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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1935)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS.. JANUARY 17,1936 T The Gate City Journal Church News ED1TO BERWYN BURKE, Publisher Published «vary Thursday at Nysaa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the poetofflce at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission though the United States Malle, as second class matter, under the act of March S. 1879. NYSSA COMMUNITY CHURCH 1 y One Year ... Six Months Farmer Brown’s - Observations Articles under this heading do, not necessarily express the ed itorial policy of this paper but \ . are other editor’s opinions onj current topics. deer edetur: Sunday School 10 o'clock. Morning Worship 11:1$. Sermon Theme: Crossing the Jordan. THE OREOONIAN opposes the Junior League 5:80. Townsend Old Age plan—because Senior Epworth League 7 o'clock. "The plan cannot create new pur Operetta practice 8 o'clock. chasing power unless It creates new wealth.” SUBSCRIPTION RATES \ÎS s wel, hear 1 be agin, that Is whut a pashunt sez to dock sarazln 1 time this feller was sketch or sumthln, and he heard that the dock charged 2 dollars fer the furst call, and 1 dollar for each kail after thet. so 1 morning this fellar kalm to dock’s offlse, walkt in and sez. sez he “gud morning dock, hear 1 am agin.” 1 sea the skule dlstrick Is holdln open house at the new skule house tomorrer. wel, 1 be goin, bekoz the last time 1 went to 1 of them open houses. I had a chanst to and did drink ten tom and Jerries. 1 do hoap prof holunberg as plenty on tap. 1 awlso sea by yore palper that we air to have a big birthday party of sum kind on Jan. 30th. you kail It a ball, so 1 spoze thar will be a lotta round danses. If 1 kalnt danse em 1 kin roll em. Yores trulle, Fanner brown. The office boy must have writ ten this while the editor was down Sunday School 10:30. ADVERTISING RATES translating the paper Into a seem Worship 3:30. Sermon Subject: ing Hearst tabloid Rates for Advertising will be furnished to both Local and Poielgn Improving our Spiritual Needs. Advertisers upon application. Classified Ads lc per word per Inser But, surely this office boy must tion. have heard how the government created n e w spending money INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC St. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH amounting to 82,800,00, In gold, by IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE Sunday School at 10 a. m. Mrs. J. marking up the price from <30.67 to EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY. <35. But of course, office boys are J. Sarazln, superintendent. often dumb. Evening Prayer and Sermon at detriment of our o w n This office boy certainly has heard HAY FROM CANADA distinct 7:30. Everybody Welcome. people. of vast fortunes made and created Rev. Stanley Moore, Rector. by manipulating the foodstuffs of It Is hard to find a defense for the 126 million people. Billions of dol National Oraln Corporation, sub Clark Wood Comments lars have been made and yet no new THE SILVER LINING sidized by the federal government, wealth created. for their reported deal with Canad Republicans In Congress are swal ian hay growers to buy hay out of lowing a bitter dose, but it is one The office boy certainly knows RESOLUTION the United States and ship It Into which, when they were the legisla Those who predicted a few that more wealth Is made by Jug the drough stricken areas of the tive doctors, they concocted them months ago that the United States gling the price of wheat, cotton, corn The following resolution has been . would shortly be flooded with sli and livestock than there Is produc formulated by the Resolution com middle west. Growers right in the selves. ver, due to the Treasury's pur- ing it. Nyssa territory can deliver hay to mittee of the Nyssa Townsend Clubs I chasing program, will have to re- these sections at prices as low. If What the Senate heard for two 1 vise their views, according to Rene The office boy must have read and has been forwarded to repre not lower than the Canadian grow and one-half hours the other day sentatives In the Oregon Legislature. Leon, the well-known monetary ir some patent medicine almanac of ers; and If we are to follow the slo- was nothing more than Huey. Whereas, there Is need of an old the hundreds of millions, yes, bil expert. According to Mr. Leon, age penlson In the United States of gon of "Buy America First,” surely lions made In stocks and bonds, little sliver Is available anywhere America, and the government Is the one to take Aside from Is nephews and nieoes, on earth today. The result Is that without creating any new wealth. the lead In these matters. Uncle Sam appears to be saddled demand must soon exceed supply— My, my, that office boy must be Whereas, the Legislature of the State of Oregon Is now in session at The governor of Nebraska has with a lot of weak sisters. with rising silver prices following. a dull, dumbell. the state capltol of Oregon, and placed a quarantine on hay from Did he ever hear that some of The outlook, consequently, for re Whereas, the Nyssa Townsend this section, due to alfalfa weevil. We’d have ample expansion If the' newed activity In the mining In America’s vast estates have been Club, at a meeting duly held at Nys Practical farmers know that this Is bills flooding Congress were of the dustry Is better. Stimulated de made by the rise of real estate val sa, Oregon, has empowered the un only a smoke screen to cover some long green variety. mand for silver, at a profitable ues. No new wealth was created. The dersigned Committee to notify the other reason. In any country where price, will put men to work, cause owners put forth no effort. They Senator for this District, and the alfalfa Is grown there Is alfalfa A negro convict at Walla Walla heavy capital Investments, and rendered society no service, and yet, weevil, and experienced growers sent a good will message to the lead to general Industrial expan the unearned Increment made them Representative from this District, In the said Legislature, the feeling of have stated time and again that a Judge who sentenced him, but his multi-millionaires. slon. said Nyssa Townsend Club in said quarantino for that reason Is a may have been colored sentiments. If the office boy on the Oregonian matter, and slight excuse. The relief roll grows like a snow Is too dumb to understand t h e s e Whereas, the said Townsend Club Partners of Malheur county have Those who “play ball” with the ball, but it doesn’t melt like one. things let him go down to the but- feels that the Oregon State Legis thousands of tons of hay that must President realize that he earns a chershop and buy a couple of pounds lature should Memorallze the Nat be moved In the very near future. Babe Ruth salary. of 15 cent bacon for 40 cents a ional Congress to adopt the Town Many have been unable to meet and It may soak In how send old age Pension Plan, New Comfort for Those pound their obligations, through no fault of spending money was created by If there can be said to be a feath Now, therefore. It Is Resolved by their own, bag simply that while er In Oeneral Hugh Johnson's cap, Who Wear False Teeth knocking a hog In the head and how the Nyssa Townsend Club that you, there Is a strong demand for hay he has yanked It from the tail of one form of wealth was created by the Senator from this District, and in. the east; and there Is plenty of the Blue Eagle. destroying another form. you the Representative from this hay here; but the government falls No longer need you feel uncom District, cause to be passed by the Gosh, they got a dumb office boy to protect Its own people by patron wearing false teeth. writing editorials. Oregon State Legislature as soon as Hauptmann Is said to be In the fortable izing Canadian'hay growers. primary stages of brain disease. I t Is Pas teeth, a greatly Improved pow Don't this lad know that giant possible a Memorial to the National ' tf this reported deal goes through, likely to grow serious If his convic der sprinkled on your plates holds corporations have made hundreds Congress asking that some kind of although It Is hard to place the tion seems Imminent. them tight and comfortable. No of millions by reorganizing and an old age pension plan be adopted, blame On the Individual responsible, gummy, pasty taste or feeling. De making two shares of stock bloom based upon the Townsend Plan. the burden of proof Is going to lay If anything Is uplifted to a higher odorizes. Oet Fasteeth at The Nys where only one bloomed before, and To Hon. Robert M. Duncan with those In responsible positions plane In 1935, it Is likely to be taxa sa Pharmacy or your druggist. filled their pockets with new spend Hon. V. E. Staples. who let such a deal be made to the tion. Salem, Oregon. Three sizes. ing money. __ . .. The resolution committee Is com- The vast proportion of the money posed 0f Li0yd Marshall, Harry “ “t 8 power b“ h**0 creat- Francis and Don Graham, ed without creating new wealth and this same office boy says we don't need money—credit, nothing, worse SCHOOL CLOSES than nothing, drawing Interest Is By order of the school board the what we need to create more spend Kingman Kolony school was closed ing money. this week for an Indefinite period. CONDENSED STATEMENT OP CONDITION OF Farmers can produce the new Due to the many cases of measles wealth while the manipulators, and chicken-pox among the child speculators and jobbers get the lion’s ren the school will remain closed share of the "onrenasing power” until the diseases are less num without creating anything. "A Member of the Federal Reserve System” erous. The fact of the matter Is. th at the whole substance of the Nevy Deal Is Ontario, Oregon to create “new purchasing power” by the curtailment of labor and its December 31, 1934 products (wealth and the destruc HIGH CLASS tion of crops wealth) and to create There is on Deposit with this B a n k ........$783,288.17 CLEANING AND wealth with bank credits, debt and PRESSING Interest. Our Circulaing Currency Amounts to .... 60,000.00 This represents National Bank Currency, now in cir We walked down 5th street In culation, and which Is secured by U. 8. Government Portland. We were dazzled and de Bonds on deposit with the U. 8. Treasurer. lighted by tlie constructual splen See Ua For a KAHN Tailor dor and architectural magnificence Made Suit ___ 843,288.17 of a building, “What building Is that?” we asked. NYSSA TAILOR "The First National Bank” said TO MEET THE ABOVE DEPOSITS AND CIRCULATING CURRENCY WE HAVE: the office boy. SHOP “What do they produce?” we had Cash on Hand and Due From B anks........ 191,416.91 the Innocence to ask. Actual cash In our vaults or deposited with the Feder "Nuthin,” said the office boy. al Reserve and other Banks, payable on demand. “What do they manufacture," we Loans and D iscounts.................................. 