Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1934)
B M ÉS Miss Baird Weds Vale F a r m e r W ednesday Miss Lydie Baird became the bride of John Hickman at a ceremony perform ed by the Rev. C. O. Heath at the Methodist parsonage in Payette last Wednesday. They were accompanied by Miss Edith Baird, sister of the bride and Mrs. Georgia Joseph, of Dead Ox Plat, sister of the groom. Miss Baird is the oldest daughter of Mrs. Emma Baird of Nyssa and has made her home here for several years. The groom is the oldest son of Mrs. Blanche Hickman of Vale. They will re side on the Hickman ranch near Vale. The young couple have the Dest wishes o f their many friends. • • • • C O N TR AC T CLUB Mrs. Dewey Ray entertained the Contract Club Monday afternoon. All members were present. Mrs. Prank Hall winning high score. The hostess serv ed a dainty lunch carrying out the Christmas motif in decorations. • • • • A N N IV E R S A R Y D INN E R Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leuck enter tained with a dinner Saturday night, celebrating their first wedd ng anni versary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing and U r. and Mrs Herman Towne. • • » • home Saturday night. Miss Betty | Schlapkohl o f Ontario was among the \ guests. • • • • BUNCO PARTY, Miss Tiena Teneen entertained the j high school bunco club Friday night. Pour tables were in play, high scores | going to Nellie Jean Schweizer and | Harold Anderson, low scores to Vera Garrison and Howard Larsor. A dainty lunch was served. • * • • PIN O C H LE P A R T Y Mr and Mrs. Albert Hopkins, teach ers of Oregon Trail school gave a pleas ant pinochle party last Friday even ing. Three tables of cards were in play. KO LO NY PA R TY Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Oreeling enter tained three tables of bridge at their home in the Kolony Friday night. C. C. Hunt and Mrs. Maurice Judd won high scores and Mrs. C. C. Cotton won low score. • • • • Nellie Jean Schweizer and Evelyn Haworth entertained Monday evening at the Schweizer home with bunco for the other group of the High School club. Flora Mae Wimp and Paul John son winning high scores and Jake Groot and Mabel Boor low scores. • • • • B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y Mr. and Mrs. Dick Adams were hosts Monday night at a birthday party, honoring Mr. Adams. An enjoyable social evening was spent by the guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Norcott, Mr. and Mrs. Famham Sills and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young. IRONSIDE COUNTRY HAS SNOW STORMS White who came from Boise to spend Miss Hazel Rose of Vale is visiting her cousin Ina Rose over the week end. Tlianksgivlng at home Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lofton and niece Ironside—This section of country has Mildred Clark left on Wednesday for had several snow storms the past week, John Day where they spent Thanksgiv and some very cold weather. About 4 ing with relatives. inches of snow has fallen. On Friday a Those home from Ontario over the hard wind drifted the snow 3 to 4 feet week end were Mrs. S. A. Lofton and j in some places. grandsons Wayne and Richard Lofton, Mr. and Lewis Hyde of Boston are John Mol than, Vernon Lawrence and visiting at the home of the latters Mrs. Arthur Van Buren and son Cecil brothers, Ernest and Fred Locey. They Hill. The Ed Oakes family spent Thanks are planning on locating in Ontario. Miss Irene Brumbach left Wednes- j day evening for her home at Big Bend. School was closed was the Thanksgiv ing holiday. See • • •• The Gordon Dickson fam ily motored to Halfway on Wednesday where they spent Thanksgiving with their daugh ter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor. They returned on Friday. Fashion Frocks $2.98 to $10. Mrs. H. C. Elms, who has been at Made to measure, new style book Haines the past month under a doc every two weeks, you can see the tor’s care, is much Improved. She re samples. turned home for the holiday. Her grandson, Howard Elms drove her over Men’s Tailored Suits—Kahn and and remained until after Thanksgiving. Pioneer Lines. Two good ranges Mr. and Mrs. Omer Presley were in price. See them at— hosts on Thanksgiving at a large din WE SPEC IALIZE IN ner for Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beam and C LE A N IN G AND PRESSING. Arthur Beam and Mrs. Presley’s par ents Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lamberson of Westfall. Mesdames Floyd White, Raleigh Van Buren and Arthur Simpson motored t o 1 Ontario on Wednesday to meet Norma Our Men’*, Women’s STYLE BOOK G IR L SCOUTS E N T E R T A IN The Kolony Olrl Scouts gave a party Sunday. afternoon for sixteen younger brothers and sisters. They also fixed Thanksgiving boxes for three of their members who are away at school. • • • • NYSSA TAILOR SHOP LEAGUE P A R T Y The Epworth League enjoyed another delightful party in the church basement Friday evening. Guests came dressed as kids and kid games and favors were enjoyed. TU E SD AY BRIDGE Mrs. Prank Morgan entertained a Tuesday bridge at her country home | this week. Mrs. Nate Young playing with members. Mrs. J. J. Sarazln won 1 first prize and Mrs Dewey Ray, second. H IG H SCHOOL CLUBS Isobel Sarazin and Virginia Miller entertained the High School card club with four tables of pinochle at the Sar azin home Monday night. Harold An derson and Tiena Tensen won first prizes, Ethel Mary Boydell and Lloyd