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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1935)
G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . THURSDAY*, A P R IL 11, lft38. —:---— Twp 29, Rng. 37; 8WHSWH. Sec 17, Twp. 15, Rng. 43; All, Sec 21,1 Tract NO. 806- Description, Lots », i named Defendant: Twp. 27, Rng. 38; SEHSEH, Sec. Twp. 15, Rng. 43; AU, See. 27. Twp. 110, Block 35; Lots li-12 Block 107, JN THE NAME OF THE STATE 27- R»« 38; SHSE1-». BEH- 115, Rng. 43; NE'4, NH BE1*, Sec. 12, ¡Original Town site to On: .rio; Pnce OF OREGON: You are hereby re- qulrod to appear and answer the SWH, Sec. 22. Twp. 27, Rng. 38; | Twp. 15, Rng. 44; WH NEI* Sec. 1«, $30.00. Tract No. 807—Description, Lois 1, complaint tiled against you in the ¡NEHNEH, SEHNWH. Sec. 23, Twp. Twp. 15, Rng. 44; SWH N W *, BERW YN BURKE, Publisher |27, Rng 38; NWH, WHNEH, Sec. ¡ SW h. Sec. 19, Twp. 15, Rng. 44; All 2, Block 64. Original Tcrwnslte to above entitled suit, within four Three Nyssa school boys. Junior 24, Twp. 27. Rng. 38; NEHNEH. Sec. Sec. 31, Twp. 15. Rng. 44; W 4 SWH Ontario; Price $10.00. weeks from the date of the first Dirlces, Charlie Toombs and Glenn 24, Twp. 27, Rng. 38; SWH. NWH- Sec. 29, Twp. 15, Rng 44; W 4 NWH, Tract No. 808—Description, Lots publication of this summons; and if Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon. Oregon Journal ! WreKU‘ ‘ SEH, Sec. 25, Twp. 27. Rng. 38; 8 4 , Sec. 7, Twp. 15. Rng. 45; Price 1776. 19. 20, Block 77. Original Townslte of you fall so to appear and answer for Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregon tor transmission though Traffic Safely prize comeet, two of ^ 25, Twp. 27, Rng. 38; want thereof the plaintiff will apply Tract No. 790—Description, NEH Ontario; Price $10.00. the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act ot hem Glenn Wolf and Charlie NEHNWH, Sec. 27, Twp. 27. NEH, 8ec. 25. Twp. 30, Rng. 42; Tract No. 809—Description, Lots to the Court for Judgment, order March 3. 1879. Toombs winning prizes. They were 1 Rng. 38; EH, Sec. 8, Twp. 27. Rng. NWH, Sec. 27, Twp. 30, Rng. 42; AU, I. 2, 3, 4, 5, Block 85, Original Town- and decree, adjudging and decreeing Instructed by R. J. Davis and learn 40; 8 4 N 4 , 8 4 , Sec 7, Twp. 27, 0 .t. 19, Twp. 30. Rng. 43; Price »84. site of Ontario; Price $25.00. that you and all persons claiming ed considerable about traffic laws Rng. 40; N 4 NWH, Sec 7, Twp. 27, Tract No. 810—Description Lot 10, under you, have no estate, or inter Tract No. 791—Description, All. SUBSCRIPTION RATES and how to avoid accidents in the Rng. 40; N 4 N 4 , SEH, Sec. 18, Twp. Sec. 27, Twp. 15, Rng. 43; Price $64. Block 274, Original Townslte of On est whatever in or to the following contest. described real premises, to-wit: 27, Rng. 40; 8 4 NE4 , E 4 S W 4 . S c $1.50 One Year __________ Tract No. 792—Description, AU. tario; Price $5. Tract No. 811 —Description Lots Among the facts brought out in 18. Twp. 27, Rng. 40; SWH, W 4 Sec. 9, Twp 16, Rng. 44; Price $224. ....75c Six Months ________ Lots Forty (40), Forty One the contest was that last year there SEH, Sec. 19. Twp. 27, Rng. 40; 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, Block 13, Riverside Tract No. 793—Description. 8 4 , (41), Forty-two (42), Forty- were more than 300 people killed, Price $376.00. NWH, W 4 NEH. 8EHNEH, Sec. 15. Add. to Ontario; Price $30.00. three (43), Forty-four (44), and Tract No. 812—Description, Lots 500 wounded and three million dol Tract No. 768—Description, SEH Twp. 16, Rng. 44; AU. Sec. 21, Twp. ADVERTISING RATES Forty-five (45) in Block Three lars in property damaged by auto NWH. SWH, Sec. 24. Twp. 13, Rng. 16, Rng. 44; 8 4 , Sec. 22, Twp. 16,. II, 12, Block 35 Original Townslte of (3) in Terrace Heights Addition Bates for Advertising will be furnished to both Local and Foreign accidents in Oregon alone. 41; N 4 N W 4, Sec. 25, Twp. 13, Rng Rng. 44; W 4 , SEH, W 4 . NE‘4, Sec. Ontario; Price $35.00. to the City of Ontario, in Mal Advertisers upon application. Classified Ads lc per word per inser Tract No. 813—Description. Lots Some of the slogans sent in by the | 41; n b HNEH. Sec. 26, Twp 13, Rng 23, Twp. 16, Rng. 44; Price $212.00. tion. heur County, Oregon. 13 to 20 inc., Block 107, Original boys were “Look, listen and live;” j 41! price «80 00. Tract No 794—Description, 6W14, Townslte of Ontario; Price $40. and that the title of plaintiff is good and “Save your life and others by 1 xr'act No. 769—Description. N 4 , Sec. Sec 9, Twp. 19, Rng. 44; Price $210. INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND KELIOION, OPTIMISTIC Tract No. 814—Description—Lot 2, and valid in fee simple therein. And learning and heeding the traffic | 5 15, Rng. 41; SEH N W S, Sec. Tract No. 795—Description. SW 4, IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE laws.” The slogan by a girl, “Let 2 4 , Twp. 14, Rng. 41; NE'4 SWH, Sec. 15, Twp. 18. Rng. 46; Price $80. Block A Barton's Add. to Ontario; that you be forever enjoined and EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY. Price $25.00. barred from asserting any claim conscience be your guide in every Se^. 2 4 , Twp. 14, Rng. 41; NWH- Tract No. 796—Description, Lot Tract No. 815—Description, Lots whatever in or to said lands and | ride,” took first prize. ¡S E 4 , Sec. 24, Twp. 14, Rng. 41; No. 7, 8ec. 30, Twp. 20, Rng. 47; 1. 2. 3, 4. Block 12, Original Townslte premises, adverse to the title of for painters, plasters, plumbers, 1___________________________________ : Price $78.00. Price $25.00. FAIR PLAY FOR of Vale; Price $350.00. plaintiff; and for such other and brick layers, and truckmen. Think LEGAL ADVERTISING Tract No. 797—Description, All Tract No. 770—Description, All, Tract No. 816—Description A.T. further relief as to the Court may of the lumber to be sold, plaster, lands south of Owyhee River in I Sec. 21, Twp. 15, Rng. 42; Price H A Y GROW ERS— No. 10, City of Vale; Price $10.80. seem meet and equitable, and for paint, hardware, plumbing fixtures,jNOX|CE 0 F SALE O F R E A L $160.00. ;8WK, Sec. 25, Twp. 20, Rng. 46; Tract No. 817—Description—Lots his costs and disbursements herein pipe-, roofing, and dozen of lnciden- j PROPERTY BID IN FOR TAXES j Price $20. 