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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1935)
The Gate City Journal, Nysaa, Oregon, Thursday, February 28,1935 T ra c t No. 664, D. C. No. 7261; Nome. M cD owel % 3 eo .; Descrip tion. Ls 16 to 18 incl., B. 69, T e r race H eights Add., O ntario; amount *25.55; to whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 696 D. C. No. 7261; Name, Zimm erm an, L illie T .; Des cription. Ls 15 to 17, incl., B. 41; Ls 1 to 13 incl., B. 152, O ntario; amount *120.23; to whom assessed in 1934, same. amount, *49.63; to whom assessed in 1934, same. am ount *34.14; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Ls 1 to 5 inc', B. 33; Ls 1 to 8 and T ra c t No. 817. D C. No. 7261; 11 to 13 Incl., B. 40; Ls 6 to 13 Name, Sherry Eat., W m .; Descrip incl., B 41; Ls 1 to 5 incl., B 43: tion, L 10, B 8, H arper: amount, Ls 8 to 14 lncl., B. 44; L 1, B. 49. *1.35: to whom assessed in 1034. same. Park Add., Nyssa: amount, $84.50; to whom assessed in 1934, E. M. T ract No. 818. D. C. No. 7151; Blodgett. Name. Fairman, J. D.; Descrip tion, L 6. B 9, M adden's A id. T ract No. 790, D. C. No. 7261; W estfall; amount, $ .38; to whom Name. Logan, Ethel N.; Descrip assessed in 1934. same. tion. Ls 4 and 5. B. 37, P ark Add., Nyssa; amount, $2.74; to whom T ract No. 819, D. C. No. 7261; ass?ssed in 1934, same. Name, Fitchett, Lucy; Descrip Add., Nyssa; amount, *12.58; to whom assessed in 1934, same. And you, and each o f you, are hereby further n otified that P la in t iff w ill apply to the above-entitled Court fo r a Degree foreclosing the liens described and m entioned in the foregoin g Delinquency C e rtifi ate and T ra c t numbers, and each and every thereof, and each o f you are hereby n otified th at unless you ap pear and answer, o r otherwise de fend this suit, o r pay the amount due, as shown above, together w ith interest from the date o f issuance of said C ertificate, together with ac cruing costs and disbursements herein, within sixty (60> days from the date o f the first publication hereof, exclusive o f the firs t day o f publication, for want thereof. P la in t iff w ill take a judgm ent and decree of this Court foreclosing the respec tive liens o f th e respective tracts o f said C ertificate, as hereinbefore d e scribed. You w ill take notice that this Summons is served upon you under and by virtue of, and pursuant to, an O rder o f Honorable Charles W . Ellis, Judge o f the Circuit Court in and fo r said County and State, which said O rd er was m ade and en tered herein on the 23rd day of January, A. D. 1935, and directing that this Summons be published fo r four i4> consecutive weeks, includ ing five (5) publications in the O ntario Argus, a weekly newspaper o f general circulation, published at Ontario, M alheur County, Oregon, the date o f the first publication o f this Summons is February 7, A. D. 1935, and the date o f the last pub lication is M arch 7, A. D. 1935. A ll process in this suit m ay be served upon M. A. Biggs, district a t torney, at his o ffic e in Ontario, M alheur County, Oregon. D. C. No. 7261; T ract No. 726, D. C. No. 7261; T ract No. 757. Name, T ipton , Sarah E.; Descrip Name, Jaram illo, James; Descrip tion, E 43 ’ o f L 1, B. 11, Vale; Ls tion; 854 o f L 17, B 2; Ls 18 to 20 1 and 2, B, 5; L s 6 to 8 incl., B. 8; incl., B, 2; and N54 o f L 21, B 2, Ls 1 to 4 lncl., B. 10; L. 8, B. 10; S m ith s Add., V ale; amount, T ract No. 666, D. C. No. 7261; T ract No. 697, D. C. No. 7261; Ls 1 and 2, B. 11, K elleys’ Add *43*1; to whom assessed in 1934, Name, Brown, W. S.; Description, Name, M cG onagill, Conava; Des V ale; amount *51.11. to whom same. L 7. B 15, Eldredge Add., Vale cription, Ls 1 to 10 and 16 to 20 assessed in 1934, same. amount, *65.62; to whom assessed T ra c t No. 727. lncl.; B. 201, O n tario; amount D. C. No. 7261; in 1934, same. D. C. No. 7261; *43.16; to wluun assessed in 1934, Name. Johnson, Bessie; Descrip T ra c t No. 758, Name. United Assots Co.; Descrip tion, L s 1 and 2, B 1, Nelsen’s Add, N arval F. Garrison. Tract No. 698, D. C. No. 7261; D. C. No. 7261; tion, Ls 9 and 10, B 10, W estfall; tion L2, B 3, N. W . T . 1st A d d - T ract No. 791, Vale; amount *11.78; to whom Name, Boyd. A lm a; Description, T ra c t No. 667, D. C. No. 7261; am ount *5.06; to whom assessed in Name, M atheney, L yn n ; Descrip amount, $7.25; to whom asse." seel assessed in 1934, same. L5, B 18 V ale; amount *225.37; Name, M cG onagill, Conova; Des- In 1934, same. tion, Ls 14 and 15, B. 16, Nyssa; 1934, same. to whom assessed in 1934, same. ciiption, L 16, B. 32; Ls 19 and 20. T ra c t No. 728, D. C. No. 7261; amount, $2.74; to whom assessed T ract No. 820, D. C. No. 7261; D. C. No. 7261; B. 154, O ntario; amount *56.11; Tract No. 699, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Keele, W alter S.; Descrip T ra c t No. 759, in 1934, same. Name. Hucker, Albert; Descrip,ion Nam e, Unrah, G race J.; Descrip to whom assessed in 1934, same. tion. Ls 7 and 8, B 6, K e lle y ’s 1st Name, Boyer, Trustee, J. S.; Des Ls 1 to 3 inch, B. 8, M adden's Add tion, La 3 and 4. B. 1, Eldredge T ract No. 792, D. C. No. 7261; Add. Vale; amount $84 . 55; to cription, Ls 7 and 8, B 10, Hope T ract No. 668, D. C. N o 7261; W estfall; amount, $1.51; to whom Name, M ayberry, H. L.; Descrip Add., V ale; amount »8.73; to Add., Vale; amount *26.90; to whom assessed in 1934, same. Name, Neeley, J. C.; Description. assessed in 1934, same. tion. L 10 and W ‘* o f L 11, B. 7, whom assessed in 1934 same. whom asssessed in 1934, same. Ls 1 to 10 lncl., B. 232, O ntario; T ra c t No. 729. D. C. No. 7261; Teutsch's Add., Nyssa; amount, T ract No. 821, D. C. No. 7261; D. C. No. 7261; amount $93 82; to whom assessed Tract No. 700, D. C. No. 7261; Nam e, Kessler, Arth ur J.; Des T ra c t No. 760, $3.62; to whom assessed in 1934, Name, Jones, Frank and E.; Des Name, W ester, Pauline S.; Des in 1934, C ity o f Ontario. Name, Brown, Frank J.; Descrip cription, L 8, B. 24, Vale; amount, same. cription, Ls 1 and 2, B 2, W est- cription; Ls 3 and 4, B. 25, Eld tion, Ls 19 and 20, B. 5, H adley’s $150.25; to whom assessed in 1934, Tract No. 669, D C. No. 7261; fa ll; amount $4.95; to whom redge Add., Vale: amount *525 88; T ract No. 793, D. C. No. 7201; 2nd Add., V ale; amount $102.89; to same. Name. Nelson, R obert; Descrip assessed in 1934, same. to whom assessed in 1934, Samuel Name, Myers, Joseph; Description. whom assessed in 1934, G eorgia A. T ract No. 730, D. C. No. 7261; tion, Ls 39 and 40, B. 3. R iverside J. Bean. Ls 1 to 3, B 15, Teutsch’s Add., T ra c t No. 822. D. C. No. 7261; Name. K iest, Mrs. A. M .; Descrip Holte. Add., O ntario; amount *12.02; to Nyssa; amount, $42.57; to whom Name, Madden, C. W .; Descrip tion, L 9, B. 6, N. W . T . 1st Add., T ract No. 761, D. C. No. 7261; whom assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 701, D. C. No. 7261; ass“ssed in 1934. same. tion, Ls 1 to 4 inch, B. 3; Ls 1 to 4 Name, W estern Loan & Bldg. Co.; Vale; am ount *2.01; to whom Name, Bullock & Hope Bros., Des T ract No. 670, D. C. No. 7261; inch, B. 4; Ls 1 to 6 inch, B. 5; Ls Description, Ls 3 and 4, B 9; Eld assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 794, D. C. No. 7261; cription, L8, B. 25, Eldredge Add. Name. Nichols, A. E.; Description, 1 to 6 inch, B. 11; Ls 1 to 6 inch, redge Add., V ale; amount $25 88; Name. Neilson, A. M .; Description D. C. No. 7261; V ale; amount $80.69; to whom T ract No. 731, Ls 11 to 20 incl, B 215' La 1 to 20, B. 12; Ls 1 to a inch, B. 13; Ls 1 to whom assessed in 1934, A. F. Name, K irch er, Mrs. Em m a; Des I s 1 and 2, B 34, Park Add., Nyssa; assessed in 1934, same. incl., B. 216, O ntario,; amount to 8, inch, B. 14; Ls 7 and 8 B. 15; cription, Ls 1 and 2, B. 1, H ad amount, $6.37; to whom assessed W inters. $68.41; to whom assessed in 1934, T ract No. 702, D. C. No. 7261; Ls 7 and 8, B. 16, M adden's Add.. D. C. N o 7261; ley’s 1st Add., V ale; amount *18.- T ra c t No. 762, in 1934. same. Name, Carter, Jas. D.; Description, same. W estfall; amount, $10.67; to whom Name, W heeler, Mrs. Anna; Des T ract No. 795, D. C. No. 7261; 38; to whom assessed in 1934, same L 11, B 11, N. W . T . 1st Add. Vale; T ra c t No. 671, D. C. No. 7261; assessed in 1934, same. Name, Parkinson, Ross; Descrip cription, Ls 1 and 2. B 26, E ld amount $1.35; to whom assessed in T ra c t No. 732, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Noe, H. L e e; Description, redge Add. V ale; amount $19.16; Name, Lytle, Robt. D. et al; Des tion, L 8. B. 27. Teutsch’s Add.. Tract No. 823, D. C. No. 7261; 1934, same. Ls 15 and 16, B. 9, Riverside Add., cription, Ls 1 and 2, B. 18, Vale; Nyssa; amount $77.92; to whom to whom assessed in 1934, same. Name, W estfall Bldg. Ass’n.; Des No. 7261; O n tario; amount $5.01; to whom T ract No. 703, D. C. amount *341.99; to whom assessed T ract No. 764, D. C. No. 7261; r assessed in 1934, C. L. Lindsey. cription, A. T . No. 6, W estfall; Name, Christian Church; Descrip assessed in 1934, same. Name, Zaninetta, Louis; Descrip T ract No. 796, D. C. No. 7261; in 1934, same. amount, $24.81; to whom assessed tion, Ls 5 and 6, B. 12, Eldredge T ra c t No. 673, D. C. No. 7261; tion, W 69 ’ o f Ls 7 and 8, B 18, Name. Quandt, Emma; Descrip in 1934, H arper M er. Co. Add., Vale; *49.87; to whom T ra c t No. 733, D. C. No. 7261; Name, O ntario Investm ent & D e Name, M alheur Products Co.; Vale; La 1 and 2, B 27, Eldredge tion, Ls 3 and 4, B. 21, Nyssa; T ract No. 824, D. C. No. 7261; assessed in 1934, same. velopm ent Co.; Description, Ls 9 Add., V ale; amount *552.95; to Deocriptlon, Ls 12, 13, 14, 26, 27, amount, $3.65; to whom assessed Name, M alheur Lan d & Livestock D. C. No. 7261; and 10, B. 254; Ls 6 to 8 lncl., B. T ract No. 704, whom assessed in 1934, same. and 28, B. 9, Hope Add. Vale; in 1934, A. M. Nielsen. Co.; Description ,L 7, B. 20, O u t Name, Clement, M rs. H. M ; Des 255; Ls 1 to 4, incl., B. 313, O n T ract No. 797, D. O. No. 7261; amount, $439.64; to whom assess T ra c t No. 765, D. C. No. 7261; look; amount *27.92; to whom cription, L 4, B 12, Eldredge Add, tario; amount $21.37; to whom Name, Zaninetta, Louis; Descrip Name, Reece, John F.; Description ed in 1934, same. assessed in 1934, same. V ale; amount $12.10; to whom assessed in 1934. same. tion, La 5 to 8 lncl., B. 6. Eldredge T ract No. 734, D. C. No. 7261; Ls 1. 2, 1, 6. 7, and 12, B. 1; 100' Tract No. 825, D. C. No. 7261; assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 674, D. C. No. 7261; Nam e, Mansur Est., M ary L.; Des Add., Vale; amount *203.22; to x 142', B. 7; Ls 10 and 13 to 18 Name, Nuklda, B illy; Description, No. 7261; Name, Parker, An n a B.; D escrip T ract No. 706, D. C. cription, L 13, B 1. Claggett's Add whom assessed in 1934, same. lncl.. B. 14; L 3, B. 13; Ls 5 and N 20 ’ x 90 ’ o f L 8, B. 21, Outlook; Name, Crampton, G. A.; Descrip tion, Ls 48 to 51 lncl., B. 10, R iv e r Vale; amount *3.94; to whom T ra c t No. 768, 6, B. 17, Nyssa; amount, *153.81; D. C No 7261; amount, $27.60; to whom assessed tion, L 1, B 9, N . W . T . 1st Add., side Add., O ntario; amount, $35.- assessed in 1934, same. Name, Zellar, A. R .; Description, to whom assessed in 1934, same. in 1934, same. V ale; am ount $5.62; to whom 55; to whom assessed in 1934, T ra c t No. 735. D. C. No. 7261; D. C. No. 7261; T ra c t No. 826, D. C. Ls 13 to 16 lncl., B 34, H ope-H ol T ract No. 798, No. 7261; assessed in 1934, same. same. Name, Sage, Viola M .; Description, Name, M ulkey, Mrs. Agustus; land Add., Vale; amount, *100.49; Name, Rayburn, E tta; Description, D. C. No. 7261; T ra c t No. 676, D. C. No. 7261; T ract No. 707, Description, Ls 7 to 10 lncl., B. 11, 59 ’ x 25 ’ between B. 22 and B 1 to whom assessed in 1934, same. L 7, B. 21, Outlook; amount, $ .49; Name, Crandall, Charles M .; Des Name, P itt, W m .; Description, Ls Eldredge Add., Vale; amount $92.