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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1934)
NYSSA. OREGON G A T E W A Y T O THE OW YHEE AND B LA C K C ANYO N IR R IG A T IO N TO W N IN OREGON PROJECTS V O L U M E X X V III. IN V E S T IG A T E ISA, OREGON. TH U R S D A Y, DECEMBER 6, 1934. NO. Judge Word )i . From Fatal Par; D E N T DIES »L Y M O U T H ¡la I v Entire County Mourns Loss EAS of Eminent Jurist, CC a of Ontario Many Year . ri • \ T h e people of Malheur county v r shocked by the sudd.a death Sunday morning of Judge W. \V. V . !. (j: who passed away at the Holy r< hcrp'tal after a stroke of p> : which he first suffered on Wed!', evening of last week. A l.,i v cru. > f friends from all parts-of Mallv ”.r coun ty attended the funeral »rvi' f = for i' •> eminent jurist at the Moronic hall in Ontario on Tuesday. rer, a W ith Court Reporter Wm. W ell: r, Tlir- Judge Wood was returning to Ontario last Wednesday evvnl ■•■•. T ir r c :r skidded o ff the road and into the t . - row pit. Judge Wood r -si- !»d Mr. V/: O’ er in pushing the car back onto the t i l Ml road and a iew m om co.; ¡.it r et: the stroke of paralysis which l>'- fatal. Judge Wood survived by his daughters M - Clara Inez Le; s an ‘ n Miss Leha h r nor Wo- -:i h a - tarlo, on-» mdson and five b. .judge Woodj was appointed to the tench in 1928. He \. r ■ : . of 1 < dependence. Lown. h r . it - n ’ 5Uf there August 17, 1888. A fter completing his high school c - t - tit.;', lrr • -i- from the United States M il ai Academy at W n t Point In t.0*' in;! ' ■■■ admitted to the bar in 1909. K ' 1 •• 1 in Oregon following his i from V/ t Feint, re ' a* Can’.c:». City a number of ye. : - a,id later r. Ontario. Counted a first c i t o f '*■' county Judge We-xi \ ill be mourned future. It n host of friends. . Y LIVE. .«NG IS ; known to home in N ew Plymouth .•..e. She fell over in a rough all possible aid was 1 died In ju t a few m in-] those who attended the ! 'e y were Mrs. Mary I J. - and Mr. and Mrs. J. *1 nL O W Y H E E M ATRON PICKS FLOWERS DECEMBER n R Mrs. T. M. it. Lowe reports that tliat she picked a large bouquet of flowers from her garden at Mitchell Biltte on Thanksgiving day and again on Dec ember 1st. There were marigolds, cos mos, Miehealmas daisies, gailardias and chrysanthemums. A . Ter'.cling and Sons CHICKENS MAKE Ti n in Low Bid for 28 LOOP - THE - LOOP, Miles of Cc.nal. NONE ARE HURT T i e low- •id for construction of the last 28 mil > of the north main canal the lion of the Jacobsen gulch CANAL WORK and siphon w urned in by J. A. Terteling IF : i; was-revealed Mon- d iy ¡cu R. J. Newell, w- ist ruction en- office r t Ontario op. i.cU nine bills. The bid was •ember 10th on the $123,891. lr iree schedules lov st ( nblnation for als. of , ,'Trison Knud- f 014.50. a a t the north- . mile Malheur ■ the northern . re remains to : only th .* small ho in canal ed In the contract.1 ' struc- ■d to fc : completed I , OM DECEMBER 10 FOR -a ll‘ : IQ I , : A lt r o r iS I T SCHOOL G Y M zy. ’ ,, C a in i ^ i r t r j s r a l «83*^ O b jsc CHICKENS LOOP-TI1E-LO O P — N O T A FEATH E R H U R T It would seem that a chicken, who was about to play the principal part in a guillotine act, would be entitled to some consideration, but a load of fowls being taken to Boise last week by Bill Mendenhall did considerable scuaking about the treatment they received. Bill was hauling the load in a four wheel trailer behind a car and wns making the turn the other side of the bridge when the bolts holding the trailer sheared o ff and the trailer, chickens and all went coasting over into the bar- row pit, turned over with the four wheels upright. The chickens protested in no uncertain -Terms but after Mr. Mendenhall and Walt Mahoney had tippeel the trailer up again they found that not even a slat in the crates were broken and not a bird lost his neck prematurely. $1.50 PER YEAR Successful Harvest Season S T I ^ ^ T () w ! -------- 11 Dr. -mber 7th, at the 1 un beginning at | m l are cordially t the ladles .to j Arguments :. st bidder. The or buying basket local team. OF b o i s e s ; : An TÒ OW YHEE F i. i.VDO.V Vele. Owyhee—On Th ' vi night Judge Chapin 'i of 13 -ire, . for the r; g address at i : .1- There was a .cod crowd out to 1-, him. Jack IvIcCcnn. il !