Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1934)
GATE CITY JOÚkNAL, THURS., DECEMBER, ¿ 7 ,1934 W orst Plane W reck In Nevada History Takes Lives of Four Elko, Nevada—Three children and their pilot were killed late Sunday afternoon In the rugged mountains of the Owyhee country In the worst plane accident In Nevada history. The four killed were Floyd De Long. 28 year old Elko pilot; Donald Stinton, 13; his sister, June 16, and Ruth Womack, 13, all of Mountain City, Nevada. Late reports In Elko said all the bodies had been crushed almost beyond recognition. The plane apparently crashed head-on into a cliff late Sun day afternoon after Its pilot became lost In a heavy fog and blinding snow storm Parents Prostrated their home after another airplane mis sion had failed to save the life of a son, ThomaS Jewell, 17. Lieutenant Crumley brought the son, critically ill with pneumonia, to Elko last week so that he could receive hos pital care. He died and the Stintons were going home from the funeral here when the second tragedy came. He was flying the Stinton children home to Mountain City from the fun eral of their brother at Elko., who died Wednesday of pneumonia. The Wo mack girl, daughter of Claude Womack Mountain City resort owner, accom panied them on the flight. With three of their four children del'd within/ a week, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stinton were reported in a serious condition, prostrated with grief at Mountain City Monday. Another plane piloted by Lieutenant Newton Crumley, Jr., former army fly er, in which the parents of the Stinton children, Mr. and Mrs. Tohmas Stin ton, were passengers. The Stinton family was returning to Ironside—Mrs. Raleigh Van Buren was hostess to the Ladies club Wednes day afternoon. After the business meet ing Mrs. Ernst Locey and Mrs. Wallace Derrick presented a delightful program. Among other things was a beautiful Christmas tree with a gift for every member present. The hostess served a delicious lunch including roast turkey and all the trimmings. IRONSIDE CLUB ENJOYS CHRISTMAS TREE AND PARTY Floyd White spent several days last week at Hereford looking after cattle. Mrs. Walter Laurance and son Rol- land of Prairie City arrived Friday at City vlsiMd several day» at the fT*d tar. art ham* from school tor th* ViOk* Mr. and Mrs. Whit Rtdsull war« visit* the parental E. J. Beam home to spend Laurance homo while on their way to tion, ort at the Tom Redsull noma Christ Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs Ray Prescott and sister Verb» PrecJWR ana Laddie Kirkwood of Jr) in Day arrived Friday to spend Christmas at the Bruce kef ton home, Vale where they are moving for tire winter. | Mr. and Mrs. Floyd White motored j to Ontario on Friday to meet their i daughter Norma who was returning from Boise to spend the holidays at her A large crowd met at the schoolhouse home here. Chas. Sherman of Ontario on Friday evening for the community also accompanied them home to spend meeting. The children were hosts with the vacation here. a wonderful Christmas program assist Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boor of Fox ed by their teacher Irene Brumbach Valley visited In Ironside Saturday en which was greatly enjoyed. At the close route to Fruitland to spend holiday of the program the Christmas tree was with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. unloaded o f Its burden. Among other Boor. things was a generous bag of candy, Cecil Hill of Ontario high school ar nuts and oranges for each child pres rived home Friday in a new Chevrolet ent. A treat of candy and nuts was giv presented to him by his mother. en to every one present. Miss Irene Brumbach left Friday LINCOLN NEWS evening for her home in Big Bend to spend the holidays. Lincoln school presented a program David Laurance went to Vale Satur at the schoolhouse Friday night. After day to spend Christmas. the program, the presents were handed A large crowd gathered at the Iron out and candy was given to both young side store on Saturday where a shooting and old. It was evident that everyone match for turkeys and geese was held. enjoyed himself by the laughter. Perry Eddy, old time resident of Mal Licnoln voted to have only one week heur county suddenly passed away at of vacation, but the high school pupils his home here Friday evening. The will be out for two. body was taken to the home of his son Mr. and Mrs. Whit Redsull were near Malheur. Burial will be In the Boise visitors Monday. Malheur cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reed were Orville Nichols left Monday for Tur lock, Calif., where he will take medical Christmas Eve visitors at the Rogers home. treatment for some time. The Misses Ruth and Kathryn Niel- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Silvers of Prairie Journal Ads Are Your Shopping Guide Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Shump and family were visitors at the Rogers home Christmas. Cairo school had their program Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. DuPre and family visited in Harper Christmas. Word has been received that the John Nichols family are residing at Outlook, Wash. We appreciate the good business we have en- joyed during the year and wish our friends and customers much prosperity during the coming year. EE = 1 N Y SSA PACKING CO. 1 New Year! I We wish to thank our customers for their past patronage and hope to cerve you during the New Y M U '. We are equippedi to give you the most satisfactory service in ALL LINES OF BEAUTY WORK and assuni you that our PRICES ARE A SLOW AS POSSIBLE | Considering the materials used and time spent on our patrons. We Buy Standard Supplies from Reliable Supply Houses. = = = = LICENSED BEAUTICIAN In Oregon and Idaho RUBYE LOU BEAUTY SHOPPE I Phone 16 Nyssa Oregon HAPPY NEW YEAR Try our Market Finder to dis pose of surplus goods, rent «a house, find lost articles, to buy or sell produce and many other uses. Rates one cent a word per inser tion, . FOR SALE—80 acres under 1935 water delivery. W. B. Hoxie. tf FOR SALE—300 bushels of com. Also Would like to contract locust posts for spring fencing. O. W. Cummins, Par ma, Route 3. 12-20-ltc The local liquor dispensary dispen sed plenty of Christmas cheer the two days prior to Christmas. On Saturday sales amounted to S1153 and on Mon day the high mark o| $1341 was sold, Including $24 worth of permits. _ Seasons | Greetings... = ¡= H AP PY LIQUOR BUSINESS BRISK— Wishing You A m a r k e t ' f ' i n d e r ' WANTED: Turkeys, ducks, chickens, g e e s e at highest market prices. Twenty-six years in the same place. C. H. BOWMAN, Payette, Idaho, Phone 163. tf. mas, '41 r 1 And Much Prosperity For 1935 y FOR SALE—Jersey heifer should freshen January 1. From high pro ducing stock. C. M. Beaumont. Jan3pd In stock. C. M. Beaumont. Jan3pd W E BELIEVE THAT NYSSA IS DESTINED FOR GREAT THINGS IN 1935 AND THE FOR SALE—Year old Narragansett turkey tom, Missouri strain. See Mrs. S. B. Davis. 27-2tp YEARS TO FOLLOW. W E ARE WELL ON A THE W A Y TO ECONOMIC RECOVERY AND SHARPENED—Saws, tools, knives aug er bits. You dull them and I will sharpen them. Prices 2V4 cents to $1.00. Andrew McGinnis. 12-27-4tp. WITH THE ABUNDANT RESOURCES OF THIS SECTION, NOTHING CAN HOLD US ta? POUND—Elk watch charm. Owner may have same by describing and paying for this ad. Inquire at Journal. \ -Cl HI-SHEEN BACK. THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSION AL MEN BELOW WHOSE INTEREST IN THIS SECTION HAS PROMPTED T H I S MESSAGE TO YOU ASK THAT YOU COME TO NYSSA AND GET ACQUAINTED. DRY CLEANING May Fortune Smile on You In 1935! V y Makes old clothes look like new, safe, feeds the fabric, odorless— true quality cleaning. FRANK MORGAN Try our new Hi-Sheen Dry Cleaning Insurance and Real Estate SCHWEIZER’S CAFE ROSEBUD DON M. GRAHAM ONTARIO PRESSARY New Nyssa Agent: Mrs. Margaret Pashley WATCH YOUR KI DNEYS! I Be Sure They Properly Cleanse the Blood kidneys are constantly HI taring impurities from tbe blood Y OUR stream Bnt kidneys get function ally disturbed—lag In their work— fail to remove the poisonous body WMtes. Then you may suffer nagging backache, attack* of dlstlness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination, getting up at nigbt. swollen feet and ankles, rheumatic pains; feel "all worn out.” Don’t delay! For the quicker you > get rid of these poisons, the better I your chances of good health. U m Doan'» Pint Doan’t are for the kidneys only. They tend to pro- mot. normal functioning of the kldaeys; should help them pass off the Irritating poison*. Doan’t ar* recommended by users the country ovwr. Get them from any druggist. J O A N ’ S PULLS E OLYMPIC CLUB IDAHO POWER CO. 14 \ M i SCHLITZ TAVERN GATE CITY JOURNAL EDER HARDWARE AND GROCERY MACK’S BARBER SHOP BERTSCH BARBER SHOP CALDWELL’S STORE