Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1935)
w k The Eagles lodge will hold their I Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson Mr. next meeting of the Kasabas Sunday ' and Mrs. Herschel Thompson and night April 14, at the Eagles hall. Mr. and Mrs. Max Schweizer were Read our ads and save money. visitors in Caldwell Wednesday. KELVINATOR See this beautiful new model giving complete refrigeration service in every model. Everything you want in a refrigerator. 1. PRESERVES YOUR FOOD PROPERLY 2. PLENTY OF ICE FOR DESSERTS—AND QUICKLY! 3. BEAUTIFUL CABINET 4. QUIET, ECONOMICAL OPERATION It will pay you to see our line before you buy. Many models to choose from, priced at from $9950 up NORDALE FURNITURE STORE NYSSA OREGON GUILTY!.. OUR COAL Has Been Accused of— —Furnishing More Heat —Less Ash and —Greater Economy —We ADMIT ITS GUILT— And Sentence it to hard duty in your furnace or range. We know it will make good. Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Dwight Smith, Manager NYSSA s Farmer z Brown’s \ Back To Farm Movement On Increase In Malheur County - - Observations GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, APRIL 11, m s . < See Us For Building Supplies PHONE 15 OREGON r wlth less acreage when Its product *\__________________ Substantial Increase in the num Is »250 or more annually. ber of farms and a striking tendency A compilation for six of the seven for population to move toward the counties of the district showed 1924 farm are indicated for Eastern Ore farms to be occupied by 4768 persons deer edetur: gon In preliminary census figures who not live on a farm five i understand the bumin question released by A. R. McCall of Elgin, years did ago. The supervisor estimates rite now In our fare city Is manure, supervisor of the third district for that the seventh county will bring the peepul what keap kows the 1935 agricultural census. the number now on farms who did it seams bumin up the refuze, and other The district, which Is composed of not reside there five years ago some hev peepul near by kiked a boot the smel, Union, Umatilla, Wallowa, Baker, what above 5000. so on. 1 understan our onor- Malheur, Harney and Grant coun- The increase in the number of and abul mayer at furst agreed to hawl ties, reported 8453 farms In opera farms has had as contributing fac- of the manure frea of charge, but tion April 1, 1930, while 1935 pre- j tx,rg the opening of the Vale and he got so dern mutch pitched at him liminary figures show 9338 farms In Owyhee Irrigation projects In Mal- that he had to re nig. so now Its the district. A farm as Interpreted | neur county, and expansion of the up to the onorabul counsel, and i do in th census is three or more acres | stanfieM-HernUston-UmatiUa irrt- pitie them, if they had as mutch devot.d to agricultural operation gated area m Umatilla county. A expurence as i hev In pitchin It hear further farm Increase is indicated to and thare, they shure have sum fun I have come from a discerned tend komin. SQUIBB ency toward the breaking up of 1 hurd 1 on you tew mister edetur; ’ larger operations into smaller units, afore wure married sum 1 rote this development having been noted you for you advise; he sed he wuz In luv in a major portion of the enumera with a homely gurl, and thet a ritch tion districts of Eastern Oregon. and pritty gurl wanted him to mar- Many of those people who have rie her, and what shud he dew. you returned to the farm are active op rote to him and sez, sez you: “mar The kind men like erators of small or larger acreages, rie the gurl you love, by awl meens, best. Shaves while In many Instances family and send me the name and adress of smoothly and keepe •kin soft. members who during more prosper the other 1.” ous time found employment else a lotta min think they hev a lotta where have returned to the home trubble supportln thare wieves, but B = r- 1 Tube farm to weather out the depression. Jlst them try not suportln her, and The health of the agriculture of sea what happuns. the district may be said to be gen yores truly, Parmer Brown. erally good, though Harney county suffered severely from drouth In and Malheur and Baker to a S q u i b b 1934. lesser dcgiec from the same cause. FARM TENANTS Umatilla, Union, Wallowa an d BUYING LAND Grant all showed production to have been relatively satisfactory. No TABLETS county she ved c'. .'crease in the num ber of farms, and only one county When tenant farmers begin to Each tablet has the did not rhe-v substantial increase, “want a place of their own” It Is a sam e V ita m in A strength, and double with Umatilla and Malheur In the pretty reliable Indication that farm th e V i t a m i n D lead as gainers of new farm units. ing conditions are getting better. At strength, of one tea spoonful of cod liver rate, almost every month dur oil U.S.P. (1934 rev.) The following is the record of the any the past year the Federal Land seven counties of Eastern Oregon as ing B o ttle o f 80 Bank of Spokane has registered a indicated in preliminary figures In sales of properties acquired County 1930 1935 gain through foreclosure, and tenant Union 1273 1327 $ farmers have been among the bank’s Umatilla 2265 2634 best "customers." Wallowa 952 1015 Baker 1380 1385 Farm sales during March reached Malheur 1345 1647 the high total of $267,359, bringing NYSSA PHARMACY Harney 603 620 the three-month volume of this year Nyssa Oregon Grant 632 710 to $731,718, or nearly $100.000 more The 1935 census gave a period of than for Jaunary, February and employment to approximately 100 Maroh of last year. SA V E with S A F E T Y at persons. The La Grande district of Being an unwilling possessor of Its 7he% * J 3 $ l DRUG STORE fice was opened December 19, 1934, acquired farms, the Land bank de and closed March 22. 1935, Super sires to return them to Individual visor McCall having cared for final operation as rapidly as suitable details at his residence In Elgin. buyers can be found, offering fav- orabel terms of purchase to respon- SHAVING CREAM 39c NEIGHBORS attractive by making it practical. If I am hungry, I can listen to the story of salvation better while I am “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as eating a sandwich.—Gordon Mac- thyself” was admittedly a Just re- Lafferty. qulretnnt of God. But “who Is my neighbor?” questions the exacting lawyer. “And Jesus answering said. A cer tain man . . . fell among thelves. j which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed. leaving him half dead." A priest and j a Levlte happening that way noticed the poor sufferer, but "passed on ! the other side.” He was not of their station In life. They didn't know who he was—possibly Just a tramp But one of the hated Samaritans chanced to see the dying stranger, j and had compassion on him. He ad - - just a sort ministered first aid to the helpless of ‘beauty’ form, took him to a hotel, cared for him the rest of the day, and provid hint . . . . ed for his expenses for the coming Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barker are days. “Which now of these three was back from the east with lots of new Ideas for your Beauty neighbor unto him that fell among thieves?” Work. “He that shewed mercy on him," replied the lawyer. Make an Appointment now “Then Jesus said unto him. Go thou and do thou likewise." See for your Easter Permanent. Luke 10:25-37. How often Christ’s lessons were directed as a stern rebuke to the religious world I 8urely we who are plvileged with the light of the gos pel should be the best neighbors— not only to those who live near us, NYSSA but neighbors to anyone who needs help. Christa lnlty should be made \ Evelyn’s Beauty Shop ADEX Complete Assortment of REPLACEMENT PARTS Valve Springs and Valve Keepers 1.00 For all the popular cars. Ignition parts and coils for all cars Generator armatures. Spring bolts and bushings Spindle bolts and bushings Complete assortment of genuine A.C. fuel pump parts. Welding of all kinds— No job too tough Larsen & Towne slble individuals. SATURDAY SALE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ,. v ' PLYMO UTH NYSSA, OREGON Now on Disj day at POWELL SE RVIOE STA TIC IN EAST OF THE DEPOT SATURDAY, APRIL 13 Remember the Plymouth i$ the car that give» y rou real economy of opera- tion, that gives you new ranges of speed and p< iwer never before thought possible in a low priced car, yet saves money >n the way! Smart . . . De- pendable .. . Economical. . . Safer, all these and more in the New Ply- mouth! RIDE IN THE PLY MOUTH AND BE C0NV1 INCED Weight 2000 pounds. Terms can be had on purchase of this fine animal. FARM MACHINERY, POULTRY AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Frank Wink, New Plymouth, Auctioneer W. J. Williams, Nyssa, Manager ................. You Are Invi [fed To SEE THE ] STEW Held In We have arranged to have outside livestock buy ers here so don’t be afraid to bring in your stock. If you have something you wish to sell, list it wit h W. J. Williams at the city hall—Bring it in the day of sale and we will ask for bids. S OREGON ...................................... A Big SATURDAY SALE Will Be 20-Head of Cows and Caives-20 15 — Head of Hogs — 15 10 — Head of Work Horses — 10 1-Registered Percheon Stallion-1 NYSS A m AS LOW AS $510 f. t >. b. factory Powell Service Station NYSSA # OREGON \