Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1935)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon G A T E W A Y TO THE O W YH EE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS VOLUME XXIX. No. 10 J. K. FORBES OIES AT FAMILY H O I ONE P. NI. T Fastest Growing Town in Oregon GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY MARCH 14,1935 MOTHERS W ILL BE HONORED A T MEET TUESDAY, MARCH 19 CIVIC CLUB WILL PREPARE DINNED FOB BANQUET FBI, BASEBALL SCHEDULE April 2—Vale at Vale. April 5—Ontario at Ontario. April 9—Parma at Nyssa (ten tative date) April 12—Ontario at Ontario. April 16—Vale at Nyssa. April 19—Parma at Nyssa. April 23—Payette at Payette. April 26—Ontario at Nyssa. April 30—New Plymouth at Nyssa. May 3—Vale at Vale. May 7—Ontario at Nyssa. May 10—Vale at Nyssa. May 14—Payette at Nyssa. May 17—New Plymouth at New Plymouth. May 20—Oakland at Nyssa. May 21—Oakland at Nyssa. $1.50 PER YEAR Owyhee Ditch Company Discussing NYSSA Government Contract Today p LACE AT MEET IN UNION Next Tuesday afternoon in the basement of the Community Church a meeting will be given honoring all mothers, especially the older ones of An Important meeting of the sired, will pump it at a nominal Nyssa. If you do not happen to be stockholders of the Owyhee Ditch charge. The government also agrees Included in the special personal in Company is being held this after to construct check gates to bring vitations, please consider this an noon in Ontario, at which time sev the water up to a sufficient level so Funeral W i l l B e Held nouncement a welcome extended to Commercial Club Giving eral Important matters will be up that all lands under the present La Grande Wins District “ Friendship” Dinner Fri. you. A program and refreshments for consideration, Including the ditch will be supplied with water. Sunday Afternoon from will be featured. Basketball Title By De changing of the date of first water March 22 at Eagles Hall Besides the substitution of water, The older mothers will be repre payments to the time when water is the government asks for a right-of- Methodist Church. feating Baker Twice. sented in a talk by Mrs. Tyler of actually furnished; allowing stop way through the Owyhee ditch and The Nyssa Civic club is making Ontario and Mrs. T. M. Lowe of gates to be placed In the ditch when agrees to enlarge the canal to take Owyhee will represent the younger plans to prepare and serve the din necessary and to consider a contract care of the extra water, which is to J. H. Forbes, for 44 years a resi mothers. ner for the Commercial Club next Nyssa won fourth place in the dis offered by the government. be used on the Advancement tracts trict basketball tournament held In dent of Malheur county, passed Friday night when new settlers in Under the terms of the contract, west of Ontario. However the gov Union lost week end; defeating Im- away today at one o'clock at the POSTOFFICE BEING MADE this section will be guests of the the goverment agrees to build some ernment, under the terms of the bler and Ontario in tournament play family home. He was 70 years of SPICK AND SPAN club in a ‘‘Friendship” banquet. Ar $50,000 worth of drain ditches for proposed contract, will not take and losing to Union and Baker. The age last Tuesday. Mr. Forbes was rangements for preparing the ban the Company at no expense to the control of the ditch; the control re boys were eliminated when they lost well known over the county and was The local postoffioe, which has re quet are in the hands of library stockholders and the government maining with the Owyhee Ditch to Baker Saturday night, 42 to 17. one of the organizers of the Gate cently been re-modeled and 210 new committee of the Civic club, headed asks for the right to substitute Company. . City Lodge, I.O.O.F. in Nyssa and keyless locks added to the equipment, by Mrs. Dick Tensen. Any profit the Nyssa lost their first game of the water pumped from the Snake river The government’s purpose in of tournament to Union, 20 to 32 Wed was a member of the order for 40 is gettting a new coat of kalsomine ladies make will be used for the in place of water now coming from fering this contract, it is said, is to years. nesday night, but came back Thurs and paint this week. Many people aid and benefit of the local library. the Owyhee river. Insure more water for land under day night and won from Imbler in The affair Friday night, March 22, Funeral services will be held Sun have commented upon the improved The government agrees to furnish the ditch and the new project, while a close game, 27 to 22. Johnston was day afternoon at one o’clock from appearance of the building. A1 promises to be one of the most in the same amount of water as the at the same time protecting the high point man for the game, scor the Nyssi Community church with Green is doing the painting work teresting of the season with an esti prior rights of the stockholders calls rights of water users under the ing 12 In this game which eliminat the Rev. S. P. Hagler of Ontario in and the re-modeling was done by mated crowd of from 100 to 125 ex for, and if additional water is de Owyhee Ditch. pected to attend. Frank Morgan, charge. ed Imbler from the tournament. Lon Root. secretary of the Commercial Club, is Boys who played in this game were Mr. Forbes had been very sick for lining up an intersting program, in Spencer, Johnston, Holly, Mont the past several days and gradually cluding several prominent speakers. MACHINERY W ORKS gomery, Pierson and Robert Wilson. grew weaker until the end came Students P r a c t i c e On Those in charge of the affair wish today. All of his six children have Win From Ontario ON CITY STREETS the public to know that this is not a been here for the past five days to “ The Yellow Shadow,” Nyssa earned the right to meet private affair, but every man and be with their father. Baker In the semi-finals Saturday A Mystery Drama In County road machinery has been woman interested in Nyssa is invited Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bet- night by defeating Ontario 29 to 21 in Nyssa for the past week working to attend. An effort will be made to tie Forbes and six children; Beatrice Three Acts. In the second game Friday night. on the streets of the city and have see all of the new settlers and invite Marshall of Portland: Carroll A. The game was hotly contested and made a wonderful improvement. A every man and his wife personally Forbes of Boise; Johnnie Lois Callas. at no time was the outcome certain. crew of FERA laborers under Bert to be guests of the Nyssa Commer Clearfield. Utah; Pauline Eldridge, The student body of the local high Hoxie has also been working on Andrian of Ontario made a basket cial club for the evening. It will not Portland; Mildred Forbes, Portland school are practicing on a three act sidewalks and streets the past week. Stock Owners of County for Nyssa soon after the last half and Oswald Forbes of Nyssa, be Fans Urged T o Attend be necessary for an invitation to be after a wild melee under the Figures made public this week issued to t o o ^ ‘ sides four grandchildren. He is also tor i high school gym * next g‘ Ven ‘n me Meet at Vale Thursday opened Thursday Mass Meeting Tuesday | every Nyssa basket. Holly was high point show that from Fbruary 21 to the business man and his wife is survived by three brothers and a March 21st. The name of the 28th, a total of $566 was distributed To Discuss Grazing. man by scoring 13 points and at the Night at City Hall to [ expected to attend and show our | night, sister. They are Dr. M. A. Forbes of play is "The Yellow Shadow," and in the way of FERA pay checks for same time held his man scoreless. new friends that we are glad to have San Antonio, Texas; C. C. Forbes of j promises to be a real treat for Nyssa the weeks work, adding that much Make Season’s Plans. Holly was high point man for Nyssa them with us. Boise and C. D. Forbes, Poison, j folks. to the money in circulation in and Stockmen who claimed they had in the tournament with a total of Montana; and Mrs. Alma Kid neigh Thore who i r . In the cast and the about Nyssa. been Injured by the recent allotment 24 points. of Winlock, Washington. COUNTY LIBRARIAN I part they play are; Flora Mae A meeting of all those interested of grazing prlvilges In the Juntura Mr. Forbes was bom In Bexan Lose Baker Game Saturday j Wimp, who is Nell Travis the house TO ADDRESS CIVIC grazing