Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1935)
THE GATE CITY JOUI Published At Nyssa, Oregon GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS ~ NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, JA N U A 1 iY 17, 1935 VOLUME XXIX. NO. 2. 13687933 ON PLANS FOR BIG > 1 \ STAPLES CHAIRMAN OF IRRIGATION COMMITTEE IS, NEW PRESIDENT NYSSA CIVIC CLUB ONTARIO-NYSSA IRRIGATION CO. ELECT DIRECTORS Old Age Pension B ill Introduced In Congress HAY MEN PH BUYING CAN HAY IN MID' The Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation Company held their annual election BLANKET OF SNOW FALLS Bill Introduced to P u t of officc.V at Ontario Monday and EARLY THURSDAY MORNING selected Chas. Flegel as president of I Li Old Age Pension Plan the board. The board of directors Nyssa people awoke Thursday Into Operation. elected consists of Frank McCarty, morning to find the ground cov Ora Clark, Chas. Bullard, S. D. Valma Burns Wins Schol ered with a blanket of white, Growers Up In Arms Over Dance Committee Making Dorman, Chas. Marshall and Chas. practically the first snow of Washington—A bill embodying the Garrison. Tom Jones will continue arship to Club Summer Rep orted Government P l a n s for Elaborate 1935. During the morning and I Townsend old age pension plan will | as secretary. School. early afternoon part of it melt ' be Introduced in the house this week Deal to Purchase Can President’s B i r t hday ed but by mid-afternoon the | Rep. John Steven McGroarty, D„ adian Hay— Send Reso snow1 started falling again with i California, congressional sponsor of Ball Here Jan. 30. promise of a substantial snow lutions. Mrs. Ray Emmott was elected the measure said Monday. fall before night. Farmers are | president of the civic club for the pleased to see the additional $200 Per Mouth A committee drawn from the var- I coming year at the meeting held I moisture but sheepmen who | Wednesday afternoon at the Eagles IIIa IV lous civic and fraternal orders of j Several farmers from this section The plan, originated by Dr. F. E. have started lambing are not so ' Townsend. Long Beach, Calif., pro attended the meeting Tuesday at the city met Monday night and per I hall. She succeeds Mrs. O. G. Boden, ^ pleased with the wet weather. fected plans for the President's Ball, who so ably presided the past year. vides any citizen over 60 years of ; Vale at which time a protect was Mrs. E. D. Norcott was elected vice which is to be held Wednesday age who lias no criminal record sh a ll, lodged against the government's president; Mrs. C. Klinkenberg, re night, January 30 in the high school LOCAL TRUCKERS j receive $200 per month on condition j projxised purchase of Canadian hay elected secretary and Mrs. Howard gymnasium. This dance is for the he or she shall not engage in any for use in the mid-west drouth sec Nyssa Defeats Fruitland Bentley W i n s Decision MEET IN ONTARIO Larson, treasurer. benefit of infantile paralysis suf gainful occupation and that the re tion. Friday and Parma Sat ferers and research, 70 per cent of Local growers said they could de Over Parson in Fight During the 4-H Achievement pro cipient shall spend the money within gram Mr. Allen, assistant state club the funds raised remaining in Nys liver Malheur county hay to the 30 days in the United States. urday — P l a y Weiser Card Thursday — Next Members of the Association of leader* of Corvallis and E. M. Haus sa and the balance used for re midwest at prices as low if not lower Commercial Truck Owners organ McGroarty said petitions demand than those being offered In Canada. er, county club leader gave brief Here Saturday Night. search work leading to the stamping Bouts January 31st. ing Its enactment have been sign ized a local for this district Sunday talks. The club girls sang three out of this dread disease. ed by 20,000.000 citizens, and that | It was reported the National afternoon ln Ontario. The associa songs. Awards of pins and certifi Committee workers who are ar these will be sent to congressmen. | Grain corporation, subsidised by the tion, known as ACTO, has approx federal government, and private ranging for the dance are: Mrs. A. Tl, Ny a basketball teams def It was the judgment of fans cates were made to the following House leaders refuse to take the V. Cook, Rebekahs; Mrs. Artie Rob Thursday that one of the best fight girls: Lucile and Zeola Benton, in ite. b. ;’;e ii.Lu the win column imately thirty members in this dis bill seriously. They believe the mea- j elevator companies In the mld-weet ertson, Episcopal Guild; Mrs. Earl cards in months was witnessed here Maxine, Beverly and Leola Harris, this past week end with tv^o vic trict, comprising most of Malheur sure will never even be discussed j have combined to purchase from 100.000 to 300,000 tons of Canadian Danley and Mrs. Bernard Frost, when Don Bentley won a decision Louise Tensen, Marjorie Groot, Val- tories for the va.. ity. Friday night county. Officers elected for this formally ln committee. roughage. Eagles Auxiliary; Mrs. E. D. Norcott, over the fighting Parson in the six ' ma Burns, Patricia Tillman.- Val the local it. m v.on from Fruitland. year were as follows: Chet Lackey, Pressure Is Strong County Agent R. O. Larson said Eastern Star; Mrs. Chas. Paradis, round main event in the Eagles fight ma Burns, who won the grand 26 to 21 and £ t'.rday night the Ontario, president; Hugh Glasgow. "Pressure for the bill will be so he was informed Canadian growers Legion Auxiliary; Artie Robertson, program. Both battlers tore in from championship prize for cooking in locals triumphed over Parma, 34 to Nyssa. vice president; Roy Smith, Ontario, secretary-treasurer. Dir strong we could get 318 congress are to be offered (10.50 a too for Legion; A. V. Cook, Masons; Tom the bell and hammered away in a this district, was awarded the schol 14. Burton, Eagles; Mrs. Sid Burbidge clever exhibition of ring skill that arship entitling her to attend the In the second team game Nyssa ectors ara Joe Basset, Ontario, Fred men to sign a petition to bring it alfalfa at the ranch. Baling ia d and Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper, Civic kept the fans on edge through the two weeks summer school held at was successful, winning1 15 to 9 and Fish, Vale, Chet Lackey, Roy Smith out ol committee. If necessary," Mc- other expenses will bring the cost to Corvallis every summer. This is the Parma won the preliminary game and Hugh Glasgow. $ 18.20 at the Canadian border, it Oroarty said. club. entire six rounds. It Is Important that all members Committee members have been as The preliminary fights came up first time a Nyssa club member has Saturday night by the close margin of ACTO ln this district be present It is proposed to finance the was declared. Protests have been sent to Secre plan by a 2 per cent sales tax on all signed various parts of the work to expectations, the semi-finals go been awarded this honor for several of 11 to 12. years and it is expected that ar Next Friday the local teams will at the next meeting, which will be business transactions. It is estimated tary of Agriculture Wallace add to with the ticket sale chairmanship between Paddy Ryan and Buddie rangements will be made so she can travel to Vale for a double header announced later. this would yield approximately $20,- the Oregon delegation In congress being assigned to Mrs. A. V. Cook; Randall starting out in fast order, attend. Mrs. Ed. Pruyn, local club with the neighboring Oregon school 000,000,000 per year. The estimate ts ballroom arrangements to Mrs. Nor both battlers willing to give and re W a s h in g to n G ro w e rs f r i l l l l leader, is to be commended upon her and one of the biggest games of the POGUE CUTS LEG based on an average turn-over of 10 cott and Tom Burton; music com ceive punches. In the third round At the same the Chamber ed very fine work with the girls. WHEN KNIFE SLIPS season is due here Saturday night times annually of the nation's Commerce trustees and the Lewie - mittee, Tom Burton; floor com Ryan ran into one of Randall’ss stiff Three division chairmen for Civic when Weiser will be entertained by wealth, or a yearly tax of 20 per Pacific Dairymen's association ed mittee, A. V. Cook; treasurer. Artie lefts and went down for a count of club were appointed to serve for the the local school. Robertson and publicity, Berwyn nln<\ only to stagger to his feet and Wendell Pogue is ln bed recovering cent. The government would be ask Chehalis Washington lodged a tele year. They were, Mrs. Frank Mor Burke. from a cut ln the leg suffered Sun ed to contribute $2,000,000,000 to graphic proteat Monday against the be clouted down again. He gamely gan, first division; Mrs. C. C. Cotton, day evening when he was cutting start the plan. struggled to his feet again while the second; Mrs Betty LaFrenz, third. policy of purchasing Canadian hay. HORSE AND CAR kindling. He was using a butcher McFARLANE FOUND fans howled for the referee to stop After calling attention to the (act At the close of the program re knife to cut kindling preparatory to that Western Washington farmer» r I ¡11 TV AC r u A p r . F n the fight, which was finally stopped freshments were served by Mrs. C. COLLIDE ON ROAD L»L IL 1 i A S ^ n / A K A iL L f wh(n Ryan,s second tossed ln the building a fire when the knife slip PARADIS GETS have a surplus of somparaMvsly L. McCoy, assisted by Mrs. C. C. ped and cut a deep gash in his cheap hay and straw, obieetloo te towel after Ryan had gone down Cotton and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow. APPOINTMENT AS SUNDAY EVENING thigh. The doctor ordered him to voiced to the g ****“ — r£ l three times. Rus: ell McFarlane, whose trial on stay ln bed a few days before try SUPERVISOR ln the purchase i In the prclimlnaiy battle, Buddy a charge of stealing a slot machine Edwards was a little too much for I ing to use his injured leg. and straw, dut; % n. Sam Caldwell damaged his car Lorn Lou's Place in Nyssa last fall, Smiling Kenneth of Nampa and the [ freight ratea uni -J rather badly Sunday night when a was held in Vale Tuesday and Wed At. Chas. M. Paradis received word plus Is cons urn- Idaho fighter took the count in the horse running at large on the high nesday resulted in a conviction of Thursday of his appointment as called to the fact that a 60 per seat second round of their scheduled four I way between Nyssa and the Snake the defendant with the jury recom round go. Two new-comers w-u-e field supervisor for eastern Oregon freight rate would allow wester« River bridge, got ln the way of the mending leniency. He will probably under the re-employment bureau. Washington farmers to sell hay at a seen in the special bout. Kid Rush, Caldwell car, smashing the radiator receive his sentence when court con the battling butcher of Nyssa win Mr. Paradis left that day for Port fair price and drouth area consum and breaking out the glass on the venes again Friday. Court adjourned land on business ln connection ers to buy at) a reasonable price. ning a decision ovei Pat Ande son, right hand side of the car. Miss Wednesday to convene Fridiy. with his new Job and will return announced as hailing from Loise. Adrian W o m a n Passes Golclle Flannery was a passenger in James Calms, who was indited In the curtain raiser, Bernard Up some time this week. On his way Tuesday at Farm Home the car, but no one was hurt in the along with MacFarlane on the same shaw of Parma won the decision back he will stop and visit the var accident. Pioneer Laid td Rest Be charge, will go on trial Friday. ious public works projects in this Funeral Date Still Un over Basil Newton of Arcadia. There were two horses on the road part of the state. His office will side His W ife Friday— decided. and Sam had driven safely past one Next Fight January 31 still be ln Ontario. Mr. Paradis has horse when the other turned sud Children Here for Fun been in charge of the re-cmploy- The Eagles will hold their next ( denly right into the path of the car. fight card January 31st. It was ment office ln Ontario for about a eral. Sophia Elizabeth Doty, 63 year old By turning suddenly he was able to originally set for January 24lh, but year. avoid a head on collision, the horse pioneer woman of the Adrian sec due to the fact that Vale is sponsor hitting the side of the car. tion passed away Tuesday afternoon ing a fight card for that night, the Funeral services were held Friday VALE RANCHER FREED date was set back to January 31st. about 4:30 at her Adrian home. Her afternoon for Isham O. Anderson Smiling Pat Rafferty of Wilder has husband, Elisha Doty, passed away who passed away at La Grande O N S H O O T IN G C H A R G E Plans are rapidly taking shape for been matched with Domingo Eche- last November 10th, she outliving Wednesday, January 9th. Rev. Floyd her husband by only a few months, j the formation of a Community barria of Boise for the main go. White had charge of the services Word from relatives is being await- i Choral club in Nyssa, with the first with interment ln the local ceme Claude Reynolds, Vale ri ed before a date for the funeral is \ meeting of prospective members to tery. was exonerated on a charge set but it Is believed that the ser- j be held Friday night in the Parish PRICE OF HOGS Pallbearers were A. R. Millar, Ed. sault with Intent to kill by th vices will be held Saturday at the | hall. All interested in music, voice Powell, George McKee, George Clos- uary grand Jury, wh] REACH NEW PEAK Nyssa Funeral home chapel with | study and community singing are sen, E. J. Burrough and A. V. Cook. Thursday noon. Reyi Rev. White officiating. urged to be present for, the initial Mr. Anderson was bom September intarlo Mrs. Doty was born at Seamore. : meeting. Farmers and business men here 14. 1859 ln the state of Tennessee, having shot at him Hogs have Jumped to a price of Iowa, June 1st, 1871 and is survived This project is sponsored by the have been encouraged this week by I making his 75th birthday last Tyler was hunting n government as part of the FERA eight cents a pound on the Caldwell by four children; George Doty of i reports from Silver City, which has j September. In 1886 he was married ranch. Reynolds w Chico, California: Chas. Doty and markets, the highest price paid for program, with Mrs. Kathryn Clay- four and a half foot of snow on the j to Miss Emma Cathey ln Arkansas Lott Brown of Nyssi Edith Freel of Adrian and William several years. pool in charge. S. J. Reid, who has level, reported to be the greatest and the young couple lived there for There promises to be a heavy Doty of Sandpoint, Iowa. been a successful teacher of voice snow depth in this mountain village 14 years before coming to this coun and community singing in this sec shortage of hogs In the county the for the past ten years. This will try thirty-five years ago HI wife tion for the past six years, will be present year and further advances greatly aid in providing a supply passed away in 1910 and was buried PATCH APRON IS VERY the director. Mr. Reid is now con ln prices are predicted by dealers as of water to fill the new dam for ir ln the Nyssa cemetery on Thank ducting similar clubs ln Vale and a result. Due to the many cattle PROFITABLE TO LADIES AID rigation purposes this coming year. giving day. slaughtered ln the state, cattle are Ontario, as well as directing the On the mountain roads, where the He Is survived by one son Bud also correspondingly advancing jn musical productions of several other snow has drifted, it is said the depth I Anderson of Nyssa and four daugh price and they, too, are expected to neighboring cities. has reached 20 feet In many places. ters, Mrs. Ora D. Wilson, whose Anyone interested in this move continue an upward trend for some At the last social meeting the Last year the country suffered from home ts ln La Grande but was un ment, or who desires more informa time to come. Not only Is this patch aprons, which were circulated lack of snow In' these mountains able to attend the funeral due to tion are asked to apply to Mr. Mil shortage of state proportions, but is through this community since be but stockmen are looking forward pressing duties as Congre man said b y livestock men to extend fore Christmas were opened. Mrs. J lar or Mr. Peters at the city hall. T. Long, aid president, reports that to good spring range and farmers ¡Pierce's secretary; Mrs Caroline throughout the nation. the town apron netted $11.58 while are hojieful of plenty of water to j Gustafson of Seattle; Mr C niri There is a rapidly Increasing de the country apron exceeded the city grow a bumper crop this coming Bowles of Nampa and Mrs Bessie KINGMAN KOLONY mand for both types and farmers one and contained $22 63. making a season. Bennett of La Grande The thre having them for sale are taking an ! daughters and son wer pr HAVE ACHIEVEMENT I optimistic view of the future. total of $34 21 turned over to the church treasurer by the Ladies aid DAY FRIDAY, JAN. 18 EAGLES CARD PARTY Mrs. Arvilla Fauchier. Mrs. C. A. Abbott and Mvs. Floyu White served EDWARDS LOSES DECISION SALE AT refreshments at the close ol th The annual 4-H Achievement pro The first card party of the series TO SMILING KENNETH meeting. gram at the Kingman Kolony to be given by the Eagles lodge will school, and sponsored by the King- be held next Thursday evening man Kolony P.-T. A., will be held Eddie Powell spent two days at his January 24 at the Eagles hall Pri// Buddy Edwards lost a decision to Friday evening, according to Mrs. mine near Prairie City the first of will be given each night for higt Maurice Judd. The principal speak Smiling Kenneth of Nampa ln the I the week. and low scores at bridge and pin er will be Mr. Allen of Corvallis, bouts at Emmett Wednesday night. ochle. At the close of the seri> Denny Hogue and wife, who have grand ¡srizea will be given. state club agent. The meeting Is ln The Nampa battler took the count charge of E. M. Hauser, county here Thursday when the two met ln been in California and Arizona since the ring but had the best of It at | the lettuce deal closed here, are back club leader ! in Payette. They expect to move to SOCIAL MEETING W E D N I'U l' Of outstanding interest is the fact Emmett. I Nyssa again in about a month. that the boy and girl chosen to make the trip to Corvallis for the 4-H j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward return Mrs. C. R. Dryden of Wendell ar summer school will be announced The at the annual achievement day. The ed Friday from their homestead, at rived Monday for a visit at the Twin Springs. home of her daughter. Mrs. Berwyn 4-H club members will show what Burke. She expects to return to her they have done during the year and E. C. Van Petten and son Frank at the close of the meeting cocoa of Ontario were business visitors in home the latter part of this week and cookies prepared by the club Nyssa Wednesday. 1 Frank and William U members, will be served to those * dell. Idaho, were ln : present. Geo. Carey, A1 Monson. Elwood j looking over the land w Glenn, Sheriff Charlie Olenn and peetatlon of setri;: - Arden Reed of Ontario wss here 8h irlif Charlie Leavitt were j very much pleased wit Wednesday. among Vale fight fans here Thurs- poets her • and 1 Jday night. i country has a gr< , Representative V. E. Staples, who is now attending the legislative ses sions at Salem, has been appointed chairman of the important Irriga tion and Drainage commiltee in the House. He . is also on three other important committees; vis, Coun ties and Cities; Highway and high way revenues and Railroads and Transportation. Local Cage Artists Eagle Fight Card Planned Jan. 31st MRS. SOPHIA DOTY ANSWERS CALL ANDERSON LAID TO REST FRIDAY BIDS RECEIVED ON LATERALS CHORAL CLUB TO BE STARTED HERE Heavy Snowfall Qn Watershed