Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1935)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MARCH 7 , 1935 Bend grange at It« regular meeting Wade school house yard was the upper portion of the ditch. last Tuesday evening. The literary greatly improved when the old stile L. D. Brown and C. Coad of Nyssa INITIATED INTO program was In charge of H. E. C. j that served for over a quarter of a were attending to legal business on century was removed and a new en the upper Owyhee Tuesday. R. Hatch and trance provided. BEND GRANGE chal™an Homer Hight took his wife to as was centered around "Hoi Ray Duncan of Ontario, a mem- Caldwell on Monday for medical the theme. It consisted ot readings, ber of the relief committee trans- treatment. music, play, "Wife Wanted" and a | acted business in Bend last Wed- Big Bend—Mrs. Wm. Schultz was hutorical qmz. After a clever skit | nesday. re-instated and Mr. Teeters was In- by the men, who served the lunch, a | Two birthdays that occured last mated as a new member of Big social visit was enjoyed. MARKET FINDER j week were duly celebrated with a i big dinner at the Hatch home last Try our Market Finder to dis Wednesday when H. R. Hatch and pose of surplus goods, rent a Mr. Martin of Ontario were honor house, find lost articles, to buy or guests. sell produce and many other uses. Joe Beach is a patient in the Rates one cent a word per inser Nampa Hospital suffering with two tion. Minimum 15c. < broken legs, the result of a kick by I -------------------------------------------------- a horse. LOST—Black horse, weight about Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Case and Mr. * 1600. strayed from my ranch on For the benefit of the people of Nyssa who de and Mrs. Thos. Welsh were guests the Owyhee, wearing halter, has sire a richer milk than the Holstein milk which at bridge In the Brumbach home blaze face, round burnt place on left Thursday evening. Mrs. Case, who is we have delivered for the past several years, we hind foot, roached. D. P. Pullen, lW manager of I.G.A. store in Boise have recently purchased some Guernsey cows, miles west Owyhee school house, was down to attend States Banquet Nyssa, Oregon. and are now delivering high test Guernsey milk, at Roswell and visit friends. produced in one of the most modem and sani Mr. and Mrs. Leo Betts are the FOR SALE—Hay and potatoes at newest B e n d grandparents, a 50c a hundred without sacks. Her tary plants in this section of the country, accord daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. bert Fisher. Mar 7-14 Pd. ing to dairy authorities. Varner Hopkins last Thursday at We »till maintain our high-standard Hol the sanitarium in Caldwell. The FOR SALE—Two pump shot guns, 16 guage and 20 guage, $20 and Betts family spent Saturday mak stein milk, which is considered by medical auth ing the acquaintance of Fay Marie. $22; logging trailor, $30; dump bed orities everywhere as the best milk for babies Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nightengale of for short wheel base truck, $10; and growing children. Ontario visited home folks Satur four room house and lot, $250. Hugh Glasgow, Nyssa, Oregon. 3-7 We produce milk for everybody’s needs. Try day. Mrs. Wm. Stradley is visiting 2tc. it! relatives in Nyssa this week. FOR SALE OR TRADE—27 acre Mrs. C. E. Peck and Mrs. Lester addition to Nyssa, on highway. French of Roswell spent Wednes Also good filling station site. See day In Nyssa. Mrs. Peck was a Don M. Graham, Nyssa, Oregon. 3- luncheon guest of Mrs. Dick Tensen. 7-2tc. A large number of members and several visitors attended the P.-T. A. FOR SALE—Hot water tank, elec meeting at the home of Mrs. F. A. tric washing machine, iron bed Miller last Friday. A delicious pot and springs, dresser, blue flame 3- luck luncheon was served. At the burner coal oil stove Mrs. Emma business meeting, Mrs. Dyre Rob Quinby. Mar7-14Pd. erts, club leader, announced that the 4-H club girls were giving a play FOR SALE—Fruit and shade trees by the Intermountain Nursery. See soon to raise money to send two members to summer school at Cor them across from Journal office. 3.7c vallis in June. Other Interesting FOR SALE—2 registered Purebred 2 Used Leather Davenports at........ $16.00 each numbers and the date will be an Holstein cows, one sagebrush 2 Used Gas Ranges a t ........... $18.00 and $20.00 nounced later. gruber in good condition, two Char ter’s incubators used two seasons. 3 Used Sewing Machines from ....$8.00 to $15.00 At my ranch one mile southwest of FORMER OWYHEE Terteling’s camp. Neil G. Dimmick. 6 Used Refrigerators, nearly new, a t .. $8 to $20 3-7-tf. NEW MEMBERS J Guernsey Milk lar breeds. Baby turkeys and baby USED CARS—See us for Used Cars. Cables Chevrolet Company, On ducks. Custom hatching and hatch ing eggs. Cain's Hatchery, Ontario, tario. Oregon. Oregon. 2-14-tf WANTED—Turkeys, ducks, chick ens, gese at highest market prices. FOR SALE—Fine stock Kying hens and baby chicks, and eggs to Twenty-six years In the same place. C. H. BOWMAN, Payette, Idaho. hatch. Mrs. R. J Davis. 2-28-2to. Phone 163. tf. FOR SALE—Gas engine, three horse power, rebuilt and In 1st class TRUCKING— Coal, wood, grain. produce, gravel, and. livestock, shape ready to go; two wheel trail W ell haul It er; used Fordson tractor and plows; anything moving. HUGH GLASGOW, several electric motors. Larsen and anywhere. Towne, formerly Larsen Motor Co. Phone 36F3. tf newers Yeast is FURNITURE BARGAINS 5 Used Ranges at............................... $15 to $30 6 Coal Oil Stoves a t ........................... $6 to $12 1 Nearly New Water Heater a t ............... $11.50 1 Nearly New Jaccard Velour Davenport..... $35. Come Now And Get the First and Best Choice Nordale Furniture Store OREGON NYSSA FRESH BAKED DAILY Delights of Every Variety So tempting an array you’ll find it difficult to make a “ first choice” . Stop in. The Swan Bakery NYSSA OREGON SEEDS We carry the most improved strains of lettuce and onion seed. All o f our seeds are contracted by us from the most reliable seed house in the country with whom we have been doing business for the last sixteen years and have a wonderful reputation among the growers for true type and yield. Get in touch with Mr. George Closson at the Equity Warehouse at Nyssa for seeds and infor mation as to spring lettuce and pea deals, or write us at Nampa, Idaho. IDAHO EQUITY EXCHANGE y NYSSA PHONE 103 MATRON DIES FOR SALE—1 saddle price W. B. Hoxie, tfFebl4. 16 MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh Route of 800 families. Good profits for hustler. We train and help you. Write today. Rawlelgh Co., Dept ORC-148-SA2. Oakland. Calif. M2tr IF YOU HAVE land to sell or wish to buy or rent any land under the project it will pay you to see the Owyhee Realty Co. 2-28-2tc. It is almost time to start planting SPRING LETTUCE — SPRING PEAS and SPRING CARROTS Growers interested in these crops should see us at once LET US EXPLAIN OUR PLAN TO YOU S A V E $4.97 LETTUCE, CARROT and ONION SEED FOR SALE A 79c can of this yeast has a vitamin content equal to 192 yeast cakes costing you $5.76. PHONE 17 F. H. Hogue fíu a éW S f B rew er's Yeast NYSSA PHARMACY Nyssa Oregon NYSSA OREGON TED NEWELL — NYSSA FIELDMAN SAVE with SAFETY at The*_Ite r a li DRUG STORE STERLING JOHNSON— PARMA FIELDMAN A For Special Offer a Limited Time Only! $25 FOR YOUR Free Offer The Vogue SOONER OR LATER IT WILL COST YOU MONEY IF YOUR CAR ISN’T PROPERLY SERVICED Let Us Serve You With The Beat We offer you unexcelled sendee and products. Standard Gasoline and lubricants, and accessor ies. There are none better to be had and you’ll like our quick, efficient methods. Try it and know! Standard Gasoline Old RANGE On the Purchase of Any New Electric Range H ERE is your opportunity to trade-in your old range and have a gleaming new Electric Range in its stead. It is an oppor tunity no m o d e r n housewife should overlook. It makes no difference how old or delapidat- ed your old range may be. The special trade-in allowance of $25 will be made on any kind or type of range so long as it has cooking surface and a permanently at tached oven. Now, you too, like more than 15,900 other Idaho Power Com pany customers, may enjoy the advantages and benefits of elec tric cookery. No more fires to build or ashes to bother with, no more blackened pans or smoked walls. Electric cookery, the ac cepted standard o f modem women, gives you cleanliness, ef ficiency, economy, convenience and many other remarkable ad vantages. ONLY $5 DOWN In addition to the special offer of $25.00 FOR YOUR OLD RANGE you can purchase an Electric Range for only $5.00 DOWN and complete the balance on convenient monthly sums while you are enjoying your new range. POWELL’S SERVICE STATION CHOOSE A NEW HOTPOINT OR WESTINGHOUSE RANGE The new models in Westinghouse and Hotpoint Ranges are the last word in beauty and efficiency. All of the latest Improvements that make for convenience and economy have been incorporated in their construction. There is a style and size to meet the re quirements of every home and every size family and a range of prices to meet every purse. Come in and see these new Electric Ranges and select the model you want while this special trade-in offer Is In effect. inA® fMTA A ITS1, IT-' W00 Open Day and Night Phone 1 OLD AND NEW FLOORS sanded call 544 Ontario or write H. G. Rasmussen. Box 545, Ontario. 3tp.21 $15.00 Mrs. Charles Bradley received FOR SALE CHEAP—11 lots in block word of the sudden death of her 78 of Greens Addition in Nyssa sltser, Mrs. Aberdeen Stewart in with four-room house, 2 porches Portland. She was well known here garage; cow barn; chicken house having lived here some years ago good fences. $275 cash will handle and was visiting here last fall. this if I can sell by March 15. W. E Joe Beach, steel contractor, who PATTERSON, RR1, Nyssa. 3tp. F28 finished work south of Mitchell But te in January, was in the commun FOR SALE OR TRADE—A 1926 ity looking for a lost bird dog last Star Sedan in good condition. Will Friday. sell cheap or trade for anything I Mrs. Wm. Peutz entertained the can use on farm. GEORGE HUFF Owyhee Community club last Thurs MAN, RR1 Nyssa. 3tp. Feb28. day afternoon. A nice crowd was in attendance. After the regular busi FOR SALE—Yellow sweet Spanish Onion seed. $2.50 a lb. Well select ness meeting and program, refresh ed from Utah certified Onions. H. K ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Newt Thomason of Hashltani, Phone 75F4. Old Chas. Big Bend, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Garrison place. 2-14-4p. Greeling of Kingman Kolony, and FOR SALE—Baby chicks, all popu- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klingback and family were guests in the T. M. Lowe home last Sunday. Mrs. Lee. Householder of Caldwell was a visitor in the home of her brother Otto Schweizer last Friday. Ernest Silket spent Saturday and Sunday with his family in Ontario. To help get your hair P. -T. A. will meet at the school house for their regular meeting on in a good condition Thursday, March 14 at 3:30. Mem for summer months I bers are urged to be present and non-members are invited to come. am offering a free hot Mr. Kline of Baker and Mr. Dav oil shampoo with each idson of Ontario, hay buyers for federal relief, were here on business $3.50 and $5.00 per last week. manent during March Mr. and Mrs. Everett Flock went to New Plymouth Saturday after noon. Mrs. Flock stayed there and Other Permanents her daughter. Mrs. Jim Jones, came back with her father to cook for the $1.75 and $2.50 baling crew. J. P. Dunaway, who has been visiting at his son’s ranch for the Prompt, Efficient past ten days left for his home in Service at— Portland this week. Contractors and truck men have had the use of the state road grad ers the past week in grading the ditch-bank road which had become almost impassable. BEAUTY SHOP At a meeting of the Owyhee Ditch company in Ontario last Sat Mae Keizer, Operator urday, Ellis Walters was given the Job again this year of ditch rider on I AL NYSSA J M c Growers... Think of the benefits of a yeast with such power . . . yet actual ly saving you $4.97 on a 79c can! In ordinary, or so called live yeasts the cells contain live bacteria. Pur et eat Brewer’s Yeast is not a live yeast. Ther- are no bacteria to putrefy and cause flatulence. No starch is added. You get 9S% solid yeast. ! Andrew SHARPENED—Saws, tools, knives, auger bits. You dull them and I FOR RENT—120 acres of good land. Cash rent. See Owyhee Realty Co. will sharpen then. Prices hand saw, 35c; yard saws 55c; cross cuts, 75c, at once. 2-28-2tc. times more powerful than ordinary yeast cakesl Sunshine Dairy Scissor sharpening. Ginnis. Feb 28p.