145,444.22 asked In amazement. Loans made to firms, business and professional men. PORTRAITS OF Nuthin”. grinned the dumb lad. farmers and stockmen of Ontario and vicinity. 'Say. Mister don't you know nuthin. United States Government B onds............ 459,500.00 QUALITY “But how do they make these vast City of Ontario B on d s................................ 74,265.00 millions of spending money?” Expert Kodak Finish Direct obligations of the City of Ontario. "Interest”, said the dumbell. ing. Mail us your Other B o n d s................................................. 14,300.00 "Interest on what?" says we. Direct obligations of Irrigation Districts, School Dis "Interest on what they owe.' And films. tricts, etc. the dumb office bey commenced to W arrants........................................................ 7,728.09 blink his eyes, ’ike at last he had HEATER STUDIO Issued by School Districts In Malheur County. had a thought. Stock in Federal Reserve B an k ................. 2,700.00 And the Oregonian will continue Ontario, Oregon As a member of the Federal Reserve System we are to make its reader:, laugh when it required to Invest this amount In Federal Reserve say« that the Townsend plan won't Bank Stock. work because: “You cannot create Redemption Fund with U. S. Treasurer .... 3,000.00 new purchasing power unless you A cash fund which National Banks are required to create new) wealth.” keep on deposit with the Treasury Department, equal to 5 per cent of National Bank Currency In circulation. Come out of it "Rip Van Winkle;” NYSSA spank the dumb office boy and Banking H o u se............................................. 22,500.00 make him talk s nse.—Blue Moun This Includes the Hotel Building adjoining, all clear of encumbrance. tain Eagle. SHOE SHOP OREGON T.A IL BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 'S WE RECOMMEND THEM A- L. FLETCHER LOTTD. BROWN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW a t t o r n e y - a t - l a w NYSSA > : OREGON NYSSA DR. E. D. NORCOTT d e n t i s t Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 35F3 X-RAY EXAMINATIONS NYSSA OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREOON CITY TRANSFER OREOON DR. C A. ABBOTT CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office In Residence Three blocks So. M. E. Church PHONE 25 NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY Town P a tro n s...... 2:30 to 5:30 Out-of-town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian * j ON THE OLD JOB H. D. Holme« TRUCKING and TRANSFER and BAOOAOE TRANSFERRING AU Kinds of Hauling In Phons 15 and Phene it C. Klinkenberg Nyssa Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 City Limits NYSSA, OREGON Phone 5 Anna B. Pritchett D.O. HOME OF OSTEOPATHY —And— ELECTROTHERAPY PHONE 201 MEETS WEDNESDAY NIOHT AT KAOLES HALL Visiting Eagles Wel corns BERNARD FROST, President DON M. GRAHAM, Secretary VALE - - - OREGON afiliiniHiiHiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiHrinnHiiniiiiiiiimii iiim iiiiiii.aiim iiüë ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK Furniture and F ixtu res.............................. 2,500.00 Actually worth considerably more than this figure. Other A sse ts................................................. Assessment for membership In Federal Deposit Insur ance Corporation. Replevin Bond and Feed for Live stock. 10,226.44 $938.680.66 : - : This Leaves a Balance o f ........................... Representing the capital. Surplus and Undivided Pro fits of this Bank, and constituting s very strong addi tional safeguard for our Depositor*. 90,292.49 om ens CRAWFORD MOORE - President JOE F. DYER - - - Cashier J W CUNNINGHAM. Vice President IRAL C. NELSON. Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS CRAWFORD MOORE J. W. CUNNTNOHAM RAYMOND MOORE EUOKNE LOONEY C. C. ANDERSON V WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE ONTARIO GRAIN CO. Home of GEM and PURINA ' '■» £ i Official Time Inspector lor Quality Feeds Union Pacific Ontario Oregon DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Phone 53, Ontario Vale Hot Springs Sanitarium DR. D. A. SEXTON, Prop. Rheumatism, Diabetes, Paraly sis, Influenza, successfully treated. Specializing on the care of Children'! Eyes. ONTARIO :-: OREGON Mineral Water 318 Deg. Fr. ROOMS AND BOARD At Reasonable Rates Protect What You Have Insure I r SURE Insurance —with— Frank T. Morgan Make Your Application for 1935 Auto License« Here NOW! LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of Joseph Mayer, deceased, has filed his final account with the County Court of Malheur County. Oregon, and that Tuesday. January 28. 1635. at ten o'clock In the fore noon of said day and date, at the County Court Room In the Court | House at Vale, Oregon, has been fixed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of said final account, and objections thereto. Dated this 27th day of December. 1934. OEOROE 8CHIEMER, Administrator of the Estate of | of Joseph Maysr, LOTT D. BROWN. Attorney for the Guarantee Work Invites yon to bring In old shoea What may te a s be yond repair might be made bi te a good understanding and add a few steps te economy. EXPERT LEATHER WORK N jtmr Shoe Shop Nyssa, Oregon ^iiiiniiiiiiiiifliiiiiiiiiiinniiiH iiiiinm iniiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK iiH iim H iii^ i Nyssa Funeral Home 1 Phone 76F8 Ambulance Service ^flHuimnimnnimiiiHimnHiiniifti Ir: