GATE C IT Y JOURNAL, TH U R SD AŸ, M ARCH 7,1935 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow and Miss Pauline Fogle and her aunt ch ldren called on Mrs. Buell Clem- Mrs. Nellie Caverhlll of Milton, ent In the Ontario hospital Sunday. ..pent the week end with Mist She is much Improved from a recent Fogle's father Jim Fogle and visited operation and plans to leave the with friends. They returned Mon- hospltal this week. ¡d ay. LOCAL NEWS Miss Rubye L o u Hemenway Mrs. 8. H. Ross and Harvey Ross J. T. Long, who has been sick for Robert Olsen, attorney for the several days Is now much Improved. Federal Land Bank of Spokane, was of Ontario visited at the Ethel spent Tuesday and Wednesday In here this week. Weiser visiting friends. Crawford home Sunday. Attorney Carl Coad was a '• usiness Herman Towne and daughter visitor In V a l. Wednesday. Eveiyen were vijitors In Boisa W ed Mrs. Hoyt Nash of Homed ale nesday. visited at the parental O. J. Pink Lloyd Marshall was taken to St. ston home Sunday. Alphonsus hospital In Boise Thurs day for treatment. Mrs. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lane and Mr. spent Sunday with him. and Mrs. Bruce Hare were In Boise Mrs. Nick Rudllck was sick a few Saturday. days last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong of The Owyhee Irrigation office Is Wilder spent Saturday evening at getting a good cleaning and kalso- the home of Mr. Armstrong's sister W e A re Equipped to minlng this week. Mrs. Geo. McKee. Ch oice Tender Meat... Dewey Ray left Wednesday for San Francisco with a load of cattle. The New Flat Bottom W right DITCHING MACHINE Recently patented will be demonstrated on the Hugh Glasgow tract northwest o f the school house, Nyssa, Oregon, at 1:30 P. M. March 9 A ll who are interested in the construction of ditches or laterals are urged to attend this dem onstration. This machine will construct a flat bottom ditch three feet wide at bottom and elevate the dirt to both sides o f the ditch. H. J. SLOAN, Sales Agent Parma, Idaho. Drink Plenty of MILK Bert Moore came from Sunnyslde, Mrs. Sally Dennis and daughters Wash., last week to work for J. E. Georgia and Mrs. Ray Kendler were Hearron. guests at a birthday dinner at the Wm. Peutz home In Owyhee Satur Mrs. W. A. McNall, Mrs. Wm. De- day evening. G rofft and Grandpa Lyman De- G rofft spent Monday In Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Anderson ar Mr. and Mrs. Sam Syria and son rived from Salt Lake City on Friday Louie left this week for the Yakima to work on their dry ranch in Klng- valley where they will make their man Kolony. They are building a home. Conrad Hart helped them to small house. move their things. George M cKee and Hubert Jones Mrs. Dewey Ray took several high made a business trip to Brogan school students to the tournament Monday. Mrs. M cKee accompanied at Ulnon this week end. Mrs. A. V. them as far as Vale and visited with Cook accompanied the party and Mrs. Dave Laurance. will visit her daughter, Mrs. Walter Mrs. W. F. McLlng returned home Davis In Union. Saturday from Emmett where she spent a few days. Her mother, Mrs. Marie Earp returned with her to make a short visit with Mrs. McLlng and Mrs. Herschel Thompson. Seed W heat Have Your Seed Wheat Cleaned Before the Spring Rush Starts A1 Thompson “The Farmer's Own Co-Op" Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’» Phone 26 Nyssa fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and Shelton Dairy Take Advantage of this special offer. Fully guaranteed. Friday and Saturday Permanent Waves as low as For Friday and Saturday, March 8 and 9 Evelyn’s Beauty Shop TO M ATO ES, taste tells, No. 2 1-2 cans, 3 f o r ...................................................... 35c $1.25 N YSSA Miss Sabina Caldwell returned Friday evening from a four weeks visit that took her to Kent, Tac oma and Seattle, Wash. She at tended a buyers convention In Seattle and visited friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long came in from Arock Monday. After a few days visit here Mrs. Long and small daughter Evelyn went on to Boise to make an indefinite visit with rela tives. Mr. Long Is staying with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long. Leonard Marshall, who has been working in La Grande, arrived in Nyssa Tuesday for a visit until Sat urday at the Lloyd Marshall home. He came down to see his father who is In the St. Alphonsus hospital in Boise. Last reports from Boise say that Mr. Marshall Is much 1m proved. FOR SALE—Baby Lima Bean seed 4c. Wm. DeGrofft. Phone 5172. M14p H O M INY, No. 2 1-2 cans, 2 f o r .................... 18c SALM O N, Red Soekeye, 1 lb. cans, 2 for.....37c B A K IN G POWDER, Calumet 1 lb. can, ea. . 24c RIPE OLIVES, pint can, 2 f o r ......................29c PIN E APPLE , 2 1-2 cans, 3 for ................... 