Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1935)
THE GATE CITY J OURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon VOLUME XXIX. GATEW AY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK. CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS NO. 14. HAY BUYERS GLEAN UP SURPLUS FROM NYSSA LOCALITY NYSSA; OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1935 AUCTION SALE TO BE HELD SATURDAY APPLICATIONS FOR POTATO GROWERS TO MEET FRIDAY Water Will Go Through Tunnels Starting Friday SIZABLE INCREASE BATTER UP May Make Fish Pond Out of Old Dunaway Pit ’ROUND TOWN Coming Over The Hill City Declamatory Contest Held Here Friday Night Vale, Ontario also win. $1.50 PER YEAR ♦ j A meeting of vital interest to j potato growers and prospective Prank Wink, auctioneer of New growers, will be held Friday after- Plymouth and W. J. Wililams, local I noon at the Boulevard hall, begin- manager report that things are go | ning at 1:30. One of the principal ing even better than expected for topics of discussion will be the War the first Saturday Sale to be held in ren Potato act, and how it will ef Nyssa Saturday afternoon, April 13. fect the growers of potatoes. The Many farmers and stockmen have discussion will be led by County declared their intention of bringing B u y e r s Active Buying in a good lot of stock and buyers More Applications f o r Agent Larson. The Warren Potato act, which is Baseball dope gathered from Hay for Eastern Points from several neighboring towns be Farm Loans Being Re now before Congress, proposes to al sides local buyer, will be present to far and near . . . Praise and lot a certain acreage among the With Surplus Expected bid on the stock offered. There will ceived This Year By the growers, and thus limit production panning . . . facts and figures. to be Wiped out by May also be quite a list of farm machin the idea of prevention price County Agent’s Office. with ery poultry and miscellaneous goods breaking surpluses. Growers will be First offered for sale. asked to comment on the proposed Mr. Williams states that if anyone The opening of the season in Nys act and express their opinion either wishes to sell something at the sale Applications for crop loans at the for or against the measure. sa turned out badly this week with Surplus hay in this part of state Saturday, they may bring it in and county agent's office is threatening Another question of importance at the weather man preventing both is now practically all cleaned up, it will be offered although it is too to become a serious problem, with the Friday meeting will be a dis the scheduled game with Ontario being made by the cussion regarding noxious weeds by from being played Friday and the according to County Agent Larson, late to get it on the bills for this applications dozens daily. From Thursday noon County Agent Larson. All farmers wind caused the postponement of the who Is In close touch with the situa week. until Monday, 75 applications had and others interested are invited to game Tuesday with Parma. These tion. While there is a few tons of been filed with the county crop attend this meeting. hay left, it is not more than the games, particularly the Ontario loan committee through the county normal surplus and is not any more game will be played later in the agent’s office. The crop loan com than should be left to take care of season. Windy and wet weather has TOXOID SERUM mittee is composed of Iral Nelson of domestic requirements. prevented proper practice for the Ontario; Pete Tensen, Nyssa and D. H. J. Davidson, who bought con high school team but with the ad WILL BE GIVEN TO C. Deming, Vale. siderable hay here two weeks ago, vent of good weather again Wed CHILDREN FRIDAY nesday, The committee met Monday night ran into difficulties getting the hay the squad was again out to consider applications for crop into South Dakota and had to cancel going through their paces. Toxoid t "a t^ n ts for the pre loans and will probably meet once most of his advance orders. About • * * or twice a week for some time to vention of diptheria will be started 50 cars of hay from this section went Friday the high school team will Friday in the local schools under handle this matter. It will greatly into South Dakota before the state go to Ontario for a game and on facilitate the work if applicants will the sponsorship of the American authorities ordered the federal re Legion Auxiliary. Pome 250 students Tuesday, April 16 the high school ascertain the legal description of lief agencies to stop the shipment of have signed up to take the treat-season will be officially opened in their farm and the kinds of crops hay from this section. He went up Nyssa with Vale as the visiting Site is Said to be Ideal they intend to plant, before making ments and there v’ i’T bo serum avail team. Vale has one victory over into Washington and bought some able for others ;f ti y decide to take application.. County Agent Larsen hay to ship to South Dakota. Place to Plant Channel Nyssa, by a 3 to 4 score and the was in Nyssa Monday and again the treatment. Cnildren of pre game Tuesday should be a real bat W. W. Felthouse has been buying school age, that is five and six years Cat, Blue Gill and Small Wednesday to help handle this considerable hay here for shipment tle. work. Tuesday and Thursdays are old, can take the treatments with to Arkansas and has until the 1st of * * * Mouth Bass Species. beneficial results, it is said. Friday spent in Vale. May to get the hay on cars. Richard Practice has been called this week morning has been st.t as the time for The loans are authorized to be A move is on foot now to make a Callari, buyer for Johnson-Olson the giving of the seVum to children for the town boys, to be held every Hay Co., of Minneapolis is making fish pond at the government gravel made to farmers for ‘fallowing, the evening the weather is nice. Anoth of pre-school age. special efforts to get his hay pur pit at Dunnaway, with the idea of production and harvesting crops, Dr. J. J. Sarazin is doing the work er big practice will be held Sunday chases into Minnesota before the raising fish for planting in other and feed for livestock" under the gratis and the only cost is 25 cents in preparation for the practice game streams or possibly as a fishing terms of the act which was passed 15th of this month. to help pay for the toxoid, and other Monday with the College of Idaho. by Congress February 20, 1935. Any place for those who are unable to equipment necessary. The Auxiliary This will give the local fans an op drive to t r o u t fishing waters. amount from $10 to a maximum of MALHEUR QUOTA is standing the balance of the co6t. portunity to size up their team this George Aiken of Ontario, a member $500, or sufficient to finance seeding year and give some much needed IS 17 FOR APRIL of the state game commission and and harvesting, providing it is ade practice for the opening of the quately secured by a crop mortgage, F. Schlapkohl of the reclamation league season, which will be April CCC WORKERS department visited the site Monday can be obtained. 28th. The applicant for a loan must in- and were much impressed with the According to an announcement possibilities of making a fish pond dice te that he is cooperating in the - 8 - Middleton has been added as the received this week, Malheur county’s at slight expense. Mr. Aiken has crop production control programs of Herd of sheep going through va 8th team in the Idaho-Oregon semi- quota fer CCC workers for April will promised to bring it to the atten the A.A.A. or is not proposing to in- cant lots Tuesday morning . . . Art professional league, at a meeting be 17 workers. All applications must tion of the Oregon game commis crease his 1935 production of basic ; Norcott leading discussion o n held Monday night in Nampa. leading discussion be in the hands of the relief com sion at their next meeting. commodities in a manner detriment- , w;ieti1Pr one shoild sleep with his Dewey Ray, Nyssa manager and mittee by April 14th.. Applicants will under or over the covers . . . At the present time there is con al to the success of the A .A.A . pro- be chosen from the juniors on the siderable water seeping into the old gram. As the regional office for Ore- ; barren McHargue taking snooze in Artie Robertson attended the meet lng. Teams who will fight it out for relief rolls. excavation and it is thought that gon has been moved from Salt Lake barber shop Monday . . . New city the bunting this year are Nyssa, to Spokane, it is expected that more with a small dam and some sort of road machinery arriving Tuesday Ontario, Payette. Caldwell, Nampa, NYSSA GRADE spillway, a small lake covering from rapid service will be given on loans . . . Whiskers getting longer and Boise, Middleton and Emmett. A this year than heretofore. 10 to 12 acres of water could be starting to scratch . . . Two out for schedule of the season which starts SCHOOL ATTENDS formed. The idea of planting chan ball practice Sunday; too windy . . . April 28th, is being worked out and DAUGHTER BORN MUSIC MEET nel cat, blue gill and small mouth Lott Brown refusing blame for wind will be ready for announcement A daughter was born to Mr. and . . . Mrs. Bert Barker trying out new bass has been advanced, which soon. Mrs. Creager Wednesday, April 3. The Nyssa grade school was well would add considerable to the game The little miss has been named Chevy . . . Lights on at “Slim” Mc- resources of this section. Llng's at 5:30 Monday morning . . . PARENTS OF SON represented at the musical festival Justine Gay. Mr. Kreager is in Wyo Bernard Frost tending kids Sunday held in Vale Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roach are ming at the present time but will night . . . Herschel Thompson brag Miss Beverley Guye and Miss Hettie SALE TO BE HELD parents of a baby boy, bom Friday, be back to his work at the dam in ging about new car . . . Medesker, who were in charge of ar April 5th. NEXT TUESDAY a short time. rangements here, took about 50 pupils over. The program consisted A Public Auction will be held next of matched chorus, quartettes, small Tuesday afternoon at the old Mc group singing, harmonica and rhy Ginnis farm, lt4 miles west of the thm bands. Owyhee bridge on the south side of Representatives of city and rural the river, at which time quite a line schools from the entire county were of farm machinery, three work present. Rural schools from this sec horses and two cows will be offered tion attending were Wade,, Oregon for sale. Trail, Kingman Kolony, and Valley View. Two Nyssa Speakers Win Fastest Growing Town in Oregon CITY RECEIVES NEW ROAD MACHINERY The new city road machinery, consisting of a Fordson tractor with a built-in grader, arrived Tuesday. The city has also purchased a Ford truck which they expect to make into a water sprinkler for use on the city streets. The truck was used in hauling the road machinery from Idaho Falls, thus saving freight charges. Mayor Don Graham and Art Cook made a trip to Idaho Falls over the week end to inspect the machinery. Nyssa won two firsts in the de clamatory contest held Friday night INJURED BY TRACTOR WHEEL in the Methodist church for the city Jim Denny, who is farming on the schools. Vale won three firsts and Ontario won one. Winners were j new project for Prof. Barlow of the University of Utah, received a crack presented with medals. Following are a list of winners: ed rib and other bruises when the 3rd and 4th Non-humorous—Shlela wheel of a tractor fell on him Mon Reed of Ontario, speaking "The day. The wheel was being removed Wind and the Moon." 3rd and 4th and started to fall before the men Humorous—Anna Marie Toombs, could get it under control. It; was Nyssa, speaking “Janice Wanted a very fortunate that no one received serious injuries. Watch.” 5th and 6th Non-humorous—Glor ia Masterson, Vale .“Wynken. Blln- WIND STORM VISITS NYSSA MONDAY NIGHT ken and Nod.” 5th and 6th Hum orous—Betty Clare Hickman, Vale, "Punishment of Mary Louise." Quite a stiff wind swept through 7th and 8th Non-humorous—Her the Nyssa section Monday evening bert Humphrey. Vale. "Unvick.” 7th and continued through the day and 8th Humorous—Luella Leuck, Tuesday. No serious damage was reported but several reported a few Nyssa, "Nora and the Twins.” Other speakers from Nyssa were shingles blown off roofs and a loose Delma Ward, Lester Keizer and awning rod broke a plate glass Ruth Flanary. window in the Wilson Drygoods win Judge were Elmo Peterson and dow. The rain over the week end William Young of Parma and Cecil and Monday prevented any dust from blowing and crops were not Fisch of Payette. damaged In the least. EAGLES CARD PARTY IS POSTPONED Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barker returned Friday evening from a trip to Flint, I The last card party of the Mich., driving back a new Chevrole* Eagles series which was to have standard sedan for themselves and been given tonight has been towing a standard coach for Hershel postponed until Friday night, Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Mar April 12. on account of conflict shall. who the Barkers made the trip ing with the high school enfer east with, are expected back the last ment. of this week. SERUM SUPPLY W a t e r Rising In Dam RUNNING SHORT Almost Four Feet Daily — Water for Irrigation More and more people are Will Reach New Lands taking advantage of the tick In About Ten Days. serum treatment for the preven tion of spotted fever. This year Dr. Sarazin’s office has already treated some 125 patients, while the number last year was around 40. So great has been the demand that the supply is prac tically exhausted and word from the government laboratories at Hamilton. Montana, is to the ef- fec that the supply has been ex hausted there too. Damp, cold weather is best for tick growth, so we may expect to see a good many this year. One death has been reported, that of George Bradley. Western Union operator of Sunnyside, Idaho. Whiskers S ta rt. Sprouting For Big Celebration Timely Advice Given to Growers of N y u a ’ i Spinach Crop on Can _ For the Harvest. Of timely interest to Nysslans, is this advice on the wearing of b e taken from ‘TV : . ,.ubu • 1881 by the ubllshlng Hous ' of New York, mo ujubt many Nyssa men will gather gems of wisdom from the pen o f this writer of over 50 years ago. He says: "The style of the hair on the face should be governed by the character of the face. But whatever the style be, the great point should be to keep it well brushed and trimmed, and to avoid any appearance of wildness or inattention." ‘The full, flowing beard of course requires more looking after in the way of cleanliness than any other. It should be thoroughly washed and brushed at least twice a day, as dust is sure to accumulate in it, and it is very easy to suffer it to become ob jectionable to one's self as well as to others. The mustache Should be worn neatly and not