THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, MARCH 7. 1935 T ract No. 664, D. C. No. 7261; Name, HcDowel %3eo.; Descrip tion, Ls lu tu IJ iucl., B. 69, Ter- race Heights Add., Ontario; am ount $23.55; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 666, D. C. No. 7261; Name, McGonagill, Conava; Des cription, Ls 1 to 10 and 16 to 20 incl.; B. 201, Ontario; amount $13.16; to whom assessed in 1934, Narval F. Garrison. T ract No. 6S7, D. C. No. 7261; Name, McGonagill, Couova; Des cription, L 16, B. 32; Ls 19 and 20. B. 134, Ontario; amount $56.11; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 668, D. C. No 7261; Name, Neeley, J. C.; Description Ls 1 to 10 hicl., B. 232, Ontario; am ount $93.82; to whom assessed in 1934, City of Ontario. Tract No. 669, D C. No. 7261; Name, Nelson, Robert; Descrip tion, Ls 39 and 40, B. 3, Riverside Add.. Ontario; amount $12.02; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 670, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Nichols, A E.; Description, Ls 11 to 20 incl, B 215- Ls 1 to 20, incl., B. 216, Ontario,; amount $68.41; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 671, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Noe, H. Lee; Description, L s 15 and 16, B. 9. Riverside Add., O ntario; am ount $5.01; to whom assessed in 1934. same. T ract No. 673. D. C. No. 7261; Name, O ntario Investment & De velopment Co.; Description, Ls 9 and 10, B. 254; Ls 6 to 8 incl., B. 255; Ls 1 to 4, incl., B. 313, O n tario; am ount $21.37; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 674, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Parker, Anna B.; Descrip tion, Ls 48 to 51 incl., B. 10, River side Add., Ontario; amount, $35.- 55; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 676, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Pitt, Wm.: Description, Ls 5 and 6, B. 7, Riverside Add., On tario; am ount $5.01; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 677, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Potter, Harold L.; Descrip tion, Ls 1 and 2, B 7, Villa Park Add., O ntario; am ount $10.19; to whom assessed in 1934, City of Ontario. T ract No. 678, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Powers, Anna; Description, E 95 ’ of Ls 29 to 33 incl., B 8, Riv erside Add., Ontario: amount $51.88; to whom assessed in 1934, sam e. T ract No. 679, D. C. No. 7261; Name. Powers, D. W.; Description, L 14, B 3, Riverside Add., Ontario, am ount $28.15; to whom assessed in 1934, Mrs. E. W. Neal. T ract No. 680, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Prahl, Grace; Description. Ls 8 to 10 incl., B. ,77, Ontario; am ount $12.05; to whom asscss- «1 in 1934, same. T ract No. 681, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Reed, Wm. E.; Description. L 23, B 4 ; W 3 ’ of L 22, B 4, T er race Heights Add. Ontario; am ount, $5.70; to whom assessed In 1934, same. T ract No. 682, D. C. No. 7261, Name, Seaward. J. H.; Dcocription L 17, B 264, Ontario; amount, $1.49; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 683, D. C. No. 7261, Name, Stillwell, W. A; Description Ls 1 and 2, B 276, Ontario; amount $5.51; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 684, D. C. No. 7261, Name, Taylor. B. F.; Description. Ls 19 and 20, B, 69, Ontario; amount, $13.76; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 685, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Taylor. L. O.; Description, Ls 42 and 43, B 5, Villa Park Add., O ntario; amount $5.01; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 686, D. C. No. 7261, Name, Thomas. John D.; Descrip tion, Ls 18 to 20, incl., B. 299, On tario; am ount $9.78; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ra c t NO. 687, D. C. No. 7261; Name. Thorpe. F. S.; Description Ls 11 to 13 incl.. B. 18. Ontario; am ount $152.78; to whom assessed in 1934. same. T ract No. 688. D. C. No. 7261; Name, Turner. Elva M.; Descrip tion Ls 17 and 18, B 7, Riverside Add., O ntario; am ount $17.81; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 689. D. C. No. 7261; Nnme, Vale Trading Co; Descrip tion, Ls 4 and 5, B 136. Ontario; am ount, $8.01; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 690, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Valker.burg. H.: Descrip tion, Ls 6 to 10 incl.. B. 214, On tario; am ount $5.51; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 691, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Wheeler, C. H.; Description Ls 3 to 5 incl; B. 259, Ontario, am ount $32.55; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 692. D. C. No. 7261; Name. Williamson, Mrs. Anna; Description, Ls 6 to 10 inch, B. 75, O ntario; am ount $40.57; to whom assessed in 1934. same. T ra c t No. 693. D. C. No. 7261; Name. Wood, Herbert S; Descrip tion. Ls 6 and 7, B 172. Ontario; am ount $2.98; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 694. D. C. No. 7261; Name. Yoachum. J. H.; Descrip tion. Ls 11 to 15 incl. B. 208, On tario; am ount $90.72; to whom assessed in 1934. same. T ract No. 695, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Yoe. Anna C.; Description, Ls 26 to 29 incl., B 2, Terrace Heights Add.. Ontario; amount $6.50; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 696 D. C. No. 7261; Name, Zimmerman, Lillie T.; Des- criotiou, Ls 15 to 17, incl., B. 41; Ls 1 to 13 incl., B. 152, Ontario; am ount $120.23; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 697, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Brown, W. S.; Description, L 7, B 15, Eldredge Add., Vale amount. $65.62; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 698, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Boyd. Alma; Description, L5, B 18 Vale; am ount $225.37; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 699, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Boyer, Trustee, J. S.; Des cription, Ls 7 and 8, B 10, Hope Add., Vale; amount $26.90; to whom assstssed in 1934, same. Tract No. 7oo, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Brown, Frank J.; Descrip tion, Ls 19 and 20, B. 5, Hadley’s 2nd Add.. Vale; amount $102.89; to whom assessed in 1934, Georgia A. Holte. Tract No. 701, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Bullock & Hope Bros., Des cription, L8, B. 25, Eldredge Add. Vale; am ount $80.69; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 702, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Carter, Jas. D.; Description. L 11, B 11, N. W. T. 1st Add. Vale; amount $1.35; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 703, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Christian Church; Descrip tion, Ls 5 and 6, B. 12, Eldredge Add., Vale; $49.87; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 704, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Clement, Mrs. H. M; Des cription. L 4. B 12, Eldredge Add, Vale; amount $12.10; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 706, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Crampton, G. A.; Descrip tion, L 1, B 9, N. W. T. 1st Add., Vale; amount $5.62; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 707, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Crandall, Charles M.; Des cription, Ls 3 and 4, B 18, Vale; am ount $247.97; to whom assessed in 1934, same. w T ract No. 708, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Corson; Mrs. J. M. P.; Des cription, Ls 31 to 36 incl., B 3; I s 1, 2, 3, 4, 30, 31, 35 and 36 B. 4;Ls 5. 6, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, and 25 to 34 incl., B. 5, Nelsen's Add. Vale; amount $48.41; to whom assessed in 1934 same. T ract No. 709, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Darby, W. F.; Description, Ls 27 and 28. B 3. Hadley's 1st add. Vale; amount $15.74; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 710, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Deaver, Leona M.; Descrip tion, Ls 5 and 6, B 2, Nelsen’s Add. Vale; amount $15.02; to whom assessed in 1934. M. E. Perley. Tract No. 711, D. C No. 7261; Name, Drexel Real E state Co.; Description. L 8 and N 25 ' 3 ” of L 7, B. 19 Vale; amount $2,310.68; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 712, D. C. No. 7261; ' Name, Duncan, Robt. M.; Descrip tion, Ls 11 and 12, B 5, Hadley’s 2nd Add Vale; amount $138.96; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 713, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Eldredge, Mrs. Emma; Des cription, Ls 26 and 27, B. 31, Hope-Holland Add,, Vale; amount $2.01; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 714, D C. No. 7261; Name, Erwin, Gertrude; Descrip tion, Ls 23 and 24, B 5, Hope Add., Vale; amount $60.62; to whom as sessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 715, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Furm an, Chas. and Wm. Keck; description, Ls 5 