Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1935)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ¿8, 19 S 6 AUXILIARY MEETS I Beutler. Mrs. Beutler Is the daughter VISIT RELATIVES of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson of The Legion Auxiliary held their OVER W EEK END Nyssa. regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Mrs. J. Long accompanied Mr. ' and Mrs. L. DeOross and son on and Vancouver. They left Thursday afternoon and returned Sunday. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Long In Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Vaughn In Vancouver; and with other relatives of Mrs. Long's in n. Among them Mrs. Long's son Dr. John Long, who Is recovering from a recent operation. He was in Salem hospital for three weeks but Is now able to be at home. They also visited Mr and Mrs. Ralph - slow and evenly baked . . . • sliced as you like i t . . . Chas. Paradis last Thursday night. MBS. LOWE RETURNS HOME After the business meeting, cards and lunch were enjoyed until the Mrs. T. M. Lowe returned Monday Legion member who had attended afternoon from a ten weeks stay In the Joint meeting in Ontalro return Spokane. She reports her daughter ed. Mrs. Margaret Pashley and Mrs. Mrs. Marian Queckenbush, much Sid Burbidge were assistant host improved from her recent serious esses. illness, but is still under the doctors EAGLES SOCIAL "are and it will probably be a year before she will be entirely well. Mrs. The Eagles social meeting was Quackenbush's three children, who held Wednesday night. A small weer also quite sick are well again. crowd was present with cards, danc ing and lunch furnishig diversion ZINK-GRIFFINS for the evening. Miss Afton Zink and Ray Griffins were quietly married in Payette last LOCAL MAN GETS CONTRACT w'eek. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence John Klug, local contract and Joe Zink of Nyssa. Beach of Vale, have made arrange ments to take over part of the con crete and steel work on the big Mal heur siphon. PAYETTE AUCTION EXCHANGE “Where Buyer and Seller Meet’ Livestock and Merchandise Try SW AN’S BREAD SOMETHING about the taste of Swan’s Bread that “gets you.” Light, fluffy, fresh . . not over- baked . . it’s a REAL delight covered with any tasty spread. Each loaf (sanitary-w rapped) in parchm ent to keep it fresh. Get a Loaf right now. There is a demand for 100 head of cattle and 100 head of hogs every Saturday. Here Is your Best Livestock Market. Sales Every Saturday PAYETTE, IDA. PHONE 104J A. C. FENSKE. Prop. The Swan Bakery OREGON NYSSA EL CAMPO RUGIENTE APPLE VALLEY PLAY SUCCESS Apple Vallefr—"The Galloping Princess” was a huge success last Wednesday evening at the church. The play was given by the Epworth League, the proceeds to go into the fund for the summer bible school at Wallowa lake. Oscar Ellerbrook is home for a few days on account of an accident. He was cranking a Ford, it kicked back and broke a blood vessel In his elbow, Causing blood poisoning. He is getting along nicely. The high school students attended a delightful party Monday evening. It was given by the Girl’s Reserve. Each girl had to take a boy, which W hen In Payette DUNE, DANCE at the Cozy Tavern Meet your friends at the Tavern after the dance Drink Annual W inter Fun Festival of Vale Fire Departm ent Plenty of MILK GAMES— DANCING— PRIZES— EATS NEW COMMUNITY HALL TW O BIG EVENINGS Friday and Saturday, March 1,2 Just Received . . . We have just received a shipment of Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’s fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. Shelton Dairy NYSSA OREGON RUGS MONTAG RANGES STUDIO COUCHES and SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES Come in and look them over N' - H e Furniture Store N OREGON GUILTY!.. our Has Been Accused of— — Furnishing More Heat — Less Ash and — G reater Economy — W e ADMIT ITS GUILT— COAL And Sentence it to hard duty in your furnace or range. We know it will make good. Boise-Payette LumberCo. Dwight Smith, Manager Guernsey Milk For the benefit of the people of Ny3sa who de sire a richer milk than tne Holstein milk which we have delivered for the past several years, we have recently purchased some Guernsey cows, and are now delivering high test Guernsey milk, produced in one of the most modern and sani tary plants in this section of the country, accord ing to dairy authorities. W e still m aintain our high-standard Hol stein milk, which is considered by medical auth orities everywhere as the best milk for babies and growing children. W e produce milk for everybody’s needs. Try it! Sunshine Dairy NYSSA was unusual and enjoyed very much. Arthur Norland was home from the C.C.C. camp for Washington’s birthday, returning Sunday evening. The Kenneth Robbins family have moved to Notus where Mr. Robbins has work with the sheep. Ray Smith has moved to the Owy hee district where he has employ ment on a ranch. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Newgen at tended the Saturday sale at Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lindquist of New Plymouth spent Sunday at the Henry Meier home. Mrs. Henry Meier accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roth of Parma to New Plymouth Friday to visit friends. Albert Meier has been on the sick list for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen of Wilder visited at the L. E. Newgen home Friday. Ralph Castater has rented his ranch for this year and expects to go to the hills again for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and daughter Helen were Payette visitors Saturday. Mrs. Bill Smiley came home from Che Caldwell hospital Friday. Wm. Roach has rented the Bill White ranch and is moving this week. The Coble family are moving to Oregon. The Ladies aid will meet this week at the home of Mrs. Carl Pellstick. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robbins and family moved to a ranch at Ten Davis last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Miller and daughters of Fruitland were callers in Apple Valley last week. Mrs. Johnson of Neosko, Mo., ar rived for a visit with her son Glenn and family last week. Guests of Clendenlngs Sunday were Nellie Doolittle and Mamie Strandbough of Homedale. Emil Vertrees returned from Port land last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Wilder are moving to the Ed. Bosshard ranch this week. er; used Fordson tractor and plows; several electric motors. Larsen and Towne, formerly Larsen Motor Co. USED CARS—See us for Used Curs. Cables Chevrolet Company. On tario, Oregon. WANTED—Turkeys, ducks, chick ens, gese at highest market prices. Twenty-six years in the same place. C. H. BOWMAN. Payette. Idaho. Phone 163. tf. TRUCKING—Coal, wood, grain. produce, gravel, and, livestock, anything moving. We’ll haul it anywhere. H U G H GLASGOW, Phone 36F3. tf SHARPENED—Saws, tools, knives, auger bits. You dull them and I will sharpen then. Prices hand saw, 35c; yard saws 55c; cross cuts, 75c, Scissor sharpening. Andrew Mc Ginnis. Feb 28p. OLD AND NEW FLOORS sanded call 544 Ontario or write H. G. Rasmussen. Box 545. Ontario. 3tpJ21 MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families. Good profits for hustler. We train and help you. Write today. Rawleigh Co.. Dept. ORB-148-SA2, Oakland, Calif. IF YOU HAVE land to sell or wish to buy or rent any land under the project it will pay you to see the Owyhee Realty Co. 2-28-2tc. FOR RENT—120 acres of good land. Cash rent. See Owyhee Realty Co. at once. 2-28-2tc. -ONTA RIO SUN.-MON.-TUES. WEDNESDAY Special M atinee Tuesday MARKET FINDER At Try our Market Finder to dis- j pose of surplus goods, rent aj 4E'; y house, find lost articles, to buy or j A Famous sell produce and many other uses. 1 KAHN Rates one cent a word per lnser- J Fabric tion. Minimum 15c. | FOR SALE—Used electric washing 1 machine ch eap . See Bernard BANNOCKBURN I Frost, tf. A group of smart "tw isty" fab | FOR BALE—1 saddle price $15.00. rics— favorites for many seasons W. B. Hoxie, tfFeb!4. in the out-of-doors but now I FOR SALE CHEAP—11 lots in block equally popular for work-*-day 78 of Greens Addition in Nyssa, with four-room house, 2 porches; wear. Not only are they dis garage; cow bam; chicken house; tinctive and colorful, but have good fences. $275 cash will handle a fine record for long wear. I this if I can sell by March 15. W. E. PATTERSON, RR1, Nyssa. 3tp. F28 Cleaning and Pressing FOR SALE OR TRADE—A 1926 Alterations and Repairs Star Sedan in good condition. Will sell cheap or trade for anything I can use on farm. GEORGE HUFF jfim m m m ------------------ _ MAN, RR1 Nyssa. 3tp. Feb28. with FOR SALE—Model A Ford coupe John Beal • Alan Hale with rumble seat. Inquire at Nor- Directed by cott Service. F28-ltc. § |R IC H A R D W A L L A C E * |R K O .R A D I O PICTURE, j FORI SALE—Jersey Bull, one year D. E. MORGAN, Prop. Pnndro 8. Berman Production old. Can be registered. T. T. Elliott. 2-21-2tp FOR SALE—White Rock hatching eggs. Jim Boor. 2-21-ltp. FOR SALE—Yellow sweet Spanish Onion seed. $250 a lb. Well select ed from Utah certified Onions. H. K Hashitani, Phone 75F4. Old Chas. China and Crystal Glassware Garrison place. 2-14-4p. Handpainted dinner sets—42 piece for $29.75; choice of patterns— open stock. | FOR SALE—Baby chicks, all popu lar breeds. Baby turkeys and baby Etched Rock Crystal Stemware ducks. Custom hatching and hatch' ing eggs. Cain's Hatchery. Ontario, Goblets, sherbets, clarets, cocktails, salad plates, etc. Prices 65c and up per piece. Oregon. 2-14-tf FOR SALE—Fine stock laying hens and baby chicks, and eggs to hatch. Mrs. R. J. Davis. 2-28-2tc. ONTARIO, OREGON FOR SALE—Oas engine, three horse power, rebuilt and in 1st class Opposite Moore Hotel Phone 265 shape ready to go; two wheel trail- Nyssa Tailor Shop " Just Received. . . Ginzel Jewelry Shop Dull Headaches Gone Simple Remedy Does It Headaches caused by constipation are gone after one dose of Adlerlka This cleans all poisons out Of BOTH upper and lower bowels. Oives bet ter sleep, ends nervousness. The Nyssa Pharmacy. —Advertisement. See Us For Building Supplies PHONE 15 OREGON NOTICE To Dog Owners Licenses for dogs are now due and must be se cured at once. The fee is $1 for males and $2 for females. Licenses may be procured from A. V. Cook, mar shal. A. V. COOK, City Marshal PLUMBING EXPERTS . . . . BEALL We are proud of our record as plumbing and heating experts. Whether your job is ! large or small, give us a n opportunity t o show you what we can do. Estimates cheerfully given. Geo. J. Kinzer Plumber Phone 134-J-3 Panne TANK Though you buy for the pre*ent, remem ber the future. A BEALL Tank will serve better and last longer, yet, it oosts no more. Beall Modern ruel Tanks are made with flanged heads and lap-welded seams, and are treated with the finest rustproof paint obtainable. Let BEALL furnish you with ell metal products. INFORMATION Tifie AND Junk »sum « r lUHfiHAMTR, •TRAHIS! CORPORÀTIO 1945 N. COLUMBIA BLVfc K E N T O N STATIO N I PORTLAND, O R EG O N .