L. i mur - D ecember e. 1934. & ■g-— B * LITTLE N E W S OF NYSSA : lay of Mr. u..d aprovlng Miss Maria McElroy spent Thanks­ C. M. Caldwell went to Boise Tut - day on business. giving in Vale and Juntura. P Christmas Cheer. . . WANT ADS AIÎF NING—Any kind. You Nov 2 ’-Dcel3Pd. The Vogue i cc the family happier than a 5 i ? O' ley line is very complete ley line is very complete \v! k n ; ;clel to suit your purse. Beauty Shop Invites you to call for : our Holiday ?er:nan- e; t 3 ave, special at $1.75 up until after the holidays. K R Implement Co. I At Fisher Shop ; 113 »J ERVI C a s a m i ¿ s b h h h b sb - n way *■ • ALCOHOL : Suitable . . . . — G ii T3 POR THE BRIDE relry for the nicest of Gifts Phone 1 ■ - 1 — — NYSSA BIT! H ' ■ ■ .III,; ! Wt of strings and reeds for musical instruments. ' 44 : s s s n s a a P ' I GROCERY H jjy =j =§s §j 1 New Nyssa Agent: Mrs. Margaret Pashley i== = §= jE{ H H Vlicp TRADE-IN A LLO W A N C E SM ALL D O W N Real performance Handsome new 1935 c *tY Baby Grand Cabinet , t j) Glorious tone. Call HOLLY BROTHERS Adrian For Expert Radio Repair, f i Cull for Gene ^ OREGON y e c tric a l G ifts FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MOiNDAY DECEMBER 7, 8, and 10 l o IBROtST SllltR ewclry Store Here Are Attractive SPECIALS H e r v ic e Nyssa, Oregon NYSSA H :c : r , ^ . -i* LiiXj a l i a IN ig.-t Payette, Idaho DRY CLEANING • — Batteries Recharged POWFLl’S r VICE STATION ROBINSON, The Jeweler HI-SHEEN TERIES— $4.75 and Up ; IRA 3— y5.50 and up '¿cerna Let our gift displays save you time, trouble : ed money. I. 'n watches in the new yellow goM. , and ring sets. Mens fitted travel:!, c Wc can show you better than tell you. (: —a call will be appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy returned Saturday evening from La Grande where they spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Grculick Their children. Gayle and Robert, were there from their school in Pendleton Mr. McCoy also attended to Legion business. U lQ R lO t NYSSA, OREGON M-'SS MAE F.EIZER What to Gr e? Leo Potter of Eagle was a guest at the J. R. Hunter home Thanksgiving. Mrs. J. R. Hunter left Sunday for The Dalles where she will visit until after New Years with Mr. Hunter Friends arc glad to hear that Mr. Hunter is greatly improved. c Family at Our Store Before the Muddy, Sin wy Season as grease keeps 01. h. mud and d vt that s bard on 3 air car. Don’t Enow See the new shipment of print dresses at Fisher's Apparel Shop. Priced from 88c to $1.75. ONTARIO PRESSARY i. — / Mr.s Jack Rogers and daughter Jan ­ ice returned Sunday to their home in Kent, Washington. Mr. Rogers Is con­ nected with the Hogue organization and will move to Payette after the let­ tuce season. Try our new Ill-Sheen Dry Cleaning : oster took Mr. and Mrs. J. J > their home in Twin Falls | v.’. On return lie brougl d of honey. 'm en d s Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fischer wt c Mi.- s Dorothy Austin visited friends Cal Hill of Twin Falls visited with his guests of Mr.-and Mrs. W. C. Fischer in c in Payette Sunday. cousin Mrs. Mary Felton Sunday. Nampa Thnnk living. :d a Harold Iloxie <4 Beulah dam spent Lloyd Marshal was a Vale visitor Fri­ Mr. and Mrs. Art Norcott and Vi­ Thanksgiving with his parents hare. day. and Mrs. Robert Van Hoi’. • of Payette Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bertsch spent Mrs. W. L. Shafer, who has b<-: ; spent Thank-.glvlng in Bois?. Thanksgiving with their daughter Mrs. quite sick the past few weeks, is now See the new shipment of print dre- ; able to be up. Virgil Patterson at Caldwell, Idaho. at Fisher's Apparel Shop. Priced from 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKee and son 98c to $1.75. Miss Eulah Kelly was here from On­ tario looking after property Interest one Jack spent Saturday and Sunday in Miss Betty Cook accompanied Grate. Boise. day this week. Rinehart to Enterpri where the s Mr and Mrs. Max Schweizer, Jack the vacation with her sister Miss Don­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hailey and Mr. and na, who fetches there. Mrs. Baskett of Big Bend were visitors McKee and Fred Spencer were Bo- visitors Thanksgiving day. at the Phin Warren home Monday. Howard La-sen. Jr., who is ttending Marlin Wilson left Sunday for the high school in Twin F3lls. silent ti e Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chilson, Jerry Rose and Iva Goucher were Caldwell Ward mine near John Day alter sp tid­ Thanksgiving vacation with, his par­ ing the week end here. visitors Thursday. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatch sp nt Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Oven tre t of spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Marie Thanksgiving in Ontario at the h-,n.. I Boise spent the week end nt the par­ WANTED of Mrs. Hatch’s parent.. Mr. and Mrs. ental Robert B. Ove street home in the Earp in Emmett. • Robert Martin. ; Kolony. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson of The Primary department of the Emmett, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Frnrcis •"* and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thompson were Methodist Sunday School will hold ; I f day from Indian Valley where they Chickens, Gee ;e candy sale next Saturday afternoon to | attended funeral services for hi; in- guests of the A1 Thompson Sunday. help pay for song bool's. i er William Francis, who died Thur day Mr. and Mrs. Dau- DeGross and son a: er.a long illness. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eld.edge returned and Mr. and Mrs. Cornell and family Fr.day from a holiday vi it with i-ar.s. spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and | Mr. Anderson, newcomnr f.vm V '; Eldiidge’ii daughter Miss Madeline [who has purchased land under th p: Mrs. Russell Cornell. T iv o n t Ru; .all of Twin Palis. Jent, has return' d to Salt Lab :• The Chits. P uadis family spent same p: ice. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ray and Mr. plans to bring his family with h. : Thnnksgiving in Midvale with Mrs. when he return In the spring. and Mrs. M. P. Robertson sy.-nt Paradis’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. C. H. BOWMAN Thanksgiving in North Pov.der at the Wiggins. home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mu:.day. Faveti-, Id ho Mrs. C. E. Elliott and chldren spent Large E ; terns 1 Permanent Thanksgiving with her mother Mrs. Episcopal Guild v.-ill meet next W <1- Phone 163 W ave Mac! ‘lies Dolly McCurry and grandmother Mrs. ntsday afternoon nt the home of Mis. Susie Johnson at their home near the Ray Emmett at 2 o’clock. Mrs. Dean Cost much more than upper hot springs. Smith will bo assistant hostess. Every­ other types. one invited. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bach, who have . •« F M W H T Ilg g g ï aSEHEL'ÏSSae been visiting relatives in the Kolony W H Y ? Ruby Lou Hemenway spent Thanks­ have returned to their home in North giving with her mother Mrs. Martha Powder. Their daughter Geraldine re­ Smith at the Ontario hospital. She r - We think because the fiir ’ It’s I...portant to mained for a short visit. liorts her mother much improved and ed permanent is bett <\ 'V- c have the only one of this W. E. Jarrett, relief operator at the plans on moving her to the home of Have Your Car— Western Union office expects to leave Mrs. N. B. Towne nt Crane this week. kind in town. Saturday for his home. He has been Mr. and Mrs. James Elston an-! See U 3 For Your Holiday here during the peak of the harvest daughter Ruthelyn attended a family season. n r n reunion in Parma Thanksgiving at the Permanent. Our Special is Still on. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Alspaugh and home of Mr. Elston's parents. Mr. and daughters Ruby and Mrs. Cleo Graves Mrs. Henry Elston. The Hugh Elston EVELYN’S of Payette and Mr and Mrs. B. N. Al­ family of Payette and Mr. and Mr.s spaugh of Apple Valley were Sunday Alva Riggs of Roswell also attending. BEAUTY SHO ? guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Short. Makes old clothes look like new, safe, feeds the fabric, odorless- true quality cleaning. -rd Mrs. Roy Graham Of Ros- : well were visitors at the W. W Foster C. C. Cotton. I home Monday. r- BROOMS, 4-tie, very good brooms RAISINS, 4 lb. package......... .... 2 7c CATSUP, large bottles, 2 fo r ... . PUMPKIN 2 1-2 cans, Raymal brand, r SHORTENING, Carstens Snowcap, lib. package ................................................... /ife CHOCOLATE CANDY, fancy, 2 P 2 lb. ’ P; PINEAPPLE JUICE, Del Monte, 11 0 c. ■ ■ 8 fo r ....................................... GRAPE FRUIT JUICE, Del M< ite. ' 0 8 fo r ............................................... KC BAKING POWDER, 5 lb. can, Save u > size can ................................................... 59 c COFFEE, Yellow Bag, 1 lb ............................ lGc COOKIES, celophane bags, 1 lb. 1 ' in COOKIES celophane bag.-, 1 lb. fancy....... 27c f'ICi BARS, v\ 1 ok wl o - u For Everyone Guts That Keep On Giving** e Nyssa, Oregon n ks life more ple.r arable and simplify Ike task of , d Deli C l g '4 And Season: ’ Sea our deb. . WILSON »neii 0 appel! a ji Pies for the a rii....,’ Months. baked goods dr. l y. . . they will problem of what to make your ,r ’ • ’ r lo ' ” - our complete gift list frem our ’ lo. s of cUctrical gifts. S P a d s........................ $3.50 to $7.50 ......................... $2.95 to S7.95 ■ ’ lc-i-3...................... $4.95 to $7.95 ......................... $2.95 to $16.00 ..................... $5.95 to $7.95 ................ $2.75 to $17.75 ............... $5.95 to $9.95 ...... ...$5.96 to $19.95 < $89.96 to $59.50 ...................... $4-96 to $14.50 ..........$59.50 and $64.50 .......$74 50 to $193.00 .........$59.50 to 869.60 588.50 to $848.00 ................ $9.95 to 839.95 $9.95 to 839.95 A. ; ........................... $3.95 to $11.50 ............$20.95 to $22.75 *- 8.50 and 874.50 m p s.................... $ 7.95 . ; ................. ..... $18.95 ......................... $ 1.95 ................... $ 2.45 Absolutely Independent l D PHONE 21 l I U I I I NYSSA, ORE. I M ..... . À ~ ” " v < - ? P O W tRvicY E R