----------------- ,C A T E -M = » t o LITTLE NEWS OF NY SS A Thanksgiving Dinner At Kozy Cafe Nyssa Miss Viola Miner of Harper spent last week end with her sister Mrs. Cecil Lowe. Mrs. Conrad Idartir, left Monday for a r .iit with rai-tlves lr. northern Ida ho. W, W. Foster and sen Curtis left Miss M arian P a lm « ’ has returned to her home In Vancouver alter a visit Tuesday tor Ogden with a load of bees wax. with Mrs. Robt. Closson. James A. Davenport, veteran sports Friends In the reclamation office man of the county, was among few have been congratulating Harold Shaw Malheur hunters who bagged an elk. of Emmett on his recent marriage. He Mr. and Mrs. Bert Llenkaemper have Is a surveyor on the Owyhee. spent the past week In Portland. They are expected home today. Special city JO U RN AL, ÎH U R S ,, NOVEM BER 22 . 1&4 Chas Helms escaped injury in an auto accident yesterday. His car was somewhat damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burger attend ed the funeral services for Waldo Tert- eling in Boise Sunday and were guests of Mrs. Burger’s parents. Mrs. Britt Nedry plans to leave on Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLlng and E l don McLing, who Is visiting here, spent Saturday for her home in Tigard after the week end with Mrs. Marie Earp In two weeks visit with her sister Miss Eva Boydell. Emmett. Mrs. H. D. Baldwin of Adrian is re Miss Ruby Denny, Nyssa teacher, en covering from a goitre operation. After joyed the Homecoming festivities at the leaving the Ontario hospital she went College of Idaho with Caldwell friends to Fruitland for a short stay. last week end. Mr. Knudsen, founder of Morrison- Reed Robinson was over from the Knudsen company, made his first visit Payette office o t the Idaho Power com on the Owyhee works under construc pany yesterday to arrange for the cook tion by his firm yesterday. ing and lighting school here Saturday Chas. Goetz, welding inspector at afternoon. Local Manager Bernard Snively and Owyhee siphons the past Frost Is assisting with plans, and hopes few weeks, has been transferred to for a good attendance. Ogden. Mrs. Asal Richardson of Ontario and Jack Short of Payette were visitors at the C. B. Short home Tuesday. Norbert Noonan has returned to the Denver office of the bureau of recla mation after three weeks Inspection on siphons here. Hugh Glenn underwent a major op eration for ruptured appendix at the Holy Rosary hospital on Monday. He is said to be recovering as rapidly as can be expected. Glenn worked at Owy hee dam until recently. N E W DOLLS For the Holidays Have Arrived . . . a small down payment will keep your choice. Other New Gift Merchandise Is Arriving Every Week Perky little hat, Pretty little gown Small white shoes Come tripping down. Great big smile, Little bit o’ frown, Little bit o’ girl In that small gown. —AT— Tiny little hands, Do a woman’s part; Big brown eyes. Bless yo’ little heart! Nyssa Pharmacy Great big heart Big as a bam Like to tell her something But, o, gosh-darn! Oregon Nyssa « Little bit o’ fluff, Makes life seem, A grand big place T o work and dream. The Rexall Store Great big man Afraid of little girl, Sure has got My heart in a whirl. g * o Ï Now I ’ve asked the question, Oh! W hat a Joy! What, d’yuh think she said? Yes, big boy! —Ruby Ellis Rust ; <oU * crttO New Books At FISH ER ’S R E N TAL L IB R A R Y Anthony Adverse, Allen. Candy, Alexander The Cat Screams, Downing. Fighting Horse Valley, Jenkins. Tw in Cities, Asch. The Electric Torch, Dell.—Adv. T c o ^1 /A FO R SA LE —10-tons good alfalfa hay. H. H. Weideman. Nov8-29pd. Thanksgiving Is Just Around the corner, so plan the big feast now. Cranberries, nuts, fresh vegetables, fruits, all the trimmings await your pleasure at our store. Shop early for the big feast. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY SYRUP, Amaizo Golden, 10 lb. p a il....... False Teeth Stay Put Fasteeth, a new improve^ powder keeps plates from dropping or slipping. No gummy, pasty feeling. Sweetens breath. Gives real teeth comfort all day. Praised by people and dentist’s everywhere. Avoid worry. G et Fasteeth at The Nyssa Pharmacy or your drug gist. Three sizes. —Adv. WANT ADS y FOR TR AD E —6 room modem house, 1 acre land, city water; will trade for ir rigated ranch. W rite for price and full description. Price is right. J. M. Graves, McMinnville, Oregon. Nov. 29Pd. F O R SALE—Range cookstove with hot water tank and all fixtures. Inquire K ozy Cafe, city. W A N TE D —Good used saddle. Inquire at The Journal office. S A W SH A R PE N IN G — Any kind. You dull them. I ’ll sharpen them. Andrew McGinnis. Nov 22-DecI3Pd. 59c SHORTENING, Carsten’s Snoweap, 4 lb. pk. 49c CRACKERS, 3 lb. b o x ..................................37c F O R SALE—Fresh cow with calf. In quire Pruyn Garage, City. FO R SALE O R T R A D E —80 A. under project, water 1935. W. B. Hoxle. COOKIES, 1 lb. celophane bags, fa n c y ..... 27c COOKIES, 1 lb. plain ............................... By ROBERT V. FLEM ING Vice President American Bankart A ssociation D A N K E R S recognize that changing " conditions require new methods of doing business. However it is their responsibility to retain those es sential and sound financial princi ples upon which this country was founded and has grown to be what is still the richest n a t i o n in the world. Many of our dif f i c u l t i e s have arisen from lack of confidence and from m isunder R. V. FLEMING standing. There fore it behooves the banker to bend every effort to create a better public understanding of sound banking and thereby bring about that united effort and cooperative spirit which will has ten the day of national recovery and restore to the banker the confidence of the public to which he is entitled. As an approach to the realization of this ideal, bankers should carefully scrutinize every application for a loan to see If It is bankable and, if it is not in bankable form, then make fur ther examination to see if the loan can be made so, in order that the uses of credit may be stimulated. Explaining Loan Factors to Customers We must not expect our customers to be bankers and understand all the fac tors which we must consider before granting a loan. I f we find that a loan is not, and cannot be made, bankable, then 1 thin, we should take pains to explain to the applicant the reasons why it cannot be granted. There are other measures which I think It Important for the banker to undertake in order to eliminate the misunderstandings which have arisen and overcome the sentiment which exists. Under present conditions we have to operate under many laws and regulations, and also watch what fur ther legislation is being proposed which affects our methods of operation and may not be in the best Interest of the communities we serve. Nowadays It seems at times we must sit with a law book In one hand and a book of regula tions in the other in order to make cer tain we are discharging our daily duties and functioning strictly in accordance with the law. All of this Is very try ing, yet I think in the end w&Yhall be come b. tter bankers. I believe it is the duty of every banker today to endeavor to under stand the public he serves. In addition to his daily duties, trying as they are, be should participate in the activities of his community, so that, with the fund of Information available to him, he may be as helpful as possible in all public and civic matters. LITTLE B IT O’ FLUFF See our Silent Auction Table containing many desirable articles. Make a bid and you may pur chase at your offer. ADJUSTING BANKING TO CHANGING NEEDS 19c W H O LE W H E A T FIG BARS, 2 lbs........... 25c FLOUR, Jeroma, Our best high patent, 49 lb. sack ......................................... $1.79 COFFEE, Yellow bag, 1 lb............................ 16c KC B A K IN G POWDER, 50 oz. size, Save on th is......................................................... 39c mi T R A D E - I N Real performance. Handsome new’1935 Baby Grand Cabinet. Glorious tone. Call AUOW ANCE SMALL DOWN P A Y M E NT E A S Y TERM S O N LY HOLLY BROTHERS Adrian For Expert Radio Repair, Call for Gene gNMMMNNMMHMMMUMMmS I Our Special I Medicated 1 Hot Oil TREATMENT ; § i HI-SHEEN DRY CLEANING Reconditions the hair, will add 5 life and lustre. —Try Our— SPARKLING WAVE OIL Lovely Permanents $1.75 and up 2 M r and Mrs. F. B. Talbot and M r*.1 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young retti ~~ S u ^ d a T ^ M r ^ d m T ° a UI v i lalt Wednesday evenlnt! ,ro,n Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Pruyn , vacatlon. ttttencW „ A baby son was born to M r and Mrs ' ln Portlarul an<* vlalted with reiatlte. Li lV. Jake Green Tuesday. Dr Sarazin r e - ; Madroa and Dayton. 1 ports mother and baby doing nicely. | I ! *™**^f— — — — ! Miss Helen Hearron and Harry Nlm- sic left Sunday for Sunnyside, Wash., Miss Hearron to visit for three months. Nimsic returned to his home after | spending the summer here. Roy, son of Mrs. Bessie Carver, is re covering from an operation for appen dicitis and complications. He was able to return home recently from a Boise hospital and is, recovering nicely. Scottish Rite Mason’s State-Wide Re-Union For the first time ln Masonic history, a state-wide reunion of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Masons will be held in Portland, and Scottish Rite Masonic organizations throughout the state are organizing their delegations, which will bring into Portland the larg est state representation of members of the order. The dates o f the re-union will be November 21, 22 and 23. - ........ .........- ■ ippiications for lease of public the Taylor Grazing Law. . ... NOV. TURKEY GROW ERS. . . W e are in the market for Thanksgiving turkeys and are paying up to 20 cents per pound. as an Old Home in the South Get in touch with us at once as the Thanksgiving shipments will close within the next few days. See Dewey Ray at NYSSA PACKING CO. OW YHEE Just Arrived Pyroil 100 Per Cent Anti-Freeze 25c Qt. Everready PRESTONE $2.95 Gal. A FULL C A R L O A D Hot W ater heaters, Nat ional batteries for popu lar cars— let us equip your car for cold weath er. o f Furnishings for the home, the dining room, living room, kitchen, bedroom, for every room in the house. Look over our new arrivals next week. Many gifty things for the Home. Auto Repairing W elding Nordale Furniture Store Phone 56F2 PRUYN GARAGE Nyssa Oregon N YSSA OREGON ALEXANDER’S PRE-THANKSGIVING DAY SUIT - OVERCOAT AND TOPCOAT SPECIALS A $14 7 5 _ $i 7 ALL FEAST TO OF VALUES YOUR $20 and $25 ADVANTAGE Coming directly before Thanksgiving Day, when eveiybody wants to be at his best, here’s an event of value giving you’ll cheer, THE SUITS— Pure A ll W ool Fabrics, highly tailored, Celanese lined Worsteds. Tweeds, Twists and Serges. Models to fit all builds are included. THE OVERCOATS, TOPCOATS — in New Materials of Meltons, Caraculs, V iscuas and Fleeces. In Regular, W aterproof and Chesterfield Styles. Every Desirable Model Here for Your Selection. HATS OXFORDS SHIRTS New Shades, New Styles in Fine Dress Felts High Grade Dress Oxfords, New Lasts and Patterns Full-Cut Standard Make Colorfast Madras and Broadcloth $2.45 $2.75 $1.25 ! ALL WOOL BLAZERS HEAVY UNIONS 32-Ounce M3lton in Talon front full length. Full sized, elastic knit ribbed Unions, Rayon trim. C A M P B E LL’S SOUP, all flavors, 3 f o r ...... 25c Men's, 36 to 4 6 ................ $3.45 Gray Mottled C otton ....... B U LK DATES, new crop, 2 lb.......................19c Boy’s, 10 to 1 8 ................ $2.75 KC B A K IN G POWDER, 5 lb. s iz e ...............59c DASH W A S H IN G POWDER, 5 lb...............43c 1— 2 1-2 lb. pkg. FREE WILSON GROCERY I PH0NE21 Absolutely Independent S Makes old clothes look like new, safe, feeds the fabric, odorless- true quality cleaning. j NYSSA, ORE. Evelyn's Beauty Shop NYSSA Try our new Ht-Sheen Dry Cleaning ONTARIO PRESSARY New Nyssa Agent; Mrs. Margaret Pashley ------------- ^ V M U LK E Y, of Vale. Oregon, is rftl to „ „ N a tio n and $1.15 10 Per Cent Wool, Shrunk $1.25 ALEXANDER’S “Where Good Clothes Cost Less” O N TA R IO OREGON