Wilson, low. GATE CITY JOURNAL, THUKS., DECEMBER (5, 1934. s usa — s; { g — ■ a «* home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Locey were hosts at a large dinner on Thanksgiving en tertaining 30 guests. The Simpson. H. C. Elms. White Fred Laurante and the DeRoes brought their cattle in from pastures the past week and now have them on the feed ground. Mervin Duncan spent Thanksgiving i at Unity with friends. The A. R. and Raleigh Van Burens also spent the day Mr. and Mrs. Pete Presley of Jam ieson spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lofton. The perfect ending! toyourTha ksgiving ! JO IN T A ID M EETING The ladies of the Methodist Com munity church will combine business and pleasure at their next meeting of the aid. December 20. at the parsonage. Mrs. C. A. Abbott and Mrs. Floyd White will be hostesses. Active Youngsters Need Plenty of Good Pure OU want good candy for tht I i o l i | seaso n . That • why you’ll enjoy Jo a n i M an n in g. I t * th* car.dy O»« whole town ! is talking about Every 1» » fa t o t - ! it« . . . a delicious variety of eeoters . . . | co« ted with smooth choroUtt. Only Recall D iu f Storea give you | such a candy value as thia Y Milk Joan Manning Everyone enjoys good milk from Shelton’s Dairy — Produced in Oregon for Oregon Folks. W e Are Always Glad to Supply You With Extra Deliveries Shelton Dairy chocolates V2 lb. 1 lb. 2 lbs. 50 c lb. NYSSA PHARMACY Nyssa Oregon OREGON Just Arrived Our Special Medicated Hot Oil GIVE ELECTRICAL GIFTS THIS YEAR TREATM ENT s * giving in Ontario at the Ray Duncan there at the Frank Elms home. N YSSA i l » 1:111111» limn nun ni nini imiiiii urn nini inni f» a a — s — Reconditions the hair, will add ^ life and lustre. — Try Our— S P A R K L IN G WAVE O IL g Lovely Permanents $1.75 and up ~ A FULL C A R L O A D & o f Furnishings for the home, the dining room, living room, kitchen, bedroom, for every room in the house. Look over our new arrivals next week. Many gifty things for the Home. E Nordale Furniture Store Evelyn’s B e a u ty Shop SLUMBER P A R T Y Miss Vera Garrison entertained five ] := girls at a slumber party at her country OREGON N YSSA NYSSA Uñí n mm h mu m in "•"^ rmiTmimiiiriiiiiiiii'WMP ===Are Gifts of Enduring service OLD AGE PENSIONS • . . with every set of PHILCO TUBES MODERN electrical appliances meet every , requirement that enters into the selection of an appro priate Christmas g ift— beauty . . . usefulness . . . conven ience . . . service. No g ift is more acceptable or more ap preciated. Long after ordinary gifts have been forgotten, electrical appliances will continue to serve, for many years, as constant reminders of the thoughtfulness and good judgment o f those who gave such practical gifts. Hear a discussion of this live topic Sunday at 11:15 o’clock at the Make this Christmas a happy day for those whose names appear on your gift list by conveying your Christ mas greetings with something electrical. METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Electrical dealers and stores that sell electrical ap pliances are now displaying large and diversified sel ections of electrical gifts. Visit these store: md see the lat est models in modern electrical appliances. Make it a point to shop first for electrical gifts. There is something elec trical for eveiyone. By Rev. Floyd E. White EVERYONE WELCOME Radio A«l as Ever Published j 11 n in triii in in umirrn m n m m inn m m « m minim ri w n n 11 n m hi ri in 11 in ri 11 m in n i m run mhiiiii g THE TRUTH ABOUT SEX AND MARRIAGE Told As Only a Docter Can Tell Sensational Stage and Screen Attraction Nothing else like itl A big, 20 -page Atlas containing pictures and sto ries o f foreign radio stars and p ro g ra m s, m aps o f co n tin - ents showing principal sh ort-w ave station s, dual* purpose short-wave listin gs, etc., etc. In te re s tin g to everybody^-invaluable to those w h o tune-in fo r e ig n , broadcasts! Drama of Joday-Vivid -Convincing! lumbs thè Depths o f Human Emotion? person on the stage and his Beautiful Living Models Featuring Here's How You Get It FREE! A copy o f this unique PH IL C O Radio Atlas is vours, without , charge, with the purchase o f a aet o f P H IL C O Tubes— for a / limited time only. D on’t delay— come in today! PHILCO Tubes Improve III« Performance of ANY Radio Replace your old, worn-out tubes with the remarkable new P H IL C O High-F.fficicncy Tubes that consume less current, are more efficient and last longer! You w ill be amazed at their amall cost— and equally amazed at the added radio enjoyment they w ill provide. 3 2 I I ~ MISS DAMAGED California j LIVES The Perfect Woman FORCEFUL! R E V E A L IN G ! A compelling picture b a se « on a them# as old and fasci nating a s hu manity Jtsalf. Expert Radio Repairing Wilson Drygoods Hr. Eugene ( Voltaire in j Liberty Theatre M O N D A Y and T U E S D A Y — Nights Men Only Special Ladies Matinee— T U E S D A Y 2 p. m. Choose from this Helpful List RADIOS ELECTRICAL RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHING MACHINES IRONERS ELECTRIC IRONS HEATING PADS TOASTERS PERCOLATORS WAFFLE IRONS FOOD MIXERS VACUUM CLEANERS PERCOLATOR SETS CURLING IRONS WATER HEATERS ELECTRIC WREATHS SEWING MACHINES TREE LIGHTING SETS URN SETS CIGAR LIGHTERS ROOM HEATERS COFFEE MAKERS STUDENT LAMPS TELECHRONE CLOCKS FLOOR LAMPS SOLDERING IRONS ENGINE HEATERS ELECTRIC WATER SUN LAMPS SYSTEMS Electrical Equipment Sales Association