- T ra c t No. 767, o f Emison's Add,, Nyssa; amount D. C. No. 7261; to whom assessed in 1934, same. cription, Ls 3 and 4, B 18, V ale; 5 and 6. B. 7, Riverside Add., O n Name," Anderson, Beatrice; Des 01. to whom assessed in 1934, *4.58; to whom assessed in 1934, T ra c t No. 827, D. C. No. 7261; amount $247.97; to whom assessed tario; amount $5.01; to whom cription, Ls 7 and 8, B 3, Teutsch’s same. same. Name, Schmidt, Leo H.; Descrip in 1934, same. assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 736. D. C. No. 7261; Add., Nyssa; amount *44.52; to T ract No. 799, D. C. No. 7261; tion, L 20, B. 21, K in gm an ; T ract No. 677, D. C. No. 7261; T ract No. 708, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Scott, B. F.; Description, Ls Name, Neal, M argaret V.; Des whom assessed in 1934, same. amount, $ .17; to whom assessed Name, Corson, Mrs. J. M . P.; Des Name, Potter, H arold L .; D escrip cription, L 29, B. 35, H ope-H ol T ra e t N o 768, D . C. No. 7261; 1 to 12 incl., B 9; Ls 1 to 12 incl., in 1934, same. cription. Ls 31 to 36 incl., B 3; Ls tion, Ls 1 and 2, B. 7, V illa Park land Add., V ale; amount, *50.43; Nam e, Ballentine, Mrs. E.; Des B 10, Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; T ra c t No. 828, D. C. No. 7261; 1, 2, 3. 4, 30, 31, 35 and 36 B. 4;Le Add., O ntario; amount $10.19; to to whom assessed in 1934. same. cription, L 4, B. 26, and Ls 13 and amount $50.89; to whom assessed Name, Guerber, A. L.; Description, 5, 6, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, and 25 to whom assessed in 1934, C ity of D. C. No. 7261; In 1934, same. 14, B 31; Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; A. T . No. 137, Jamieson; amount, 34 incl., B. 5, Nelsen’s Add. Vale; T ract No. 737, Ontario. Name, Nlchol, Robt. F.; Descrip amount $4.59; to whom assessed T ract No. 800, D. C. No. 7261; $2.31; to whom assessed in 1934, amount $48.41; to whom assessed T ract No. 678, D. C. No. 7261; tion ; Ls 31 and 32, B. 5, H adley’s Name, Sitton, Stella; Description, in 1934, same. same. in 1934 same. Name, Powers, An n a; Description, 2nd Add.; La 13 to 15 incl., and 20 Ls 10 to 14 lncl., B. 37, Park Add., T ra c t No. 769, D. C. No. 7261; T ract No. 829, D. O. No. 7261; E 95 ' o f Ls 29 to 33 incl., B 8, R iv T ract No. 709, D. C. No. 7261; to 24 incl.; B. 8, H ad ley’s 3rd Add. Name, Bingman, H. P.; Descrip Nyssa; amount »7.33; to whom Name, Jamieson Orchard Co.; des Name, Darby, W . F.; Description, erside Add., O ntario; amount Vale; am ount »18.14; to whom tion, L 16, B 21, Nyssa: amount, assessed in 1934, same. cription Ls 12 to 14 inch, B 13, Ls 27 and 28, B 3, H adley’s 1st add. $51.88; to whom assessed in 1934, assessed in 1934, same. *2.93; to whom assessed in 1934, T ract No. 801, D. C. No. 7261; Jamieson; amount $32.76; to V ale; amount *15.74; to whom same. Name. Spier, M ary, G .; Descrip T ract No. 738, D. C. No. 7261; same. whom assessed in 1934, M alheur assessed in 1934, same. T ra c t No. 679, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Oakes, Mrs. E. K .; Descrip T ra c t No. 770, tion, Ls 17 and 18, B. 147, W ards D. C. No. 7261; Lan d Co. D. C. No. 7261; Name, Powers, D. W .; Description T ract No. 710, tion, L 6, B 18 V a le ; L 1 and 2, Name, Bodflsh, G eorge; L 0, B. 11, Add., Nyssa; amount, $8.40; to T ract No. 830, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Deaver, Leona M .; Descrip L 14, B 3, R iverside Add., Ontario, Nyssa; amount *671.50; to whom who assessed in 1984, same. B. 28 .Eldredge Add., Vale; Name, Pope, J. L.; Description, A. tion, Ls 5 and 6, B 2, Nelsen’s Add. am ount $28.15; to whom assessed assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 802, D. C, No. 7261; amount, $62.20; to whom assessed T . No. 115, Jamieson; amount, V ale; amount $15.02; to whom in 1934, Mrs. E. W . Neal. Name, Tensen, D ick and Geo. D. C. No. 7261; in 1934, V ale-O regon Irrlg. Dist. T ra c t No. 771, $171.11; to whom assessed in 1934, assessed in 1934, M. E. Perley. T ra c t No. 680, D. C. No. 7261. Green; Description, L s 6, 14, 15, Name, Bonney, Chas. L. U ndivid same Ls 1 and 2, B. 28. Name, Prahl, G race; Description, T ract No. 711, D. C No. 7261; and 16, B. 72; Ls 6 to 9 incl., B. 75; T ra c t No. 831, ed V4 Interest in : Ls 1 to 20 incl., D. C. No. 7261; D. C. No. 7261; Name, D rexel R ea l Estate Co.; T ract No. 739, Ls 8 to 10 incl., B. 77, O ntario; Ls 1 to 7 lncl., B. 77; Ls 1 and 2, B. 19, and L s 1 to 20 lncl., B. 22, Name, O'Neil, Frank; Description, Name. W ym an, W. M .; Descrip Description, L 8 and N 25 ’ 3 ” of amount *12.05; to whom assess- Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; amount, B. 78; Ls 1 and 3 to 7 incl., B. 81; Ls 1 to 8 incl., and 12 to 16 incl., B tion, A. T . No. 105; amount $1.60; L 7, B. 19 Vale; amount *2,310.68; in 1934, same. Ls 1 to 7 incl., B. 82; Ls 6 to 8 incl, $138.47; to whom assessed is 1934, 1, Altschul Add., V ale; amount, to whom assessed in 1934, same. to whom assessed in 1934, same. T r a c t No. 681, D. C. No. 7261; B. 83, G reen’.") Add., Nyssa; T ract No. 832, same. $39.68; to whom assessed in 1934, D C No. 7261; Tract No. 712, D. C. No. 7261; Name. Reed, W m . E.; Description amount, $38.00; to whom assessed T ra c t No. 772, D. C. No. 7261; same. Name, M alheur Land Co,; Des Name. Duncan, Robt. M .; Descrip L 23, B 4 ; W 3 ’ o f L 22, B 4, T e r Name, Brinson, G eorge F.; Des in 1934, same. D. C. No. 7261; cription, L 5, B 1; A. T i No. 118 tion, Ls 11 and 12, B 5, H adley’s T ract No. 740, race H eights Add, O ntario; cription, L 4, B 3; Teutsch’s Add.. Tract No. 804, D. C. No. 7261; Name, P a c ific N a t’l Bank o f Boise; and 119, Jamieson; amount, $7.44; 2nd Add V ale; amount *138.96; to amount, $5.70; to whom assessed Nyssa; amount *2.30; to whom Name, Van Erden, W m .; Descrip Description, S 20 ’ 8” o f L 3, B 24, to whom assessed in 1934, same. whom assessed in 1934, same. in' 1934, same. assessed in 1934. Grace Larsen. tion, Ls 16 to 20, incl. B. 21, T eu T ract No. 833, Vale; amount, *90.78; to whom D. C. No. 7261; D. C. No. 7261; T ra c t No. 682, D. C. No. 7261; T ract No. 713, T ra c t No. 773. D. C. No. 7261; tsch's Add., Nyssa; amount $34.99; assessed in 1934, same. Name, Allen, W ayne; Description, Name. Eldredge, Mrs. Emma; Des Name. Seaward. J. H .; Description Name, Sutler, Ada E.; Description, to whom assessed in 1934, same. D. C. No. 7261; L 1, B 20, Brogan; am ount *15.71; cription, La 26 and 27, B. 31, T ract No. 741, L 17, B 264, O n tario; amount, Ls 1 and 2, B. 3. Teutsch’s Add., Tract No. 806, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Palm er, Frank; Description to whom assessed in 1934, same. H ope-H olland Add,, Vale; amount $1.49; to whom assessed in 1934, Nyssa; amount »96,15; to whom Name, W heeler, Thos.; Descrip T ra c t No. 834, D. L 21, Fraction of L 22, and E 54 ’ C. No. 7261; *2.01; to whom assessed in 1934, same. assessed in 1934, same tion, L 4, B. 49, P ark Add., Nyssa; o f L 23, B. 5, H adley’s 2nd Add. Name, Lanoir, Em il; Description, same. T r a c t No. 683, D. C. No. 7261, D. C. No. 7261; amount »2.74; to whom assessed V ale; amount *12.68; to whom T ract No. 775, L 8, B. 41; S 280’ o f L 1, B. 42, D C. No. 7261; Name, S tillw ell, W . A ; Description Tract No. 714, Name, Cooper & Davis; Des in 1934, same. assessed in 1934, same. Brogan; amount, $39.70; to whom Name, Erwin, G ertrude; Descrip Ls 1 and 2, B 276, O ntario; amount cription, Ls 10 to 12 lncl., B. 17, Tract No. 807, D. C. No. 7261; assessed in 1934, same. D. C. No. 7261; tion, Ls 23 and 24, B 5, Hope Add., T ract No. 742, *5.51; to whom assessed in 1934, Nyssa; amount $8.70; to whom Name, W illoughby, R oy; Descrip T ract No. 835, Name, Palm er, Phoebe; Descrip D. C. No. 7261; V ale; amount $60.62; to whom as same. assessed in 1934, same. tion, Ls 13 and 14, B 59, Nyssa; L 6 tion, L s 4 to 9 incl., B. 2, H adley’s Name, L y tle & H