to 8 incl., B 3. Eldredge Add, Vale; amount, $18.16 ; to whom assessed in 1934, same Tract No. 716, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Glenn. Mrs. Lillie; Descrip tion, N 30’ of L 4, B. 22, Vale; amount, $75.13; to whom assesseed in 1934, same. Tract No. 717, D. C. No. 7261; Name, G raham , Andrew M; Des cription, La 7 and 8, B. 6, Nelsen’s Add., Vale; am ount $9.38; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 718, D. C. No. 7261; Name, G raham , Donald M.; Des cription, L 14, B 3 and SH of L 13, ' B. 3, Hadley's 1st Add., Vale; am ount $23.53; to whom assessed in 1934, same. rra c t No. 719, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Hadley & Kester; Descrip tion, 5.75A N of Ry, in W 30A of N W 'iN E 'i of Sec 30, Twp. 18. Rng. 45 in Vale; am ount $15.02; to whom assessed in 1934, same, rra c t No. 720. D. C. No. 7261; Name, Hadley, L. J.; Description. L 8, B 27 and E 20 ’ Of L7, B 27, Eldredge Add., Vale; amount $107.59; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 721, D. C. No. 7261; Name. Hanna, Sarah; Description. L 34, B. 2, Hadley's 1st Add., Vale; amount $18.83; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 722, D. C No. 7261; Name, Humphrey, Mrs. Rachel; Description, WH of Ls 7 and 8, B. 10, Vale; and Ls 3 to 6 incl., B. 13, Eldredge, Add., Vale; amount. $33.43; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 723, D. C. No. 7261; Name. Humphrey, Saxon; Des cription, L 6, B. 25, Eldredge Add., Vale; amount, $924.91; to whom assessed in 1934. same. T ract No. 724, D C. No. 7761; Name, Hurley, Fay C.; Descrip tion.; I a 7 and 8. B. 5. Hadley s 2nd Add., Vale; amount $69.95; to whom assessed in 1934, Alice Johnson. Tract No. 725, D C. No. 7261; Name. Hurley. J. A.; Description, L 6, B. 15, Eldredge Add., to Vale; amount, $49.63; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 726, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Jaram illo, Jam es; Descrip tion; 3 li of L 17. B 2; Ls 18 to 20 incl., B. 2; and N ts of L 21, B 2, Sm ith's Add., Vale; amount, $43.31; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 727, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Johnson, Bessie; Descrip tion, Ls 1 and 2, B 1, Nelsen's Add, Vale; amount $11.78; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 728, D. C. No. 7261; Name. Keele, W alter S.; Descrip tion, Ls 7 and 8, B 6, Kelley's 1st Add. Vale; am ount $84. 55; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 729. D. C. No. 7261; Name, Kessler, A rthur J.; Des cription, L 8, B. 24, Vale; amount, $150.25; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 730. D. C. No. 7261; Name, Kiest, Mrs. A. M.; Descrip tion, L 9, B. 6, N. W. T. 1st Add., Vale; am ount $2.01; to whom assessed in 1934. same. T ract No. 731, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Kircher, Mrs. Emma; Des cription, Ls 1 and 2, B 1, H ad ley’s 1st Add., Vale; am ount $18.- 38; to whom assessed in 1934, same T ract No. 732, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Lytle, Robt. D. et al; Des cription, Ls 1 and 2, B. 18, Vale; am ount $341.99; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 733, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Malheur Products Co.; Description, Ls 12, 13, 14, 26, 27, and 28, B. 9, Hope Add. Vale; amount, $439.64; to whom assess ed In 1934, same. T ract No. 734, D. C. No. 7261; Name, M ansur Est., Mary L.; Des cription, L 13, B 1. Claggett’» Add Vale; amount $394; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 735, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Mulkey, Mrs. Agustus; Description, Ls 7 to 10 incl., B. 11, Eldredge Add., Vale; am ount $92.- 01. to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 736, D .‘ O. No. 7261; Name, Neal, M argaret V.; Des- cription, L 29, B. 35, Hope-Hol- land Add., Vale; amount, $50.43; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 737, D. O. No. 7261; Name, Nichol, Robt. F.; Descrip tion; Ls 31 and 32, B. 5, Hadley’s 2nd Add.; L* 13 to 15 Incl., and 20 to 24 incl.; B. 8, Hadley’a 3rd Add. Vale; am ount $18.14; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 738, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Oakes, Mrs. E. K.; Descrip tion, L 6, B 18 V ale; L 1 and 2, B. 28 .Eldredge Add., Vale; amount, $62.20; to whom assessed in 1934, Vale-Oregon Irrlg. Dist. Ls 1 and 2, B. 28. T ract No. 739, D. C. No. 7261; Name, O'Neil, F rank; Description, Ls 1 to 8 incl., and 12 to 16 inCl., B 1, Altschul Add., Vale; amount, $39.68; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 740, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Pacific N at’l Bank of Boise; Description, S 20 ’ 8" of L 3, B 24, Vale; amount, $90.78; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 741, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Palmer, Frank; Description L 21, Fraction of L 22, and E 54 ’ of L 23, B. 5, Hadley’s 2nd Add. Vale; amount $12.68; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 742, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Palmer, Phoebe; Descrip tion, La 4 to 9 incl., B. 2, Hadley’s 1st Add., Vale; am ount $45.06; to whom assessed in 1934 same. Tract No. 743, D.. C. No. 7261; Name, Pharmelee, Frank; Descrip tion, L 7, B. 2, N. W. T. 1st Add., Vale; am ount $5.62; to whom assessed 1934, same. T ract No. 746, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Ramirez, Estaban; Des cription, S!4 of L 21, Ls 22 and 23, B. 2, Sm ith's Add., Vale; amount $36.11; to whom assessed In 1934, same. T ract No. 747, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Reed, H. 8.; Description,, L 6, B 16, N. W. T. 1st Add. Vale; amount, $6.56. to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 749. D. C. No. 7261; Name, Roberts, Fay; Description, Ls 1, 2, 9, 10, 15 and 16, B 7, H ad ley’s 3rd Add., Vale; amount $45.93; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 750, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Robinette, C. M.; Descrip tion, L 7, B. 4, Vale; amount, $6.72; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 751, D. C. No. 7261; Name, R inehart, Mrs. A. M; Des cription. Ls 9 to 12 incl., B. 6, Nel sen's Add., Vale; amount, $16.90; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 752, D. C. No 7261; Name. Russell, B. C.; Description. Ls 3 to 8 incl. and 18 to 24 incl., B. 34, Hope-Holland Add., Vale; am ount $128.60; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 753, D. O. No. 7261; Name, Schmidt, Leo H.; Descrip tion Ls 5 to 7 incl., B 14; Ls 1 to 8 incl., B 15. Vale; Ls 11 to 13 incl., B 33, Hope-Holland Add., Vale; am ount $112.31; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 754, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Sears. Pauline; Description, Ls 9 to 16. incl., B 1, Nelsen's Add. Vale; amount, $48.83; to whom assessed in 1934. same. T ract No. 755, D. O. No. 7261; Name, Stacey, Harry P.; Descrip tion, Ls 10 to 12, Incl., B. 8, H ad ley's 3rd Add.. Vale; amount $65 89; to whom assessed In 1934, same. T ract No. 756, D. C . No. 7261; Name, Townsend, J. H.; Descrip tion, L 25, B. 11, Hope Add. Vale; am ount $34.14; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 757, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Tipton, Sarah E.; Descrip tion, E 43 ’ of L 1. B. 11, Vale; Ls 1 and 2, B, 5; Ls 6 to 8 incl., B. 8, U l t o 4 incl., B. 10; L. 8, B. 10; Ls 1 and 2, B. 11, Kelleys’ Add. Vale; amount $51.11. to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 758, D. C. No. 7261; Name, United Assets Co.; Descrip tion L2, B 3, N. W. T. 1st Add.; am ount $5.06; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 759, D. C. No. 7261; Name. U nrah. Grace J.; Descrip tion, Ls 3 and 4, B. 1, Eldredge Add.. Vale; amount $6.73; to whom assessed in 1934 same. T ract No. 760, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Wester, Pauline S.; Des cription; Ls 3 and 4, B. 25, Eld redge Add., Vale; amount $525.88; to whom assessed in 1934, Samuel J. Bean. T ract No. 761, D. C. No. 7261; Name, W estern Loan <& Bldg. Co.; Description, Ls 3 and 4, B 9; Eld redge Add., Vale; amount $25.88; to whom assessed in 1934, A. F. W inters. T ract No. 762, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Wheeler, Mrs. Anna; Des cription, Ls 1 and 2, B 26, Eld redge Add. Vale; amount $19.16; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 764. D. C. No. 7261; Name, Zaninetta, Louis; Descrip tion, W 69 ’ of Ls 7 and 8, B 18, Vale; Ls 1 and 3, B 27, Eldredge Add., Vale; amount $552.95; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 765, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Zaninetta, Louis; Descrip tion, Ls 5 to 8 incl., B. 6, Eldredge Add., Vale; amount $203 22; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 766, D. C No 7361; Name, Zellar, A. R.; Description, Ls 13 to 16 incl., B 34, Hope-Hol