GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., DECEMBER, 27,1934 STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E signed at her residence In the town ot Nyssa, Oregon, or at the office of A. L. ... C®UNTY OF MALHEUR. Fletcher in Nysaa, Oregon, which resi In the Matter of tha Estate of Harriet dence and office, the undersigned sel ects as the place* of business In all P. F. BoydeU, Deceased. matters connected with the said estate. Notice Is hereby given by the under Dated at Nysaa, Oregon, this 24th day signed, Executrix of the estate of Har of November 1934. First publication, riet P. F. BoydeU, deceased, to the November 29, 1934; date of last publi cation Dec. 27, 1934. deer edetur; creditors of and aU persons having O. Eva BoydeU, claims against the said deceased, to fUe wel, did you git vour krlsmas oJc. this them with the necessary vouchers Executrix of the Estate of year? i did, but marthle sez i drunk within six months after the first pub Harriet P. F. BoydeU, De tew manie toms and Jeries over at my lication of this notice with the under ceased. nabors. 1 only ast fer ten hatpins and that aim tew mutch to my way of thinkin. BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1 plade a prltty good 1 on marthle and the kids, o krlsmas eve, 1 went out >n the bak portch with my ole shot WE RECOMMEND THEM iun and fired it of, and gaim In and to'e marthle and the kids thare wuln’t be no presents this year bekuz ole santy klaws had komlted suiside. now thet wuzn't bad wuz it? LOTT D. BROWN A. L. FLETCHER i sea whare nysie haz 1 of them thare townsend old age penshun klubs. wel 1 wanter jlne tew, bekpuz when them Attorney at Law thare big munthly checks kum 1 want Attorney-at-Law mine. 1 hev tigered out sum of the best plaises to spend It tew; but, of Nyssa, Oregon korse, 1 muse first git outta marthle's Nysaa Oregon site, bekauz she don’t approve of drink ing. i sea kongres is goin to meat next NYSSA LIBRARY munth. wel, god salve the kentry, sez 1. Dr. E. L Open Saturday Yores trulle, Farmer Brown. D E N I* .'own patrona, 2:SU to 5:1 t Nyssa, o u t of town patrona 2:S0 to 7:S0 ©dice Phone 35F2 Legal Advertisement All patron* welcome. Residence Phone 35F3 Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT X-RAY EXAMINATIONS ( Farmer Brown’s CAN IT BE DONE? : The Gate City Journal BERWYN BURKE, Publisher I - - Observations ____________ o/ClOCKDUT SKA» T he T ime Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission though the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. srr to anxouncì time tvcsy PkOMOSRAPM UCOSO WITHIN Ot ElECTXtC clock QUAKT1R OR MALE HOUR ANO ON TUB HOUR. CAN Be 0 IT DONE SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year .......... .............. ....... ...................................... ..............$1.50 Six Months .......................................................................................75c BlFTCtN ADVERTISING RATES Rates for Advertising will be furnished to both Local and Foreign ivertisers upon application. Classified Ads lc per word per inser- INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY. $59,000 FOR NYSSA ^ th e Rhine might just as well be wound up. Without entering Into any extended argument about whether the soldier’s should be paid their adjusted service certificates now, or wait until 1935 to get their money, It Is interesting to know what It would mean to this sec tion If this payment, commonly known as the bonus, were to be made tomorrow. In Malheur county It wo’.cd mean ¿he release of slightly over $224,900 Into the channels of trade; and right here In Nyssa It would amount to over $59,000. We maÿ be wrong, but have an Idea that If this money were paid It would mean thaï merchants would have back due bills cleaned up, a lot of merchanlse would move, and that everyone could almost feel prosperity in the air. There may be no bats In Japan’s belfry, but she has a lot of chinks in her Asiatic. SPfcAKZ«, The hardest to convince that now is the time to cast bread upon the Invest ment waters are te chaps with heavy dough. M esa» Lawful liquor often makes an un- lawful driver. What runs the store clerks ragged is more Christmas shopping than buying. A good way to cure nagging wives would be to show ’em an empty trunk and a mead axe. The guy who tried to make the head lines by claiming he tamed a bat In two days had evidently never heard of Dizzy Dean. Nudists, at this season, are strong er on theory than on practice. Louisiana's contribution to the news of the day Is nothing, now,, but Huey. Looks now as though the watch on STATE NEWS CURTAIL BEER SALES 3LARK WOOD COMMENT Still, we don’t know what could be done with chlselers under the tomb stone code. MOTO«- Drunken and reckless drivers are doing their best to prevent a popula tion surplus. NYSSA COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School 10 o’clock. Morning Worship 11:15. Subject; "A New Year Is Dawning.’’ Communion service. Junior League 5:30. Senior Epworth League 7 o’clock. Evening Worship 8 o’clock. Floyd E. White, pastor. This column Is newly born this week and so far the parents haven’t been able to agree on a name. We hope some of our readers will be able to suggest a suitable handle for this col umn of fun and nonsense. We would like to suggest that If the drouth continues for another summer that some of the water be removed from some of the big corporation stocks and applied to the land. A new army tank has been develop ed that travel sixty miles an hour over any kind of roads. There might be a ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH good market for them in Nyssa if the manufacturers would guarantee them 8undny School at 10 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon 7:30 P. to travel ANY kind of road*. U. We read that a Jackrabblt did 65 Everybody welcome. miles an hour getting out of the way Rev. Stanley Moore, Rector. of a racing automobile at Inglewood, California. The question Is, how fast can they go when a yelping greyhound Is right at his heels? The Swan Bakery With a sudden, bold stroke, not gen erally predicted, the Oregon liquor con trol commission has ruled that after January 1, drugstores and groceries In cities of 5,000 population or more must discontinue sale of draft beer. In such cities drug stores may sell bottle beer which they can open and dispense at counters. Grocers however, will be permitted to sell package beer only, and It may not be consumed on the premises. The commission further announced that consideration was being given a proposal to ban beer sales on Sunday from 1 a. m. to 6 p. m. FOREST ROADS TO GET CASH Forest service officials, the bureau of public roads and the state highway commission drafted recommendations for allocation of $1,010,000 forest road funds for 1935, and submitted the eight projects to the secretary of agriculture for final approval. All the money was placed on exten sions and further work upon the pres ent highway system which it was esti mated would take $50,000 to complete. Oregon receives about one million each year from the government to be ex pended on forest roads. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned adminstrator of the estate of Joseph Mayer, deceased, has filed his final account with til? County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and that Tuesday, January 29, 1935, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of said day and date, at the County Court Room in tha Court House at Vale, Oregon, has been fixed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of said final account, and objections thereto. Dated this 27th day of December, 1934. GEORGE SCHIEMER, Administrator of the Estate of of Joseph Mayer, Deceased LOTT D. BROWN, Attorney for the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE AND FRIENDS A PROSPEROUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! ONTARIO GRAIN CO. Chiropractic Physician Office In Residence Home of Three Blocks South M. I . Church GEM and PURINA PHONE 25 Quality Feeds ROBT. D. LYTLE Phone 53, Ontario ttto m s y and C ou n selor a t Law First National Bank Building Phene 8« Vale Oreaor Anna B. Pritchett, D. O. H. D. Holmes Guarantee Work Osteopathy and Electro therapy TRANSFER AND BAOOAOE WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE PHONE Ml aw Vale, Oregon. NYSSA. OR Union Pacific Ontario Mrs. Vanderford and Miss Grace Johnston, teachers of the Kingman Kolony school and their pupils gave a nice program Friday evening. Santa Claus gave out 109 bags of candy and nuts to the boys and girls and also treated the grownups. Oregon Nyssa Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 SPECIAL ! We express appreciation for a wonderful business in the past year. City Transfer Meets Wed. Night at Eaglee Hall ana Visiting Eagles Welcome TRANSFERRING Phone 15 and Phone 28 C. KUNKENBERG Don M. Oraham, Secretary Combination Mixing SWAN BAKERY NYSSA Sink Faucete OREGON Chromium Plated Dr. J. A. McFall $4.50 Installed Eyesight Specialist Very New Very Handy Very Attractive I’m the “LAST LUMP” of Coal in your bin . . a-poppin’ up here to remind you to You owe it to yourself to be carefully protected. How could you be adequately compensated for your loss if you were uninsured or underinsured? Let tu help you obtain an ap pear rnt l, make euggettion*. and Order Coal NOW! Don M . Graham . fam ish irf equate ¡neurone*. Boise-Pay ette Lumber Co. Ontario, Oregon Phone 134-J-2 EXTRA-REFINED 1 a 1 in III VELTEX I NYSSA SHOE SHOP GASOLINE Invites you to bring in your old shoes. What may seem beyond re pair might be made into a good understanding and add a few steps to economy. For economy and top-notch motor performance. It % colorless. Nyssa Funeral Home Expert Leather Work r H O N K is Si NYSSA NYSSA SHOE SHOP Notary Public OREGON V ROOMS AND BOARD At Reasonable Rates Parma Fire Insurance Bonds Dwight Smith, Manager See Us For Building Supplies OREGON Rheumatism, Diabetes, Paralyrt* nfluenza, successfully treated. Mineral Water 212 Deg. Ft. Geo. J. Kinzer Plumber ANOTHER HOME BURNS / F you are underinsured, or if you let your fire insurance lapse even for a single day, your property values are exposed to loss. Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy much valuable property in a brief time. VALE HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM Dr. D. A. Sexton, Prop. Specializing on the care of Children’s Eyes. Everijlwc Minutes NYSSA PH O N S I TRUCKING Bernard Frost, President THE Rinde o 4 n ,» is i| §■ City Limite Official Time Inspector for KOLONY SCHOOL PROGRAM WISH ALL THEIR CUSTOMERS DR. C. A. ABBOTT On the Old Job GOVERNMENT CAMP SCHOOL Mrs. C. A. Abbott, teacher at the government camp school and her pupils gave a Christmas program Fri day night. Mrs. Laura Fisher of Nyssa played the ukelele and sang and Archie Howell played the accordion to assist with the program. A Christmas | tree, Santa Claus and the usual treats j were enjoyed. V M Phone 76F3 Ambulance Service