Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1934)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, f HÙR&, DECEMBER 27,1984 Products Bring Higher Prices Washington—The total crop yield of the United States in 1934 was the low est in 16 years the annual report of the department of agriculture revealed. The value of the crop, however, due to increased prices and AAA benefit payments, was above that of last year, the department’s 500,000 crop reporters said. The report, inventory of almost everything that grows, gives the har vested acreage, production and value of every crop from wheat and cotton to prunes and lespedeza seed. Not since 1918 has a similar report shown such a small total yield from the nation’s fields, orchards, gardens and vineyards. The drouth and the federal crop reduction progam cut deeply into the market basket. Below Average Yields of 33 principal crops were about 21 per cent below the 10-year •T U e R E ft N E W M IL S . average of 1921-30. IN THE UNITED STATES A wheat crop of less than 500.000.00Q EVER* D O S E C O N D S , bushels, lowest since 1893, and a corn crop below 1.500,000,000 bushels, low est since 1894 were reported. Wheat exports dwindled to almost nothing. A shipment of French wheat Mrs. H. Blair Johnson left Monday was received in New York, probably the evening for Portland to spend Christ first in history. mas with her daughters Clair and Bet ty. Based on production reports and estimates of marketings, the bureau of The Roy Pounds family spent Christ agricultural economics places the in mas at the L. C. Pounds home in Cald W. C. Jackson returned Wednesday well. Bob Madden of Ontario and the from Beaverton after spending the dex of next production of grains at Glen and Byron Pounds families were holiday with his family. only 39 p?r cent of the 1919-27 average. also there. This may mean meat prices will ad C. M. Caldwell has been confined to vance next year. Farmers are selling Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Pee and daugh Ills home by illness this week. Moderate Legislative Setup cattle at a record pace now and the ter Verna of Payette, and Professor volume of marketing tends to Marmon of Pocatello were Sunday din Postmaster Goshert has been sick Likely to Be Placed Be heavy keeps the price of meat within reach this week. ner guests orf Rev. and Mrs. White. fore Congress. despite the high price of feeds. Mrs. Robert Vest returned last week Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Kester and Washington — President Roosevelt Yet to Come from Paso Robles, Calif., and brought baby, and Mr. and Mrs Clarence John Tuesday night to finish draft In the spring of 1935 the reductions her mother, Mrs. M. F. Weeber who son and daughter and Maryann Han turned his mesage to the new congress— in herds will be felt at the butcher's will make her home here. sen all of Emmett spent Christmas at ing perhaps the most important of his counter feed prices still will be the Newt Thomason home. declarations since his inaugural nearly high and because Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nordale had animals scarce. Christmas dinner with the LeRoy Donald Sherwood arrived in Nyssa two years ago. AAA acreage limitation progams re Sterling family in Payette. Saturday to spend Christmas with Some of his advisers believe he will tired about 33,000,000 acres, but the propose what they consider a "moder home folks. He returned to Hermiston drouth was the chief agent of reduction. Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Thopmson Wednesday. ate legislative program" along with an spent Christmas In Emmett with Mrs. enunciation of policy which they ex Surpluses of virtually every major crop Marie Earp and son Lance. Christmas guests at II. R. Sherwood pect will guide the "new deal” from except cotton have shrunk to almost Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- the emergency to a permanent phase. nothing. Mr. end Mrs. George Stacey were home were Mrs. Belle McLafferty, Mr. Unemployment and social security There is no danger of a food short guests of Mrs. Stacey's mother Mrs. Lafferty, and Mrs. Gordon McLafferty and Don problems are understood to dominate age by the AAA is taking no chances Louise Wilcox of Vale. ald Sherwood. of control programs for next year allow his message. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne French of Jun- for a considerable return toward normal Thursday the President will go over tura were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Her- Woid was received in Nyssa Wednes the final draft of his message with his plantings. schel Thompson Wednesday night. day of the death on December 18 of ¡mediate aides and in all probability E.J.'Rich an old time Nyssa resident, with congressional leaders. William Coleman spent Wednesday who Patronize the Advertisers died at the home of his dster in in Caldwell on business. Work Relief Favored Charlotte, Michigan. There is every indication Mr. Roose Leon Hlgby says he believes we arc Mr. and Mis. Lon Root and family velt Is determined to provide work re of this paper. They will going to have a very mild winter this spent <hy with Mr. Root's lief rather than outright treasury doles. Save You Money. year, and so far his p. ediction is hold parents C’lilstmas This indicates a continuance of em in Caldwell. ing true. He says the gophers are ergency expenditures which probably already coming out, and they usually do Mrs. Hazel Glldea and son Theron will offset immediate plans of a bal not make their appearance for another spent Christmas day with friends in anced budget. Those who have talked ■mini six weeks or two months. Nampa. with the President are convinced, however, that he will continue his ef WANTED forts to bring a balance between gov ernment and expenditures as soon as TURKEYS, possible. As for social security he will definite ly recommend a state controlled and federally sponsored unemployment in surance plan. CHICKENS, GEESE Seasonal Gifts of Quality and Presents for the Despite a movement on Capitol hill for old age pensions some close to the All Kinds of Bride can be found at Fifer’s. White House believe the President will Poultry RINGS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE recommend further study of this prop- ositilon before reaching a definite con MUSICIANS—We carry the best of strings and clusion to legislation on it. Highest Market Prices Committees and commissions have reeds for musical instruments. Will Be Paid been at work for months compiling Information on subjects concerning every phase of economic life. Local News Notes President Turns To His Message GIFTS OF DISTINCTION Fifcr Jewelry Store OREGON NYSSA y lJl" dyi" Happy New Year BETTER, TIMES HAVE COME! THERE IS CONFIDENCE IN THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY—OF EASTERN OREGON—OF THE NATION. WE WILL NOT LAG BEHIND BUT AS USUAL NYSSA WILL KEEP AHEAD OF THE PROCESSION. 'V. FIR E SID E > PHILOSOPHER* By A L F R E D B I G G S Learn to lose with a laugh. • • • City slums are • municipal * * halitosis. Tho successful are targets for the en vious. • • • * Abstinence from booze has never In jured health. • • • If you’re sore on the world don't take It home with you. The body-odor of sweated labor comes irom the employer. Those wl:j pride themselves on be ing ''hard-boiled" are generally "half- baked." This firm is grateful to its friends for the season of 1934 and wish you all prosperity for 1935! F. H. Hogue Nyssa, Oregon Johnson Variety HAPPY NEW YEAR To Our Friends and Patrons AI : Thompson I il “The Farmer's Own Co-Op" Phone 26 Nyssa THERE\ IT BET ©NE BEATEN WHY we ask you to come here for your printing. We believe that m » are equipped to give your work the prop er attention and that we are able to tu rn o u t a satisfactory piece of work. PUT US TO THE TEST ■ ■ " » - f t i from Greetings To All! We pause and think of the fine friends we’ve made in 1934. WISH YOU ALL A FULL SHARE OF PROSPERITY FOR THE NEW YEAR PRUYN PHONE GARAGE 56F2 Welding Auto Repairing NYSSA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON . . . The Vogue BEAUTY SHOP s Guaranteed Work at Reasonable Prisas 2 Mae Keizer, Operator 5 a i n u i u i i IIIM IB T A Super Salesman AT YOUR SERVICE CONSIDER THESE . . 1 NO MATTER What your line of business, the best salesman you can obtain in Malheur County communities is THE GATE CITY JOURNAL. And this salesman is constantly at your service. 3 Th Journal does not have to knock at the door; it ,u i been a familiar figure for over twenty yea. , and enters the home as a welcome guest. 4 Neither does it have to proceed slowly from door to door; it enters practically all the homes in this trading territory, at practically the same time, and conveys its message to every member of the family. 5 It doesn’t antagonize your prospects, or talk a sale to death. 6 Its salary is known to you in advance; it doesn’t charge you a commission or turn in an expense account. It isn’t loafing when it should be at tending to business. 7 You can count on its getting there every week. 8 Best of all, you can hire it when you want it, and just as long as you want it, without argument or apologies. Decide now to avail yourself of this super salesman of the community. 9 i imuiiTT I'tui raima isiott H Orchards, Gardens, V i n e yards Included in Survey of Agricultural Men. KOLONY NEWS Mrs William Wood came from her home in Couer d’Alene to spend the Christmas holidays with her husband and mother at their new home in the Kolony. Pearl Williams spent the Christmas vacation in Nampa visiting her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Overstreet of Boise had Christmas dinner with their parents. Ms. Overstreet, Sr, returned to Boise with them for a visit. Miss Orace Johnston spent the holi - n i ia i i Mr. and Mr«. O. W. Mines and Mr. days with her sister at Medford. Mrs. Vanderford visited In Weiser and Mrs. Clark of Wilder wwe visitors at the parsoi-agr last Thursday night during the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hoiadv and fam ily and Mr and Mrs. Will Holady and family of Dead Ox Flat spent Christ mas day with Mr. and Mrs. James Oray BEST WISHES of Arcadia. To All For a Miss Bertha Klug. who is attending j Ellensburg normal scohol, is spending | Bright and Prosperous Christmas vacation with her parents New Year Mr. and Mrs. John Klug. er---------- Follow the lead of many local and national ad vertisers who recognize its value and employ it regularly. Let us help you plan your campaign illustrations and copy ideas with no extra cost. Let us place this super salesman at your service. YOURS FOR BETTER BUSINESS, THE GATE CITY JOURNAL