Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1935)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., JANUARY 17, 1985 ----------- — --------------------------------- --------------- --- - ' ------------ 9 - - Little News of Nyssa - i - - ’ __________s Ruby* Lou Hemenway »pent the week end In Weiser with friends. Little Buddy Wilson is much im proved from a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bertsch visited Mrs. 8arah Robertson Is improv Erma Short of Welser spent Fri friends and relatives In Boise last Sunday. ing from a recent sickness. day with Ruby Lou Hemenway. Friday and Saturday SYRUP, 10 lb. Amaizo, G old en .................... 59c COCOA, Hersheys, 1 lh. can, ea ch ................15c TOMATO JUICE, 14 oz. can, Campbells, 3 cans for ................................................. 25c CATSUP, Large Bottles, 2 f o r ...................... ..25c SOUP, Campbells, all flavors, 3 cans for..... 25c STARCH, Corn or gloss, 1 lb. pkg., 2 f o r ..... 15c OXYDOL, Washing Powders, large s iz e ..... 23c KC BAKING POWDER, 50 oz. cans, each ...,28c KC BAKING POWDER, 5 lb. can, e a c h ..... 45c COFFEE, Hollywood, 1 lb. glass ja r s ..........28c Ray Emmott returned Tuesday Nick Rudllck was confined to his George Schweizer made a trip to TO TRADE—Six room house with from Portland where he had de home Monday with sickness. Boise Tuesday. sleeping porch; cellar, tool room, livered a shipment of cattle. LOST—Black and white hunting wood. coal, grain, hay. Cow and hen Mr. and Mrs. Ed. W i l s o n of Raymond, Darlene and Frank dog. Answers to name of Duke. houses; electric lights and power Mr, and Mrs. Sam Syria and , Nampa visited friends Thursday. Robert had their tonsils removed Conrad Hart were guests of Mr. Reward. W. F. McLlng, Owner. In equipment also bee yard. Three Mr. Wilson is buying old gold. by Dr. J. J. Sarazin Saturday. equipment also for bee yard. Three and Mrs. J. E. Hearron on Sunday. quire at Journal r.cres of land. Conveniently located spent Mrs. Margaret Nelson left Monday Jack Short of Payette The R. J. Davis 80 acres was sold FOR SALE—Netted gem potatoes. with plenty of water and drainage. Monday and Tuesday at th‘ C. B. [or La Grande where she is visiting this week to Wm. Snader of Knelfl, good grade; 50c hundred without Between Christian and Friends | relatives for a week. Short home. Utah. sacks. See Herb Fisher at Qulnby church and near grade and high ranch. 2tp. Mrs. John Forbes returned re school In Star, Idaho. I Avant to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young were Attorney A. L. Fletcher and A. V. trade this fine property for more Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and cently from a visit In Portland Cook have been frequently visitors FOR SALE—Pure bred Jersey bull acres. F. L. Murray, Star, Idaho. 2tp Mrs. Bill Wyckoff and Miss Har- with her daughters. at court In Vale this week. calf from good producing stock. I rlet Ahearn in Ontario. Price reasonable if taken now. C. SHARPENED—Saws, tools, knives, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Duncan of J. P. McGinnis o f Adrian 1s stay Mrs. W. R. Ewing of Payette has Boise spent Sunday with Mrs. Em ing at the home of his son Andrew M. BEAUMONT. auger bits. You dull them and I been visiting with her niece Mrs. ma Duncan and the Felton Dun- McGinnis while under the doctor's will sharpen then. Prices hand saw, [ C. B. Short. Little Jeanie Short is } can family. FOR RENT—Five-room plastered 35c; yard saws 65c; cross cuts, 15c. care. | improved from her recent sickness. house at my ranch. Chas. Bradley. saw gumming. Andrew McGinnis. Vic Marshall went to San Fran Mr. and Mrs Herschel Thompson l-3-21p. ! J24p. The John Lewellen family of cisco last week with a shipment of moved this week to the Beam house Bonita made a short visit at the beef for the Nyssa Feeder Co., and formerly occupied by the Ernest Mc ra8S- P0W‘ ' L O S T -B ay Mare with star In fore- parental C. Klinkenberfe home 1 according to word received top Clure family ells Service Station. Ite. head, weighs 1100 or 1200 lbs. v when they brought James Lewellen price was received. He plans to re brand on left stifle, last seen at WANTED—Housework by the hour back to school after spending the main this week to receive another Mrs. Sally Dennis and daughters or day; also care of children. Dor Adrian Notify D. C. Mosley, Home- vacation at Bonita. shipment. Georgia and Mrs. Ray Kendler dale, Idaho. othy Austin, ltp. spent Monday with the E. Mclellan family in Nampa. Godfrey Allen and his mother, Mrs. Ruth Oreen, left Tuesday for Pendleton where they will spend several days on business. SAVINGS THIS WEEK Frank Burke and son Dwight of Wendell were lri Nyssa Monday and Tuesday and spent the night at the Berwyn Burke home. DRESS PRINTS— Just arrived Tuesday, new Miss Fay Swan has been sick this week with Intestinal flu and has been unable to attend to duties as stenographer for Attorney Lott Brown and Frank Morgan. colors and designs .............................. 