Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1935)
G ATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MARCH 7,1936 I 1 sea wtiare sum of the sporto air your proxy to someone who will vote per annum from December 10, 1932, until paid; and the further sum of ; killing krows with dinamite, and your stock as you direct. Dated this 2nd day of March, 1935. $297.95, with Interest thereon at 6 askln fer informashun aboot moar per cent per annum from December krows. it jist seams to me that kllhn Attest: 10. 1933, until paid; and for the THOS. JONES, Secretary. krows that way Is sum what un- BERWYN BURKE, Publisher DICK TEN SEN, President further sum of $56.75, with interest I sportsman liek Its awl rite to thertbn at 6 per cent per annum shoot at em with a gun, but when from December 10, 1934, until paid, they go to usln dinamite its klndy Publltthod every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. and for plaintiff’s costs and dis TO MY FRIENDS WHO HAVE ♦, NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE takln advantage of the pore old filtered at fhe postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission though bursements amounting to the sum WRITTEN ABOUT THE TOWN that you should understand the krow. exact conditions which will govern Notice Is Hereby Given that by the Unhid states Mails, as second class matter, under the act of of $23.00. and for such additional SEND BILL: so ves goshert has got sum 1 to do the decision on old-age pension virtue of an execution In foreclosure, March 3, 1879. sum remodel In In the the old poet duly issued out of the Circuit Court costs as may accrue. I have had many interesting and bills. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 20th office, that shure bea gud nuze. I am not on the Committee con of the State of Oregon for t h e day of February, 1935. valuable letters on this subject, set while they be doin It they orter talk County of Malheur, on the 20th day ting forth arguments for the Town sidering the Townsend Bill which SUBSCRIPTION RATES C. W. GLENN, send bill, picturing the present trag vitally Interests many of the people off aboot 50 lbe from ves' stummack. of February, 1935, pursuant to a Judg Sheriff of Malheur County, Oregon. 1 awlso notls that the rail rode One Year ................................................. -.............. ...................... $1-50 ment rendered In said Court on the Date of first publication February ic situation of old people and em in my district. I have presented your Six Months ....................................................... ............... —.......... 73« phasizing the necessity for some leg point of view to Committee mem kompany is goln to fix up sum aboot 13th day of February, 1935, In a suit 21. 1935. the depoe. 1 wanter surve notlse where In Kingman Colony Irrigation Date of last publication March 21, islation which will Improve condi bers just as clearly as I know how tions generally. No one could read to do It. and I have taken your let- on them tho not to tetch them thare Company, a corporation, is plaintiff, 1935. ADVERTISING RATES these letters without realizing the ere and petitions to the Committee, privies settin out sum 100 yards a n d Archie D. Moses, Blanche Date of sale March 26, 1935. necessity of action. I have held urging careful consideration. I real- ’rum the depoe. 1 will look after Moses, and the Federal Land Bank LOTT D. BROWN, ___ _ Using them, awaiting developments In Ize the necessity for a Just and fair them things, and sea that they be of Spokane, a Federal Corporation, Attorney for Plaintiff. Advertise;* upon application. Classified Ads 1c per word per inser tion Congress and an opportunity to get provision for the aged who have moved kloser up. It shure must be are defendants, and said Execution the work dona by my hard-pressed passed the working period« and can- diskouragln to make sltch a long being directed to me, and command ing me to sell the hereinafter de office force. I am sorry I cannot not hope for jobs. Most civilized trip sum times. INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC NOTICE TO CREDITORS countries have done something of yores trulle, Farmer Brown. write each one personally. scribed real property, I will, on IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE Tuesday, March 26, 1935, at the hour IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE I have made a careful study of this sort, and we must do it. I shall EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE LEGAL ADVERTISING of one o'clock In the afternoon of the many old-age pension bills now support the best bill on which I COUNTY OF MALHEUR. before the Ways and Means Corn- have a chance to vote, and I shall said day, at the North Main en seems; but consumers can do the -mlttee of the House, to which all of use all my Influence to secure a good trance door of the County Court In The Matter of The Estate of Editorial Comments IMPORTANT NOTICE squealing. House, at Vale, Malheur County, I them were referred because that bill from the Committee. The prob- 1 Louis E. Ruddy, Deceased By Clark Wood ---------- ¡Committee has the responsibility of ability Is that we shall have no op- To all Stockholders of the OWY- Oregon, sell, subject to the statutory Notice is hereby given by the HEE DITCH COMPANY: right of redemption, all the right, undersigned Administrator of the The fruit of Jim Farley's best ef- raising funds for government pur- portunlty this session to vote on the forts has far been, to many of the P08«- Extensive■ hearings have been Townsend Bill as originally drawn. A special meeting of the stock title and Interest of the above nam estate of Louis E. Ruddy, deceased, Usually a chap has a lot to com faithful, plum disappointing. | i^id* 7 have attended some of them, No member is satisfied with all the holders of the Owyhee Ditch Corn- ed defendants In and to the follow to the creditors of and all persons ______ | and heard Dr. Townsend’s state things th at happen in Congress, and pans' has been called by the Presi ing described real property, to-wit: having claims against said deceased, plain of if he's paying taxes on one. to file them with the necessary Lot No. 1, and the East Half of ment. The provision for the aged In no one member can determine what Lean times will be over, we trust, the Administration Social Security shall be done. The best he can do, dent, to be held a t the office of the vouchers within six months after Lot No. 2, (also known as the Big talk often comes from a small before Uncle Sam finds that he Company, In Ontario, Oregon, on Bill was so disappointing to me that is to listen to public opinion, study the first publication of this notice EH of the NWK of the NEK, vocabulary. Is no longer able to hold up the I joined a group of twelve Repre the question carefully, and fight for Thursday, March 14, 1935, at the with the undersigned at his resi and the NEK of the NEK) of hour of 2 o'clock PM. lean era. dence In the town of Nyssa, Oregon, sentatives who went to the President what seems to him just and possible. Section 1, In Township 21, The meeting has been called for Considering the load we'll shift or at the office of A. L. Fletcher In ¡urging liberalization. We had an This I have done. South Range 46 East of the Wil WALTER M. PIERCE, Member j the purpose of amending the by- upon it. one can't be sure that the i Townsend plan sponsors say that audience of over an hour, cheifly on Nyssa, Oregon, which residence and lamette Meridian In Malheur next will be the suceeding gen what Is needed is "faster moving the matter of financing the pension, of Congress, 2nd District of Oregon, laws of the Company, changing the office, the undersigned sc: cts as the County, Oregon. 1 date of first payment for water to also 60 K shares of stock In the places of business in all matters eration. money.” It moves too fast now, out which Is a serious problem. I have the time when water Is actually fur Kingman Colony Irrigation Com connected with the said estr.te. of our clutches. I been intensely interested, and I READING COURSES nished; allowing stop gates to be pany, a corporation, being Certlfl Dated at Nyssa, Oregon, this 7th ---------- j want to help to secure the best pos- 11 th. l ft war is fought in the GIVEN BY LIBRARY placed In the ditch where necessary; cates Nos. 118, 120, and 121, repre day of February, 1935. G.O.P. solons are making the best' sible law. air. however, we see no way in also, to consider a certain contract First publication on February 14th senting 60H shares of stock, to sat which it can be won by second of their only feasible course of There have been strong national People of Nyssa. In common with with the Government relative to isfy a Judgment In favor of the 1935; date of last publication March j action, which Is “viewing with organizations working for years for lieutenants. furnishing water for all lands under the rest of the residents of Oregon, — | alarm.” ■ social insurance, and they have pre- above named plaintiff and against 14th. 1935. ---------- pared bills. The Townsend bill Is the can take advantage of reading the ditch, north of what Is known the defendants, Archie D. Moses and W. J. WILLIAMS, Not many porkers are left, It Care seems now to be advisable only one before Congress which has courses offered by the Oregon State as the "hog back” by pumping from Blanch Moses, in the sum of $51.93, Administrator of the Estate not to confuse two houses, White for its main purpose economic re- Library to their distinct advantage. Snake River, furnishing water for with Interest thereon at 6 per cent of Louis E. Ruddy, Deceased. and mall order. j covery, expecting to accomplish this According to Milded E. Oleson, the “Advancement Tracts,” drain ---------- by increasing purchasing power and county librarian, those who have age, etc. VEGETABLE Roger Babson predicts a business the flow of money. The fact that It signed the courses are most enthus It Is very important th at a majority boom, followed by a day of reckon- puts money into the hands of the iastic and people with time on their of stock be represented at the meet and ing. Let’s accept the boom prophecy, aged, in order to spread buying pow- hands should not neglect this un ing. If you can not be present, send GARDEN and let the bum one go by. ler, makes It an old-age pension bill. usual opportunity. Anyone in the state Is eligible to ---------- ! Every thoughtful citizen must While without exact Information ' realize that well-meaning, lntelli- take these courses, ranging in sub as to what Europe Is doing about gent people have different ideas on ject matter from philosophy to surplus crops, If any, we feel quite how to bring about economic re- plumbing; from art to study of-dies Insure In SURE Insurance sure she Isn’t plowing under every : covery. X believe we need more el engines; from French grammar — A t— third American tourist. — with— I money, and more general purchas to Jelly making. The only require ing power. This point of view is bit- ment Is to answer the questions on In the New Deal, Roosevelt seems terly opposed by conservative, pow- an appllaction form furnished by the to hold all the clubs. erful eastern interests, which largely Statrt Library. The only cost Is the control legislation, especially in the postage. The library does not supply a list Make Your Application for 1935 Auto USE JOURNAL WANT ADS House of Representatives, where New York, for instance, has 45 votes, of courses. Each course is an indi Licenses Here NOW! and Oregon has 3. There are 435 vidual matter. The applicant states members In the House, with the the subject which he is interested In overwhelming majority from the and whatever his need, the course East, where Interest in the Town will supply him with systematic OURS Is a “hospital" for run send Bill Is not keen. There are reading giving him the best mater down heels and worn-out ial on the subject. powerful national organizations, soles. After our attention, old Anyone interested In taking one richly financed, fighting federal aid shoes look and step along like for social security, and demanding of these courses for self Improve new! that the states assume all obliga ment may get an application form First Class Repairers tion for old age pensions. They from Mrs. Fred Marshall by calling —that’s us! j think the Administration BUI goes at the Nyssa library. too far. We shall have a struggle to PROMPT SERVICE hold any federal aid. We must make Phone 76F3 Owners of dogs will have until March 15 to a beginning and not be disappoint ed if the cause of social security or secure a license. The fee is $1 for males and $2 Nyssa Shoe Shop jour choice of Instruments for econ for females. Ross Parkinson, Prop. omic recovery are both developed Ambulance Service It will be necessary for the city to take less speedily than some expected. Nyssa, Oregon action against the owners of unlicensed dogs Debate In the House Is difficult because of the large membership. | deer edetur: after March 15. The committees determine what 1 notlse by yore palper that hay Is By Order of the City Council. sort of bills the members will have startin to move In our kounty; 1 am A. V. COOK, City Marshal before them, and they largely shape glad of that bekoz we farmers shure % legislation, because study and dis nead the money, only 1 alnt got any cussion coniiot be advantageously to sel. marthie koudn’t keap the carried out In the larger body. dern weads down last summer wile Amendments are seldom possible 1 waz bizzy in town, so we maik our from the floor of the House. Mem old kow eat oum. WE RECOMMEND THEM bers must vote “Yes" or “No” for the best bill they can get. This is not j true in the Senate, which has only 96 members, making it possible to debate measure at length. The only LOTT D. BROWN A. L. FLETCHER hope, if the House cannot pass a I I f TOO could tr a d # r o a r n o c lo c ta d . ttoyd a n d satisfactory bill, is that the Senate j ¡StoiSjÖ!« ríírof"ÑT*ht5tií«“ N«rroa.n«-L Population, (1930) ....................... g?l I will pass a more liberal one.which ■ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Recent estimates ....................... 1000 | can then be sent to the House for Moat fix Elevation ..............................—....2186 consideration. I mention these NYSSA OREGON kMk. NYSSA things because I think it important w i l l dar» «* OREGON City Officers The Gate City Journal CONGRESSMAN PIERCE WRITES ABOUT TOWNSEND LETTERS Protect What You Have SEEDS Johnson Variety Frank T. Morgan WARNING Nyssa Funeral Home To Dog Owners Farmer Brown’s - - Observations _______ r NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY y New Kidneys F v e r i |l w c M in u te s ANOTHER HOME B U R N S THESE PICTURES SHOW M odern Three-M inute V /$ y to Esse Sore Throat Ease P a in , R aw ness, Soreness A lm ost I n s ta n tly / E you are underinsured, or if you let your tire insurance lapse even for a single day, your property values are exposed to loss. Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy much valuable property in a brief time. You owe it to yourself to be carefully protected. How could you be adequately compensated for your loss if you wert uninsured or underinsuredf Let us help you obtain an ap praisal, make suggestions, and furnish adequate Crush and atjr » B A Y B « Aspuio Tablet» in a third (jaaa d w at*. trtcldt down your throat. Da th o rwica. ¿neurones, Don M. Graham Fire Insurance Bonds Notary Public DR. G A. ABBOTT CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office In Residence Three blocks So. M. E. Church PHONE 3$ NYSSA LI BRARY OPEN SATURDAY Town P atro n s..... .3:30 to S:30 Out-of-town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Mrs. Fred Marshall. Librarian ON THE OLD JOB H. D. Holmes TRA N SFER and BAOOAOR ' If you hava a rold. tak 2 BAY EH OREGON Her«’» a safe, modern and effective way to relieve sore th ro at A way that eases the pain, rawness and irritation in as little as two or three minutes. Many doctors advise it and millions are following this way. Try i t All you do is crash and stir 3 BAYER Aspirin Tsblets in H glass of water and gargle with it twice— as pictured here. (If you have signs of a cold, take BAYER Aspirin and drink plenty of water.) Get real BAYER Aspirin Tablets for this purpose. They disintegrate quickly and completely, making a gargle without irritating particles. BAYER Aspirin prices have been decisively reduced, so there’s bo point now in accepting other than the real Bayer article you want. FACTS ABOUT NYSSA Aspirin Tabtaa. Drink fuN ataaa a t P ft if r t a a k r /. tcalowtne An R iada St H a a lh tf tn | City Lim ita NYSSA. OREOON P hene 5 M ayor.......................... Don Graham Councilmen .................. Art Norcott, A1 Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean Smith. City Clerk _________ A. R. Millar City Treasurer ....... Arthur Boydell Marshall .............. ..........A. V. Cook Watermaster ........... N. H. Pinkerton Health Officer __ Dr. J. J. Sarazln County Officers Commissioners ............... Ora Clark, E. H. Brumbach. County Judge ..... David F. Graham Sheriff ......................... C. W. Glenn Clerk ................................ Roy Daley Assessor ................. Murray Morton Treasurer ................. Mrs. Ora Hope County A ttorney......... M. A. Biggs County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson County Physician,...... Dr. Anna B. Pritchett. Coroner ------------------ R. A. Tacke Superintendent.. Kathryn Claypool Nyssa Public Schools Superintendent ...... Leo Hollenberg Facts About Owyhee Project Cost of Owyhee D a m ____$6.000,000 7K miles of Tunnel _____$4.000.000 Siphons, canals, etc............ $3,000.000 Owyhee dam storage capacity.... . ---------------- 715.000 acre feet Helghth of dam ................ $20 feet From lowest point of foundation to top. Leading project city. Nyssa. Oregon Elevation of land ...... 2350 to 2.500 Acres tn Owyhee project, 100,00 acres Principal products ..... hay, corn, dairying, s t o ck raising, grains, potatoes, clover seed, peas, lettuce, onions and carrots. DR. E. D. NORCOTT D E N T I 8 T Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 35F3 X-RAY EXAMINATIONS NYSSA OREOON Nyssa Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome BERNARD FROST, President DON M. GRAHAM. Secretary CITY TRANSFER TRUCKING and TRANSFERRING Phone M and Phone U C. Klinkenberg \