olte; Description, sessed in 1934, same. T r a c t No. 684, D. C. No. 7261; B. 1, Teutsch’s Add; L s 1 to 3 D. C. No. 7261; 1st Add., V ale; amount $45.06; to T ract No. 776, L 9, B 26, Brogan; amount, $22.89; D. C. No. 7261; Nam e, T aylor, B. F.; Description, T ract No. 715, Name, Davis, Mrs. O.; Descrip incl., B 50, Park Add.; Ls 1 and 2, to whom assessed in 1934, same. whom assessed in 1934 same. Name. Furman, Chas. and W m . Ls 19 and 20, B, 69, O ntario; tion, Ls 10 and 11, B. 1, Nyssa; B. 51, P ark Add.; Ls 1 to 3 incl., Tract No. 836, D. C. No. 7261; D.. C. No. 7261; K eck; description, Ls 5 to 8 incl., B T ra c t No. 743, ■amount, *13.76; to whom assessed amount $9.15; to whom assessed B 57, Park Add.; Ls 18 and 19, B Name, Pharmelee, Frank ; Descrip Name, O ntario N a t’l Bank; D es 3, Eldredge Add, Vale; amount, In 1934, same. 3, T a ylo r’s Add, Nyssa; amount, In 1934, same. cription, L 3, B 34, Brogan; tion, L 7, B. 2, N. W . T . 1st A d d - *18.16 ; to whom assessed in 1934, T ra c t No. 685, D. C. No. 7261; D. C. No. 7261; $53.56; to whom assessed in 1934, Vale; amount $5.62; to whom T ract No. 777, amount, $7.71; to whom assessed same Nam e. T aylor, L. G .; Description, Nam e, Emison, C. R .; Descrip same. in 1934, same. assessed 1934, same. D. C. No. 7261; Ls 42 and 43, B 5, V illa P ark Add., T ract No. 716, tion, E 30 ’ o f the unplatted 89 ’ T ract No. 808, D. C. No. 7261; Tract No. 837, D. O. No. 7261; D. C. No. 7261; Name, G lenn, Mrs. L illie ; Descrip T ract No. 746, O n tario; amount *5.01; to whom x 25 ’ lyin g between B 22 and B 1 Name, W ilson, Chas. O. et ux; Name, Ram irez, Estaban; Des Name, Pritchard, T . Chas.; Des tion, N 30 ’ o f L 4, B. 22, Vale; assessed in 1934, same. o f Emison’s Add., Nyssa; amount Description, Ls 10 to 14 incl., B. cription, S'4 o f L 21, Ls 22 and 23, cription, Ls 5 and 6, B 40 and WV4 amount, *75.13; to whom assesseed T ra c t No. 686, D. C. No. 7261, $ .92; to whom assessed in 1934, 61, G reen ’s Add., Nyssa; amount, o f L 4, B 40, Brogan; amount, B. 2, S m ith ’s Add., Vale; amount in 1934, same. Nam e, Thomas, John D.; D escrip $18.17; to whom assessed in 1934, same. $36.11; to whom assessed in 1934, $20.05; to whom assessed in 1934, tion, Ls 18 to 20, incl., B. 299, O n- T ract No. 717, D. C. No. 7261; Tract No. 778, D. C. No. 7261; same. same. same. Name, Graham , Andrew M ; Des Itivrio; amount *9.78; to whom Name, Emison, C. R .; Description, Tract No. 809, D. C. No. 7261; T ract No. 838, D. C. No. 7261; D. C. JNo. 7261; cription, LS 7 and 8, B. 6, Nelsen's T ract No. 747, assessed in 1934. same. Blocks 22 and 23, Nyssa; amount, Name, W rinkler, M ark A. Descrip Name, Reed, H. 8.; Description., Name, Wise, R ay; Description, L Add., Vale; amount *9.38; to whom T r a e t No. 687, D. C. No. 7261; $64.09; to whom assessed in 1934, tion, L 5, B. 34, Park Add., Nyssa; 4, B. 34, Brogan; amount $4.96; to L 6, B 16, N. W . T . 1st Add. Vale; assessed in 1934, same. Name, Thorpe, F. S.; Description same. amount $4.20; to whom assessed in amount, $6.56. to whom assessed whom assessed in 1934, same. D. C. No. 7261; Ls 11 to 13 incl., B. 18, O ntario; T ract No. 718, T ract No. 780, D. C. No. 7261; 1934, same. T ra c t No. 839, D. C. No. 7261; in 1934, same. Name, Graham , Donald M .; Des amount *152.78; to whom assessed Nam e, Foster, W . W .; Description, T ract No. 810, D. C. No. 7261 Name, Zaninetta, Louis; Descrip cription, L 14, B 3 and S t* o f L 13, T ract No. 749, D. C. No. 7261; I d 1934, same. Ls 5 and 6, B 21; L 3, B. 16, Nyssa; Name, Zim m erm an, L illie T ; Des tion, W 80 ’ o f L. 1, B. 43, Brogan; Name, Roberts, Fay; Description, B. 3, H adley’s 1st Add., Vale; T r a c t No. 688. D. C. No. 7261, amount. *5.64; to whom assessed cription, L 9, B. 65, G reen ’s Add. amount $42.60; to whom assessed Ls 1, 2, 9, 10, 15 and 16, B 7, Had- am ount *23.53; to whom assessed ¡•Tame, Turner, E lva M .; Descrip Nyssa; amount *20.90; to whom in 1934, same. in 1934, same. ! ley’s 