Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1935)
CATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1936 I take Into consideration the mer- chant Is helping educate the child- ren of this community, helping pay (or the sidewalks you walk on and the sheets you drive over. Ask your- BERWYN BURKE, Publisher self'll the catalogue house ever sold you a bill ot groceries, a pair o( shoes, a window pane, a set of tires, Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. a sack of chicken feed or a new Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon (or transmission though hammer unless they had the cash the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of with the order. Then if your con March 3. 1879. science doesn’t bother you, go ahead and patronize these firms who are grabbing off the dollars all over the SUBSCRIPTION RATES county and putting them In New .......... $1.50 York banks for the benefits of who One Year .... ............. 75c —certainly not Nyssa. Six Months However, there Is much to be said. These catalogues will enter every ADVERTISING RATES nook and comer of the United States. They will be studied evenings Rates (or Advertising will be (umlshed to both Local and Foreign in countless homes. Articles will be Advertisers upon application. Classified Ads lc per word per Inser pictured and described in detail. Too tion. often the home merchant fails to make this sales effort. Instead, he INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC has taken too seriously the adage IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO 8ERVE that If one has the best mouse-trap, EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY. the world will make a pathway to his door, unmindful of the truth cause ot the radio announcements. that now roads and malls lead In all GUN CLUB Mr. Reece used the newspaper, directions and that business may be DESERVES THANKS— this newspaper, to get his message expected to come to those who ad We believe the Rod and Gun club be(ore the public, together with a just themselves to conditions of the o( Malheur county and similar or- small number o( handbills, and he time. g&nizat ons In Idaho deserve a vote had one ot the biggest sales ever ot thanks for the really splendid held In this part o( the country with work they are doing In exterminat oars parked up and down the road ing crows. During the past lew (or a distance ot a halt mile. The years -the crow population has In moral of that, of course, Is to adver creased at an alarming rate and tise In the Journal If you really are a distinct menace to the (arm want to get your message before the ing o( this community. While the public. Another oase of radio vs news NYSSA COMMUNITY CHURCH crows may do some good In the way ot destroy ng Insect pests, it Is paper ivas recently enacted in south Sunday School 10 o’clock. Chester pretty generally acknowledged that ern Idaho. A sale was advertised In Sager, superintendent Mrs. C. A. Ab the damage they do iar outweighs the newspapers to be held on a cer bott. the good and they should be exter tain date but due to a heavy snow Morning Worship 11:15. Sermon (all, it was thought best to postpone minated. Subject; T h e Withered Hand. While t e Rod and Gun club Is the sale and two announcements Spring is a t hand. We are living In were made over the radio to this ef consta:.' y 1 jklng out (or the In one of the most fortunate places of terests of sportsmen and aiding In fect. A few hours before the sale was the United States. We have sun to have been held, plows cleared the eliminating undesirable pests. It is shine and water and good soil and only when something like this comes roads and cars by the dozens flock many more great blessings, coming along that we can appreciate the ed In; thinking there was to be a from the hand of God. Let us Join fine work they are doing and the sale. When told th at the sale was In a day of general thanks and ap value o( a Uve-wlre club to a com postponed and had been announced preciation to the Giver of these over the radio, a majority of the munity. blessings. Come and worship with us. Beveral ot the club members disappointed buyers said, “Why Junior Leagje 5:30. Mrs. Pruyn have devoted considerable