• .. in Elgin visiting his mo !r . Max and Tlourtcn Du ' ' v. drwn to I with th ' r r r f . i s V ■. vT Dunaway. They returned Sudnc.y i i- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. West 1 1 r. Thank. and Mrs. Carl were dint guests on Thursday of Mr. i d M. J. a dance TJ D. Bigelow. W hit R Mrs. James Abbott came down, fr a ily were Th McCall on Saturday for a v . n. Mr. and 1 visit with her parents Mr. :d f. ; Rudolf Hite. Edvard Hu- c. . V.ri hams oi) 1 :.! • was a Sundry dinner gu - .ts . t : Mjr. a id M ia . W. S. H . r; l fam Hites. He reports over a foot of s: jw at ily and Mr. and M . the resort. were dinner guests at th D E. Payton Mr. and Mrs. Oral Hi » w re h r on Tlianksgiving at a family dinner for home on Oregon Slop? T in Vs* •> Hg. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow E: r ar.d Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glascock of Ontario and ily were dinner gu." ts ol r . and Mrs. R oy Wrinkle of Ontario o:i Than., giv the W illiam Schweizer family. ing. Warr, n Fenn and sons EDiv- r.:r. pud Mm. W. A. C . \ o f Em Rollo and Mr. and M r-. Carl F mett. M r Emil David of Seattle, Miss Snively ate turkey on Tlrankt ...r. Oual Iv. Mrs. Cox and Lie 1 and with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sting...... George Markham and Tom m y RcrisuU in Nyssa. called at the Rogers home Monday. Contractor Smith reports the' h i . son has entirely recovered from lyph- : 1, Miss Paulin? W olfe was an overnight' fever but Mrs. Smith is now seriously west at the c .. . .1 home Tu- .day. ill in Parma of the malady. The families of Andrew McGinru. ht his band of W ill McGinnis. J. P, McGinnis a id! s for winter feed- Henry Slippy i>ooled ilieir Th ’ k - jiv on his ranch. ing dinners at tho home of Mr. t udi Mrs. Don McGinnis at the head of the Owyhee ditch. Claud Smith returned home last Xi» o ; fi i d 1 i Trl*r\ i L Thursday from the Caldiveil hospital ks following where he spent three v. J. E. 1 rs Mildred a m ajor operation. and M b ' is week in The Don Linville, Jol’ i Jarvis and Sunnysid h a d Howard Conoughy fami ies Thanksgiving dinne: toge ther. Mrs. Anna D. S. Pratt of Ironside M i s. Ch ivsited four days lis t week at the Pr.a” ranch with her sons Cene and louts. A large crowd of O wyhee folk attend- td the dance at Big Bend park la1 Thursday night. Mrs. Frank DeBord of Payette ' ' a dinner on Thanksgiving in hor r o' her sisters Mrs. W ill Smu Fred Klingback and their femilie: ard Vernon Calendine who c .. h ■ r -.-, Ml.vscs Lilli Brand to Boise centty from Utah and Kenneth M c Donald of M -K camp. The Fir.-: , i were overnight guests at K lingb ack , Mr. and I," 3. Wm. E-.hir'inan on Friday. Mrs. Sally Dennis. M i” G ” ie D nls and Mr. and Mrs. Ray K v ile r of Nyssa spent Thank.: .v irg clay with -- at Rich!?neb- W illiam Pcutz family. T h e C. B E Mrs. Hanley of Walla Walla is v o t ing her daughter Mrs. Neil Dlnr.:'..: and family. a .id Mis. J. : There will be a P .-T. A. m et!’ : i at the schoolhouse next Thursday after-] l i s a Ven noon after «'hool. New and oid mem Tener of W bers are urged to com''. mon o f Poce rs at Mr. and Mrs. Grover Douglas enter Rev. White h in*. tained with a fam ily dinner la T. Bob Nichols Vale contractor, wa • day for Mrs. Anna Larson. M . \u ?t Rice and son. Bobbie, Mr. a J Mr*, i here Monday. He bad au ccd -d tri. Don Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh opening cf bid.-, in Ontario for the Dead Ox Flat canai job. 01en and Dale Olen. j Civen by Owy- I ce Fa uns at iî .e Regular Courl Meeting. : m e fo w - Tuesday, rindow and place the inches was .presenting iw mry to ve Close Call Auto Smash-Us >at came very near be- e e r 1 o u s happened or. inq about four miles of Brogan when a car d Mrs. Bodllsh of M ai- ; qvc: turned. Evidently n <i -) the steering ap- r. suddenly le ft the ip bunk, then crashed ill aide of the road, or M b . Bodfish were were entangled In the a ti. .ia iv ire in dan- r- H e r e T u e s ( Ja y w Do Tell Us Do you know an item of news concerning yourself or your fam ily or friends that would be of interest to readers of the Jour nal? W e want every piece of ntws in this community and we ask you to kindly tell us or phone us what you know that will be of interest to folks of this section. One of the nicest court- es rs you can show your guests is to see that their names are mentioned in the Journal. Owyhee Directors Invited to Utah W ill Represent Oregon at Irrigation Meeting Friday and Saturday. K . .X T I it.D 'A Y N IG H T JUDCE C H A PM A N * be \T HOME LOCATE M A N Y SETTLERS INTERESTED The directors of the Ov. ,-hee In ig a - IN NEW IR R IG A T IO N PROJECT Uon district have ^ b/ ftn ______ j appointment by Governor Meier to represent Oregon at the annual meet- Intmest in the new project is grow- i ing o f th National Reclamation Asso- i g daily and inquiries regarding land elation to be held in Salt Lake City are coming in from widely separated Friday and Saturday of this week. This points. From six to 25 home seekers call organization has been active in pro at the office of the Owyhee Irrigation tecting the rights of the western states distiict, and Mr. Morgan is kept very in water matters and is headed by busy showing prospective settlers the Marshall Dana, Portland newspaper land. man. Those who have been appointed from this district are Frank Morgan, E X A M IN E R TO BE IN Dr. J. J. Sarazin, C. C. Hunt and M. N Y S S A DECEMBER 13 L Judd. Lettuce, Potatoes, Carrots and Onions Shipped from Nyssa Section Past Season Freezing weather brought a close to 1 ihe harvest season in this section Tues- | day and grower^ and dealers are now ; closing up their business in readiness for a good start in the spring. This past lettuce season has been extremely long, lavorable weather keeping the crews in the fields nearly three weeks longer than usually the case for lettuce In this I section. .. A check up made this week showed that 244 cars of potatoes had been load ed from the Nyssa station during the past season, 154 cars of straight lettuce ind 23 cars of mixed vegetables. Ten cars of carrots were shipped and 4« cats of onions, making a total of 477 ais of produce moved from the local station during the past season. While the lettuce and carrot indus try is comparatively new to this section. It is fast becoming a major industry. The entrance of the F. H. Hogue com pany here in the vegetable Industry has helped considerably to add to employ ment as well as a market for vegetables. The Idaho Equity Exchange and the Sewell Produce company have also been active marketing factors, and over 40 cars of lettuce have been shipped by these concerns during the past season. Next season Denny Hogue and asso ciates expect to farm nearly 700 acres of land in this section, principally to lettuce, carrots and early peas. This past season they grew approximately 550 acres and found this section so ideally adapted to these crops they have decided to increase their acreage for next year. The growing the past year has been under the supervision o f J. B. Daggett. The Hogue organization also have a soil specialist here, C. E. Beckwith of Tacoma, who has been testing the land to find that most adapted to vegetable growing. Several specialist were brought In for the harvest season to supervise a crew of employees that reached the 400 mark during the peak of the season. Paul Chllson of Sallnis California was put in ch arg e'o f the lettuce packing plant; Wayne Brand of Phoenix. Arizona had charge of the cutting and harvesting crews; and Jack Rogers, associated with the Hogue organization at Kent, Wash., was sent here to look after office super vision. The close of the lettuce season found a few fields still uncut, and In most cases sheep were turned In to clean up the fields, and the woolies so relish this dainty that they cleaned every sign of a lettuce plant. It was found that when an alfalfa field was adjacent, the sheep would make about three changes a day from lettuce to alfalfa and back again to lettuce, and are doing well on their unaccustomed feed. nt< resting hearing was held be- o County Court at Vale cn Wed- . The court had attempted to in- iroc -dings to con kran a stretch J lcii.'iv-.g from W o new highway V . i i ' .re some 7 or 8 near B IG BEND NEWS According to word from the office of miles is south of Nyssa, across the Owy- P. J. Stadelman, Secretary of State, W. r.nd connecting again with Thanksgiving was celebrated in a L. Turner will be In Nyssa, Thursday, new road near the old bridge. fittin g manner by all in the Bend. • : twenty farmers and persons ln- December 13th at the city hall between Pupils enjoyed a two day s -id living near the prono .1 road Ihe hours of 1 p. m. and 5 p.m. for the , Tt ac^ rs d. ppeored before purpose of examining those who w ish' vacation- Family iatheringa. outside be va were entertained and a big vd on ob jections to secure permits or licenses to drive | ^uests dance at Park hall were greatly en- hce. ing it was I cars- Mr. Turner is an examiner of joyed, '.j-oceedings were Operators and chauffeurs end all who The first luncheon meeting of Wade . ; t disallowed the wish permits or licenses to drive should P.-T. A. will be held Friday, December . .1, not passing get in touch witli Mr. Turner between 7 at the home of Mrs. C. Muntjewerff. ctions made at this one and five o'clock at the city hall Aside from regular business and pro ■ourt will attempt December 14th. gram, plans will be made for Christ in bring vac; tion proceedings is mas treat. ul due to the attitude of all per- Joe and John Samer spent Monday ntcrcsted ber g opposed to the in Caldwell. sini - of the road Lett D. Brown of C. E. Peck, E. H. Brumbach and H. appeared as ttorney for the ob- R. Hatch attended the funeral of tors i Judge Wood in Ontario Tuesday. l Mrs. Joe Gardner of Caldwell will I Doris Klingback, 4-H club girl from spend the winter in the Haworth home. .liencb Initiation Clint Allen purchased a number of Nyssa, has been named winner of the Joe Smith and C. W. Cherry are rk- I Union Pacific scholarship arid Nedra fat lambs which he shipped to P ort covm ng from minor injuries received land last Friday. R-i »y Fd’ bi i : • t nded initiation Plante of Ontario was named as atler- Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Purdy and Mr. ^ h en their car overturned near Adlran la«t week. nics of the F v tern Star in Boise nate for thia award. and Mrs Plin Caes who spent the past The Union Pacific scholarship is ••lav ev- id.i .. her son C. A. month visiting their children at Bould awarded annually to the outstanding Mrs. Laura Fisher attended a meet rbes d vine over for her Wednesday, er returned home Tuesday. ing of Eastern Star lodge in Payette ¡dene-' ^ T-oorted at the ln- club boy or girl of the county by C. R. Mrs. C. M untjewerff and Mr. and it M r- Forbes was the only Grey, president of the Union Pacific Mrs. Gerrit Muntjewerff o f Adrian Tuesday night. After the meeting she attended a party given by Mrs. I. R. in m prev-.-nt. On Thanksgiv- railroad. This scholarship constitutes a were shopping in Boise Tuesday. Woodward for officers of the lodge. ir. and I John Forbes cn- $100 award to be given to the winner at C. A. Forbes at the time she enters the State College iU and is intended to help defray the ex penses of attending this in (situ tion of higher learning. Points considered in awarding the scholarship are: number -corating Fir of years in club work, number of pro jects completed, quality o f work, activ ities in community affairs and leader >nent • company Tile Bn ship and ability. The minimum age for ' The turkey, king of the fowls, decked Mrs Addle Wilson and daughter Oer- be interior of d r 1 this award is fourteen years. many festive tables in Nyssa and vici trude had dinner for Mr. and Mrs. ith fixtures get- I Doris Klingback has completed five nity Thanksgiving day. It was a day of Aden Wilson and Marlin Wilson. ::r en and gold I tir years o f club work and during this time feasting and visiting for friends and ; i-c attractive- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Warren gave a P has succesofuly carried projects in first, relations. family dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Phln second and third divisions o f canning, One of the nicest Thanksgiving din Wairen, Mrs Oma Bingman and son first, second and third divisions of ners was given by the patrons of the Dale. cooking and first ahd second divisions IES LRGT of sewing, as well as a homemaking Seabum Auto Camp. Members of the 1 M r. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson gave a project. She has taken numerous prizes Camp prepared their dinner together. fam lly dinner for the Barney WUson at the county fair and was this last Dinner was served at one big table, family. 1 word last week year leader of the Owyhee canning with covers for eighteen. i rotiier Charles „ ................. | Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hall entertained club. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin entertain- Mr. and Mrs j p j ackson of Baker Idai.o, who was a Nedra Plante, to whom the scholar ed Thanksgiving for the A. H Boydell and Mrs. Jess Ward Thanksgiving The 1 yenrs ago. He Is ship will go in case Doris Klingback family, Blaney and Eva Boydell and j ack.sons came Wednesday evening and . lighter Mr3. Jack does not attend Oregon State College the E. D. Norcott family. remained until Monday. ils city. has completed three years of club work Mr. and Mrs. Emil Johnson of A r Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Garrison and and has been outstanding in the qual cadia gave Thanksgiving dinner for daughter Vera enjoyed a turkey dinner Dn'-i C 11 of Ontario v .«» a Nyssa ity of the work done. Her work has con sisted of divisions one, three and four Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Bodfish of Mal- with the Chas. Newblll fam ily in the visitor Tliursday heur; Mrs. Andy Johnson and Earl of Kolony. Their granddaughter Betty Lou of the sewing project. This scholarship is one of the out Fruitland; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Frohm returned with them to spend a few A party of RebrV.ah ladies attended standing awards that may be secured and daughter of Welscr. days. lodge in Ontario Wednesday night. by local club members as a result of M. and Mrs. Dale Garrison were Mr. and Mrs. Felton buncan enter their achievements over a period of tained Thanksgiving day with a fam guests Tlianksgiving day o f the DuPre Mr. ar/1 îdrs. W. F. MeLIng and Ber- years and is well worth working for in ily dinner for the J. Mull family, Mrs. family in the Lincoln district. u n Buike wera Vale visitors Monday. asmuch as it helps them in financing Emma Duncan, Mrs. Mary Felton and The Frank Morgan fam ily enjoyed their first year at Oregon State college. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Duncan of Boise. their annual Thankaglvlng dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hearon had as ihe Maurice Judd and Robert Over- Mr. and M-s. J E IP-aron and two guests Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. 8hm street families at the Judd home in tha Rev. White To Speak On ughtfr* spent Fri ' iy in Caldv/tB. j Kolony. Syria and son Conrad Hart. Nyssa Girl Wins Scholarship Award Many Nice Dinners Given asitk frem HEART J In Community Thanksgiving Day C: ; A ! » . i ' J A W E E VIL Q U AU AW i NE IN B AK E ! Word s been received by R. C. Lar son, county ay i t . t' -t the R t it » r - . of " r ure will hold id, but met Tutsday afternoon f Mrs Jet. • Spencer. Mrs. ler presided with Mrs. -■•’ ds w »-e reported from e .ue Saturday. An in- ended to attend a meot- o Dr-ember 1$ at the ■.me o f Mrs. M .'.tons. Mrs. Spencer -v 1 i . refr> iments at the Mr. andritxrs. Char.„-a Bradley and and 1 Riggs and daugh- Old Age Pension Sunday Wendell Cottier of Rev. Floyd White of the Community . J 10 •. . : > 1 T a linen. I . of Mr. and C'rurch has chosen “Old Age Pensions" '/swell w •re Sunday s Elston. 1rs. Jam R. A. Cvc came firm Taklr.ra last his subject for Sunday ar.d has pre f ik ai.rl purchased forty acres in pared an Interesting and Intelligent : t Pinkerton, student at discussion of this vital topic. In view OWyh Mr. Co~ n nd his son are stay- g ijr. 1 u .. . he can build a house. ; c f I J o , sie-nt Thanks- of the fact that there is much interest His daughter. Miss Rutn Cox is stay- ( v . a w. t.-i- p j.en ai M r ., in this subject, there will no doubt be ing at the Neil Dlmlrock home. N. H. Pinkerton. I a big turn-out to hear the address. The D. S Oosherts were hosts Thanksgiving to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eder of New Plymouth, the Harry Oosherts o f Emmett. Harry Sales fam lly and Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Klinken- berg. The Wendell Pogue Tlianksgiving day with M 8. Birkes. The Roy Sterling fam ily o f Payette «nd W C. Jackson were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mr*. Thomas B. Nordale. The Farnham Bills entertslned with a family dinner. fam ily spent Rober Cox and eon and daughter Mr. and Mrs. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Ptm - mlck.