Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1935)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1935 Mrs. Barr Doolittle and Mrs. Wat ! Miss Rubye Lou Hemenway Attorney A. L. Fletoher spent the REBEKAH BENEFIT son Ketchen. Prizes were won by been sick this week. week end in Boise with friends. Doolittle, high, and Mrs. Bert PARTIES ENJOYED ! Mrs. Lienkaemper, low. Ernest McClure returned home BY LARGE CROWD ast week after spending the past LOCAL NEWS has Mrs. A. V. Cook is confined to her ' Don Graham was a business home by illness this week. i visitor Thursday in Vale. Miss Maria McElroy spent the I Washington vacation at her home BIRTHDAY 5 PARTY in Vale. two weeks in Caldwell helping in his A big crowd enjoyed the Rebekah Miss Ann Durston was the honor Dan Teters returned Tuesday fathers bakery. benefit parties Wednesday after guest at a birthday party Tuesday W. 8. Jones of Dunaway was quite from a trip over the northwest and Mrs. George Crookham and Mr. noon. Dessert was served at 1:30. at her home with several young sick this week with flu. California. was played at the home of friends present to help her observe ind Mrs. C. O. McClure and son j Bunco Mrs. N. H. Pinkerton with six tables her birthday. She received many Ralph of Caldwell were Sunday in The Kolony P.-T. A. will meet at Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Davis, who live visitors play. Mrs. Addie Wilson won the nice gifts to help her remember the at the Leslie McClure home. grand the school house Friday, March 1. at the Dale Garrison place are prize, Mrs. Mary McConnell occasion. Present were Marie Se spending ten days in Pocatello. the door prize and the low prize bum. June Emery Ailene Hendricks, Harold Hoxle returned to work at Miss Margaret Pinkerton was in won to Mrs. Dick Holmes. Ana Toombs, Martha Browne, Luc Beulah dam Tuesday after spending Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmitt of itiated into the Journalistic club went The bridge party was held at the ille Calvert, Jane Adams, Pauline a week at home. Nampa were Sunday guests of Mr. XUP at the College of Idaho this lodge hall. Seven tables of bridge Splitzer, Leona Richardson, Beverly week. and Mrs. W. A. McNall. were in play with the high score Harris and Marjorie Durston. Mrs. Buell Clement underwent an to Mrs. Artie Robertson, operation in the Ontario hospital Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Frizzell spent Frank Smith, student at the uni going to Mrs. E. D. Norcott and low BIRTHDAY HONORED Tuesday. the week end with relatives in Walla versity of Idaho at Moscow, spent second score was won by Mrs. Conrad Mar Sixteen children attended the par Walla, Wash. the week end with Claud Studebak- tin of the Kolony. ty given Wednesday night at the Mrs. W. F. McLing went to Em er at the Hunter home. Don Graham home in honor of the mett Tuesday to spend the week Dr. and Mp. J. J. Sarazin spent EAGLES PARTY birthday of Doris Graham. Games with her mother Mrs. Marie Earp. Thursday in Boise on business. Dr. Mrs. Lorna Baker of Weiser is sized crowd attended the were played and at the close of the a few days this week with A good C. B. Short attended a meeting of Sarazin and his daughter Harriet spending party Thursday night. Eight evening refreshments were served her daughter Mrs. Wesley Browne Eagles Fletcher Oil dealers in Boise Friday were Boise visitors Saturday. tables of bridge and five of pinochle the young guests. night. were in play. Prizes were won by Miss Zoe Haggar of Rigby, Idaho and family. NYSSA, ORE. PHONE 47 a guest of Eldon McLing at the Mr. and Mrs. Elden Jensen and Mrs. Frank Morgan, high for women A baby boy was bom to Mr. and was W. F. McLing home over the week baby, and Miss Olive Hunter spent1 in bridge Mrs. Warren Blodgett, LINCOLN NEWS Mrs. J. B. Relgor Monday morning. end. low; men, Gene Flaherty, high, Ted Dr. J. J. Sarazin attending. last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Newell, low. Pinothle, women, Mrs Nick Rudlick. high, Mrs. Hugh Glas Mrs. Fred Trenkel entertained at Mr. and Mrs. H. Blair Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Clark Price of On John Potter in Eagle. spent the week end in Payette with tario were dinner guests at the Will John Mull of Arcadia is quite Sick gow low; men, Lloyd Marshall, high, a surprise party Saturday honoring Beam home Sunday. Mr. Price is a this week. John Zntercob has sul- Hugh Glasgow, low. friends. her daughter Helen’s birthday. All of the pupils from the sixth grade ficientiy recovered from a recent Chas. Garrison has painted his brother of Owen Price. CONTRACT CLUB down attended. Games and refresh house and garage on his farm in Mrs. Russell Vinsonhaler enjoyed illness to again be at work. Contract club met with Mrs. ments were enjoyed. Two Year Old, Budded Field Grown Arcadia. a visit from her parents Mr. and County Agent and Mrs. Raymond Howard Larsen Monday afternoon. Tommy Redsull celebrated his Mrs. Artie Robertson won high birthday Tuesday. Mrs. Sam Keithly of Midvale this Junior Epworth League members Larson of Ontario were visitors at score. Guests playing with members Mr. and Mrs. Ury and family have enjoyed supper Wednesday evening week. They came Monday. the C. C. Cotton home Sunday were Mrs. Dick Young, Mrs. William moved to the place formerly oc in the church dining room. Half of afternoon. Schlreman and Mrs. Famham Sills. cupied by the Perkins family. the group prepared the supper, George McKee spent Tuesday in A. Hawkins and small daughter under the directions of Mrs. Pruyn, the Gem district on business. Mrs. The C. E. Elliott family and JANES Althea returned home from Calif and the other half washed the' McKee accompanied him as far as Gladys Eliiott spent Sunday at the Misses JOLLY Claudena and Charlena ornia Monday night. They brought Wilder and visited with relatives. home of Mrs. Elliott's mother Mrs. dishes. Crawford entertained the J o l l y a truck load of horses back with McCreary at the upper hot springs. Janes Monday night. Miss Mae them. Keizer won first prize and Miss Mrs. Kathryn Claypool visited at The A. B. Rutledge family have J ’ McElroy won second. A lovely the school one day last week. moved to the Richardson home, Maria iormeily occupied by the Martin lunch was served. family. THURSDAY PARTY In Cartons Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Calhoun of The Thursday club met with Mrs. Cahfomia have come to Nyssa to Sid Burbidge last week. Guests were Free Offer put their 80-acres under the project To have a knitted silk dress. We have some new in shape for sprhig crop. arrivals in lovely shades of blue, green, peach Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McNall went To help get your hair and white. Others will arrive later. to Homedaie Monday to see John in a good condition sopher, who has recently returned JUST ARRIVED for summer months I irom the hospital. He is much im M proved from a heart attack. am offering a free hot • 2* VARIETIES oil shampoo with each The school at Government Camp, MAYTAG WASHERS Don’t miss getting one of the beautiful new wash under < F vr-r*-» the direction of Mrs. C. A. $3.50 and $5.00 per dresses a t ................................... $1.95 and $2.98 Aouott, gave a Washington program manent during March ruesaay night. Dr. Auoott and Mrs. Have you seen the new spring sweaters that ai villa kaucnier cf Nyssa attended. Other Permanents The W. W. Foster family were arrived Wednesday. Priced a t ....................$1.95 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. $1.75 and $2.50 ¡Simmons in Roswell Sunday. The Try this G E N T L E iveison family of Ontario were aiso present. C A N DY -L IK E WAY Prompt, Efficient TO R E L I E V E Service at— Laddie Graham, son of Mr. and OREGON Mrs. Roy Graham, is seriously ill at C O N S T I P A T I O N NYSSA the Caldwell sanitarium following HY take harsh laxatives an operation for ruptured appendix. that gripe and irritate He is the nephew of Mrs. Harry when you may get Regs, the Gardner. new Rexall Laxative that tastes BEAUTY SHOP NYSSA OREGON^ just like candy? Children love Mrs. D. E. Newell and Claud New sv them. And how they wake up Mae Keizer, Operator ell of Freewater, ore., mother and sluggish bowels—easily yet so ■ v ,V .V ,',V ,W ,W F iV brother of Ted Newell arrived Mon thoroughly. Regs are always safe day evening and will make an in for women and elderly reírle. definite visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Try them. Newell. Estes Morton and daughter Arline of Heppner were visituig friends hi Nyssa Friday. The Moiton family were visiting relatives in Ontario and Payette. so x of : l ! r - Come : in and j .1________________ • i • . ,, ■ , see the new spring goods in our store - - - Values galor in mer Miss Harriet Ahearn of Ontario NYSSA PHARMACY chandise just arrived for the spring buying. spent the week end with Miss Mar Oregon garet Young at the Vinsonhaler Nyssa home. Other guests for dinner Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young and Omer ________________ Adkinson of Ontario. For Friday, March 1 and Saturday, March 2 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Brighten up the home with new cur New Spring patterns in pla.u. - J A C K S 0 N - Everything for the HOME BUILDER We Sell That Good ABERDEEN COAL LUMBER CO* LA ROSA ROSE BUSHES 3 For 99c IT’S SMART Priced at $11.75 g 8 8 Fisher Apparel Shop y W EuLii The Vogue HARDWARE | $ ¡ $ 2 5 * ! î ! î Springtime at faldwelf* Friday and Saturday SUGAR, 10 lb. bags....................................... 54c SALT IODIZED, Wocester Brand, 2 for........13c COFFEE, 1 lb. glass jars, Hollywood..........28c COFFEE, 3 1-2 lb. glass jar, Hollywood....... 99c STARCH, Amaizó, 1 lb. pkg. corn or gloss, 2 for ........................................ BAKING POWDER, KC, 5 lb. cans............ 59c CLOROX, Pints, each......................................14c SOAP, P&G, 7 bare.........................................23c SOAP, Fairy, 5 bars........................................15c TOMATOES, 21-2, taste tells brand, 3 cans 35c STRING BEANS, first row brand, 3 cans— 35c CRACKERS, 3 lb. boxes, each....................... 37c COOKIES, Chocolate Eclairs, 1 lb. celophane bags.............................................................27c COOKIES, Vanilla wafers, 1 lb. celophane bag............................................................ 30c WILSON GROCERY [ PHONE 21 Absolutely Independent NYSSA, ORE. CURTAI NS IBERTY IHEATRE NVSSA OREGON 15c Friday-Saturday, March 1-2 Buck Jones in his latest picture “ WHEN A MAN SEES RED” Comedy—“Oh, What a Business” Stranger than Fiction and a Cartoon Sunday-Monday, March 3-4 66 ROMANCE IN MANHATTEN A pleasant, romantic, human-interest comedy drama with Ginger Rogers, Francis Lederer You will find this entertainment for the whole family., March 5-6 Dick Powell, Josephine Hutchinson and many others in “ HAPPINESS AHEAD” Comedy—' DIZZY & DAFFY” With the Dean Brothers. Also Fox News Thursday, Friday, March 7-8 “Lightning Strikes Twice” With Ben Lyon, Thelma Todd and Skeets Gallager tains and drapes. Extra wide—most styles 98c—Few at $1.25. CRETONNES Suitable for drapes, covers, etc. at 29c and 39c DRESSES SILK DRESSES $5.95 to $7.95 HOUSE DRESSES—Just arrived Mon day. Brand new colors .................. $1.95 Also some a t .................... 79c, 98c $1.49 Do You Need a NEW SUIT Let us take your measure for a classy spring suit W. D. Smith & Co. colors and styles—$22.50 SPRING HATS OPPORTUNITY To get a new hat, suitable for dress or work in values formerly at $2.45 for Only $1.50 Prints - 23c checks—Kiddie prints— J u s arrived. New flats Step out in a new spring hat— Look at our selection of straws in a variety of colors for $1.95 Attention Men! Step out for spring in some new spring togs. Slacks, very dressy ........$2.95 and $3.95 MENS CORDS, .............. $2.95 MENS HATS, Just arrived,.. Spring Styles $2.95, $3.95 LEE OVERALLS $1.29, $1.69 BIB OVERALLS................ 89c WORK SHIRTS ....... 69c, 98c WORK GLOVES, canvas and leather, 14 oz .............. .15c ARROW SHIRTS ..........$1.95 CALDWELL’S STORE