Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1934)
GATE CITV JOURNAL, THUKS., NOVEMBER ¿ 2 ,1934 1■ —-—■ ■ ■ m'r-»*«"■?.■— ■■■■*■■ jij - • •+•**** FIRST ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Starting November 23 and continuing to Dec High S ch o o l Students Like Q D l .* D lin C O r a r t i e s ember 1. Exceptional values in Watches, Rings, Silverware, Necklaces, Earrings— leather goods and Clocks. Every Item a Practical Gift GINZEL JEWELRY SHOP Ontario, Ore. Opposite Moore Hotel You’ll be delighted with the clever styles of THE NEW SILK DRESSES in sizes 40 to 46 at Fisher Apparel Shop Nyssa, Oregon You must see the new plaid blouses, Angora twin set sweaters, and other good-looking things to wear that are arriving almost daily. iGet ¿ ¿ t o t e with this \ What a value! Striking new com pact of beautiful matched woods; Guaranteed foreign reception in addition to your favorite Ameri can programs I A little gem with such big-set features as Auto matic Volume Control, Tone Con trol, Electro-Dynamic Speaker, etc. See and hear it now! PHILCO 45C $49.95 Choose from 49 new 1935 Models $22.90 Up EASIEST TERMS Expert Radio Repairing Radio Tubes Tested FREE Wilson Drygoods The Friendly Store OREGON NYSSA The game of bunco, with its laughs and tun. has enlisted a big group of young folks. High school students who like cards have formed a club to meet at regular Intervals. Misses Rose Wor ley and Ruth Edwards gave a party for four tables at the Burbldge home on Monday night while Vera Garrison and Mabel Boor entertained another crowd at the Garrison home in Arcadia. Prize winners: Dorothy Lowe, Tiena Ten- sen. Harold Anderson and Hampton Claunch at the Garrison home, Ruth- elyn Elston, Flora Wimp, Fred Gibson and Lonnie Parkinson at the Burbldge home. Bunco has long furnished diverrion for older matrons of the city and now it seems destined to out-lnterest bridge among the young folk. • • • • MR. AND MRS. CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall entertained the Mr. and Mrs. Bridge club on Friday evening, Farnham Sills winning first prize, Mrs. Hall second. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Adams are new members of the club. • • • • CONTRACT CLUB The contract club met Monday with Mrs. Howard Larsen for dessert and cards. Mrs. Glen Kenaston, sister of Mr. E. D. Norcott who is here from Portland, was a guest. Mrs. Artie Robertson was prize! winner. • • • • EASTERN STAR A delegation came from the Eastern Star lodge of Ontario Monday to at tend initiation and a social meeting here. Miss Margaret Young was chair man of the supper committee. • • • * FOR MRS. TED NEWELL Honoring Mrs. Ted Newell, Mrs. Sid Burbldge entertained the Thursday bridge club and an extra table last Thursday afternoon with dessert and cards. Mrs. Dewey Ray won first prize, Mrs. Ray Emmott, second. Other guests were Mrs. Aden Wilson, Mrs. Henry Carl and Mrs. Dick Adams. Guests brought dainty gifts for Mrs. Newell, member of the club. • • • • SUPPER CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ray were hosts for the Supper Club on Wednesday evening. After a two course dinner bridge was enjoyed, the prizes going to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burger. Mr. and Mrs. Sib Burbidge played with mem bers. • • • • REBEKAH LUNCHEON plete convention reports were given. I FIRST SNOW FALLS The committees appointed for the hot | chicken tamale sale December 1 were: , AT JORDAN VALLEY Mr». C W. Rcberger Mi 3 Dave Haw kins and Mrs. O. Borcsch to solicit ana Jordan Valley—The past two days prepare. Mrs. Jesse Spencer to sell. Pumpkin pie with Whipped cream was storm hasi covered the mountains near town with anow Snow fell lie re Tues served. day. Mrs. Marion Loveland accompanied TUESDAY BRIDGE by Miss Gertrude Maher, Miss Eulala Tuesday bridge club met with Mrs. Whitby and Mrs. Lilburn Yoeman left E. D. Norcott. Mrs. Ray achieved high for Boise Wednesday returning Friday. Albert Berrojalbiz and Joe Cortabar- score, Mrs. Frank Hall, second. Mrs. Ray Emmott, Mrs. Richardson and tarte left Wednesday for Portland where they will enroll In a barber Mrs. Kenaston played with members of school. the club. Mrs. Florence Shea left Thursday for a short visit with her daughters In Boise. OREGON TRAIL Jordan Valley P.