CATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., JANUARY 10, 1935. M . Prank P.efcerger entertair ed Mr MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!ll!!llllllllll!lll!ll!ll!!!IIIIIHI!!llllli!ii!; January Bargains Childrens Hose 1 9 g Dick Tensen went to Portland M on Ray Cable went to Boise Monday on ' day. He slopped a carload of cattle. ! bus.'ness. I Mi-, and Mrs. Max Landon visitors in Caldwell Tuesday. Slightly irregular, sizes 6 1-2 to 9 1-2. Regular 35c value, special price 19c. Rayon plate, excel lent for school or general wear— extra long. An exceptional value. 25c i 46 in. Oilcloth, yard This 46 inch oilcloth comes in a varict of beau tiful patterns. A t this special price of 2 Jc a yard it will not last long so come early to tu t your choice of patterns— new spring colors. M r and Mrs. W. A. MeNall 1 visitors in Caldwell Thursday. Rubye In u Hemenway spent week end with friends in Boise. ™ --- Fzz == rEE I Shoe Table, choice $ 1.39 ñ Broken lots, former values up to $2.95. W e in- vite you to look them over. = H — Childrens Shoos . . Leather heel and sole, blucher style, in sizes 6 to 79c . D r e s s e s 79c to $1.39 W e want to clean out for new spring merchan dise and are putting a price on these drosses that will move them fast. Our regular $1.95 di e; . s have been reduced to only $1.39 and our 98c dresses have been reduced to 79c. I Wilson Drygoods | Er. S The Friendly Store NYSSA OREGON p Pllllilllllll!lll¡l!lll!¡lllilí!lili¡¡lll!lil¡il¡¡!lil!ili!i¡il!l!¡llli!!¡]il¡iiilll¡l!llil!lli!tinl Grocery specials For Friday and Saturday, January 11, 12 You Can Save Money On These Prices— It W ill Pay You to Stock Up. TO M ATO ES, No. 2 1-2, Standard packed, 1 can 11 cents— Case, 24 can s....... $2.49 STRING BEANS, No. 2, Standard packed, 1 can 11 cents— Case, 24 cans $2.49 PEAS, No. 2, Standard packed, 1 can 1 lc — Case, 21 cans ......... $2,49 CORN, No 2, Yellow, Standard packed, 1 can 11c— Case, 24 cans . $2.49 COCOA, Our Mothers, 2 lb. can O V A L T IN E , large size cans . 19c ... 61c IO D IZED SA LT, 2 cans f o r .......................... 15c M ORTONS SMOKED SALT, 10 lb. can .. 79c S N O W D R IFT, 1 lb. c a n .............................. 21c SN O W D R IFT, 2 lb. can ..............................39c S N O W D R IFT, 3 lb. c a n ................................59c S N O W D R IFT, 6 lb. can, Cheaper than lard in cans ............................................... $1.14 S Y R U P , Dependable brand, pure cane and maple, 6 lb. c a n ..................................... 63c were j ’ Mrs. N. H. Pinkerton has been sick ! the past week. the Miss Jeanette M artin returned to I Vale Sunday to resume her teaching. John Reese was able to leave Ontario hospital last week. the | F O R R E N T —Five-room plastered house at my ranch. Chas. Bradley. Supt. and Mrs. Leo Hollenberg spent l-3-21p. Mrs. Frank Bailey was sick last week Saturday in Bal er on school business. WAR TED: Turkeys, ducks, chickens. of tonsilitis. M- s. Edgar White of Boise is a house i g e e s e at highest market prices. Henry Winder of Vale was in Nyssa Twenty-six years in the same place. C. quest at the Rev. White home. Thursday. II. EOW M AN, Payette, Idaho, Phone Tom Burton made a business trip to 1C3. tf. Frank Refcerger is spending two r.a Grand 3 last Thursday weeks in Tacoma and other coast cities. SHARPENED—Saws, tools, knives aug Rev. White made a trip to Vale W ed er bit3. You dull them and I will W. S. Bruce of Aroek was a visitor in nesday and while there called on Rev. •harpen them. Prices hand siws, 35c; Nyssa Monday and Tuesday. Eaker. yerd saws 55c; crors cuts, 75c. saw gum- Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson and mig. Andrew McGinnis. l-102tp Carl McClure of VVeiser was a visitor nt the home of Mrs. Addie Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Max Sch-.velzer spent | LO ST— 1035 auto license No. 6579 be- ¡.Wednesday afternoon in Nampa. Tuesday. i tween Big Bend and Owyhee Chiist- I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis of Dcitrich, i Mrs. C. B. Short spent Monday and I mas day. N otify Werner Pcutz. lte. Idaho, were ovemirrht guests of Mr. and Tuesday in Payett". Little Jeanie Short W ANTED T O F U N T - H v • vr has been quite sick. Mrs. VV. A. MeNall Thursday. den or few acres of land near Nyssa. John S. Harman of Denver <s visit The interior of Eder’s Hardware is ing his brother Earl Harman and 1 getting a good “ spring housecleaning" family. 1 this week. Mrs. W. H. King. Mrs. C. L. McCoy Hallie Wilson was in Nyssa Tuesday. - nd children, Gayle and Robert were He is working on the geodetic survey in Boise Friday. and is living in Boise. Miss Betty McIIarguo returned home Jim Attcbury of Payette was in Nys Tuesday after a weeks visit at the Rush sa Wedensday and Thursday on busi McHargue home in Vale. ness for the Idaho Power Co. Mrs. H. TruelSon of Nyssa under Doc Marshall returned Tuesday from went a major operation in Ontario Starkey Hot Springs where he spent Tuesday. the past week. Mrs. Hazel D. Glides entertained li"r Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ray returned from parents. Mr. and Mis. G. E Bertsch on several wqeks visit at L r Grande. Mr. New Years day. R ay has resumed work at the Springer ranch. Mrs. Sally Dennis and daughters M;-:; Georgia and Mrs. Edna Kcndler were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vinsonhaler re visitors in Ontario and Fayette Sunday. turned Sunday from a weeks visit in Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Adams spent the Poitland. Miss Margaret Young ac week end in Boise with friends nnd companied them fiom Pendleton. relatives. Miss Agnes Nichols and Kenneth Miss Betty Jane Norwood of Vale was Bach returned to Logan, Utah, Satu-- day to resume studies at the Utah State a week end guest of Miss Ruthclyn Elston. College. Tlie Ernest McCIurd family moved to Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Thompson the K elly house this week. Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday in Emmett v.-ith Mr Hcrschel Thompson will move into the Thompson's mother Mrs. Marie Earp. house they vacated. Miss Olive Hunter, who is conval Gayle nnd Robert McCoy returned escing from a recent serious illness, is ! to St. Joseph’s Academy Sunday morn- j now 0blc to be up. | Ing after spending vacation with their Mr. and Mrs. Trovatten and Mr. and | parents Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy. Mrs. B ill Campbell went to Beulah Miss Gladys Elliott returned Sunday dam Monday where the men will work. I morning from the Ontario hospital Fay Swan is certain that spring is where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. She is recovering nicely. just around the corner, for Fay and her mother have * been picking flowers M r and Mrs. Wilson Firkins nnd lit-1 almost every morning from their tie daughter of Payette were guests fi0Wer garden on the protected side of Sunday afternoon at the Berwyn Burke i the house, home. Mr. nnd Mis. Dallas Duncan of Boise Miss M arjorie Sterling returned to were Saturday night and Sunday guests I Payette Sunday evening after spend at the Felton Duncan home. Mr. and ing the week with her grandparents Mrs. Bryon Pounds o f Caldwell, who ’ Mr. and Mrs. Tiros. B. Nordale. nc'-cmpanird them were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pounds. George Ray returned Wednesday ; evrning from Brise where he recriv- The Epworth T gue In s started i ed medical trentr. ent. His mother Mrs. work on the operetta. “ Windmills of I John Ray, who spent a few days in Ein- Holland.” This is under the direction I mett, returned with him. of Mrs. Laura F her and will be pre Howard Fost-r nnd Mira Eva Roberts sented within 1 w weeks. of the Boise companied O. Nyssn Sunday W. W. Foster Business University ac Alvon McGinnis, John Jarvis and F. Bacon of Boise to Dale Aschraft have each recently fin to spend the day at the ished building from 2 to 4-room houses home. on dry land in t lie Kolony which will be under the Owyhee project. Mrs. Erma Miller and Mrs. Elizabeth- Jones left Wednesday evening for their Mrs. D. C. Duvall and daughter homes iiv Grants Pass nnd Trout Lake Helen returned Sunday morning from after spending three weeks with Mrs. Echo where they had been visit ng. ; Mary Felton. Mis. Smith mother of Mrs. Duvall re Engineer o . O. Boden received word turned with them to spend the re of the dentil of his mother Mrs. Char- malndcr of the winter here. i lotte Boden of Kellogg, Iowa, on Dc- Mr. and Mrs. Me rit Creeling. Jr., of ( camber 8. She was 89 years old. She had Yakima, arrived Saturday far a two been ill for a long time. Mr. Boden weeks visit with the C C. H urt and M. ! visited Ills mother over a year ago. . M. Greeting f i mi r s. Mrs. N. >. Hump- ’ Ralph Boden, on of Engin--r and ' hrry, moiher of M rs. E. D. N, rr itt, ae- Mrs. O. O. Boden. who spent th- p u t j ccmpanied them to \t it with her two week- on a trip to Washington. 1). daughter nnd family. C. nnd other eastern cities as a dele The W C. T. L . w ill observ - i National gate of his fraternity at the nat'onol Prayer Day. Jnnirvv 11. nfte the busl- convention rt turned to Ore-on State nr meet ng o th b ites Ul at the College at Corvallis Wednesday. community church. Everyon is inylted to attend both these meetings this Mrs. Dwight Smith took her mother afternoon. Mrs. John Ray to Emmett Monday j where she will visit several days with her daughter Mrs. Harry Goshert and G U ILD ELECTS O FFICERS ; family. Mrs. J. B. Smith accompanied i hem nnd visited with Mr. nnd Mrs ; Emil Dr in. The Episcopal Guild met with Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Sam Syria and son S tinley Moore in Ontario Wednesday Louie returned Sunday morning from afternoon. The following officers were Sunnysitle, Wash., where they spent elected for the coming year: Mrs. A. V. | the past three weeks visiting friends Cook, president; Mrs. C. C. Hunt, vice- and relatives. Mr. J. E. Her rn met president: Mrs. Artie Robertson, secre them at the > ain ar i the S’ !a family tary. J this 9 FriWy-SaUirday. January 11 12 1 : . L U C K Y T E X A N ” b ; w: stem with John Wayne SrmU-v-M'-nday, January 13« 14 A line MacMahon, Guv Kibbie in G i IEARTED HERBERT” ng fo r a Day; Movie Memories and Fox News 1 Heavy cotton, fleece lined union suits, elbow sleeve and knee length. Sizes 16 to 44. You can’t afford to pass up this opportunity for only 79 cents. \ House t his M A R K E T FINDER T ry our Market Finder to dis pose of surplus goods, rent a house, find lost articles, to buy or sell produce and many other uses. Rates one cent a word per inser tion. Minimum. 15c. l-10-2tp Mrs. Art Norcott, Mrs. O. E. Kaylor Inquire Journal office. Mr. and Mi s. Geo. M cKee spent Sun Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper were day afternoon in Parma visiting Mrs. and W A N T E L —For a buyer with S6000, a visitors in Boise Monday. Martha Stockton. good improved irrigated 60 acre Eldon Carter returned Sunday from farm. See Owyhee Realty Co, R. J. ’ 1rs. Geo. McKee spent Monday Up afternoon with Mrs. E. G. Gulley in Portland where he spent flip holidays Davis, manager, Nyssa, O;egon. with relatives. Ontai to. wheel FO R T R AD E — Chevrolet long v.-hre! I •ar or £ base, dual wheel truck for car Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Campbell of David Austin left Wednesday evening stock. E. E. Crocker, ’ » mile, Ea. y j g for Portland where he will be in a CCC Nyssa were Sunday guests of Mrs. mile north Owyhee school. 1TP Lucile Johnston. camp near that city. * 8. A good buy. 1 Ladies Union Suits S = = — 93c i . ha a Ce. Mr Pn.1V,’ and Mrs. Charles Fisher of Owyhee New York City to M.v ¡.oryell of Vale at dinner .. Ruth H r s, : Sunday. ; past lliree raonth^E T . ci v w dnendav, January 15-18 ' “ H E LLD O R AD Q ” Ad-.entureand love in a town whore no one lives v h v rd Alien and Marine Evans Also— “ Girl From Par?:'be” M usical, Comedy, and Fox News V . ' nth Fi :-? n r 4/K 'ú 'H :.Æ «a a »a z r sdr s a n a n ■ B E B a K a æ ir a æ r a m - 7— O r í night only YO U R LEAVE” deve Tobin, Nell . lb on and Marion Nixon li.: ^ ï i i ¿ O AT A S A LE T O M A K E MEW FRIEND,;' - A MM F YG S A V E M O N E Y FOR TH E . MOVE 1! OLD— AN D IIC V IT'S sun HERE’S HUNDREDS OF m co 1 i Staring You In The Face! Heavyweight Pure A ll Choice plums of the Seaton— finest Worsteds, Fancy Patterns or Plain Shades of Blue, ¿k-cv/n or Gray. - Î 5 A L illi r i n v i v i - $ 1 2 .8 5 Values to $17.50 $ 1 5 .8 5 $ 18.85 Values to $27.50 Values to $21,50 Dress Shi rts .by Marlboro Hundreds of desirable patterns —Each one per fectiy tailored. Your pick of Values to $2.Gü. / PIO NEER Ei Popular Shapes, Colors and Patterns. $1.S5 for $2.50 Hats $2 95 for $4.00 Hatj $3.95 for $5.00 Hats Lounging R O B E S Pure Silk Rayon or Celanese H ALF PRICE Hundreds of Pairs o f fâi r ’t A ll W ool $3.59 to $4.50 Cassar* res in Zipper or Button Styles. ILuicy Patterns. S IL K . $ 1 .0 0 AND BEDFORD FANCY DRESS SH IRTS ............................... 85c Dress Bats > : A l ¡6 ! Fancy or plain in Reefer styles. Choice— 95c Button or Pullover, Broadcloths and Woven Madras $1.00 for $1.50 Grade $1.25 for $2.CG Grade 73.2J fer $5.00 Silk D r e s s P a n t s 11 Worsted rors!:ed $4.50 to $5.50 Pants— nest of the season’s. Fancy Blue, Cray or Brown. v2 J o Pair $2.95 Pair MUFFLERS Pajamas 1 3 3 for $1 for 50c Ties 2 for $1 for 75c Ties 2 for $1.50 for $1 i ies LINED GLOVES Dress or Driving $1 25, $1.50 $1.75 $2.25 tor Fur Lined Ontario January Sale o f Men’s Wearables In Conjunction WiPa The Weiser.