Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1935)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURÿ., JANUARY 17, 19J5 they kept 87 cows more or lett con tinuously throughout the mmmer. Each acre averaged 643 cow» of t t o i PRESENTS LINK0. SPRING LAMBING Dallas—Irrigated ladlno clover during the season, or nearly threw TO VALE ORDtR pasture on three dairy farms In cows to the acre, Mr. Beck report*. IN THE OWYHEE I Poly county produced an average of As seen from the sidelines $89.56 worth of butterfat per acre by JOURNAL SPORTS EDITOR last year, after calculating the value The Nyssa Rebekah lodge present- ! ed the Three Links to the Vale lodge Owyhee—Sheepmen, are getting of all other feeds received by the ] Tuesday evening. Mrs. Pierson mak- settled in winter quarters In prepar cows, records compiled by CouDty ' ing the presentation speech to the ation for lambing. Dave Jenkins Is Agent J. R. Beck show. The figures I Noble Grand. A clever little drill and The Nyssa fans were proud, and at the Rudolf Hite ranch; Jack Mc- were compiled for the farms of S. H. 8 | dance was put on by Mrs. A. V justly so, of the showing made this Connell at his own ranch; the Piaza , Robison, J. A. Campbell and C. W. FIRESTONE TIRES AND BATTERIES I Cook, Mrs. May Pierson, Mrs. Tom week end by the Nyssal basketball sheep are at the Plaza ranch; Jack Brandstetter, with a total of 30 Johnson, Mrs Will Beam , Mrs. team. Friday night they defeated Mendizona is at his lambing sheds i acres of irrigated pasture, on which SHELL PRODUCTS I Mary Felton, Mrs. Jess Lawrence the Fruitland team 26 to 21 In near the school; Ward Brothers, j end Mrs. Lon Root. The ladies were ragged game, but came back Satur who have been feeding at the Char PRESTONE - - - ALCOHOL | all dressed in old fashioned costumes day night to win from the strong les Schweizer ranch have moved to | , and sang a song suitable for the Parma team by a healthy count of the home ranch; Vincente Mendiola j NORCOTT SERVICE i presentation; the words being writ 34 to 14. Saturday night the boys will feed the Fenu hay. ten by Mrs. Cook to the tune of "The worked like a well oiled machine The newly reorganized P.-T. A. i 1 1 Old Spinning Wheel.” Others at' and showed promise of developing i i i i i i m i n 111111 ) n i i in 111 n i i i in hi m n mm i i i i iii i i 11 n hi 11 ii 11 hi mm i m 11 n 1111 n in i m v tending from Nyssa were Mr. and into one of the best teams in the met at the school house Thursday, January ,0th with a membership of I — Mrs. Walter Marshall and Mrs, district. fourteen. Election of officers re i Leuck. —B— sulted in the following: Mrs. Nell Victory was only the sweeter for Dimmtck, president; Mrs. O. H. the locals when you take Into con Schweizer, vice president; Miss AUXILIARY MEETING sideratlon that Parma already holds Crete Marla Foster, secretary; Mrs. I victories over Caldwell and Weiser T. M. Lowe, treasurer. A meeting ! and lost to Nampa by one point. was called for Tuesday night at the Mrs. A. V. Cook, Mrs. C. L McCoy —B— and Mrs. Archie Howell will be host- In the game with Fruitland, the school house for the purpose of planning an entertainment in the ! esses for the Auxiliary meeting to teamwork was far from smooth, and near future. night. After installation and their Coach Young almost forgot to put - your ulrror will Among the crowd of nearly one on his chewing gum act. It was not regular business meeting the Aux- until the final reveal j,\ur REAL quarter that the hundred persons at the meeting in beauty . . . I iliary will Join the Legion members team started functioning and ran Vale to discuss hay marketing were - afteil a visit to ' for a social hour and refreshments. up 14 points over their bewildered the following: Wm. Peutz, Werner | opponents. It was not until then Peutz, Russell Patton, Oce Schweiz- that Coach Yougn settled down to er. Jack McConnell, C. C. Cotton, R. rhymthlc enjoyment of his after Overstreet, Henry Truelson, Lynn j dinner Wrlgleys. Kygar, E. H. Brumbach, Thos. I —B— Welsh, Cecil £5nith, Belle, Lewis and BEAUTY SHOP Wilson and Spencer tied for high Ruby Rust, all from this section of Wallace Beery In "The Mighty Bar- score honor, f'tu rd a y night with 11 the country. Mae Keizer, Operator num” Coming to ROXY, SUNDAY- points each. Friday night Spencer Mrs. Sam Wright of Be se visited MONDAY-TUESDAY. of Nyssa and Luce of Fruitland were with her son at the T. M. Lowe high point scorers with nine points home Sunday. each. In r e -iu ^ n g the high point Mrs. Florence Meyers was i guest scorer .it must not be forgotten that there ar • four cth T members on of Mrs. Chas. Fisher one day last the team that are responsible for week. A crowd of young people chari- a team’s success. While one man may do the scoring, it takes five varied Laurence Stratch and his Give Your Hair men to win bell games. bride, who was Elsie White, on Sun day night. Cigars and candy were —B— A New Deal — AND IT TASTES BETTER’N THAT! The local teams have tough as enjoyed by the crowd. signments for this week. Friday There is much illness in, the com CUT UP A PIE FOR DESSERT TONIGHT night they go to Vale to play this munity. A. E. Rust is recovering Let Us Give Your Hair a new strong team. Vale has won from from broncho-pneumonia at Holy “ Personality Wave.” some good teams .Including Payette Rosary hospital and is expected and New Plymouth and have their home in a few days. Mrs. Henry eye set on the championship this Truelson had recovered sufficiently Winter weather is very drying year. T ! from a goitre operation a week ago to the hair. Come in and we —B— to be brought home on Monday. will recondition your hair with Saturday night Weiser comes to Mary Rust was taken to the hos Everybody Wants A Second Piece Nyssa and the brand of ball played pital on Saturday suffering from a hot oil shampoo for your by both teams insures an Interesting rheumatism. Warren Fenn was ill spring permanent. game. While Weiser dropped an for a week in the home of his i early season game to Parma, they have been coming along strong and daughter, Mrs. Robert Stringfellow in Nyssa. he was able to come home are by no means out of the running $ RUBYE LOU Sunday. Elmer Fenn was able to re yet. turn to work for M -K after an ill BEAUTY SHOPPE OREGON ness which kept him in bed five ') Phone 16 days. T. M. Lowe continues ill with i the flu. V ¿V Ache and Discomfort Eased Almost Instantly Note ODDS and ENDS The first meeting of the Owyhee Community club in two months will NOTI ¡Pick Picked Up Everywhere be at the home of Mrs. Fred Kling- “ DIRECTIONS PICTURE*“ back on Thursday, January 17. A letter from Mrs. T. M. Lowe to HI-SHEEN The simple method pictured here is friends here states that Mrs. Carl the way many doctors now treat Amelia Earhart sold her Jewelry DRY CLEANING Quackenbush continues seriously ill colds and the aches and pains colds snd furs to get money to pay for in a S;x>kane hospital. bring with them I flying lessons. She doesn't drink Mrs. Belle Lewis is a visitor in the It is recognized as a safe. sure. and she doesn’t smoke. You’d expect QUICK way. For it will relieve an a woman like that to do things and Albert Rust home for a week. 1 T .k . 1 BAY BP Artriti Tabfeta. Make aur. you .et U m BAYER ordinary cold almost as fast as you The Owyhee Christian Endeavor Miss Earhart is doing them. Tablet] you uk far. caught it. society went to Nyssa last Sunday Ask your doctor about this. And Ever since President Jackson’s evening where they met with the when you buy. be sure that you get time it has been an old political young people of the Nyssa commun the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets. saying that “To the victors belongs ity church. They report a most en They dissolve (disintegrate) almost the spoils.” This will be something joyable meeting. instantly And thus work almost in for Oregon legislators to think over stantly when you take them. And while they pay their bills In Salem for a gargle. Genuine Rayer Aspirin jn a daily stipend of $3.00 a day. Tablets disintegrate with speed and completeness, leaving uo irritating At the same time, Idaho legisla Drink . full d m at m u r . R etail 2 • treatment PLUMBING particles or grittiness. in 2 b o m . tors are now getting $5 a day and a BAYER Aspirin prices have been bill was introduced to raise the pay EXPERTS.. decisively reduced on all sizes, so to $8 a day. While there is no ques there’s no point now in accepting tion but w'hat the taxpayers are Makes old clothes look like other than the real Bayer article you heavily burdened now. bigger pay new, safe, feeds the fabrics, want. would no doubt attract bigger men odorless—true quality clean and the taxpayers woud probably ing. save in the long run. Montana pays Try onr new Hi-Sheen Dry its legislators $10 a day; Wyoming Cleaning $12 per day and many others pay from $8 to $14 a day. *| REBFKAH LODGE BASKETBALL TIPOFFS | Headquarters 3 flotorists | Ladino Returns Good Profit PLANS MADE FOR ...FOR... Nyssa, Oregon rjm Guaranteed Alarm Clocks Special at 98c Colors V ogue ? Black and Green TUDOR WATCHES 98c LOOK GOOD? Nyssa Pharmacy filled, Light, flaky crust, onerously y n and baked JUST RIGH OREGON NYSSA The Swan Bakery Scientists Find Fast W ay to Relieve a Cold » B A Y I K Aspirin Tablets in • third Of a glass at watar. Gargf« twice. Th is eases throat soreneaa almost instantly. Nyssa Oregon $ ONTARIO PRESSARY PRICES on Genuine Boyer Aspirin Radically Reduced on All Sixes Nyssa Agent: Mrs. Margaret Pashley. BEAN GROWERS ATTENTION! It won’t affect us. so we place our OK on Huey's proposal to wipe out all fortunes above three or four mil lion. Once there was a newspaper that didn’t have any subscribers In ar rears nor did It send out subscrip tion statements. Every time a sub scriber got too far behind the paper printed his name upside down in the news column. Every reader knew what It meant and when subscrip tion paying time came around they hurried in and put the money on the line lest their delinquency be I advertised. We are proud of our record as plumbing and heating experts. Whether your job is large or small, give us a n opportunity t o show you what we can do. Estimates cheerfully given. . • FBI. - MI. JA N U A R Y 17, 18, 19 Man the laugh boats I All life preservers on before you drown in a sea of laughterl Geo. J. Kinzer Plumber Phone 134-J-2 Parma » W ould like to contract Get A Ton Of Our 5 0 0 A cres of Seed B eans ( Price» Range From $3.75 to $4.50 Per Hundred Growers Interested See Ted Newell FOR SALE— Onion, Carrot and Lettuce feed; choice seed. F. H. HOGUE—Nyssa Aberdeen Coal | And Laugh at the Cold Weather See Us Before You | Build Lumber and Builder Supplies || ( JACKSON LUMBER COMPANY ( j PHONE 47 NYSSA, ORE. ( | Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllll W ED N ESD AY, One Day Only, January 23 “THE HAPPY CHAPPIES” On the Stage— In Person Greatest Song Writers and Radio Artists o f The W e s t Broadcasting over K N X, NBC, CBS