-T. A. held a very meeting Friday night. Mrs. P-T-A ENTERTAINS Interesting Louis Azcuenaga, past president of the Boise P.-T.A., gave a veryi good talk and answered many questions r e Oregon Trail— The regular meet garding the work of P.-T.A. Miss Hilda ing of the Oregon Trail P.-T. A. was Jones, who has spent the past three held at the Oregon Trail schoolhouse years as a teacher in the American Friday evening. Albert Hopkins con College at Sophia, Bulgaria, dressed In ducted the business meeting. The fol native Bulgarian costume, gave a very lowing program was presented by Mrs. Interesting and Instructive talk on Bul William DeGroft: piano solo, Annie garia. Holmes; president's message. Albert Friends have received the announce Hopkins; piano solo, Hollis DeOrofft; ment of the birth of a daughter to Mr. discussion on membership, Loyd Adams, and Mrs. Sidney Cook at Pocatello. vocal solo, Dorothy Lowe; Juvenile Mr. and Mrs. Finley McKenzie of protection, Mrs. Glen Holmes; and Succor Creek spent the week end at Christmas Seals, Mrs. Albert Hopkins. the Tom Skinner home. Mr. and M rs Carlton Fretwell left The P.-T. A. is sponsoring a mem bership drive in the school. The room for Vale Saturday, where their son-in- receiving the highest number fof points law Arnold Mount is critically ill. Dr. W. W. Jones went to Boise Thurs monthly over a period of four months will be given a gift of appreciation. day returning Friday accompanied by Points are given on attendance and his daughter Mrs. Louis Azcuenaga and sons. new members.) Mrs. Clarence Haines and son of T h e Round-a-bout 4-H Cooking Danner spent last week at the Jack Club met at the home of Mrs. Albert Swisher home. Hopkins Monday with all members Miss Alice Azcuenaga is visiting in present. Plans for the year were dis Boise. cussed. Helen Peaslee moved to On W. S. Maher of Boise is spending a tario recently and Ileta Franklin was few days at his ranch near town. voted vice president to replace her. The club meets fhe first and third Monday of each month. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■! Oregon Trail Calf Club met Mon day) after school. Plans for the year were dicussed. The second and fourth ■ WANTED Mondays will be the regular meeting tim e'for the boys. S TURKEYS, A. L. FLETCHER The Rebekah lodge gave a delightful luncheon on Friday afternoon for the benefit of the lodge building fund. At bridge Mrs. E. D. Norcott won first prize, Mrs. Conrad Martin, low; at bunco Mrs. Dick Holmes and a visitor from Ontario, while other prizes fell to § Mrs. Artie Robertson, Mrs. Eddie | Powell, Mrs. Addle Wilson, Mrs. Er nest Wilson, Mrs. Jess Thompson and 1 = Mrs. Martin. • • • • | KOLONY BOOK CLUB Mrs. John Holly entertained the Kingman Kolony, Book club with a pleasant session Saturday at her home in Adrian. Mrs. R. R. Overstreet and Mrs. C. C. Hunt read articles of cur rent interest. A dainty luncheon was served at the close. | W. C. T. U. W. C. T. U. met Tuesday with Mrs g C. Abbott, Mrs. Fauchier assisting. Two 3 honorary members were present. Com- Oregon The V ogue 11 Beauty Shop £ Invites you to call for § your Holiday Perman- 1 Don M. Graham Fire Insurance Bonds Notary Public NYSSA Í OREGON A real battery at low prices Mt. Hood Battery, 6 mos. guarantee............ $4.95 Mt. Hood Batteiy, year guarantee.............. 5.95 Mt. Hood Battery, 18 mos, guarantee..........6.95 PHONE 43 Nyssa, Oregon • Thanksgiving Your turkey will be nice and tender if it is baked in one of our new* Roasters— look our new as sortment over— we have the size you need. Priced from $1 to $5.25 Al Thompson ■ Baldridge Im plem ent Co. Phone 26 PHONE 113 Nyssa NYSSA, OREGON m $1.75 up until after the § holidays. | ■ At Fisher Shop MISS MAE KEIZER Operator healthy figure with slender feminine curves—take half a level teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts In a glass of hot water first thing every morning. Krus No More Diz ’j Spells chen is the safe, healthy way to re duce—approved by physicians—a Jar Mrs. Arthur Willette of Femdale, costs but a few cents and lasts 4 weeks. Mich., writes: “Just started my 4th Jar 8old at Nyssa Pharmacy, or any dug- of Kruschen. First I want to tell you I store thruout the world. lost 30 lbs. in 3 months. I weighed 184 —now I weigh 154 and still want to lose 25 more lbs. I feel better than I have for 10 years. I used to have healaches, I backaches, dizzy spells, heartburn, but don’t any more. I have 3 friends taking It and It’s helping them too.” AT ALL DRUGGISTS If you want to get rid of ugly, un- j healthly fat which saps vitality, short ■M-, tha LITTLI DAILY DOS* that Doaa If” ens life, makes you look old and un- | NYSSA PHARMACY attractive—If you want to possess a No More Backache Let at help you obtain an ap peal tal. make suggtttione. and i furnish adequate insurants, Features MT. HOOD BATTERY, Oregon Made ent Wave, special at m No More Headache / F you are underinsured, or if you let your fire insurance lapse even for a single day, your property values are exposed to loss. Fires occur unexpectedly and destroy much valuable property in a brief time. You owe it to yourself to be carefully protected. How could you be adequately compensated for your loss if you were uninsured or underinsured? Larsen Motor Company “The Farmer's Own Co-Op” - LOST 30 POUNDS IN 3 MONTHS ANOTHER HOME BURNS Ambulance Service Highest Market Prices Will Be Paid MRS. WILLETTE TELLS HOW SHE Evert}live Minutes Phone 76F3 CHICKENS, GEESE AH Kinds of Poultry Attomey-at-Law Nysaa Nyssa Funeral Home sehen Delicious— Fruit Cake * And Seasonable Pies for the Holiday Months. See our delicious baked goods da i l y . . . they will help you with the problem of what to make your meals appetitizing. meals appetizing. Holstein Milk Health Uiqor - Vitality h Whenever y o u s e e bright-eyed, active young sters brimming over with health and vitality it is certain they are receiving a plentiful supply of prop er nourishment. Milk is the only single food prod uct which contains all the nutritive elements neces sary to promote health and growth. A liberal use of it strengthens the mus cles and vitalizes the blood. There is no waste to it, and it is a very eco nomical article of diet for the whole family. It Makes the Youngsters Grow Kiddies thrive on Holstein milk because it comes from large, vigorous, healthy cows and contains an abundance of nature’s vitalizing and growth-producing elements. Its fat content is such as not to cause digestive disorders. It contains lime for strengthen ing the bones and teeth, its proteins build muscle and its vitamines produces growth. Holstein milk is produced for this city under strict sanitary inspection standards. It comes from healthy Holstein cattle and it reaches you through dependable distributing channels. Ask Your Dealer for Holstein Milk SUNSHINE DAIRY Clean Milk— A Home Product F. W. OSTERKAMP, Prop. The Swan Bakery Nyssa Oregon NYSSA OREGON