Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1935)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MARCH 7,1936 FARM TOPICS Panna, Edited by BALDRIDGE IM PLE M E NT Idaho Nyssa, Oregon CO. Clean-up and Paint-up. F u ll-Y Judge— H old on a moment, er’s paints cover w ell and last a t D on't you mean he h it you the long time. See us fo r paint, K a l- [ second tim e? somine, brushes and everytihng Witness— Oh, no, your honor, in the line. I hit th at one. Baby chix w ill soon be arriving. You can fin d feeders, and w ater- ers as well as chick feed at our place. Cell Glass makes an ideal covering fo r the fron t o f your brooder house. W e have it 3 feet wide and as long as you want at 40c per lineal foot. Prank M organ purchased a shovel the other day. W e don ’t don’t believe h e intends to use It himself but he does know a good one when he sees it. W e have shovels th at w ill meet your re quirements both in style and price. M r. Jones— W h y don’t you take your bank book in and have It balanced? T each er: I f a man worked 11 Mrs. Jones— I should say not! hours in one day how much— Do you suppose I want that Johnny (In te rru p tin g ): "But, snoopy looking cashier to know teacher, he can’t do that; you how much m oney I have? know the code won’t allow i t ! ” Now Arithmetic Must Be Changed W ith gardens soon in the m ak W e have “ L illy ’s” Seeds on dis ing you w ill need spading forks, play. Seeds th at have made good hoes, rakes, hand cultivators, etc. in this territory. See us fo r anything in this line. W h ite clover and Blue grass W e can fill your needs. make excellent lawns. Seed in those parking spaces, it w ill help Lady of the House (to appli beautify the streets. W e have cant fo r m a id )— And have you grass seed in bulk. Buy what you any references? need. Applicant— N o ’m, but the hus band o f the lady I worked for Com plaining witness — And last said that I was entirely too then he hit me the third tim e— gpod to be a m aid in his house. STATE A T E verything for the HOME BUILDER K W e Sell That Good s ABERDEEN COAL JtV 0 TV LUM BER CO* I PHONE 47 NYSSA, ORE.I 7H u clean, ¡t i öeaU ßjjuf/“ COST Orders fo r tree planting stock for the use on the farm are being taken at the County A g en t’s office. These trees are obtained from the Oregon State Forestry Nursery at Corvallis and distributed to the farm ers at the actual cost o f the seedling stock. In order to keep the cost as low as possible it is desirable to have all orders shipped at one time so as to keep the freig h t cost as low as pos sible. These trees should be used only In the establl8hmnt o f shelter belts, wood lots and windbreaks on the farm and should not be used fo r o r nam ental purposes. T h is is a state and federal agreement with the fa r mers as the governm ent agencies are not com peting w ith commercial nurseries fo r the plantings o f orna mental stock. T h e recommended list o f trees for this section o f th e state are black locust, green ash, Russian Olive, western yellow pine, scotch pine and European burch. T h e black locust is considerably better fo r plantings in M alheur county than the other trees. T h is tree planting stock should be ordered w ithin the n ext few days so the trees w ill be available for p lan t ing when weather conditions permit. T h e cost o f these trees is $2.50 per thousand plus the freigh t which usually runs at about the same cost as th e trees. APPLE V A LLE Y LEADER M ET W IT H CLUBS YOUNG TREES FROM Miss Helen Cowgill, Assistant State Club Leader, from Oregon State college, met with a number of the 4-H clubs in the county over the week end to discuss the work with | the members. Am on g the clubs visited were the M erry M akers clothing club at P orte r’s Plat, Busy Little Fingers clothing club at Annex, Pioneer clothing club, O. K. clothing club at Valley View, the Happy Girls club, Stitch ’n Chatter club, Good Eats club and Kooka Dinna club at Juntura, and clothing clubs at White Settlement, Ontario, Rock ville and Jordan Valley. Miss Cowgill expressed consider able pleasure with the work the members are doing, and the interest and support being given the 4-H club work In the county by parent, leaders and rural and civic organ izations. M r. and M rs. J. E. Hearron and son Johnnie were dinner guests o f M r. M rs. Sam Syria Sunday and evening. False Teeth Stay Put Fasteeth, a new Improved powder keeps plates from dropping or slip ping. N o gummy, pasty feeling. Sweetens breath. G ives real teeth com fort all day. Praised by people and dentists everyhwhere. Avoid worry. G et Fasteeth at T h e Nyssa Pharm acy or your druggist. T h ree A D V E R T IS E R S sizes.— Adv. F A T R O N IZ E O U R J A AS SIST A N T STATE CLUB 'I FARMERS CAN GET S’ ■V. I N yssa School N e w s ______________________________________ j f \ . “ A ll th e w orld’s a stage and all the men and women m erely players.” Stage directions emphasize the point th a t players should look happy and sm ile most o f the time. So why shouldn’t every-one give their best smile when on the stage In fron t o f the w orld? I f we start the day out with a fro w n we spread gloom to all who associate w ith us but If we smile, happiness Is seen radiated on every face. L e t’s keep this idea In mind and j com e to school with a cheerful out- 1 look on life. F o r studies are not the drudge th ey seem to be to most students but a stepping stone to a greater goal in life. going nicely under the capable lead ership o f Mrs. Haworth. A regular Student Body m eeting was held Friday, M arch 1, In the Gym. A fte r the business m eeting had adjourned the Senior class gave a program consisting o f: Old Fash ioned W altz, H arriet Sarazin and Tlen a Tansen; R adio Recipes, a skit, Vera Garrison, Lois Enos and Fred Spencer; T h e B ig M istake, a skit, Pauline W o lfe and H a m p t o n Claunch; song, Pauline W o lfe, B e t ty Cook and Ethel M ary Boydell. A m eeting o f the G. A. A. was held Tuesday noon In the English room. Plans were made to begin the In te r T h e Freshm an class lost a well class Basketball tournam ent this liked boy and gained a new member week. I t w ill be worked out on the this week. R en ia M itchell came here double elim ination basis. from W ild er high school. Louis Syria Is leaving fo r Sunnyslde, W ash ing ton. The Nyssa grade school basket ball team ended its season by de T h e cast o f “ T h e Y e llo w S hadow " featin g Vale 14-4 at Nyssa last F r i Is working hard to get the play in day. readiness fo r Friday, M arch 15. A matinee perform ance, fo r grade A grade school baseball league will school children only, w ill be given be organized w ith Ontario, Vale, during the afternoon. Thin gs are Nyssa, and H arper taking part. ________ __________________________________ , & Half Price Sale M arch $ Ous Hill o$ Jordan (Talley was hero this week looking after his cat tle which be purchased of Elmer Powell last fall, and which are be Apple Valley—Spring is on the ing fed on the Powell ranch. Billie Chamberlain and Dee Pow way. Considerable work is being done already. J. A. Pettit is working ers rode for horses several days, with a grader with the crew on the near Malheur City this week. main canal. Fields are beng cleaned, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beam and some plowing being done and it Is two sons of Unity were In Ironside expected that much seed will be In on business Sunday. the ground within the next few Mrs. 8chall and two daughters days. and Don Conklin all of Ontario Rev. McAllister preached at the spent Sunday at the Ed McDeRoe home. church Sunday morning. A large crowd from here attend Ladies Aid met Thursday with Mrs. Carl Pellstlck with twenty- ed the play “ No Men Admitted” giv eight ladles present. A very nice en by the Home Economics club of time was had and they decided to the Unity Grange at Unity last Sat meet with Mrs. Fin chum this week. urday night. A dance followed. Mrs. Finchum has just lately moved The little daughter of Herbert to the Wade Robertson ranch from Derrick swallowed a tack last Sun Klamath Falls, Oregon. day and was rushed to Ontario to L. E. Newgen was a business visit the doctor. No 111 