58c PEARS, 2 1-2 cans, 3 f o r .............................59c SARDINES, 1 lb. cans, 3 f o r ........................ 23c T O M A T O JUICE, 14 oz. cans, 3 cans .......25c SHRIM P, large size can, 3 cans.................... 35c COFFEE,, Yellow bag, 1 lb............................ 16c L ib e r t y T NYSSA h eatr e I OREGON ! Friday-Saturday, March 8, 9 John Wayne and Duke A Four-Star Western. Sensational Added Fea ture. Latest Exclusive Picture of the Dionne Quintuplets See them from dawn to bedtime. C ATSU P, Rouge River, giant size bottle, ea. 19c Sunday-Monday, March 10, 11 L P H O N E 21 GROCERY Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey in “ KENTUCKY K ER N ELS ” With Mary Carlisle and Noah Beery Tuesday-Wednesday-Thurs., March 12, 13, 14 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson’s Absolutely Independent “ BABOONA” An Aerial Epic over Africa. N Y SSA , ORE. Makes each meal agreeable as well as being in the late models. more healthful. E A T M O RE M E A T NYSSA PACKING CO. W e Specialize in the VAN NORMAN Selected Short subjects with all Programs. OREGON N YSSA G R IN D IN G M ETHOD Announcing See Us for further in formation. No addi tional cost. That W e Are An Associate Dealer In CHEVROLET MOTOR CARS E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Nyssa, Oregon Come in and have a look and ride in one of the new Standard Sedans Norcott Service Station Nyssa, Oregon G U IL T Y L our coal Has Been Accused of— Have You Heard of the — Furnishing More Heat — Less Ash and — Greater Economy NEW CADA OIL (Revitalizing) — W e A D M IT ITS G U IL T — W AVE And Sentence it to hard duty in your furnace or range. W e know it will make good. N O A M M O N IA NO BORAX Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Let Us Tell You About It. Dwight Smith, Manager R U B Y E LO U B E A U T Y SH O PPE Phone 16 Nyssa Oregon ! I See Us For Building Supplies N YS S A SHOES OREGON P H O N « 15 BIG SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED 459 PA IR S of N E W F O O T W E A R arrived Tuesday and has been added to our present stock. W e can fit you in your correct size with A L L L E A T H E R SHOES that won’t squeak or run down like mail order shoes. WOMENS SHOES WORK SHOES W H IT E and T A N OXFORDS $1.98 For the man who demands wear O XFO RD S and TIES and wear and wear— our best work shoe a t .............................. $4.95 In Black and W h ite ............ $2.95 W O M E N S DRESS OXFORDS, PU M PS and TIES for $3.95 SO M EW H ERE IN SONORA” M AYO N N AISE , Best Food, quart j a r ...........42c Pint j a r ................................................ 27c W ILSON hardened seats used T. A. Wayne, nurseryman from Payette expects to be in Nyssa for the next few weeks selling fruit and shade trees. He has dug trenches and has a stock of trees on the lot west of the old Leuck blacksmith shop. K R A U T , No. 2 1-2 cans, 3 f o r ......................34c SOUP, Campbells, all flavors, 3 f o r ............25c Cars including the Mrs. Bernard Frost, Mrs. Artie Robertson and Mrs. Howard Larsen left Sunday morning for a visit with friends and relatives near Twin Falls, Idaho. They expect to be gone a week. Mrs. Mattie Thomason accom panied Mr. Bacon from Boise Satur day to visit with her son Charles Thomason and family and with friends. On Sunday she was a din ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. M c Nall. OREGON SUGAR, 10 lb. b a gs................... ................. 54c Thomas J. Russell returned Mon day from a ten days visit at his home In Hollywood. He is busy get ting his dry land ready for water this summer. He has a new caterpil lar tractor to help. P. M. Binkley and Mrs. Roy James celebrated their birthday with a dinner Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mary Felton. Mr. and Mrs. Binkley, Mrs. Tom Butler, Mrs. Felton and Mr. and Mrs. Roy James enjoyed the birthday repast. old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. NYSSA Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Higginson have moved from Grandma Powell’s house to the house formerly oc cupied by the L. E. Stephens. Mrs. Powell Is expected to return to Nys sa soon. Grind Valves on all SCOUT S H O ES B R O W N S C O U T STYLES Good wearing shoes at a fair price FOR T H E L A D Y H A R D T O FIT W e have a complete line o f narrow widths as well as regular widths; widths as narrow as A A A and A in TRIM-TRED Health Shoes q r '• • J O You will pay $6.00 for this shoe in many stores MENS ................................. $1.69 B O Y S ...................................$1.59 S T U R D Y W O R K SHOES With composition soles; popular with the hard working man at a price you can a ffo r d ............ $1.98 W IT H E A CH P A IR OF SHOES we will give away your choice o f a box of marbles, a doll or a Hi-Low top — Besides PO L L PA R R O T SHOE M O N E Y ! Wilson Drygoods O regon