district were given a chance county, San Antonio, Texas in 1865 in Nyssa having a baseball team this Several local fans went to Union keeper; Grover White, who is cast DEAN SMITH FAMILY summer has been called for Tues to present their case before mem and came to this country as a young CLUB MARCH 20th as Gilbert Wright, the attorney; RETURN FROM TRIP bers of the county grazing board Saturday night to see the Baker- day evening, March 19 at the city man of 26 years. Nyssa battle, which was won by Dorothy Lowe, who Is Mildred Mar hall. and the Juntura advisory board in Baker, 42 to 17. During the after Mrs. Frank Morgan, chairman of vin, the heiress to the Marvin Many of our neighboring towns Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith and the court house Thursday morning. noon a telegram of encouragement, Mrs. A. V. Cock and Mrs. N. H. the program committee for the estate; Betty Cook, Mildred’s chum Pinkerton were hostess to the Epis have already started making def next meeting of the Civic club, ts is and Vera Garrison Mildred’s cousin. family returned Sunday afternoon The circuit court room was well signed by most of the citizens of from a two weeks trip to Bismark, filled with stockmen from all parts Nyssa, was sent the boys, but four copal Guild at the home of Mrs. inite plans for the coming season suing a special invitation to the Roland Whitman Is Jed Travis, and are ready to start practice. Pay Cook Wednesday afternoon. ladies of the community to hear w h o believes in gllleyloobirds; North Dakota, where they were of the county. nights of play proved too much for ette wants to get in the league, and Miss Mildred Olsen, county librar In opening the meeting. Judge called by the sickness of Mrs. Lonnie Parkinson, who is Herbert Smith’s father. When they left he David F. Graham said complaints the locals and they were decidedly according to Carl Baldridge, the OREGON TRAIL WILL off form for the semi-final game. business men are backing the team ian. Miss OlsenJs a very interesting i Marvin a former resident of'si'nga was still ill, but somewhat improved. had come to him of grazing privi speaker and will probably review HOLD DECLAMATORY TRY Calvin Wilson was high for Nyssa to the limit. Carl said Monday that three or four books of general Inter por; Curtis Foster as Sheriff Mack On the return trip the party en leges allotted far in excess of the with 7 points. By winning Saturday OUTS, FRIDAY, MARCH 15 by soliciting eight Payette business lin, who has taken a “ deteetkative countered considerable snow, at actual number of sheep or cattle est to all. Mrs. Howard Larsen is ar course;” Max Parkinson as Wong night, Baker won the right to play concerns the ball club raised $200 some places the snow banks being owned by the applicant. He cited one The Oregon Trail School will hold for their treasury as a starter. On ranging for special music and Mrs. Song, the mysterous Chinaman and higher than the car. Snow plows Instance where a grant for 5000 La Grande Monday In what could their local declamatory tryouts Fri tario had a baseball dance a month Famham Sills will be the hostess. Flora Mae Wimp, who also plays the cleared the roads and even then the sheep had been granted to an ap have been the deciding game. Up to that time, Baker was undefeat day, March 15, at 2,00 at the school- ago and over $200 was raisKl for the Members and friends are urged to part of the coroner. driving was bad with an estimated plicant who had no sheep assessed ed and La Orande had lost to Baker attend the meeting, Wednesday, house. Winners will compete in the baseball fund in the the one dance. In the county. snowfall of four feet on the level, March 20. Thursday night 29 to 19. Two de rural declamatory zone contest Nyssa has the material for a first AMERICAN LEGION ”1 want It understood," he declar feats are necessary to elimination. in places. On the trip back east two which will be held at the Methodist class club and with the proper sup ed, "that applicants are going to weeks ago there was very little snow LIBERTY THEATRE IS TO H AV E BASEBALL on the ground and it was a surprise be assessed on the number of sheep L« Grande Wins Championship church March 29 at Nyssa. port from the fans, will be able to GETTING NEW STAGE Following are Oregon Trail pupils pUt a team on the field right up La Grande won the game Mon SCHOOL FOR BOYS to run Into such snow coming back, they state in the application. who will compete; 3rd and 4th with the best of them. At the meet Robert D. Lytle, secretary of the day night from Baker, 27 to 21; according to Mr. Smith. The family The local theatre is being consid humorous: Junior Holmes, Henry ing Tuesday night plans will be were glad to be back and are more advisory board, warned that an ap making one defeat for both Baker erably improved this week with the Gamboa and Harold Wilson; 3rd made for the coming season and The American Legion expects to than ever sold on this splendid plicant would be guilty of fraud If and La Grande during the tourna construction of a new stage, adding a n d 4th non-humorous: Charles eVery fan should make it a point to some eight feet to the front. It was sponsor a baseball school this spring country. he applied for more stock privileges ment. In the championship game Landreth and Peggy Langton; 5th attend. than he had stock. Some, he declar Tuesday night, La Grande again de necessary to tear out partitions and to train boys between the age of 10 and 6th humorous: lone Bensen, ed, had misunderstood the law and feated Baker, this time by a count remodel the entire stage end of the and 17 in the fundamentals of the MASONS CONFER 3rd Leonard Lowe and Junior DeGrofft; had Included In their applications of 31 to 19 and by thus winning, won theatre. Lon Root and Bob Bums national pasttime. This will be con HIGH SCHOOL BOYS 5th and 6th non-humorous; Dewey DEGREE MON. NIGHT enough to cover expected increase the right to go to Salem to the state are doing the work. In order that ducted by Owen Price and John START BASEBALL everyone can see the re-modeled Young and the first session will be Thomason, Elsie Keck, and Ray during the year, and also stock tournament representing this dis mond Morfitt; 7th and 8th hum ! stage, it was also necessary to raise held In about two weeks. Regular meeting of the Masonic under six months old. This was not trict. orous: Hollis DeGrofft; and 7th and All the boys In this district are in necessary, Lytle said. Candidates for the Nyssa baseball g * floor at the.rP r * ^alc° n,y vlted to attend these sessions; and order was held Monday night In the 8th non-humorous: Rosie Keck, New scenery and drape« will be add Eagles hall with the principal order Willard Whitman, and Gilbert Hol team are out warming up their arms ed later. ‘ t is expected that many of the boys of business being third degree work, BIDS TO BE OPENED and getting in shape for the opening trom the country will take advan mes. with Owen W. Price the candidate. of the season April 2 against Vale at . tage of this opportunity to get ex ON PROJECT W O R K Vale. Regular practice started today N Yob A BALL PLAYERS pert instruction. The school will be Worshipful master, Harry Clemons of Ontario and Right Worshipful with a good squad of candidates out ON ALL-STAR TEAM held on either a Saturday or Sun Deputy Orand Master, Wm. Walker Bids will be opened at Ontario under the tutelage of Coach Young. day, in order not to conflict with March 28th at 10 o'clock for the of Ontario were present, the latter Material this year is not overly Two Nyssa basketball players had regular school baseball practice. construction of earthwork and paying an official visit. After the bright and only three or four of the the honor of being placed on the structures, Kingman Main Drain After several weeks of instruction boys have had much experienoe. second team picked from all of the in the fundamentals, a team will be meeting, refreshments were served and Kingman Drain 223, Mitchell in the basement. Friday, March 22 has been set as However several of the youngsters players in the Snake River Valley picked to represent this part of the Butte division of the Owyhee pro the date for the zone music festi are showing promise and with a few district. Paul Johnston was named county in American Legion Junior ject. weeks practice. Coach Young hopes ^ one of the forwards and made league competition. NAM PA MEN BUY The work Includes 93,500 cubic val, to be held in the high school to put a creditable team on the field, honorary captain of the team and yards of excavation for drain, 250 gymnasium, starting at 1:30 in the THE C O ZY CAFE Fred Spencer was awarded the other cubic yards of excavation for struc afternoon. Music students of Nyssa Two Payette people were fatally SHERIFF GLENN forward position. tures, 2,600 cubic yards of back fill; and rural schools will take port In injured Tuesday evening when their DISTRICT ARE N O W A deal was closed Monday In Other members of the second TAKES PRISONER 80 cubic yards of concrete In struc this festival, which is preliminary to car hit a truck loaded with cream which Musselman and Poage of ON CASH BASIS team were Lane, Emmett, guard; tures, 10 square yards of dry-rock the final festival, to be held at Vais cans, the accident happening a short TO STATE PEN Nampa purchased the Interest of Andrews, Emmett, center; a n d paving; placing 4,900 pounds of re the first week in April. distance west of Boise. Clarence B. James Langdon in the Kozy Cafe In From fifty to sixty students will Steward, Ontario, guard. The Owyhee Irrigation district inforcement bars; laying 1,506 Sherwood, 26 and his wife, Mildred Nyssa. The business has been closed On the first team were Jones, Sheriff C. W. Qlenn left Sunday since the first of the year and will linear feet of 15-lnch and 8 Inch take part in the affair with the pub Brown Sherwood, 27, were the vic ¡and the Vale, Oregon Irrigation dis lic cordially Invited to attend. There tims of the tragic accident which trict have recently gone on a cash Payette, forward; Irving, Emmett, for Salem, with James E. Rogers of be re-opened as soon as the new corrugated metal pipe and erecting will be no admission charge. Solos, has thrown a pall of gloom over basis, according to Mrs. Ora Hope, forward; Kelly, Vale, center; Wells, Ontario In custody, who was sent owners can get things In first class 5,000 feet of timber In structures. quartettes and other numbers will county treasurer; which makes all Payette, guard and Mayer. Emmett, enced by Judge Ellis to serve one shape. Mrs. Poage, who will have Work Is to start thirty days after Payette. year in the state penitentiary for charge of the kitchen, is experienced receipt of notice to proceed and be on the program, with a special The young couple had been to the districts on a cash basis now. guard. feature of a mass chorus of all the Payette, Weiser, Nyssa, Emmett, obtaining money under false pre must be completed in 108 days. Boise during the day and were re This is the first time in several In this Una of work. students in the program. Local ar turning to Payette where Mr. Sher years that there has been cash on Ontario, Parma a n d Fruitland tenses. Mr. Rogers had been passing rangements for the affair are in checks in Ontario without funds in ANOTHER FAMILY ARRIVES wood operated the brick factory hand to operate on a cash basis in- coaches made the selections. charge of Miss Beverly Guye and BISHOP REMINGTON the bank, appearing before Judge tead of the old warrant system and which has been In the Sherwood Miss Hetty Medesker. family for over a score of years. Re it Is believed to be an indication of LAND SALE LEGAL IN Ellis February 28th and plead guil TO SPEAK SUNDAY E. C. White and family of Tren ty to the charge. Rogers was a bar ton, Utah have arrived to make cently he had been connected with better times. JOURNAL THIS W EEK ber in Ontario. Mrs. George McKee and Mrs. W. Rev. Stanley Moore has announc their home In the Nyssa country. A. McNall went to Parma Thursday the Club Cigar store and was build They have bought the R. A. Thomp ing a modern resturant in his new EAGLES AUXILIARY WILL ed that Bishop W. P. Remington of In this Issue of the Journal, on and visited friends during the day. LEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA place of business. The crash hap Pendleton is coming to Nyssa and son ranch and will farm It this sum HOLD QUILTING BEE page seven, you will find a notice of mer. pened when the new coupe they will speak at the Episcopal church sale of real property bid In for taxes were driving struck the rear end of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Holmes and Sunday evening, March 24. at 7.30 On Friday, March 15, the Ladies and owned by Malheur county. If It’s Newt, W e a truck driven by R. A. Steele of This land will be sold on the 13th son Lester and wife left Wednesday o'clock. Bishop Remington Is a fre STATE PRESIDENT Auxiliary of the Eagles lodge will Want It— Meridian. According to an investi quent visitor here and is well known. VISITS LOCAL EAGLES give another quilting party at the day of April, 1935, starting at 10 morning for Modesto, California, to gation made by Leon H. Jackson, Everyone Is Invited to attend and o’clock at the court house In Vale, make their home there. Lester Is In Eagles hall. All members that quilt state traffic ofifeer, the truck was It Is hoped a large crowd will be out Do you know any news? D. D. Hall, state president of the are urged to be present and any to the highest bidder but the price the tucking business in the Califor making a left turn off the highway to hear him. About yourself, your friends, Eagle's lodge, visited the local Aerie outside held will be greatly appre may not be less than the price fix nia city. Mr. Holmes has rented his Into a lane. Both machine* were your neighbors? Do you know Wednesday night at the regular ciated. Dinner will be served at ed In the notce of sale. The cost of place located 2*4 miles north of BROTHERS OF MRS. AGNES traveling west. anybody who has been bom. meeting with a good attendance on noon and at the cloae of the party publication Is to be added to the cost Adrian. An examination showed that Mr. married, died, gone away, WILSON PASS AT BOISE hand to welcome the state officer a “cat In the bag" will be presented of each lot or tract sold. Sherwood died from a severe blow come bock, had a party or an Each tract sold for $200 or less are EDWARDS HIT CANVAS Three candidate were taken Into the to the lucky lady. If you are a qullt- over the heart, probably when the anniversary? to be sold for cash; those from $200 Two brothers of Mrs Agnss Wil lodge, J. W Poage, Arlen Heusser IN SECOND ROUND WED. steering wheel was Jammed against er, come and have a good time. Don’t take It for granted to $500 will be sold for 20 per cent son .former residents of Nyssa, pass and Ronald Burke. him. Mrs. Sherwood suffered a frac that we know all about It. A down and the balance In not more ed away last week end; James Hal BIRTHDAY PARTY tured skull and died In the hospital friendly telephone call or a ¡than five equal Installments. Tracts CHURCH NITE PLANNED Buddy Edwards of Nyssa was ley, 73, passing away Friday morn four hour» later. Steele was un sold for more than $500 will require knocked out Wednesday night at ing In a Boise hospital and 24 hours post card telling us about It Everyone Is Invited to the Church Colleen Towne celebrated her 10th a down payment of 20 per cent, the Emmett In his bout with Billy injured. will be appreciated—and it later his brother, Mike, 79, died In Night social to be given In the base Funeral services will be held Sat birthday Wednesday afternoon by balance to be paid over a period of Mathews of Nampa. However he was the same hospital. Both men died of ment of the church Saturday night. will help make your home urday morning at 10 o ’clock from Inviting a large number of school not more than ten years, all defer carrying the fight to Mathews be heart trouble. paper newsier, than ever. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Orout, evangel Landons Funeral Home In Payette friends In for a party. The guests red payments to draw Interest at fore he forgot to duck and he has Mrs. Agnes Wilson and son Halley ists. will be there. They plan on Gate City Journal enjoyed games and a nice birthday with D. T. Sleep of Ontario officiat the rat* of six per esot. payable an- been re-matched to appear at On lived In Nyssa two years and moved starting their meetings with services The Phone Number Is 19 lunch. 1 Dually. ing- tario the 22nd. to Boise last summer. 8unday morning. HIGH SCHOOL PLAÏ Ï0 BE PRESENTED AT GYM MARCH 21 Baseball Meeting To Be Tuesday Payette Couple Killed In Wreck Stockmen Object to Range Division Students To Give Music Festival