effects have oc curred. or at Big Bend Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W hite took Friends of Mrs. Bill Smiley will be sorry to know that she has been their daughter Norma to Ontario quite 111 since coming from the on her return to Boise after spend Caldwell hospital and had to return ing the week end here. The Omer Presleys were in On for a few days. She Is home again but not very well yet. Mrs. Nelson Is tario on business last Tuesday. Harden Lockett stayed over night doing the work for her. at the Elmer Molthan ranch, with Mrs. Levi Stevens has been quite a bunch o f cattle from Unity he was sick with flu. driving them to Huntington where Mrs. Eva Newgen and son Elmer they will be shipped to the Portland of W ilder visited at the L. E. New market. gen home Sunday. A. E Nichols and wife spent sev Jim Glennon, ditch rider for the eral days In Ontario on business last extension ditch has returned from week. Caldwell where he spent the winter. Mrs. Earl Lofton has recovered He has bought a trallor house and sufficiently from her recent opera placed It on the E. O. Johnson tract tion to be moved from the hospital just south of where he lived last to her home In Ontario. Mrs. W. R. year. He expects to farm some of the Lofton la still Improving and will land. return home some time the end of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Parker of this week. Caldwell visited In Apple Valley Mrs. Sylvester Rose gave a din Saturday. ner for a number of friends and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith has relatives last Thursday In honor of moved to Owyhee. Ned Smith, who her father Q. H. Lawrence, who is was staying there has moved to the visiting her from Unity. I t was the Newgen home until school is out. 74th anniversary of his birthday. Miss Ezma Harrison, who has been A t a special business meeting of staying at the home of her sister, the community club last Friday two Mrs. Sherman Wilson is visiting for floor managers, Omer Presley and a few days with Mrs. Ora Newgen at Elmer Lawrence were elected. About Wilder. Miss Etta Nelson visited forty attended. Dancing was enjoy them last Saturday. ed until midnight, after which a Evan M iller of the C.C.C. was an lunch was served. Apple Valley visitor Sunday. Bill Roach had the misfortune to lose his best horse last week. The Easy Pleasant W ay horse was tied to a post, being frightened he drew back, his feet T O LO SE F A T slipped and in falling, broke his neck. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Lyons and How would you like to lose 15 family and Mrs. Welty of Meridian pounds of fat in a month and at the visited at the Henry Meier home same time Increase your energy and Sunday. improve your health? Fred Fisher had a rather serious How would you like to loee your accident last Friday. W hile pruning double chin and your too prominent In the orchard he dropped the abdomen and at the same time shears. They struck his leg and cut make „km so clean and clear a bad place. He is barely able to that it will compel admiration? walk. Get on the scale* today and aee The Gene P rofflt fam ily moved to how much you weigh—then get an Nampa Sunday where he will re 85 cent bottle o f Krusohen Salta sume work with the railroad com which will last you four week* Take pany. one half teaspoonful in a glass of Miss Mildred Fisher Is visiting hot water every morning and when this week with her grandmother at you have finished the contents of New Plymouth. this first bottle weigh yourself again. A fter that you’ll want to walk around and say to your friends,— G U ILD M EETING “ A quarter pound Jar of Kruachen Salta la worth one hundred dollars o f any fat person’s money.” T h e Episcopal Guild will meet Leading druggists America over next Wednesday, March 13 at the sell Kruachen Salts. —Adv. home o f Mrs. A. V. Cook with Mrs. N. H. Pinkerton assisting hostess. S P R IN G W O R K "F or thirty years I had constipa tion. Souring food from stomach choked me. Since taking Adlerika I am a new person. Constipation is a thing of the past." Alice Bums. The Nyssa Pharmacy.