over-large.” In conclulon our advice to those who shave is like Punch’s advice to those about to marry, "Don’t!” There Is nothing that so adds to native manliness as the full beard if carefully kept; and no man need be ashamed of showing his manhood in the hair of his face.” Mrs. Char. Gardner has been sick with the flu the past week. Water through the tunnel! The first water to go through the tunnel onto the new project will start its Journey Friday morning of this week, according to R. J. Newell, pro ject engineer, which marks an event waited for many years. Water has been rising in the dam at rate of over three feet a day for the past three days, the exact figure being 3.85. Thursday morning the water was approximately one foot from the tunnel mouth with the water ex pected to hit the tunnel mouth by four o'clock today. From 9,000 to 10.000 foot of water is running into the dam as the spring run-off started in the snow covered, moun tains. The water in the dam has raised over 18 feet in the past sewn days. The first head of water will be small to prime and puddle the tun nel and ditches. Mr. Newell states that in his opinion water sufficient for irrigation' purposes will be able to be turned in the ditches not later than 10 days. Water will be turned in both the main laterals, the King- main leading toward Adrian and the Mitchell Butte lateral leading toward Nyssa. The spring run-off is now well started but if warm weather hits the upper country the present 9 to 10,000 foot run-off may be increased. In 1932 the big run-off can-led as much as 20 000 foot of water every 24 vours. The first water through the tun- means the fulfillment of a team of many years standing, the first organization leading toward the construction of the Owyhee dam starting in 1904. In 1924 and 1925 Congress made appropriations to start the construction of the Owyhee project, and the dam was built at a cost of $6,000,000,000, The tunnels leading the water from the dam through the hills to the mouth of the main canals were constructed at a cost of $4,000,000,000, and oanal construction has added another $3,- 000,000. The project is completed to a point where 15,000 acres of new land will be under water this spring. The Vale and Owyhee projects are the first ones to be constructed by the United States government and offered for settlement at an "un improved land price, with specula tion and commissions for selling ab- olutely eliminated. First Ball Game To Held Monday POWELL SERVICE College to Play League HAS NEW PLYMOUTH Team Monday— Ny»sa Plays Vale Tuesday. The Powell Service Station has some new Plymouth cars on display in their place of business, and they have been attracting considerable attention. Mr. Powell reports much interest being shown in the new oar and its may improved features. Two sales of new cars were made recently, one being closed Wednesday to Rus sell Vlnaonhaler and Leo Hollenberg taking the other. INDIA MISSIONARY SPEAKS IN NYSSA Two Nyssa athletic instructors are on the list of all-star southwestern Idaho and eastern Oregon coachs' baseball team scheduled to play the College of Idaho next Wednesday, April 17th. John Young is expected to serve as catcher and Owen Price has been assigned to lnflled duty in this game, which will be played in Caldwell. College Plays Here The College of Idaho is scheduled to play In Nyssa Monday, April 15th in a practice game with the local Nyssa league team. This will be the first game of the season for Nyssa and a big crowd Is expected out to see the first action. Tuesday the high school will play Vale on the local field to open the high school season here. Miss Heist, who spent 14 years in active service as a missionary in India spoke Wednesday night at the Community church and Thursday morning at the high school. She has a vast fund of interesting informa tion and those who were fortunate in hearing her report she gave a EASTER CANTATA WILL very profitable talk. BE GIVEN SUNDAY EVENING LOCAL FIGHTER WINS The cantata "Crown Him,” direct AT VALE THURSDAY ed by 8. J. Reid of Ontario will be given at the Nyssa Community In the fight card held at Vale last church Sunday evening by a cast of Thursday night. Buddy Eklwaria of twenty local singers. They haw Nyssa knocked hla man out In the been practicing several weeks on second round. The Klckaboo Kid was this musical and those attending are the unlucky opponent. In the Main assured of a very good program. bout, the fighting parson of Nanpa and "Sleepy" Blount of On.arlo CIVIC CLUB MEETING battled six rounds to a draw. In the WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th semi-finals Buddy Matthews won the decision over Walter Blackwell. The Civic club will hold their reg ular meeting next Wednesday. April Mr. Flynn, mail carrier, U recov 17, at the Eagles hall. A program is ering from a recent illness at the being arranged by Mr. C. C. Cotton home o f his sister Mrs. Brady Fow and Mrs. A. H. BoydeU will be the ler in Payette, hostess.