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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1934)
- 1 —.* • —« r GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., DECEMBER 6, 1934. r Ucatlon of this notice with the unde, The Greatest Gift T he Gate City Journal Farmer Brown’s • ■ - Observations BERWYN BURKE, Publisher Nyssa Oregon, Dec. 5, 1934 Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission though the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. deer edetur: $1 50 75c ADVERTISING RATES Rates for Advertising will be furnished to both Local and Foreign Advertisers upon application. Classified Ads lc per word per inser tion. INDEPENDENT IN POLITIC8 AND RELIOION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY. pie desire that It shall have a promin ent place on the map needs Mr. and It Is with a great deal of pleasure Mrs. McLing —Caldwell News-Trblune. that we extend greetings to the readers of the Journal In this, our first Issue. The people of Nyssa have been more than kind In assisting us and helping us get started, and wo want to express our sincere appreciation of the warm welcome we have received. We hope we will be able to merit the patronage and NYSSA COMMMUNITY CHURCH good will enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Sunday School 10 o'clock. Chester Ling. We expect to make some mistakes, Sager, superintendent. Mrs. Abbott, pri for "to err Is human” and we consider mary superintendent. Morning Worship 11:15. Theme: The ourselves a very human sort of being; but we hope our readers will bear with Old Age Pension, A Christian Move us for a time and after we get better ment. Junior League 5:30. acquainted, we hope the mistakes then Senior Epworth League 7 o'clock. will be farther apart. We have met a Evening Worship 8 o'clock. great many people since coming here Bible Study Monday, Wednesday and and are completely sold on Nyssa and Friday evenings at 7:30. Rev. H. O. Mc- Its future. We hope our readers will not look Calllster, teacher. Everyone Is Invited upon the Journal in any other light to these sessions. Sunday School Board meeting In the than as a commuinty enterprise. It’s not our paper, Its your paper, and we basement of the Church Friday even welcome suggestions, and criticism In ing. the conduct of the paper. We hope you will feel free to come In at any time ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH and get acquainted. We are here to Morning Prayer and sermon at 11:00 serve and will welcome any opportunity to advance the best Interests of this o'clock. Sunday School at 10. Mrs. J. J. Sara- county. zln, superintendent. BERWYN BURKE, Everybody welcome. Rev. Moore, Rector. GREETINGS Church News DON’T SEND THE DOLLARS INTO EXILE CARS WRECK IN APPLE VALLEY It's an old saying, but as true today as ever that money spent at home gives everyone another chance at It but money sent away is gone forever. This week your home business men are spon soring a page advertisement calling at tention to the advantages of making your Christmas purchases In your own community. Thd Journal wishes to add to this and say that Nyssa Is known far and wide as an extremely loyal community and It Is up to all of us to continue this good record. No doubt there will be times when you wish to make purchases of goods not sold In Nyssa and we feel that If this section of the country Is to prosper, lets make an effort to patronize busi ness close to Nyssa. No use sending our money where we will never see It again; lets build prosperity by keeping the dollars moving right here in our own section of the country. Apple Valley—Two cars driven by Carl Saw of Troy, Idaho and Joe Stout of Parma collided at the Intersection of the Parma, Nyssa and Fruitland highway Thanksgiving night. No one was seriously hurt. Lowell Vertrees returned last week from the Nampa hospital. The Emil Vertrees family have mov ed to E. G. Johnson ranch vacated by Wolfes. E. V. Vertrees are moving to E. G. Johnson ranch vacated by E. Van Natta, who is moving to the Lemp ranch at Ten Davis Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith were visitors at Clendenlngs Sunday. Ray Is steadily improving after a very serious illness of typhoid fever. Thd Joe Clem family are moving to Melba. Mrs. BUI Player was taken to the Caldwell sanitarium last week where she underwent a major operation. Mr and Mrs. Earl Boston announce the birth of a baby girl November 22. The baby has been named Betty Ruth. Chas. Imas. who has been visiting his brothers Walter and Hale returned to his home at Lincoln, Nebraska last week. Guests of J. J. Hicks on Thanksgiv ing Day were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roswell, R. S. McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Robinson and son Earl, and R. S. McIntyre. Mrs. Waldo Smalley Is staying In Caldwell with her sister Mrs. A. Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Evans and daughter of Parma were guests of Clendenlngs Thanksgiving Day. The chicken pie supper and bazaar given by the ladles aid was very suc cessful. Thirty dollars was cleared. Voice of the Press Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing have sev ered their connection with the Gate City Journal, Nyssa, which they have published during the past four years, under lease, and that newspaper will be conducted by Berwyn Burke, formerly of Payette. Under the management of Mr. and Mrs. McLing the people of Nyssa have had one of the very best small-town newspapers In all t h e west—ably edited, typographically of high stand ard and with advertising columns nicely representative of Nyssa business Interests. To scan The Journal from week to Mrs. Laura Fisher and daughter week was to know that Nyssa Is a thriv Gladeen spent Thanksgiving at the ing community. Some town whose peo- Grant Fisher home in Fruitland. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E ... COUNTY OF MALHEUR. In the Matter of tha Estate of Han let P. F. Boydell, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the under signed, Executrix of the estate of Har riet P. F. Boydell, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to file them with the necessary vouchers within six months after the first pub- 1 sorter thot after slim and almle left the nuze paiper. 1 mite not rite qwite so offen, but it seams that 1 ether got to spend my time rltin, or lissen to marthle tawk about the way things look round the farm. you sea marthle i ea’ly likes to sea her naim In print so II it looks like 1 be wurkin on a a lettur , , v to you, she sorter shuts up. $ 1 notised In yore paiper last weak vj whare meat Is goln hier than ever. 1 1 § bet that means in the bucher shop tho and not on the hoof, did you ever notlse, mister edetur, the higher the meet goze the higher up on the kritter we eat. the last 2 years 1 bean eatin mostly nek, so you kin sea how it Is. 1 gess now i will hafter start on the eers or hoams or sumthing. bob mliur the bigest bacholor boy I katch In town ses when he gets ready | that he Is goln to lead to the altar a I pretty gurl and a good kook. i tole j bob that wud be blgumy. 1 met dewey ray on the street tother j day, and he waz lookln sorter don kast. “ whats the matter?” sez 1 to him, sez 1. "hev you and yore wief hed sum words?” “wel” sez duey, sez he, "1 hed sum, but i didn't git a chance to use em.” wlmmen alius git the last wurd eny- way. marthle sez kum to bed. yores trulie, Farmer Brown. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year .... Six Months Legal Advertisement AROCK GRANGE Arolk—Arock grange has elected the following officers for the coming year: master, R. E. Danner; overseer, Glenn Wright; lecturer, Mrs. Hertha Packard; secretary, Christina Urqulaga; steward, Ben Packard; assistant steward, Orville Fretwell; chaplain, Mrs. C. E. Lanning; treasurer, Greta Lanning; gate keeper, Dominga Urqulaga; Ceres, Roberta Fretwell; Pomona, Ethel Baltzor; Flora Mary Baltzor; lady assistant steward, Mrs. Ruth Danner. Arock community was treated to a pleasant evenings entertainment In charge of Miss Oertrude Skow, Recrea tional Leader. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Lar sen, Mrs. Karl Norvall and J. Edwin Johnson accompanied Miss Skow here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Crosby took their turkeys to Reno to ship them to Calif ornia markets. Billie Murphy and Hazel Danner, who have been attending high school In Ontario spent Thanksgiving at their homes here. Mrs. Victoria Schwelzer, teacher at Arock, left Wednesday for her home to spend Thanksgiving. The H. E. C. ladles of Arock grange will hold their Bazaar December 7. Many special features will be present ed along with many things in needle work. Jess Anderson, Danner merchant, surprised friends when he returned from Seattle with his bride. His friends Join in wishing them a long and happy life. Miss Grace Robison is spending Thanksgiving with her folks here. VirgU Johnson, project manager, Is spending Thanksgiving with his folks at Vale. Mrs. W. S. Bruce has gone east to visit relatives In Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McConnell of Cow Creek spent Thanksgilvng at the Baltzor home NOTICE OF ESTRAY I have taken up at my ranch, 1 mile west of Nyssa, a two-year old Guemesy heifer, red and white. Owner may claim animal by paying feed and costs. Jake 12-6-2t Fischer Bonita—Cattle In this vicinity have been brought In for winter feeding on account of the recent snow storms. The snow Is from six Inches to one foot deep. Ben Starling and Stevie Woodward of Westfall stopped at the Oliver San dy ranch Monday night. Stevie is a for mer pupils of Mrs. Sandys. The Locey Brothers of Ironside have moved their sheep to Mrs. Pumphrey’s ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Andy White have re turned from a ten days trip to Walla Walla and Pendleton where they visit ed relatives and friends. Clarence Loveland, Oliver Sandy. Ben Starling and Stevie Woodward rode the Thom e Flat) country last week looking for their stray cattle. Roy Carver has returned home from Boise where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Wm. Westfall and family moved to Vale last week. E. E. Bush. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver San dy called on their old friend Lewis Napton at the Ontario hospital. Mr. Napton had the misfortune to fall and break his hip about a month ago. He is recovering nicely. H. G. Loveland and wife have return ed t d Payette after a visit at the J. H. Carico home. Many Thanksgiving dinners were en joyed in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Andy White and the Williams had their dinner together at the Williams home. I îj LOTT D. BROWN A. L. FLETCHER Attorney at Law Attorney-at-Law Nyssa, Oregon Oregon Nyssa NYSSA LIBRARY Dr. E. D. Norcott DENTIST Nyssa. Jregon Open Saturday Town patrons, 2:3u to 5:30 Out of town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 All patrons welcome. Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 35F3 DR. C. A. ABBOTT X-RAY EXAMINATIONS PHONE 25 ONTARIO GRAIN CO. Home of ROßT. D. LYTLE GEM and PURINA Attorney and Counselor at Law Quality Feed» First National Bank Building Phone 68 Phone 53, Ontario Vale Anna B. Pritchett, D. O. Oregon On the Old Job H. D. Holmes TRAN SFER AND B A G O A O E Osteopathy and Electrotherapy All Kindi of Haallng 1» PHONE 301 City Limit« Vale, Oregon. NYSSA. OR. PHONE » Nyssa Aerie C ity T r a n s fe r F. O. E. No. 2134 TRUCKING NEW SCHOOL HEALTH SPECIAL ! SYSTEM IN IDAHO F. W. Osterkamp, clerk of the Apple Valley school district, reports a new health service In the Idaho school sys tem. Each school is giving its students a free tuberculin test. The test was re cently completed In the Apple Valley school. Two children revealed sym ptoms of tuberculosis which corrected now will protect them from develop ment of the disease in its serious stages. Meets Wed. Night at Eagles Hall ana Visiting Eagles Welcome TRANSFERRING Bernard Frost, President P h o n e 15 an d P h o n e 2 8 C. Don M. Graham, Secretary KUNKENBERG Combination Mixing j 111 id bin i iiMiuiuirii Sink Faucete Chromium Plated I $4.50 Installed = Dr. J. A. McFall ! VALE HOT SPRINGS Eyesight Specialist SANITARIUM Dr. D. A. Sexton, Prop. Very New Very Handy ' ' Rheumatism, Diabetes, Paralysis Influenza, successfully treated. Mineral Water 212 Deg. Fr. Very Attractive | | Geo. J. Kinzer Specializing on the care / o f Children’s Eyes. ROOMS AND BOARD At Reasonable Rates Ontario, Oregon* ill.l 1.1 II111II1M11111111IIMII iT' ■M 111 III 11II111111 iii in iiuii in ii i!it]iiiii!H!iniiiii!iiii!ii in liiiiiuiifiimiriiiniiiT Parma P rotect W h at Y o u H ave NYSSA SHOE SHOP I The first chilly days tell the world it’s time to Fuel Up! W e carry the best coal on the market— it burns longer, there is less waste. Carefully Done. B oise-P ayette L um ber Co. See Us For Building Supplies Phone 83F2 PHONE is NYSSA OREGON Insure In SURE Insurance — with— F rank T. M organ 3 = Invites you to bring in s your old shoes. What | may seem beyond re- pair might be made into a good understanding and add a few steps to economy. Reasonable Rates on Hay and Grain _ | 1 Jj-j § = Nyssa Funeral Home | Expert Leather Work Dwight Smith, Manager Mrs. Margaret Pashley, Prop. NYSSA, ORE. -------- WE RECOMMEND THEM Three Blocks South M. E. Church Little boy, was that your whistle calling I seemed to hear all through the quiet night? Was that the call to Bud, the planned our signal To come and play or ask his Mother if he might? If only I could tune my ears to listen To hear you come and slam the kitchen door, I know that I would never, never scold you If your muddy shoes tracked up the new scrubbed floor. You could have all the strawberry jam you wanted, I ’d see to it there’d be an endless store. If you cut the anglefood I baked for Sunday, I’d spend these empty days in making more. If I could pick up balls and mitts and sweaters. To put In places you seemed to never find. Oh, if only I could have you back I ’d show you, There are mothers who really never mind. Sometimes I think I cannot stand this neatness— No dust to clean, no playthings any more, Oh, God, don’t let the angels scold him For tracking up the new-scrubbed kitchen floor. —Ruby Ellis Rust. For Dirty Ones PHONE 83F2 $ Chiropractic Physician Office in Residence CLEAN CLOTHES THE UNITED LAUNDRY BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LITTLE BOY GONE FALLS AT BONITA ELECTS OFFICERS Phone 134-J-3 Men’s Individual Laundries Executrix of the Estate of Harriet P. F. Boydell, De ceased. SIX INCHES OF SNOW Plumber Rubbing, scrubbing, bending over a tub takes years from your youth. It’s more economical to to have your laundry done at the laundry— be cause our charges are so reasonable. signed at her residence in the town oi 1 Nyssa. Oregon, or at the office of A. L. Fletcher In Nyssa, Oregon, which resl- ; dence and office, the undersigned sel ects r .3 this places of business in all matters connected with the said estate. Dated at Nyssa, Oregon, this 24th day of November 1934. First publication, November 29, 1934; date of last publi cation Dec. 27, 1934. G. Eva Boydell, Phone 76F3 NYSSA SHOE SHOP Ambulance Service Nywa. Oregon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiif