Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1935)
G ATE C IT Y JO U R N AL, TH U R SD AY, À P R lt 11,1635. couples attended. A special feature was the awarding of prizes to the lady who made the best cap from G i v e s E n j o y a b l e paper, and the man who made the best paper tie. Mrs Bid Burbldge D a n c e T h u r s d a y | won the ladles prize and Dr. E. D. j Norcott was winner of the men’s prize. A delicious lunch was served A very enjoyable time was had by at tables centered with daffodllls. those who attended the Legion Both the basement and the dance Auxiliary dance given Thursday | floor were prettily decorated in night at the Eagles hall. About 25 spring colors and flowers. - party NORTHRUP KING AND CO’S TESTED GARDEN AND FIELD Let Ut. Grease your car regularly with Standard Products ’ Drop in and see the New Plymouth Ironside— Activity h a s started humming on the proposed site of the Fred Fish saw mill at Ironside. They have been excavating lor the mill pond the past week. Several more men and teams will be put to work next week. The zone spelling contest will be held here next Friday April 12th. Mrs. Fred Nightengale is in charge. The Fred Laurances were business visitors in Vale on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Toombs and Mr. and Mrs. Ness Hatt of Nyssa visited their daughter and sister Mrs. O. R. Dickson in Sunday. A shearing crew from Nyssa sheared the Floyd Howard sheep last week. Floyd White has been assessing the past few days. This section of the county was visited by a fine rain the last week. The grass is getting very good and cattle turned out on the range are doing fine. Arthur Van Buren and grand daughter Genevieve Van Buren spent last week end in Ontario visit- in8 Mrs- Arthur Van Buren and son Cecil Hill Mrs. Omer Presley was hostess to the Ladies Club last Wednesday with about twenty-two ladies pres ent. Mesdames Orville Nichols and Wallace Derrick entertained with a very clever .' ,>ril Fool program en joyed by all. The hostess served de licious refreshments at the close of V« J - As a matter of Information a check was made for one hour on the Junction leading to Ontario and Payette and 146 cars passed the point In one hour, 81 being Payette county cars. O f these 42 turned toward Ontario. 17 continued on to Payette. Five cars came from Pay ette and continued on toward Boise and 17 were coming from Ontario None of the cars were counted twice and trucks did not enter into the calculation. The cars out o f the state and out o f county that came to Payette were 21 while 36 turned toward Ontario and 8 continued on toward Boise. Grandma Betts, who has been staying at the John Zittercob home while under the doctor’s care, has returned to the home o f her daugh ter Mr? Pond in Big Bend. MARKET FINDER OYWHEE FARMERS REPLANT WHEAT AFTER STORM SHOW ER FO R MRS. G R IF F IN Mrs. Bill Ashcraft and Mrs. S. POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Ashcraft entertained a bo u t 25 guests at the S. Ashcraft home F ri (T o Late for Last Week) day afternoon honoring Mrs. Ray Robert Clark of Horsehoe Bend G riffin, formerly Afton Zink, with a 1 N YSSA visited his sister, Mrs. Henry Truel- miscellaneous shower. T h e honoree son last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill received many nice gifts. Williams o f Payette visited the Tuelsons on Monday. Case Quack returned from a three months stay in Yakima last week. Nell Dimmick has contracted the clearing o f his eighty acres and has his teams busy getting the land In CONDENSED STATE M E N T OF C O N D ITIO N OF readiness for spring planting. Several farmers are reseeding grain fields where the wind blew already sprouted seed out of the ground during the recent dust storm. “ A Member of the Federal Reserve System” A newly built chicekn house at Carl Fenn’s place was blown over and Ontario, Oregon rolled down hill into the Owyhee March 4, 1935 river. C. W. Luck of Weiser was a visit There is on Deposit with this B ank.........$795,558.95 or in the Rust home last Friday. The Brice shearing outfit was here Our Circulating Currency Amounts to.... 59,050.00 thi8 week shearing small lots of This represents National Bank Currency, now in cir culation, and which is secured by U. S. Government ranch sheep. Bonds on deposit with the U. S. Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M cLafferty, Mrs. E. L. M cLafferty o f Ontario 854,608.95 and E. J. Gitson, prospective land buyers, picnicked at the Hot Springs TO M EET THE ABOVE DEPOSITS AND and the M cLafferty ranch last Sun C IR C U L A T IN G C URRENCY WE HAVE day . Cash on Hand and Due From Banks....... 195,243.17 Mr. and Mrs. John W all and son Actual cash in our vaults or deposited with the Feder Clayton came down from Creston al Reserve and other Banks, payable on demand. last Friday to visit John, Jr., who is Loans and Discounts................................ 139,632.67 a high school student in Ontario Loans made to firms, business and professional men, and to visit in the T ,M. Lowe home farmers and stockmen o f Ontario and vicinity. till Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fackrell of United States Government Bonds........... 465,354.59 Bonita have come to the Overstreet ranch to live. They will be employ City o f Ontario B onds............................ 74,265.00 Direct obligations o f the City of Ontario ed there by Gene and Louis Pratt this summer. Mrs. Gene Pratt and Other B on d s........................................... 14,000.00 Mrs. Fackrell aer sisters. Direct obligations o f Irrigation Districts, School Dis James Moss, a recent newcomer tricts, etc. from Canada, has taken a five-year lease on the Ray Lapler tract of W arrants................................................. 18,702.42 land near Tertelings and will build Issued by School Districts in Malheur County. there soon. He has already started Stock in Federal Reserve B an k.............. 2,700.00 clearing the land for spring seeding. As a member of the Federal Reserve System we are Mrs. Juan Plaaz gave a birthday required to invest tills amount in Federal Reserve party for her daughter, Alyce, on Bank Stock. her tenth birthday last Saturday, inviting several little girls of the Redemption Fund with U. S. Treasurer .. 3,000.00 neighborhood to share games and A cash fund which National Banks are required to keep on deposit with the Treasury Department, equal refreshments in the afternoon. to 5 per cent of National Bank Currency in circulation. Laurence Low. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Low, entertained several Banking H ou se....................................... 22,500.00 small friends with a weiner roast to This include« the Hotel Building adjoining, all clear celebrate his seventh birthday last o f encumbrance. Saturday. Homer Hight and Ralph Haworth Furniture and F ixtu res........................ 2,500.00 have returned to contract work Actually worth considerably more than this figure. after two weeks spent at their Big Other A ssets........................................... 10,226.44 Bend farms putting in spring crops. Assessment for membership in Federal Deposit Insur ance Corporation, Replevin Bond and Feed for Live stock. Open Day and Night Phone Idaho seems to be having their troubles with the sales tax with an Anti-Sales Tax League being formed In Payette county last week. I t Is the purpose of the League to give J active support to the sales tax refer- endum movement. Payette county towns, being right on the border, are bitterly opposed to the measure and it has been unofficially reported that no tax is being collected by many of the merchants. Some of the business men in Ontario have re ported as much as a 25 .n v cent in crease in business since the Idaho sales tax. — 8— TU E SD AY B RID G E CLUB Mrs. A. H. Boydell was hostess to j the Tuesday bridge club this week. Prize were won by Mrs. Dewey Ray, ! first, and Mrs. Frank Hall, second. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McClure and Mrs. Dick Young and Mrs. Dick the_ afternoon M r ami M r' Henry Parker and M r’ and Mrs- Bcrw>’n Burke j Tensen played with members. chUdren f Ontario ^ i t e d here last * *>-30 club dance in Payette - 8 - Sunday M th ' .rental Walter Par- j Saturday night. . SU RPR ISE B IR T D A Y P A R T Y ker home. — .................j,. . ! Several friends and neighbors of Mrs. Floyd White spent the w eek1 Mrs. C. W. Fanner surprised her on end in Boise visiting her daughter her birthday Monday aftenoon with Miss Norma .who is attending Links | a nice party. The guests brought Business eo'ter?. T ry our Market Finder to dls- the lunch, including a lovely birth Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith of Brogan 1 pose of surplus goods, rent a day cake. A pleasant afternoon was weer last Sunday visitors at the H. ( house, find lost articles, to buy or spent. I sell produce and many other uses. C. Elms home. - 8 - Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Birge of Lo6t I Rates one cent a word per lnser- BENEFTT BUNCO Creek visited the latters’ daughter I tion. Minimum 15c. | Last Thursday aftem on the Reb Ida Jones at the Fred Laurance ekah lodge gave a benefit bunco home last Sunday. W A N TE D —Men mechanically In party at the hall. Seven tables were clined to train as Diesel Engineers. | in play with first prize going to Mrs. Real opportunity if you can qualify. Frank Newbill and low to Mrs. B. W rite Box 147 Ontario, Oregon, 4-11 Burns. Mrs. W ill Beam won a spec -2tp. ial prize, Lunch was served. i GAS - C O N T R A C T CLUB Mrs. E. D. Norcott entertained the Contract club Monday with a nice party. Mrs. Famham Sills and Mrs. David Richardson played with the members. Mrs. Frank Hall achieved high score. Ontario, Oregon Fill Up With STANDARD 15 FOR YO U NG F O LK S T H U R S D A Y CLUB The Thursday bridge club met I with Mrs. Ernest McClure for their ■ regular meeting last week. Mrs. | George Stacey won first prize and j Mrs. Warren Blodgett, low. Mrs. Aden Wilson and Mrs. Barr Doolittle were guests. ANDREWS SEED CO. PAYETTE PREPARES TO FIGHT SALES TAX A T IRONSIDE The Rebekah lodge gave a very entertaining party for young folks at their hall Monday night. Prizes at bunco were won by Mrs. Eldon Jensen, high for women and Miss Betty Cook, low. Tom Clendening, high for men and Oca Blaylock, low. After bunco a lunch was served. Dancing was enjoyed later in the evening by the 50 guests present. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Phone 452 WORK STARTED ON NEW SAWMILL P A R T Y FOR SISTE R Miss Beverely Ouye entertained the Jolly Janes bridge club aud several guests at a lovely pa-ty j Thursday night at the home honoring her twin sister Miss Barbara Ouye. who came from Stanfield to spend the week end here. Miss Charlena Crawford won first prize and Miss Barbara Ouye second. The hostess served a lovely lunch at the close. L e g io n A u x ilia r y Ontario National Bank $948,124.29 This Leaves a Balance o f ...................... 93,515.34 Representing the capital. Surplus and Undivided Pro fits of this Bank, and constituting a very strong addi tional safeguard for our Depositors. OFFICERS C RA W FO RD MOORE. President JOE F D Y E R ..................Cashier J. W CUNN IN G H AM . Vice President IR A L C NELSON. Asst Cashier DIRECTORS C R AW FO RD MOORE J. W. C U NN IN G H AM R AY M O N D MOORE EUGENE LO O N EY C. C. ANDERSON *BALD? Give Your Scalp a Chance Oil 1« the name of the remarkably successful preparation that thousand« ara u «in f to get rid of loosa dandruff, «top scalp itch and grow strong. healthy hair on thin and partially bald «pot« where hair root« ter-irritant stimulate« circulation _-^lp. brings an abundant supply to nourish and feed «tarred hair roots-ona of the chief causes of baldness. Ost s botti« today at any druggist. Ths cost is trifling. SOc (Economy ). You h bars Uttis to Economy site, *l*e. $ | 1 l). tosa ai ind much to gain. ri Tbs Truth About the H air, If you writs to Cs.. M W . 4ft& $♦.. N. T. Mil. JAPANESE OI L v e r + t t e n w ft t 1 STMs «««r o v # 4 by s regletsesd gbysêsias. FOUND—Stove lid. Owner can have same by calling at Journal and paying for this ad. FOR SALE—Fifty head of ewes with lambs. Can be seen at old Whalen place, two miles north of Nyssa. 4- U -ltp . M A N W ANTE D — for R aw leigh' W A N TE D —Turkeys. duck3, chick- Route of 800 families. Oood profits ens. gese at highest market prices, for hustler. We train and help you. J Twenty-six years in the same place. Write today. Rawleigh Co.. Dept., O. H. BOWMAN. Payette. Idaho. ORD-148-SA2 Oakland, Calif. 4-4- Phone 163. tf. 4tp ___ T R U C K IN O — Coal, wood, grain, pQR produce, gravel, and, livestock, SALE—One hundred thirty anything moving. W e’ll haul it good lots In Nyssa. Oregon. Terms anywhere. HUGH GLASGOW , ® Hunt, owner. 3-21-tfc. Phone 36F3. tf . m -______ i— Tr-n^r-rw arx—* -* MEAT... Is the answer to that daily question “What shall I serve?” Fairest prices always. EAT MORE MEAT NYSSA PACKING CO. N YS S A TtUmr titJaultr f BASS H U E T E R P A I N T This varnish is a “tough guy! »» No glass rings on the mahogany! No water marks on floors! No weather-white on front doors! Versatile Spar Varnish protects woods—natural or stained. It gives a tough durable film that dries with a high gloss. Use it everywhere. It’s an easy-to-use all-pur pose varnish, dear and light in color. VERSATILE SPAR VARNISH Resists hot and c o ld - fresh and salt water. Dries bard overnight FO R SALE—Red clover seed. 3 V4 miles north of Nyssa on highway. Jacob Groot. 4-ll-3tc. FO R SALE—Mastadon Everbearing Strawberry plants. Mrs. Charles Bradley, Owyhee. A4* $69.50 P ,‘ 40 C 72 pages of the "how and when” of house repair and paint . . . 28 color schemes. Ask for your FREE copy. EDER HARDWARE OREGON CO. NYSSA « vmro / There is no guess work about it. A N o r g e Rollator cold m a k i n g mechanism has been running on factory test for the equivalent o f 33 years in the aver age home. Isn’t that the kind o f refri gerator mechanism you want to in vest in? Come in and let us show you the finest refrigerator you ever saw. EDER HARDWARE CO. Ny»»at Oregon pt 70 c * Full Line McCormick-Deering Repairs FREE BOOK For Home Owners FO R SALE:—Hatching eggs, white Leghorn, English strain. We won 1st at County fair. Mrs. H. E. Hight, Parma, located in Big Bend. 4-4-4tc. FO R SALE:—Baby chicks, all popu lar breeds. Baby turkeys and baby ducks. Custom hatching and hatch ing eggs. Cain’s Hatchery, Ontario, Oregon. 2-14-tf .T B. tk H. K AI,.SO.MINE 9c POUND W ANTE D —Pasture for about 30 head o f young cattle. Jim Boor. 4- ll-2tp. FO R SALE: Masters 450 egg incuba tor, $15. See Don Graham. 3-28-2p OREGON Adrian, Oregon