14c yard PILLOW CASES— Arlington, 26x42, ......... 19c Mrs. Sid Burbidge a n d tw o children returned Sunday morning from Portland where they had been visiting since before Christ mas. '..COFFEE, Hollywood, 3 1-2 lb. glass jars..... 95c SHEETS— Mid-Winter Special on Large size, Town Talk Brand, 81x99, Marked down from 98c .................................................................79c V COFFEE, Yellow Bag, 1 lb.............................. 16c WILSON GROCERY G. C. MacPerson of Portland, spent the week end with his sister Mrs. Will Beam. He left Monday for his home. He and his wife had been called to Caldwell by the ser ious illness of Mrs. MacPherson's mother. Mr. and Mrs. MacPherson I and Mr. and Mrs. Nichols of Cald well were Sunday dinner guests at I the Beam home. Face Powder, Face Cream, Rouge, Lip Stick, Wildroot W ave Powder, Nail Polish, Hand Lotion ONLY 10c Each Absolutely Independent PHONE 21 NOTICE OF ESTRAY Wilson Drygoods NYSSA, ORE. W A N T O —Turkeyi, ducks, chick ens. gese at highest market prices. Twenty-six years In the same place. Try our Market Finder to dls- J C. H. BOWMAN, Payette. Idaho. pose of surplus goods, rent a 2 1 Phone 183. tf. house, find lost articles, to buy or j sell produce and many other uses, t WANTED TO RENT—House with garden or few acres of land near Rates one cent a word per lnaer- I tion. Minimum 15c. ! Nssa. Inquire Journal office. l-10^tp MARKET FINDER We have taken up at our ranch one mile above the Owyhee bridge, one Jersey steer and one red steer, unbranded. Owner may claim animals by paying feed and costs. W. W. Smith. 2t. The Friendly Store Liberty Theatre Friday-Saturday, January 18-19 “ KANSAS CITY PRINCESS” With Joan Blondell, Glenda Farrell, Robert Armstrong. Sunday-Monday, January 20-21 “ THE CAPTAIN HATES THE SEA” With Victor McLaglen, John Gilbert, Alison Skipworth, Wynne Gibson. Tuesday, Wednesday, January 22-23 “ MUSIC IN THE AIR” with John Boles, Gloria Swanson, Douglas Montgomery and June Lang. Thursday, January 24 “ WEDNESDAY’S CHILD” With Edward Arnold, Karen Morley and Frankie Thomas. CALDWELL’S Clearance Double - Value OKEGON N YSSA STARTS FRIDAY, January One Lot Brushed W ool | ¡1 Originally $4.95, $4.50, $4.49 Now ............................................. $3.95 Mens Calf Skin and Best f 7 5= Regular $8.95 and $9.75 Now ............................................ $7.98 Mens Part W ool and Cotton M Come and Get a Good Cotton Flannel D RESS S H IR T S W O R K SHIRT Arrow Shirts.................................. $1.95 Large Selection o f New Patterns Dress Shirts....... 98c, $1.29, $1.39 $1.49 On the Special for ..........................89c : F o r ............................. ..................... $1.79 R I WEAR 98c Mens Part W ool Regular UNDERWEAR H e and Fleeced Lined— Was $1.95 =5 Now ............................................... $1.49 Y a rd Mens Fancy Rayon We have a Close out on all HOSE All Wool Blazers Pair .................... 25c ... $2.79 Some sold at $5 and $6 | LARGE SELECTION Work Pants At Only CLO TH Good Cotton Mens Heavyweight Cotton l N D — O IL W E HAVE REDUCED ALL OUR WINTER W OOL SHIRTS. Only ............................................ $1.49 A Good Bib O VER ALL For Only ........................................... 89c Children’s Heavy Weight Cotton UNDERW EAR Now ................................................... 69c No Peters Shoe Trade Stamps Will Be Given Out During the Sale. $ 4 .9 5 Regular $6.50 and $5.95— - Heavy Part W ool Regular $4.95— At .......................$3.79 W O R K S H IR T 29c One Lot B est G rade Prints Special One ............................ 19c yard Lot o f P R IN T S Yard ........................................... 13 1-2 c O U T IN G F L A N N E L 4 Blaakets Regular 98c value Sale P rice ....................................... . 69c Coat Sweaters W OOL TAXI-CLOTH WORK SHIRT........... 89 c Suede Jackets 1 Continues To End of Month i IN TR O D U C IN G T H E N E W S W EA TER S 1 18 and L adies A ll-W ool Skirts : g Regular $1.98— Now .................... $1.79 Regular $2.95— Now.................... $2.49 Regular $3.75— Now .................... $2.95 House D resses . . All Sizes Regular 98c— Now ............................. 79c Regular $1.79— Now ...................... 98c Regular $1.95— Now .................... $1.49 R a y on P an ties 39c - 29c BATH TOW ELS 22x40 .............. 15c 22x42 .. jj | 39c ~ L A D IE S H A T S Regular $1.95— Now ........................ 98c Yard ............15c, 16 1-2 c, 20c, 22 1- 2c L A D IE S SH O E S H O S IE R Y One Lot ......................................... $ 1.79 Come early and get a p a ir ............$2.79 Regular 69c— Now .......................... 59c Regular 89c— Now .......................... 79c Regular $1.00— Now ........................ 89c Mohawk Sheets, 81x99 ................. $1.29 Pequot Sheets, 81x99 .................... $ 1.59 Manhattan Sheets, 81x99 ............... 79c W llllliilllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiHiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip