | lief, *90. Boise Payette Lbr. Co. Coal age pension $15 Lee Richardson. Old for Mrs. Parrish, indgt. $5.75. Dr. R NYSSA, ORE. PHONE 47 age pension $10. James E 1 y A Tacke. Clinical lab, service for In- Leasy, 0 1 d Age Pension $10.1 digents $35. Kenneth B WaU, Exec. Joseph Allison. Old Age pension $10 Secy. Malheur County Relief $11.10. OF V A LE , O R E G O N John Alexander Bachman. Old age j Van Petten Lbr. Co. Coal for County pension *10. Newton Jackson Lewis ! indgts. *23. Dr. Floyd H. Jergesen, Old age pension *10. William David : Services to Don Downing, indgt. $5. Condensed Report of Condition at Cloae of Business March 4, 1935 I Po01- Old Age pension *20. Parmelia Peterson's Fum Co. Burial of Tom j L Matthews. Old age pension *20. Price and Mary E. Fenton *80. Kess- James Townsend, Old age pension ler's Chevrolet Co., Oas and oil for RESOURCES LIAB ILITIE S $15. Chas. C. Romph, Old age pen- j indgts *10.10. Safeway Stores, Sup- Loans and Discounts _________ $ 120 , 220.00 sion. *15. Josephine Diven, Old a g e ) plies for Mrs. Annie Williams. Indg. Capital S to c k _________ _______ ____$ 25,000.00 Overdrafts ................................. 163.27 pension $10. I. F. S Diven. Old age $5 Vale Meat Co. Groceries for Old Surplus, Profits and Reserves ...... 5,527.85 Bonds, Securities, Etc................ 26,800.87 Furniture and Fixtures ............ 500.00 Real Estate ............... .............. 1.35000 Cash ............ - ........................... 195.960.47 ► T O T A L _____ __________________ $344.994 61 TO T A L $344994.81 W A D E P .-T . A . BANNOCKBURN Nyssa Tailor Shop You Want To Stay Healthy EASTER The Swan Bakery The Vogue TELEPHONE PATRONS SEED CORN The Spring issue of the Telephone Directory goes to press soon MODERNIZE.... Remodel or Build— This Spring A1 Thompson Consult Us Now Malheur Home Telephone Co. Bank of Malheur IACKS0N LUMBER CO. Drink Plenty of M IL K Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’* fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. Shelton Dairy NYSSA OREGON Deposits ............. .......................... .... 314,466.76 THANK Y0l)I W e appreciate the fine patronage we have en joyed since opening our store in Nyssa and wish to thank the people for their trade. W e invite you to stop in and see our display of quality meat. W e keep good meat and sell at a fair price. Located in Tensen Building Fre*h and Cured D E P O S IT S Deposits December 31, 1932 ......................................................$103,621.37 Deposits December 31,1933 ....................................................... 124,391.50 Deposits December 31, 1934 ................................................... 259,346.90 Deposits March 4, 1935 ............................................................... 314,466.76 M e a ts P E TE ’S M A R K E T Free Delivery Service C O M P A R A T IV E Phone 60 O F F IC E R S A. F. M ASTER30N 3. N J O N E S _______ O F F IC E R S President Vice Preeident D. E. Vi AS TERSON - Cashier M A R Y D A L L E N ____________ Aast. Cwhler .r