land Add., Vale; amount, $100.49; to whom assessed In 1934, same. T ract No. 767, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Anderson, Beatrice; Des cription. Ls 7 and 8, B 3, Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; amount $44.52; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No 768, D . O. No. 7261; Name, Ballentine, Mrs. E.; Des cription, L 4, B. 26, and Ls 13 and 14, B 31; Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; amount $4.59; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 769, D. C. No. 73*1; Name, Bingman, H. P.; Descrip tion, L 16, B 21, Nyssa; amount, $2.93; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 770, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Bodfish, George; L 6, B. 11, Nyssa; am ount $671.50; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 771, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Bonney, Chas. L. Undivid ed >4 Interest in: Ls 1 to 20 incl., B. 19, and Ls 1 to 20 incl., B. 22. Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; amount, $138.47; to whom assessed is 1934, same. • T ract No. 772, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Brinson, George F.; Des cription, L 4, B 3; Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; amount $2.30; to whom assessed in 1934, Grace Larsen. T ract No. 773, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Butler, Ada E.; Description, Ls 1 and 2, B. 3, Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; amount $96.15; to whom assessed in 1934, same T ract No. 775, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Cooper & Davis; Des cription, Ls 10 to 12 incl., B. 17, Nyssa; amount $8.70; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract NO. 776, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Davis, Mrs. O.; Descrip tion, Ls 10 and 11, B. 1, Nyssa; am ount $9.15; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 777, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Emison, C. R.; Descrip tion, E 30’ of the unplatted 89’ x 25 ’ lying between B 22 and B 1 of Emison’s Add., Nyssa; amount $ .92; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 778, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Emison, C. R.; Description, Blocks 22 and 23, Nyssa; amount, $64.09; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 780, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Foster, W. W.; Description, Ls 5 and 6, B 21; L 3, B. 16, Nyssa; amount, $5.64; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 781, D. C. No. 7261; Name, G ate City Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 214; Description, L 10, B. 9, Nyssa; amount $20.61; to whom assessed in 1934, W. B. Hoxie. T ract No. 782. D. C. No. 7261; Name, Gilbert, A. D.; Description, L 5, B. 8, Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; amount, $14.66; to whom assessed in 1934, same. , T ract No. 783, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Goshert, 8. D.; Description, Ls 15 to 20 incl. and 23 to 25 incl., B. 1, Taylor's Add., Nyssa; amount $109.32; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 785, D. C. No. 7261; Name, H artnett, J. M.; Descrip tion, Ls 3 to 5 incl., B. 7, Teutsch's Add., Nyssa; amount, $2.74; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 788, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Hoeppner, Otto,; Descrip tion, L 15, B. 9, Nyssa; amount $18.31; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 787, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Horn, R. M.; Description, Ls 6 and 7, B 61, G reen’s Add.. Nyssa: amount. $13.27; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 788, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Hoxie, W. B.; Description, Ls 9 and 10, B 3, Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; amount, $3 66; to whom assessed in 1934. E. B. Butler. Jr. T ract No. 789, D. C. No. 7261; Name, London, A. E.; Description, Ls 1 to 5 incl, B. 33; Ls 1 to 8 and 11 to 13 incl., B. 40; Ls 6 to 13 incl., B 41; Ls 1 to 5 incl., B 43; Ls 8 to 14 incl., B. 44; L 1, B. 49, Park Add., Nyssa; amount, $84.50; to whom assessed in 1934, E. M. Blodgett. Tract No. 790, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Logan, Ethel N.; Descrip tion, Ls 4 and 5, B. 37, Park Add., Nyssa; amount, $2.74; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 791, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Matheney, Lynn; Descrip tion, Ls 14 and 15, B. 16, Nyssa; amount, $2.74, to whom assessed in 1934. same. Tract No. 792, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Mayberry, H. L.; Descrip tion, L 10 and Wt4 of L 11, B. 7, Teutsch's Add., Nyssa; amount, $3.62; to whom assessed in 1934, same. TYact No. 793, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Myers, Joseph; Description, Ls 1 to 3. B 15, Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; amount, $42.57; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 794, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Neilson, A. M.; Description Ls 1 and 2. B 34, Park Add., Nyssa; amount, $6.37; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 795, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Parkinson, Ross; Descrip tion, L 8, B. 27, Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; am ount $77.92; to whom r assessed in 1934, C. L. Lindsey. Tract No. 796, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Quandt, Emma; Descrip tion, I s 3 and 4, B. 21, Nyssa; amount, $3.65; to whom assessed in 1934, A. M. Nielsen. Tract No. 797, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Reece, John F.; Description Ls 1. 2. 3 . 6, 7, an d 12, B. 1; 100’ x 142’, B. 7; Ls 10 and 13 to 18 incl.. B. 14; L 3, B. 13; La 5 and 6, B. 17, Nyssa; amount, $153.81; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 798, D. O. No. 7261; Name, Sage, Viola M.; Description, 59 ’ x 25 ’ between B. 22 and B 1 of Emlson’s Add., Nyssa; amount $4.56; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 799, D. C. No. 7261; Name, 8cott, B. F.; Description, Ls 1 to 12 incl., B 9; I * 1 to 12 incl., B 10, Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; amount $50.89; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 800, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Sitton, Stella; Description, Ls 10 to 14 incl., B. 37, Park Add., Nyssa; amount $7.33; to whom / assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 801, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Spier, Mary, G.; Descrip tion, Ls 17 and 18, B. 147, Wards Add., Nyssa; amount, $8.40; to who assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 802, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Tensen, Dick and Geo. Green; Description, Ls 6, 14, 15, and 16, B. 72; Ls 6 to 9 incl., B. 75; Ls 1 to 7 incl., B. 77; Ls 1 and 2, B. 78; Ls 1 and 3 to 7 incl., B. 81; Ls 1 to 7 incl., B. 82; Ls 6 to 8 incl, B. 83, Green’d Add., Nyssa; amount, $38.00; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 804, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Van Erden, Wm.; Descrip tion, Ls 16 to 20, incl. B. 21, Teu tsch’s Add., Nyssa; amount $34.99; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 806, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Wheeler, Thos.; Descrip tion, L 4, B. 49, P ark Add., Nyssa; amount $2.74; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 807, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Willoughby, Roy; Descrip tion, Ls 13 and 14, B 59, Nyssa; L 6 B. 1, Teutsch’s Add; Ls 1 to 3 incl., B 50, Park Add.; Ls 1 and 2, B. 51, Park Add.; Ls 1 to 3 incl., B 57, Park Add.; Ls 18 and 19, B 3, Taylor’s Add, Nyssa; amount, $53.56; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 808, D. O. No. 7261; Name, Wilson, Chas. O. et ux; Description, Ls 10 to 14 incl., B. 61, G reen’s Add., Nyssa; amount, $18.17; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 809, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Wrinkler, Mark A. Descrip tion, L 5, B. 34, Park Add., Nyssa; am ount $4.20; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 810, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Zimmerman, Lillie T; Des cription, L 9, B. 65, G reen’s Add., Nyssa; amount $20.90; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 811, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Horn, R. M.; Description, 53-100A in N E tiN E ü of Sec. 11, Twp. 30. Rng. 46, Jordan Valley; am ount $8.58; to whom usessed in 1934, same. Tract NO. 812, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Schramm, A. A., 8upt. of Banks; Description, N 4 of L 5, B 3, Pioneer Add., Jordan Valley; amount, $79.52; to whom assessed in 1934, State of Oregon. Tract No. 813, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Rust, W. O.; Description, Ls 20 to 22 incl., B. 20, Juntura; amount, $55.27; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 814, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Harper State Bank; Des cription, L 5. B 7; and L 9, B. 9. Harper; Ls 1 and 2, B. 5, Fairmore Add., Harper; am ount $34.18; to whom assessed in 1934, J. N. Jones. Tract No. 815, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Fairm an, J D., et al; Des cription. L 4, B. 2; L 3, B. 8; L 7, B 10, Fairmore Add., H a r p e r ; amount, $1.99; to whom assessed in 1934. same. T ract No. 816, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Klme, Frank; Description, L 1. B 8, and L a 10 to 12 incl,. B 10, Harper; L 3, B. 7. and Ls 1 and 2, B. 6, Fairmore Add., Harper; amount, $5131; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 817, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Sherry Est., Wm.; Descrip tion, L 10, B 8, H arper; amount, $1.35; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 818, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Fairman, J. D.; Descrip tion, L 6, B 9, Madden's Add., Westfall; amount, $ .38; to whom assessed in 1934. same. T ract No. 819, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Fltchett, Lucy; Descrip tion, Ls 9 and 10, B 10, Westfall; amount, $7.25; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 820, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Hucker, Albert; Description Ls 1 to 3 incl., B. 8, Madden's Add. Westfall; amount, $1.51; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 821, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Jones, Frank and E.; Des cription, Ls 1 and 2, B 2, West- fall; amount $4.95; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 822, D. C. No. 7261; Name. Madden, C. W.; Descrip tion, Ls 1 to 4 incl., B. 3; Ls 1 to 4 incl., B. 4; Ls 1 to 6 incl., B. 5; Ls 1 to 6 incl., B. 11; Ls 1 to 6 incl.. B. 12; Ls 1 to a incl., B. 13; Ls 1 to 8, incl., B. 14; Ls 7 and 8 B 15; Ls 7 and 8, B. 16, Madden's Add.. Westfall; amount, $10.67; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 823, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Westfall Bldg. Ass’n.; Des cription, A. T. No. 6, Westfall; amount, $24.81; to whom assessed in 1934, Harper Mer. Co. Tract No. 824. D. C. No. 7261; Name, Malheur Land & Livestock Co.; Description ,L 7, B. 20, O ut look; amount $27.92; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 825, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Nuklda, Billy; Description, N 20 ’ X 90 ’ of L 8, B. 21, Outlook; amount, $27.60; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 826, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Rayburn, E tta; Description, L 7, B. 21, Outlook; amount, $ .49; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 827, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Schmidt, Leo H.; Descrip tion, L 20, B. 21, Kingman; amount, $ .17; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 828, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Guerber, A. L.; Description, A. T. No. 137, Jam ieson; amount, $2.31; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 829, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Jamieson O rchard Co.; des cription Ls 12 to 14 incl., B 13, Jamieson; am ount $32.76; to whom assessed In 1934, Malheur Land Co. Tract No. 830, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Pope, J. L.; Description, A. T. No. 115, Jamieson; amount, $171.11; to whom assessed in 1934, same T ract No. 831, D. C. No. 7261; Name. Wyman, W. M.; Descrip tion, A. T. No. 105; amount $1.60; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 832, D C No. 7261; Name, Malheur Land Co,; Des cription, L 5, B 1; A. T s No. 118 and 119, Jamieson; amount, $7.44; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 833, D. C. No. 7261; Name» Allen, Wayne; Description, L 1, B 20, Brogan; am ount $15.71; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 834, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Lanoir, Emil; Description, L 8, B. 41; S 280’ of L 1, B. 42. Brogan; amount, $39.70; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 835, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Lytle & Holte; Description, L 9, B 26, Brogan; amount, $22.89; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 836, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Ontario N at’l Bank; Des cription, L 3, B 34, Brogan; amount, $7.71; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 837, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Pritchard, T. Chas.; Des cription, Ls 5 and 6, B 40 and WV4 of L 4, B 40, Brogan; amount, $20.05; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 838, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Wise, Ray; Description, L 4, B. 34, Brogan; am ount $4.96; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 839, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Zaninekta, Louis; Descrip tion, W 80 ’ of L. 1, B. 43, Brogan; amount $42.60; to whom assessed in 1934, same. TYact No. 840, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Cole Est., Emory; Descrip tion, Ls 1 to 18 incl, B. 8; Ls 1 to 17 incl., B. 12; Ls 3 to 8 incl., B. 15; Ls 1 to 20 incl., B 17; Ls 13 to 20 incl., B. 22; Ls 1 to 13 incl., B. 24; Ls 1 and 2 and 7 to 12 incl., B. 40, Brogan; amount, $74.45; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 842, D. C. No. 7281; Name, M alheur Land Co.; L 3, B 20; Ls 3 to 7 incl., B 30; L 3, B 45; L s lto 2 4 inch, B 47, Brogan; amount, $376.71; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No. 843, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Johnson, Prudence S.; Des cription, Ls 17 and 18, B 10, An nex; am ount $1.07; to ithom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 844, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Joslin, Chas. A.; Descrip tion, Ls 1 and 2, B 20, Annex; amount, $ .72; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 845; D. C. No. 7261; Name, Jordan Valley Irrigation District; Description, Blocks 1, 2, 3 and 4, Arock; am ount $27.59; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Tract No 846, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Billings, Bird; Description, L 19, B 10. Adrian; amount, $ .34; to whom assessed in 1934, same. TTact No. 847; D. C. No. 7261; Name, Thomas, C hristina; Des cription, Fraction of Ls 3 to 8 incl., and It, 18 and 19, B. 84. Weatfleld Add., Nyssa; amount, $12.58; to whom assessed in 1934. same. And you, and each of you, are hereby further notified th a t Plain tiff will apply to the above-entitled Court for a Degree foreclosing the liens described and mentioned in the foregoing Delinquency Certificate and T ract numbers, and each and every thereof, and each of you are hereby notified th at unless you ap pear and answer, or otherwise de fend this suit, or pay the am ount due, as shown above, together with interest from the date of issuance of said Certificate, together with ac cruing costs and disbursements herein, within sixty (60) days from the date of the first publication hereof, exclusive of the f ir lt day of publication, for want thereof, Plain tiff will take a Judgment and decree of this Court foreclosing the respec tive liens of the respective tracts of said Certificate, as hereinbefore de scribed. You will take notice th a t this Summons is served upon you under and by virtue of, and pursuant to, an Order of Honorable Charles W. Ellis, Judge of the Circuit Court in and for said County and State, which said O rder was made and en tered herein on the 23rd day of January, A. D. 1935, and directing th a t this Summons be published for four (4) consecutive weeks, includ ing five (5) publications in the Ontario Argus, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published at Ontario, M alheur County, Oregon, the date of the first publication of this Summons ls February 7, A. D. 1935, and the date of the last pub lication is M arch 7, A. D. 1935. All process in this suit may be served upon M. A. Biggs, district a t torney, a t his office in Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon. C. W. GLENN, Sheriff of M alheur County, Oregon; Residence a n d Postoffice Address: Vale, Oregon. M. A. BIGGS, D istrict Attorney for Plain tiff; Residence and Post- office Address: Ontario, Oregon. Ex-Mayor Held in Huge Theft A man tentatively identified as ex-Mayor John L. Sclinepp ot Springfield, 111., wanted on an embezzlement charge, ls shown above behind bars in Los Angeles pending his re tu rn to Illinois. Found selling papers, the sus pect, calling him self John Mason, declared his memory of much of the past was a blank. New Fairbanks Romance? Since nis divorce from Mary Plrkford. Douglas F airbanks, film actor, nas been seen fre quently In the company of Lady Sylvia Ashley of England The engagem ent of the pair, shown above near Rome. Italy, ls the subject ot persistent rum or.