time to didn’t you put It In the paper, we and Mrs. White supervisors. this work and club (unds have been never pay any attention to radio Epworth League 7 o’clock. Pauline used to do this work; all (or the advertisements.” The sale was re- Wolfe, president. benefit of the community. We sug advertlsed in the newspapers and Evening worship 8 o'clock. gest that when you see some ot the a big sale resulted. gentlemen responsible (or the work OREGON TRAIL that you personally express your ap preciation if you (eel that their et- MAIL ORDER HOUSES WILL GIVE PLAY (orts are worthwhile. AFTER BUSINESS— The Gate City Journal Church News ON MARCH 1st NEWSPAPER OR RADIO ADS?— Probably every one of our readers has heard at some time or another the statement that the radio would evontually take the place of the newspaper. While It Is doubtful if very many believe such a statement, a little Incident that happened right here at home home Illustrates Just how advertising compares with newspaper advertising. Last week at the John Reece sale the auctioneer was Col. Amos Miller, an able auctioneer of Caldwell who uses the radio to broadcast sale news, coming farm sale dates and other Items of Interest. He asked the crowd how many heard the an nouncement over the radio, saying that he was paying for the oppor tunity of broadcasting and wanted to know what results he as getting. He asked for a showing of hands and from the number of hands that went up, It was evident that prac tically no one was at the sale be- A few days ago the Sears, Roe buck & Co. mall order house mailed out 3000 tons of catalogues. Last The “Last Daze of School" will week the people of Nyssa also re be presented by the Oregon Trail ceived catalogues from the Mont P.-T. A. the evening of March 1. gomery Ward mall order concern. These concerns have spent hundreds Mrs. Franklin Fry takes the part of Lilly Fern Primrose, the teacher, of thousands of dollars to put these catalogues over the country and It Is and she has “some class." Let us evident that these firms have faith “state” th at In the geography class In the renewal of farm buying you’ll find Mrs. Lucille Johnston as Mary Land, Charles Jones as Mont power. Anna, Annie Holmes as Ida Ho, and However we want you. to give Conrad Hart as Ken Tucky. your home town merchant a fair Look at this bouquet of flowers In trial. Don't take It for granted that you can make a better buy frpm the Botany class; Mrs. Phyllis Hop these concerns. Don’t be too anxious kins as Pansy Blud Bell, Mrs. Fred to serfd your cash to some distant Lowe as Daisy Snapdragon, Mrs. Viola Adams as Violet Marigold, cityi while your home town mer Mrs. Frank Byers (colored) as White chant. who has stuck with you Rose, Dwight Johnston as Johnny through thick and thin extended credit when his own creditors were Jump Up, Roy Holmes as Sweet Wil howling at his back;-, don't be too liam Hyacinth, and Robert Holmes quick to drop him without a fair as Holly Hock Petunia. trial. As a matter of fair play, he Mrs. JPhn Bowen as Pola Bear deserves an opportunity to make the "thinks a leopard skin would show spots terribly." Others In the Zoo- sale. Examine the ads In the Journal, ology class: Mrs. Iva Adams as come to Nyssa and see the goods, Carlbu, Albert B. Hopkins as EN- AR-CO, and Mrs. Chas. Thomason as Zeb Ra. Then there is Hubert Jones as Black Beauty, a slow- spoken colored fellow, and Loyd Adams as Mr. Education, member of tha school board. The play is packed with good humor, wise cracks and smart say ings, Jokes and Jingles. Those taking part plan to put It over In a big way. OWYHEE FOLK CHANGE LOCATION The Bruce Loftons and Mrs. Arthur Simpson and daughter Joy attended a party given at the James Calico home In Cow Valley last Sat- urday night. Bruoe Lot ton went to John Day on business last Monday. He re- turned Tuesday accompanied by Mrs. Lofton’s mother, Laura Pres cott, who will visit here until next Monday. Wm. Harris, who lives above Vale spent the night a t the S. A. Lofton ranch. He returned on Tuesday with two bulls he had purchased of the Loftons. Mrs. Raleigh Van Buren was In Baker last Friday. Mrs. Ralph Beam of Unity and little son Ralph Edward visited at the E. J. Beam home last Tuesday. Lou Pratt of Nyssa was a business visitor in Ironside Monday. CHORAL CLUB The Choral club will meet Friday night at 8 o'clock at the Methodist chrrch. Everyone Interested In music Is invited to attend. LEGAL ADVERTISING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This notice is to kindly ask all people who owe the late George Green for work, done by him, will please come forward and pay if possible. Even a part of what they owe would be greatly appreciated at this time and thankfully received by his wife. Mrs. Nora Gr?en, City NOTICE OF SALE Oregon, sell, subject to the statutory right of redemption, all the right, title and Interest of the above nam ed defendants In and to the follow ing described real property, to-wtt: Lot No. 1, and the Bast Half of Lot No. 2. (also known as the E 4 of the NW 4 of the NE‘4. and the NE‘4 of the NEVi) of Section 1, In Township 21, 8outh Range 48 East of the Wil lamette Meridian In Malheur County, Oregon. also 6 0 4 share« of stock In the Kingman Colony Irrigation Com pany, a corporation, being Certifi cates Nos. 118, 120, and 121, repre senting 6 0 4 shares of stock, to sa t isfy a Judgment in favor of the above named plaintiff and against the defendants, Archie D. Moses arid Blanch Moses. In the sum of $51.93, with Interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from December 10, 1932, until paid; and the further sum of $297.95, with Interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from December 10, 1933, until paid; and for the further sum of $56.75, with Interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from December 10. 1934, until paid, and for plaintiff’s costs and dis- j bursements amounting to the sum of $23.00, and for such additional costs as may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 20th day of February, 1935. C. W. GLENN. Sheriff of Malheur County, Oregon. [ Date of first publication February j 21, 1935. Date of last publication March 21. | 1935. Date of sale March 26, 1935. LOTT D. BROWN. Attorney for Plaintiff. I will sell at my ranch 3 4 miles south of Adrian, on Saturday, March 2 at 1:30 p. m., one black cow NOTICE TO CREDITORS branded undlstingutshable, taken up IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE by me and held for feed and costs. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE C. E. Witty. 2-21-2tc. COUNTY OF MALHEUR. In The Matter of The Estate of Louis E, Ruddy, Deceased NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE Notice Is hereby given by the Notice is Hereby Given that by undersigned Administrator of the virtue of an execution In foreclosure, estate of Louis E. Ruddy, deceased, duly Issued out of the Circuit Court to the creditors of and all persons of the State of Oregon for t h e having claims against said deceased, County of Malheur, on the 20th day to file them with the necessary of February, 1935, pursuant to a Judg vouchers within six months after ment rendered In said Court on the the first publication of this notice 13th day of February, 1935, in a suit with the undersigned at his resi where In Kingman Colony Irrigation dence In the town of Nyssa, Oregon, Company, a corporation, is plaintiff, or at the office of A. L. Fletcher In a n d Archie D. Moses, Blanche Nyssa, Oregon, which residence and Moses, and the Federal Land Bank office, the undersigned selects as the of Spokane, a Federal Corporation, places of business in all matters are defendants, and said Execution connected with the said estate. being directed to me, and command Dated at Nyssa, Oregon, this 7th ing me to sell the hereinafter de day of February, 1935. scribed real property, I will, on First publication on February 14th Tuesday, March 26, 1935, at the hour 1935; date of last publication March of one o’clock in the afternoon of 14th, 1935. said day, at the North Main en W. J. WILLIAMS, trance door of the County Court Administrator of the Estate House, at Vale, Malheur County, of Louis E. Ruddy, Deceased. Fverij Iw c Minutes ANOTHER HOME BURNS' / F you are underinsured, or if you let ** your fare insurance lapse even for a single day, your property values are exposed to loss. Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy much valuable property in a brief time. You owe it to yourself to be carefully protected. How could you be adequately compensated for your loss if you were uninsured or underinsured?^ Let u* http you obtain an ap peal ta l, make mggattiom, and fy m u h mdequatt in s u ra n t*. Don |'M. Graham Fire Insurance Bonds N otary NYSSA Public OREGON IRONSIDE NEWS - .’m « Ladles dub met at the home of Mrs. Wallace Derrick on Wednes day with twenty-two ladles present. The program honoring the birthday of Washington was presented by Med&mes Omer Presley and Floyd White and was very Interesting The hosteaa served > dainty lunch at tha cloae of tha delightful afternoon. A. L. FLETCHER LOTT D. BROWN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW : NYSSA DR. C. A. ABBOTT D E N T I 8 T Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 35F3 X-RAY EXAMINATIONS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office In Residence Three blocks So. M E. Church PHONE 25 NYSSA OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 vale oreoon NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY Town P atro n s...... 2:30 to 5:30 Out-of-town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian CITY TRANSFER ON THE OLD JOB H D Holmes TRUCKING and TRANSFER and BAOOAGE TRANSFERRING All Kinds of Hauling in Phone 15 and Phone 2$ City Limit« C. K linkenberg NYSSA. OREGON F. O. E. No. 2134 VIEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT OSTEOPATHY —And— ELECTROTHERAPY AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome BERNARD FROST, President DON M. GRAHAM, Secretary PHONE 201 VALE - - - OREGON PORTRAITS OF QUALITY WYCKOFF Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario Phone 5 Anna B. Pritchett D. O. Nyssa Aerie JEWELRY STORE Oregon Expert K odak Finish ing. Mail us your films. HEATER STUDIO O ntario, Oregon Vale H ot Springs DR. J. A. McFALL Standard Gasoline OREOON DR. E. D. NORCOTT IF YOUR CAR ISN’T PROPERLY SERVICED We offer you unexcelled service and products. Standard Gasoline and lubricants, and accessor ies. There are none better to be had and you’ll like our quick, efficient methods. Try it and know! NYSSA OREGON Guarantee Work Let Us Serve You With The Best S WE RECOMMEND THEM SOONER OR LATER IT WILL COST YOU MONEY Sanitarium EYESIGHT SPECIALIST DR. D. A. SEXTON, Prop. POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Open Day and Night Phone 1 Owyhee—Geo. Huffman Is moving his mother and her family out to his new place south of the Owyhee Ser vice Station. Laurence Stretch and wife are moving into the Kygar house which they vacated. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Points have moved tq the house recently occupied by the Omer Hite family. Charles Schwelzer mov ed this week to the Reece ranch. The McMurdys have moved to a house near the school and are send ing their two children to school. Mrs. D. P. Pullen Is being treated twice a week in Caldwell for «<nus. Baling hay Is underway u ,he valley and about two thousand tons Is reported signed up for shipment to Minnesota by Mr. Kline of Bak er at $11 per ton on board cars. Mrs. Chet McGee of White Plains. Wash., and W. A Ratclff of Seattc were visiting their sister Mrs. John Hite in Owyhee and their father In Ontario. He Is sufficiently Improved from a severe illness to allow Mrs. Hite to come home. Mr. and Mrs. Hob Van Horn of Payette and Mr. and Mrs Art Nor- cott of Nyssa were Sunday visitors In the parental George Kaylor home BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY NYSSA Growers... It is almost time to start planting SPRING LETTUCE — SPRING PEAS and SPRING CARROTS Growers interested in these crops should see us at once Rheumatism, Diabetes, Paraly sis, Influenza, successfully treated. Specializing on the oare of Children's Eyes. ONT ARK) :-: OREOON Mineral Water 212 Deg. Fr. ROOMS AND BOARD At Reasonable Rates Protect What You Have Ì Insure In SURE Insurance —with— Frank T. Morgan Make Your Application for 1935 Auto Licenses Here NOW! LET US EXPLAIN OUR PLAN TO YOU LETTUCE, CARROT and ONION SEED FOR SALE PHONE 17 F. H. Hogue NYSSA OREGON TED NEWELL — NYSSA FIELD MAN STERLING JOHNSON—PARMA FIELDMAN Nyssa Funeral Home Phone 76F3 Ambulance Service 5353232323235348484823535348904848484848485348532353532353