—Adv. Choice o f tw o lovely p atterns . . Cotlllian and T o w er Packed In A n ti-tarn ish W ood Chests. Ginzel Jewelry Shop 6-Piece Breakfast or Dinette Suite for Yes, it IS beautiful — and your enthusiasm will be t h e greater when you learn its surprisingly low cost! It includes the Walnut ex tension table and 4 panel chairs, attractively decorated, and a charming buffet! A perfectly grand group for breakfast room or dinette bar- gain priced! ANOTHER “BUY"!— EIGHTEEN 0NLY-- 5-PIEGE BREAKFAST SET, AT $11.95 Satiny finished drop-leaf table, tastefully deco rated, and 4 lovely chairs to match all in at tractive Apple Wood finish. A t this low price this breakfast set is a bargain, if ever there was one, . This is an unusual buy for you, as you have never been offered a Hardwood chair as beautifully decorated at this low price. j Pay Only $1.00 Down A n d $1.00 a W e e k PETERSON FURNITURE CO. ONTARIO Phone 265 lOOOOOOOOOOOCO OOOOOOOOOOOOS PAYETTE DIESEL . 1 TANK If r A d e for CULVfRTS S iili PIPI l BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HOBT. D. L Y T L E ATTORNEY And CO U NSE LO R-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE !-: ORBOON A nn* B. Pritchett D. O. O STE O PATH Y —And— E LE CTR O TH ER APY PHONE 201 V ALE - - - ORBOON PO R T R A IT S OF Q U A L IT Y Expert Kodak Finish ing. Mail us your films. H E A T E R S T U D IO Ontario, Oregon Guarantee Work W YCKOFF J E W E L R Y STORE O fficial Tima Inspector for Unien Pacific Oregon Ontario Vide Hot Springs Sanitarium DR. D. A. SEXTON, P r o » theumatism. Diabetes, Paraly POPI» PUMPS A group of smart "tw isty" fab rics— favorites for many seasons RATIÍIKC TSOUCMS M A M A U SUPPIIFS M l K A I KM SURPLUS Mill HOISTS AND KINCMAM TRAUMI «NO SI Ml- TRAILERS BEALL T ifv e AND 'J tm k CORPORATION 1945 N. COLUMBIA BLVD. KENTON STATION, PO R TLAND , O R E G O N treated. Mineral Water 212 Deg. Fr. Every Saturday beginning at 12 o'clock. The largest and best market for all kinds of livestock, farm machinery and furniture) Is the ROOMS AND BOARD A t Reasonable Rates DR. J. A. M cF A L L EYESIGH T SPECIALIST Seller Meet A. C. FEN8KB. Prop. P A Y E T T E , ID A. PHONE 1»4J H I-SH E E N D R Y C L E A N IN G P L U M B IN G EXPERTS. . . . BANNOCKBURN SIPW TANKS TRAMseoar tanks DUMP BODIES in f o r m a t io n Loeers In the three-months at tendance contest of the Epicsopal Sunday School entertained the win ning side by being hosts to the pic ture show Tuesday night. Louise Tensen was captain of the losers and Margaret Sarazin captain of the winning side. Specializing on the cere e t Children's Eyes O N T A R IO OREGON A Fam out KAHN ...V Fabric BEALL Though you buy for the present, remem ber the future. A BEALL Tank will serve better and last longer, yet, it costs no more. Beall Modern Fuel Tanks are made with flanged heads and lap-welded seams, and are treated with the finest rustproof paint obtainable. Let BEALL furnish you with all metal products. SHOW ■'The Place where Buyer and til STORE YOUR FUEL IN A Auction Sale P A Y E T T E A U C T IO N EXCHANGE »9 0 0 «% ARE 140 U PLANNING TO ENJOY sis, Influenaa, auaoassfully HOLMES and EDWARDS STRATFO RD SILV E R PLATE . . . . SERVICE FOR S IX SERVICE FO R E IG H T $10.13 $12.45 O NTARIO , OREGON Opposite Moore Hotel EPISCO PAL SU ND AY SCHOOL W IN NERS B EG IN Constipated 30 Years Aided By Old Remedy 1 st t o 16th These patterns are n ot discontinued lines! FAR M ER S IRO N SID E NOTES in tha out-of-doors but now equally popular for work-e-dey wear. N o t only are they dis tinctive and colorful, but have a line record for lonf wear. Cleaning and Prewing Alteration« and Repair« Nyssa Tailor Shop D. E. M O R G A N , Prop. Makes old clothes look Uk# new, safes feeds the fcbrles. odorless true quality clean ing. Try ear new Hl-Sheaa Dry Cleaning O N T A R IO PR ESSA R Y Nyssa Agenti Mrs. M argaret Pashtey. We are proud of our record as plumbing and heating experts. Whether your job is large or small, give us a n opportunity t o show you what we can do. Estimates cheerfully given. Geo. J. Kinzer Plumber Phone 1J4-J -3 Parma