3rd Add., Vale; amount *45.93; in 1934, same. tion L s 17 and 18, B 7, Riverside assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 781. D. C. No. 7261; Tract No. 840, D. C. No. 7261; to whom assessed in 1934, same No. 7261; Add., O n tario; am ount *17.81; to Pract No. 719, D. C. Name, G ate C ity Lodge I.O.O.F. Tract No. 811, D. C. No, 7261; Name, Cole Est., Em ory; Descrip No. 7261; Name, H adley & R ester; Descrip T ract No. 750, D. C. whom assessed in 1934, same. No. 214; Description, L 10, B. 9, Name, Horn, R. M.; Description, tion, Ls 1 to 18 lncl, B. 8; Ls 1 to Name, Robinette, C. M .; Descrip tion, 5.75A N o f R y, in W 30A oi T r a c t No. 689, D. C. No. 7261, 53-100A in NE'-iNEV, o f Sec. 11, Nyssa; amount *20.61; to whom 17 inch, B. 12; Ls 3 to 8 inch, B. tion, L 7, B. 4, V ale; amount, N W V .N E 1/, o f Sec 30, Twp. 18 Name, Vale T rad in g Co; D escrip assessed in 1934, W. B. Hoxie. Twp. 30, Rng. 40, Jordan Valley; 15; Ls 1 to 20 inch, B 17; Ls 13 to *6.72; to whom aasessed in 1934, Rng. 45 in V ale; amount *15.02; tion, Ls 4 and 5, B 136, O ntario; T ract No. 782, D. C. No. 7261; amount *8.58; to whom assessed in 20 Inch, B. 22; L s 1 to 13 inch, B. same. to whom assessed in 1934, same. ■amount, *8.01; to whom assessed Nam e, Gilbert, A. D.; Description, 1934, same. 24; Ls 1 and 2 and 7 to 12 inch, B. D. O. No. 7261; Pract No. 720. D. C. No. 7261; T ract No. 751, 3 b .1934, same. L 5, B. 8, Teutsch’s Add., Nyssa; Tract No. 812. D. C. No. 7261; 40, Brogan; amount, *74.45; to N#me, Rinehart, Mrs. A. M ; Des Name, Hadley, L. J.; Description. T r a c t No. 690, D. C. No. 7261; amount, *14.66; to whom assessed Name, Schramm, A. A., Supt. of whom assessed in 1934, same. cription, Ls 9 to 12 incl., B. 6, N e l L 8, B 27 »n d E 20 ’ Of L7, B 27, Name, Valkenburg, H .; Descrip in 1934, same. , Banks; Description, N H o f L 5, B T ract No. 842, D. C. sen’s Add., Vale; amount, *16.90; No. 7201; Eldredge Add., Vale; amount tion, L s 6 to 10 incl., B. 214, O n T ract No. 783, D. C. No. 7261; 3, Pioneer Add., Jordan Valley; Name, M alheur Land Co.; L 3, B to whom assessed in 1934, same. *107.59; to whom aasessed in 1934. tario; amount *5.51; to whom Name, Goshert, S. D.; Description, amount, $79.52; to whom assessed 20; Ls 3 to 7 inch, B 30; L 3, B 45; T ract No. 752, D. C. No. 7261; same. •assessed in 1934, same. Ls 15 to 20 lncl. and 23 to 25 incl. in 1934, State o f Oregon. L s lto 2 4 Inch, B 47, Brogan; Name, Russell, B. C.; Description, D. C. No. 7261; T r a c t No. 691, D. C. No. 7261; Pract No. 721, B. 1, T a y lo r’s Add.. Nyssa; amount Tract No. 813, D. C. No. 7261; amount, »376.71; to whom assessed Ls 3 to 8 lncl. and 18 to 24 lncl., Name, Hanna. Sarah; Description Name. W heeler, C. H.; Description (109.32; to whom assessed in 1934, Name, Rust, W O.; Description. in 1934, same. B. 34. H ope-H olland Add., Vale; L 34, B. 2, H ad ley’s 1st Add., Vale; Ls 3 to 5 lncl; B. 259, O ntario; Ls 20 to 22 lncl., B. 20, Juntura; Tract No. 843, D. C. No. 7261: same. amount *128.60; to whom assessed amount *18.83; to whom assessed am ount *32.55; to whom assessed amount, »55.27; to whom assessed T ract No. 785. D. C. No. 7261; Name, Johnson, Prudence S.; Des in 1934, same. in 1934, same. 5n 1934, same. Name, H artnett, J. M .; Descrip In 1934. same. cription, Ls 17 and 18, B 10, An D. C No. 7261; T ract No. 753, D. C. No. 7261; T r a c t No. 692, D. C. No. 7261; Tract No. 722, tion, Ls 3 to 5 incl., B. 7, Teutsch's Tract No. 814, D. C. No. 7201; nex; amount *1.07; to whom Name, Schmidt, Leo H.; Descrip Name, Humphrey, Mrs. Rachel; Name, W illiam son, Mrs. An n a; Add., Nyssa; amount, *2.74; to Name. H arper State Bank; Des assessed in 1934, same. tion Ls 5 to 7 incl., B 14; Ls 1 Description, WV4 o f Ls 7 and 8. Description, Ls 6 to 10 incl., B 75. whom assessed in 1934, same. cription. L 5, B 7; and L 9, B. 9 T ract No. 844, D. C. No. 7261; to 8 incl., B 15, V ale; La 11 to 13 B. 10, Vale; and Ls 3 to 6 incl., B O n ta rio; am ount *40.57; to whom H arp :r; Ls 1 and 2. B. 5, Fairm ore D. C. No. 7261; Name, Joslin, Chas. A.; Descrip incl., B 33, H ope-H olland Add- T ract No. 786. 