17, 18, Block 15, Teutsch's Add. to incurred. Tract No. 771 —Description, SEH, tals. Think of the added value to the Tract No. 798—Description, All Nyssa; Price $16.00. A N D OWNED BY MALHEUR [Sec 4, Twp. 16, Rng. 43; Price $80.00 While aU this business of quaran This summons is served upon you city in the way of improved appear __. „„„ _ . ...... q ,/ land east of the railroad track locat- COUNTY, OREGON. Dated at Vale, Malheur County, by publication thereof, under and by tine for alfalfa weevil has been go Tract No. 772—Description, SH, _ _ 17 ance, assessable property, more Oregon, this 12th day of March, ing; with one state after another water customers. Consider that there £>__11 “ I ™ * ’ f? * - 36' ^ 17* virtue of an order duly made and PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Sec. 22, Twp. 28, Rng. 39; SH & 3. [Rng. 44; Price $25.00. 1935. lifting the quarantine for a short would be insurance written on each GIVEN That pursuant to an Order NE *4, Sec. 36, Twp. 28, Rng. 39; entered by the Honorable Charles ----- — -------------------------- ------------------ --------- --------------- - ‘ ff . _ . T n rf on . XT 1 / j iia v t AN U . 799—Description, I LTCO U I t p t l D U , gXAl Tract No. C. W. GLENN, Sheriff. time when they need our hay badly, house, lawns and shrubs planted, duly made by the County Court of SW *, Sec. 1, Twp. Z7, Kng. W. Ellis, Judge of the above entitled river ^ g l, NWu i March 14—April 4. we wonder how many of their state wiring for the electrician, customers Malheur County, Oregon, bearing NEH. NWH, N'4 SWH, Sec. 2, TWP- ^ Court, on the 19th day of March, [g R 46; pj.lce j 10oe officials have stopped to consider for the power company. 1935; the date of the first publica date the 6th day of March. 1935, 27, Rng. 39; S^SEt 4 Sec. I h j w p . 800-^-Description, Lots that this section is known as one of !to me directed in the matter of the|27, Rng. 39; NH, Sec. 12, Twp. 27, 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, Block 1 Riverside tion hereof is the 21st day of March, LEGAL ADVERTISING All this and more from the con sale of lands bid in by said County [Rng. 39; NH NH, SWH NW H, the heaviest alfalfa producing re 1935, and the date of the list pub y - ____ - Jr „ Add to Ontario; Price $30.00. gions anywhere. If the alfalfa weevU struction of new houses. After new for taxes and commanding me to NWH SW 4, Sec. 14, Twp. 27, Rng.. Tract N q 801_ Descrlptloni ^ lf lication hereof is the 18th day of _________ _____ SUMMONS is so bad, how do you reconcUe this families were installed, which would sell according to law, the real prop- j 39 i N H, Sec. 13, Twp. 27, Rng. 39, | April, 1935. be only a matter of a few days; con erty belonging to said County and| All. Sec. 15, Twp. 27^Rng. 39; NE'4, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, Block 5 Riverside Add. to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE fact? LOTT D. BROWN, Ontario; Price $30. sider the new customers for every STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL An investigation recently conduct hereinafter described; Lots Attorney for Plaintiff, business house in town; new people rL mt nd, N ^ N 'i SWH NW SEH s i : 22 ! T n et No- 802-Description, HEUR COUNTY. ed by a group of interested citizens Residence a n d address C0"|P“ Order, a" Ce W ‘^ on the 13th day iw fc 34' 37■ 33' p Block 6, Riverside - ol said and T w p ^ 27 7 Rng^39, sw v4 sw v*, s sec. Add 35' ^ 36• 0ntario; , ^ $25 led to this statement by the chair for our civic and social life, and we Baker, Oregon. JOSEPH MERRILL, Plaintiff N q Uon ^ man of the committee, “The ques might as well admit it, new sub of April, 1935, at the hour of 10:00 4. Twp. 26, Rng. 40, S>4 8 4 . S-C., vs. tion is entirely a political one, and scribers for the Gate City Journal. ¡o'clock in the forenoon of said day. ‘ 7_ ' Pwpm 3®; ^ . 4° ' ^ 43, 44. Block 6. Riverside Add to On- ALEXANDER DICKSON, Defend at the North main entrance door of NWH, NEH NW>4, Sec. 18, Twp. 26, tarl0. *1000 is used as a club to prevent our hay Tell our Advertisers you ant. from competing with theirs." And the County Court House at Vale, "I?*' Tract No. 804—Description, Lots Editorial Comments Oregon, offer for sale at public SEH SEA .S e c >8_Twp 26, Rng 40 L 7 8 g 10 Bloc]c 1Q Rlverelde Add To Alexander Dickson, the above saw their ad in the Journal the blame is not to be attached en The Gate City Journal tirely to the eastern states. How can they be blamed from taking this attitude when the northern part of Idaho is quarantined, from the southern part; when the eastern part of Oregon is quarantined out of the western part. The first step, the committee found, was to put our own house in order and get this un just quarantine removed from our own states before they could expect concessions from the middle west. NYSSA BOYS IN 13, SAFETY CONTEST 14 ¡auction to the highest bidder there- [ Nti, Nhi,^SE ‘ ■J^E^ wSVfa ‘triSe ^ ' [to Ontario; Price $25.00. .for, the lands hereinafter described, j Twp. 26 Rng. 40; N'4 SW14, SV4 Tract No. 805—Description, Lots --------- I Said tracts of land are numbered as ! NWtA, SW14, NE’4, Sec. 28, Twp. 26, 53, 54, Block 10, Riverside Add. to INSURE IN The largest of holding < ™ nlas ' o^ red ^ for le^ 26 Rng0 40 i'^E I T n W -, . ^ T o . V Z Ontario; Price $10.00 is the company of frightened capit- than or ',rac1, w“ ‘ “ ! , , Rr,„ 4 «. N i/ cuv. 27 the price fixed by said Order ¡24, Rng. 40, N b & bkv . . hoc . z i , alists holding their dough. ,__ „ .„ „ ff« - set, Twp. 14, Rng. 42; Price, $792.00. ¡for ___, each _____ tract . as hereinafter forth the cost of publication to b e , Tract No. 733—Description, S 4 Danger of another war results added to each lot or tract so sold. 1 SW ‘4, NWH SWVi, Sec. 5, Twp. 16, from the fact that it isn't the burn Said lands will be offered tor sale Rng. 43; NV4, NV4 S'4, & All north ed children who are now playing as follows: All tracts priced at $200 - of ditch in SE'A S E 'i, 8ec. 6, Twp. with the fire. 00 or less to the highest and best j 16, Rng. 43; NV4, WV4 SWVi, SEVi bidder for cash; all tracts priced at i SWVi, NV4SEVA, Sec. 16, Twp. 16, AUTO LICENSES Premier Laval says that France more than $200.00 and not more Rng. 43; Price $288.25 Tract No. 774—Description, SWV4 wants security, not war. We re than $500.00 to the highest and best LET’S H AV E MORE O INS. CO. N. A. member when Uncle Sam got too bidder for cash or for not less than NEVi, SEy* NWVi. WV4SEV4, Sec. much of both. HOUSES IN N YSSA— 20 per cent cash and the remainder 19, Twp. 26, Rng. 43; E>4SWVi, Lots to be paid under written agreement 2-3-4, Sec. 19, Twp. 26, Rng. 43; While so slowly legislating, C o n -, with the purchaser in equal install- NWVi NEVA, NBV4NWÜ, Lot 1, Sec. 30, Twp. 26, Rng. 43; Price $120.00. It is becoming increasingly evi gress could beguile itself and the ments not exceeding 5 years, and all Tract No. 775—Description, NEVi, dent that there will have to be some nation by evolving cross word puzz tracts priced at more than $500.00 to OURS is a “ hospital" for run the highest and best bidder for SV4 NWVi, SV4, Sec. 11, Twp. 30, building in Nyssa very soon if the les. It doesn’t lack for cross words. down heels and wom-out cash or for not less than 20 per Rng. 43; All, Sec. 13, Twp. 30, Rng. people whd want to live here are to 43; All, Sec. 23, Twp. 30, Rng. 43; soles. After our attention, old Trouble is now that when Oppor cent cash and the remainder to be be accomodated. Every available All Sec. 19, Twp. 30, Rng. 44; Price shoes look and step along like house is taken and several more tunity starts to knock it is crowded paid under written agreement with $248.00. new! could be filled with desirable ten off the stoop by bill collectors or the purchaser, in equal installments Tract No. 776—Description, All over a period not exceeding 10 years, First Class Repairers ants if they were available. itinerant salesmen. all deferred payments to draw inter west of railroad and highway in —that's us! With the encouragement offered NEVi (less the gravel pit) Sec. 1, Earl Sande, the great Jockey, has est at the rate of 6 per cent per by the government through its Bet PROMPT SERVICE Twp. 18, Rng. 44; Price $1.00 per ter Housing campaign, it appears become a crooner. We fear he has annum, payable annually, and such Phone 76F3 agreements shall be subject to all acre. that right now is the ideal time for ridden to a fall. Tract No. 777—Description, EV4 terms and conditions of Sections expansion. The depression is start Nyssa Shoe Shop NEVi, Sec. 22, Twp. 15, Rng. 45; Hauptman lost out in facing a 69-813 and 69-836, Oregon Code, as ing to lift, and nothing would lift NWy*NWVi, Sec. 23, Twp. 15, Rng. amended by Session Laws of 1931 Ross Parkinson, Prop. it even faster in Nyssa than to start murder charge, but is evidently im Ambulance Service 45; Lot 1, Sec. 14, Twp. 15, Rng’ 45; construction of needed residences. It mune to the one of $25,000 made by and 1933. Lots 3-4-5, SV4 SEVA, Sec. 15, Twp. Nyssa, Oregon has been found by experience that his chief counsel. All lands within the boundaries of 15, Rng. 45; Price $80.00. when the building trade starts irrigation or drainage districts will Tract No. 778—W >4 SWVi, Sec. 5, In Russia, which has taken up be sold subject to any valid assess booming, it helps every person in a Twp. 18. Rng. 45; Price $40.00. community, either directly or in baseball, that bewhiskered House of ments made or to be made by said Tract No. 779—W 4 SW 1*, Sec. 9. directly. Think of the carpenter David outfit would be Just another districts since the date said lands j 17 Rng 45. NE'A, NWVi, % work Involved. Think of the work ball team. were acquired by the County. A l l E'4SWVA, ------ — ’ _ Sec. -1 - — - 45; 10, — Twp. - 17, Rng. land within the boundaries of the N VANE VA, S VA SWVi, SV4 SEVi. Dec. Warmsprings Irrigation District and 23, Twp. 17, Rng. 45; EVASEVi, Sec. which have been classified as in 22. Twp. 17, Rng. 45; All, Sec. 17. ¡Classes 5 and 6, and as to which Twp. 17, Rng. 45; SE'ASEVi, Sec. 33, W E RECOMMEND THEM said County has heretofore, by Res Twp. 16. Rng. 46;SV4 SWVi, Sec. 34, olution dated September 3, 1930, Twp. 16. Rng. 46; N VA NE Vi. SW Vi- aut horized a transfer to said district NEVi, Sec. 28, Twp. 17, Rng. 46; | of the water rights appurtenant to SWVi, NWyiSEVi, Sec. 28, Twp. 17, I said lands shall be sold without Rng. 46; E'AE>4, WV4NEV4. NWVi LOTT D. BROWN A. L. FLETCHER water right. SEVi, Sec. 29. Twp. 17, Rng. 46; SEUSE'i, N VA S E 'i, NVA NE'A, Sec. Said lands numbered as to tracts Population, (1930) ............ 3?1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and with the minimum prices set 20, Twp. 17, Rng. 46; SW HSW Vi. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Recent estimates ............ 1000 opposite each tract are as follows Sec. 21, Twp. 17. Rng. 48; NEVi- Elevation ............. 2186 SWVi. SEVjNWVA, NVA SEH, Sec. 2. to-wit: OREGON NYSSA NYSSA : OREGON Twp. 17, Rng. 46; SEy.SWVi, EVA City Officers Tract No. 764—Description. 8V4 NWVi SEVi, Sec. 15, Twp. 17, Rng SEVi, Sec. 22, Twp. 25, Rng 38; SWVi 46; SW'4, Sec. 1, Twp. 17, Rng. 46; M a y or..................... .... Don Graham SWVi, Sec. 23. Twp. 25. Rng. 38; NEVi NEVi, Sec. 4, Twp. 17, Rng. Councllmen _________ Art Norcott, NEA NW 1 4. W 'iN W V , Sec. 26, | A1 Thompson, Dick Tenaen, Dean 46; Price $274.00. Twp. 25, Rng. 38; NWVASWV4, Sec. | Tract No 780—Description, NWVi, Smith. DR. E. D. NORCOTT 26, Twp. 25, Rng. 38; NEVi, E'A SVA NEVi, NVA SWVi, Sec. 7, Twp. 18. DR. C. A. ABBOTT City Clerk ................... JL R. Millar NWVi, Sec. 27, Twp. 25, Rng. 38; Rng. 46; N'A SE 'i less all south of City Treasurer ......... Arthur Boydell D E N T I S T CHIROPRACTIC NEVA SWVi, Sec. 27, Twp. 25, Rng. ditch. Sec. 7, Twp. 18, Rng. 46; Price Marshall ........ ......... ........ A. V. Cook Office Phone 35P2 PHYSICIAN 138; NV4 SEVi, Sec. 27, Twp. 25. Rng. $380.00. Waterm aster_____ 14. H. Pinkerton Residence Phone 35F3 38: EVi, Sec. 8, Twp. 25. Rng. 38; SV4 Office in Resldenoe Health Officer __ Dr. J. J.' Sarazln Tract No. 782—Description. SEVA X -R A Y EXAMINATIONS SEVA, Sec. 3, Twp. 25. Rng. 38; S>4 NE'4 & Lot 1, Sec. 3 ,Twp. 22, Rng. Three blocks So. M. E. Church County Officers NEVi, NHSE'A Sec. 9, Twp. 25, Rng. 46; Price $75.00. NYSSA OREGON PHONE 25 38; NEVi and S'4NWVi, Sec. 10, / P you are underinsured, or if you let Tract No. 783—Description, 8V4 Commissioners .............. Ora Clark, Twp 25, Rng. 38; NH. SEVi, NV4- S W ',. Sec. 17. Twp. 15. Rng. 46; NVA E. H. Brumbach. your 6re insurance lapse eveo for a single SWVi, Sec. 10, Twp. 25, Rng. 38; NW’4. SE 'i N W 'i, SVA NEVA, Sec County Ju dge..... David F. Graham Price $400. day. your property values are exposed to 20. Twp 15, Rng. 46; EH SWH SEH, S h eriff............................. c. W. Glenn Nyssa Aerie NYSSA LIBRARY Tract No. 765—Description, WH Sec. 20. Twp. 15, Rng. 46: SH SWH. C lerk ................................ Roy Daley loss. F. O. E. No. 2134 W'4 & EHSW 1*, Sec 24. Twp. 22, Sec. 21. Twp. 15, Rng. 46; NH NWH, OPEN SATURDAY Assessor ............. Murray Morton Rng. 38; SH SEH, Sec. 24, Twp. 22. Sec. 28. Twp. 15, Rng. 46; NH NEH, Treasurer .............. Mrs. Ora Hope Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy VIEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT ¡Rng. 38; EH, Sec. 25. Twp. 22, Rng. NEH. NWH, Sec 29, Twp. 15, Rng. Town Patrons 2:30 to 5:30 County Attorney...........M. A. Biggs much valuable property in a brief time. j38; Price $160. 46; Price $460.00. County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson Out-of-town patrons AT EAGLES HALL Tract No. 784—Description. NEH County Physician....... Dr. Anna B. Y ou owe it to yourself to be carefully j Tract No. 766—Description. SWH. 2:30 to 7:30 SWH. Sec. 14, Twp. 16, Rng. 47; Pritchett. Visiting Eagles Welcome 8ec. 8. Twp. 17. Rng. 38: SH SWH. Price $40.00. protected. H ow could you be adequately Coroner ------- R. a . Tacke NWH SWH. Sec. 13. Twp. 17. Rng. ALL PATRONS WELCOME Tract No. 785—Description, South Superintendent.. Kathryn Olaypool BERNARD FROST, President 38: SH SH. NWHSEH, Sec. 15, compensated for your loss if you were of ditch in NEHSEH. Sec. 15, Twp. Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian Twp. 17, Rng. 38; SEH, NH, Sec. 17, DON M. GRAHAM, Secretary Nyssa Pablic Schools 16. Rng. 47; Price $26.25. uninsured or underinsuredP Twp. 17. Rng. 38; NH NEH, SEH- Tract No. 786—Description, WH, Superintendent Leo Hollenberg NEH, Sec. 21. Twp. 17. Rng. 38; SWH NWH. WH SEH NWH, Sec. Let ui help you obtain an ap I n EHSEH, Sec. 21. Twp 17, Rng 38; Facta About Owyhee Project 5. Twp. 18, Rng. 47; WH EH SEH praisal, make mgyeitiont, and NH. NWH SWH, Sec. 22, Twp. 17 ,1 NWH. EHNWH SWH NEH. Sec. 5, Rng. 38; NH SEH. Sec. 22. Twp ! Cost of Owyhee Dam ........ $6.000,600 furnish adequate insurance, Twp. 18, Rng. 47; Price $137.50. ON THE OLD JOB CITY TRANSFER 17, Rng. 38; SEH SEH. Sec. 23,| 7H mllee of T u n n el..........$4.000.000 Tract No. 787—Lots 3-4, Sec. 19 Twp. 17, Rng. 38; WH. Sec. 24. Twp 8iphona, canals, etc. _____ $3.000.000 Twp. 30, Rng 47; Lots 1-2. Sec. 30, H. D. Holmes Owyhee dam storage capacity___ 17, Rng. 38; Price $480.00. Twp. 30. Rng 47; Price $38 00. ------------------ 716,000 acre feet | Tract No. 767—Description. SEH- Tract No. 788—SWH SWH. SEH TRUCKING Heighth of d a m ----- „ 520 fe e t: NWH, NV SW l . Sec 23. Twp, 28. NWH, SWHNEH, Sec. 29. Twp. 18, From lowest point of foundation and Rng. 37; EHSWH. SWHSWH. Sec Rng. 40; EH SWH. WH SEH, Sec TRANSFER and BAGOAOE to top. 35. Twp 28, Rng. 37; WH8EH. 29, Twp. 16. Rng. 40; 8H 8H . Sec 30. TRANSFERRING Leading project city, Nyssa, Oregon All Kinds of Hauling In NEHSEH, Sec. 35. Twp. 28. Rng 37; Twp. 16. Rng 40; NEH. Lot 1, Sec Elevation of land ___ 2250 to 2.500 Phone 1$ and Phone 28 SEHNEH. Sec 35, Twp. 28. Rng. 31 Twp. 16. Rng 40; EH NWH. Acre« in Owyhee project, 100,00 acres City Limits 37; NEHNWH. Sec. 2, Twp. 29. Rng NEH SEH. Sec 31. Twp. 16, Rng Principal products ___________ hay, I 37: 8WH NWH, SWH, Sec. 19, Twp. 40: WH, WH EH, SEH SEH. Sec OREGON corn, dairying, a t o ck raising, NYSSA C. Klinkenberg NYSSA. OREOON Phono 5 29, Rng 37; EHNEH. Sec 30. Twp 32. Twp. 16. Rng. 40; Price $320 00. grains, potatoes, clover seed. peas, 29. Rng 37; WHNEH. NWH. Sec Tract No. 789-Deecrlption. AU. lettuce, onions and carrots. 21, Twp. 29, Rng. 37; NWH, Sec. 30, Sec. 11, Twp. 15. Rng. 42 All, 8ec. By Clark Wood f Sure Insurance ) S ïiA iïe  l ■HAVE! Frank T. Morgan N yssa F u n e ral Hom e NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY y FACTS ABOUT NYSSA Evert]Iwc Minutes ANOTHER HOME BURNS Don M . Graham Fire Insurance Bonds Notary Public