I tiAJJS CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MARj-'H 2 1 ,1 9 3 5 FASHION SH O W TO BE HELD IN ONTARIO address sytsem and act as master of j TEACHERS TO MEET Ontario merchant partidipating in A T LA GRANDE the presentation of the show Include Boyer Bros.. Gilley’». Alexander's, O. Tilings new and novel in wearing J. Breler. Toggery Bill, Owen’s The annual conference of teachers apparell for both men and women Shoppe, Golden Rule Store and Pet and school executives located In the v/111 be on parade in Ontario, erson Furniture Company. Tickets eastern part of the state is scheduled Thursday evening, March 28, at the i for admittance to the show must be for La Grande on March 30th. This high school gymnasium when mer- I obtained from one of the above; annual conference is one of the most chants of Ontario will present a ; named stores. Important held in Eastern Oregon, show embracing all the outstanding | and its growth over a period of style vogues and features of the • VALLEY V IE W NOTES years Indicates the fact that it is current spring season. I filling a need for such an organiza A well balanced program of enter tion. tainment features has been pre Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bullard spent Each year pedagogues gather here pared to lend additional entertain- I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. from all parts of Eastern Oregon to ment to the modeling of new spring Brewer, hear educators discuss p l a n s garments. Featured in the program j and methods in use in school and are several specialty dancing number Mr- and Mrs- A- F- Calloway m o t-, state SuDerin- 1 ored to Emmett Sunday to visit class room- 17118 year 8taM: Bllperm‘ by the best available talent. j tendent Doctor C. A. Howard will friends. A public address system in to be ¡appear and discuss the most recent installed in the gym to facilitate Mr. and Mr.s B. J. Schram visited legislation affecting school districts - description of each article modeled. Mr. and Mrs. A. T Smit of Vale last I Qn tjj0 same program will appear Mr. Frank Shopen, premier an Sundiy. Doctor Grayson Kefauver, Dean of nouncer of radio station KFXD has Mr. and Mrs. Will. Rees, Stanley the School of Education of Stanford been engaged to handle the public penn> Winn Brown and his mother., University, and in addition many of __ — Mrs. Eill Brown and daugther were the educational leaders of the east- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brown em part of the state. Sunday. The conference lasts during one -O N T A R IO Friends of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. j day only and Is held at the Eastern Sharp were informed that a daugh Oregon Normal school, which acts ter arrived at their home March 11. as a host for the assemblage. SUN.-MON.-TUES. THE NEWEST OF THEIR GLORiOUS TRUMPHS!.. The author and director o f "Back Street" now bring yo u an even g r e a t e r a n d more p o w erfu l en tertainm entl \ ^ s Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Martin spent ABLE SPEAKER TO the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 9. F. Calloway. APPEAR IN ONTARIO Bill and Virginia Fitch are the two new in the school. They live on the D. T. Sleep ranch. Alden G. Alley of Washington D. The Cheerio Club met Thursday C., associate secretary of the Nat- night to discuss further plans for the ; ¡onai council for the Prevention of remainder of the year. War. will speak in the Ontario high The Valley View boys and girls school auditorium Tuesday evening. motored to White Settlement for a April 9, at a Joint meeting of all or baseball game. The Valley View boys ganizations Interested in the fur won 10 to 3 and the .White Settle therance of world peace in the low er Snake river valley. The meeting ment girls won 15-13. The OK Clothing club had a is being held under the auspices of meeting Wednesday evening at the the local anti-war committees of schoolhouse. After a short discus Vale, Ontario, Nyssa, Payette, Weis- sion meeting refreshments were er and New Plymouth, and the Snake river valley ministerial asso- served by the leader. FRESH BAKED DAILY Delights of Every Variety FANNIE HURST’S iMITft OF LIFE So templing an array you’ll find it difficult to make a “ first choice” . Stop in. FRI-SAT. MARCH 22 23 STAGE AND SCREEN SH O W The Swan Bakery NYSSA OREGON Write today. Rawleigh Co.. Dept, i ORC-148-SA2. Oakland. Calif. M28* WANTED—Men interested In elec trical refrigeración and air con ditioning training. Instruction can be obtained for as little as $5 month payments. Prepare yourself f o r work In this coming Industrial field and take the first step today by writing R. and A.C. Institute, Box 267, Nampa, Idaho. 3-14-3tp. WANTED—Dressmaking, children . 50c; womens $1.00; also crocheted Govemor Ross of Idaho signed the dress and suits, wool or cotton. Mrs. legal liquor bill Monday afternoon Henry Truelson. 3-14-4tc. and for the first time in 19 years, If you need a plumber, call for Idaho is legally wet. While legally wet, no wet goods can be purchased John Poague at Baldridge Imple as the law provides that all liquor ment Co. Phone 113. shall be dispensed from state owned stores. It will be several days before the state commission is appointed, and several day more before stores are ready. If you feel hungry, try the Kozy Cafe. Good eats at all hours.—Adv. Buy from our advertisers and get real satisfaction ! J A C K S Everyth in g for the HOME BUILDER W e Sell That Good ABERDEEN 0 COAL N W e Are Equipped to Grind Valves on all LUMBER CO* PHONE 47 hardened seats used M ARKET FINDER Try our Market Finder to dls-1 pose of surplus goods, rent a i house, And lost articles, to buy or sell produce and many other uses, j Rates one cent a word per inser tion. Minimum 15c. I in the late models. Drink W e Specialize in the VAN NORMAN Plenty of GRINDING WANTED—Clean, cotton rags at the Journal office 5 cents a lb. MILK METHOD Reward. LOST—1 bronze spur. $1 Gate City Journal. See Us for further in FOR SAL'S-Sumr.ch bushes, 25c each. Mrs. J. T. Long. A4* . FOR SALE—Climax seed oats $1.60 cwt. John Lrckey, Nyssa. 3-21-3tp. FOR SAT E—Four work horses, two milch cc.vs, plows, cultivators, and other farming implements. See Carl H. Conri, Attorney, Nyssa, Oregon. 3-21-ltp. FOR SALE—Thirty turkey hens and three terns, good breeding stock, just starting to lay. J. W. Kygar, mile east Langdon Service Station. 3-21-2tp. FOR SALE—Span of mares, 10 and 12, weight 1200 and 1300; young team, mare and gilding, weight 1300. See Frank Morgan for information. FOR SALE—Baby Lima Bean seed. 4c. Wm. DeGrofft, Phone 5172, and T. A. Marshall. M28Pd. FOR SALE—Turkey toms. Bronze, yearlings. Inquire at Journal of fice or see E. C. Coble. 3-14-2tp. formation. No addi Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’s tional cost. fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Nyssa, Oregon Shelton Dairy Here’s Your Opportunity to Begin Cooking Electrically For a Limited Time W e W ill Allow *25 $15.00. FOR SALE—Baby chicks, all popu lar breeds. Baby turkeys and baby ducks. Custom hatching and hatch ing eggs. Cain's Hatchery, Ontario, Oregon. 2-14-tf FOR SALE—One hundred thirty good lots In Nyssa, Oregon. Terms. C. C Hunt, owner. 3-21-tfc. New Accoun ts Furnish One Room or Your Entire House For one week we make this sensational offer: Come in, open a budget a c c o u n t - select the furniture you want — and we w ill WANTED—Turkeys, ducks, chick ens, gese at highest market prices. Twenty-six years in the same place. C. H. BOWMAN, Payette, Idaho Phone 163. tf. TRUCKING—Coal, wood, grain. produce, gravel, and, livestock, anything moving. W ell haul it anywhere. H U G H OLASGOW, Phone 36F3. tf SHARPENED—Saws, tools, knives. auger bits, lawn mowers. You dull them and I will sharpen them. Scis sor sharpening. Andrew McGinnis. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families. Good profits for hustler. We train and help you. I deliver it without any down payment. And bear in mind that here you will b « selecting from the finest, best made furni ture it is possible to buy— at prices that bring important savings. Get Your CHICK STARTING MASH From I s j Why experiment with formulas] that have not been proven when you can get our Extra Special PURINA STARTEM This fine Sim m ons Bed, ex actly as illustrated, in a choice of finishes — together with a Simmons M attress and Sim mons Coil Spring, on terms as low as Which you know are good and which have stood the test of time. Don't experiment—buy proven products. For Your Old Range New Electric Range Now you can cook the clean, cool, convenient electric way. Life is too short to miss the happiness and satisfaction you w i l l enjoy with a modem electric range to ease your “ 3 meals a day.” No soot, smudge or grime! No blackened pots. You c a n banish matches, flames and fumes from your home with a gleaming n e w electric range. Take adavntage o f this remark able special offer now. Come in and see the new Hotpoint and Westinghouse Electric Ranges on display. There are many attractive models from which to choose— a type and size for every family— a price to fit every purse. Now Is The Time To Act! GEM CHICK START A W EEK A1 Thompson "The Farmer's Own Co-Op" Peterson Furniture Co. On The Purchase o f Any And We also hare 37 Sacks of Bliss Triumph Seed Potatoes for Sale. Phone 26 Oregon Nyssa OREGON NYSSA FOR SALE—2 registered Purebred Holstein cows, one sagebrush gruber In good condition, two Char ter’s incubators used two seasons. At my ranch one mile southwest of Terteling's camp. Neil G. Dimmick. 3-7-tf. FOR SALE—Gas engine, three horse power, rebuilt and in 1st class shape ready to go; two wheel trail er; used Fordson tractor and plows; several electric motors, four wheel trailor without body. Larsen and Towne, formerly Larsen Motor Co. 5000 NYSSA, ORE, Cars including the FOR SALE—Some high grade Jer sey cows. Your choice from the herd. C. C. Hunt. 3-21 -tfc. [anted ff IDAHO NOW W E T FOR SALE—1 saddle price W. B. Hoxie, tfFeb!4. w ith W ARREN W ILLIAM Rochelle Hudson elation. Mr. Alley is now on a speaking ‘ •ur that is taking him over a large part of the United States. He has attended ten sessions of the League of Nations end spent the past sum mer in Germany observing the Nazi regime. Mr. Alley is a graduate of Harvard university and a former professor of history at Dana College. DO W N Balance In Convenient Monthly Payment« Never before have we offered our customers such a liberal and attractive trade-in induce ment. This special offer o f $25.00 for your old range applies to any and all types o f old ranges, regardless of age or condition, so long as the range has a cooking surface and a permanently attached oven. •