13. Eldredge. Add.. Vale; amount. ■assessed in 1934, same. Name, Hoeppner, Otto,; Descrip Add., Harper; amount $34.18; to tion, Ls 1 and 2, B 20, Annex; Vale; amount *112.31; to whom *33.43; to whom assessed in 1934, T r a c t No. 693, D. C. No. 7261 tion, L 15, B. 9, Nyssa; amount whom assessed in 1934, J. N amount. $ .72; to whom assessed assessed in 1934, same. same. Name. W ood, Herbert S; D escrip in 1934, same. *1831; to whom assessed in 1934 Jones. D. C. No. 7261; tion. Ls 8 and 7, B 172, O ntario; T ra c t No. 723. D. C. No. 7261; T ra c t No. 754, T ract No. 815, D. C. No. 7201 T ract No. 845; same. Name, Sears, Pauline; Description. D. C. No. 7261; Name, Humphrey, Saxon; Des amount *2.98; to whom assessed Name, Fairm an, J D., et al; Des D. C. No. 7261; Name, Jordan Valley Irrigation Ls 9 to 16, lncl., B 1, Nelsen’s Add T ra c t No. 787, cription, L 6, B. 25. Eldredge Add.. in 1934, same. cription L 4. B. 2; L 3, B. 8; L 7, B Name, Horn, R. M .; Description D istrict; Description, Blocks 1, 2. Vale; amount, *48 83; to whom Vale; amount, *924.91; to whom T ra c t No. 694. D. C. No. 7261; 10, Fairm ore Add., Harper Ls 6 and 7, B 61, O reen ’s Add., 3 and 4. Arock; amount (27.59; to assessed in 1934, same. assessed in 1934, same. Nam e. Yoachum . J. H .; Descrip amount. »199; to whom assessed Nyssa; amount. *13.27; to whom whom assessed in 1934, same. D O. No. 7261; T ra c t No. 755, D. O. No. 7261; tion. Ls 11 to 15 incl. B. 208. O n T ract No. 724, in 1934, same. assessed in 1934, same. T ract No. 846, D. C. No. 7201; Name, Stacey. H arry P.; Descrip Name, Hurley, Fay C.; Descrip tario: amount *90.72; to whom D. C. No. 7261 D. C. No. 7261 T ract No. 816, Name, Billings, Bird; Description, tion. Ls 10 to 12, lncl., B. 8, H ad T ra c t No. 788, tion,; L a 7 and 8, B. 5, Hadley s -assessed In 1934. same. Name, K lm e, Frank; Description Name, Hoxie, W. B.; Description L 19, B10, Adrian; amount, * .34; ley's 3rd Add.. V ale; amount 2nd Add., V ale; amount »69.95; to T r a c t No. 695. D. C. No. 7261; L 1, B. 8, and Ls 10 to 12 lncl,. B to whom assessed In 1934, same. La 9 and 10, B 3, Teutsch’s Add (65.89; to whom assessed in 1934 whom assessed in 1934, Alice Name, Y oe. Anna C.; Description 10, Harper; L 3, B. 7, and Ls 1 and T ra c t No. 847; D. C. No. 7281, Nyssa; amount, *3 66; to whom same. Johnson. Ls 26 to 29 incl., B 2, Terrace 2, B. 6, Fairm ore Add., Harper assessed in 1934. E. B. Butler. Jr. Name, Thomas, C hristina; Des D. O . No. 7261; 725, D C. No. 7261 T ract No. 756, H eights Add.. O n tario; amount T ract No. amount, (5131; to whom assessed cription, Fraction o f Ls 3 to 8 inch, D. C. No. 7261; Name, Townsend, J. H.; Descrip T ra c t No. 789, Name. Hurley, J. A.; Description, *6.50; to whom assessed in 1934. in 1934, same. Name, Landon. A. Description, and 16, 18 and 19. B. 86, W estfield tion, L 25. B. 11. Hope Add. Vale; L 6, B. 15, Eldredge Add., to Vale; same. E.; C. W . G L E N N , S h e riff o f M alheur County, Oregon; Residence and P ostoffice Address: Vale, Oregon. M. A. B IG G S , D istrict A tto rn ey fo r P la in t if f ; Residence and Post- o ffic e Address: Ontario, Oregon. Named to Head Red Cross Hear A d m ira l Cary 1. G ra y son. above, one-tim e W h ite House physician, has been ap pointed chairm an o f the N a tion al Red Cross by P residen t R oosevelt. Orayson succeeds John Barton Payne, who died recently 'Richest Girl’ Wedi- Shown above in recent pictures ,11 f■ Hurls Duke. 22. believed "the world's richest g irl.” mid James II It Crom w ell, 38, New York business man. w ho sailed to Italy follow in g a sim ple Manhattan wedding. Miss Duke Is heiress to an estimated *40,000.000 of l'ie great Duke tobacco and u tili ties fortune. Mr. Crom w ell Is stepson o f E. T . Stotesbury. b«or- gnu partner.