Ó ATE CITY JOURNAL, THÜRS., NOVEMBER 22,19^4 ===== Many homes that have been modernized you would not recognize as the same places. Farmer Brown’s Of course, the structure of the house must be sound and it must be well -located before it is wise to spend much - * • Observations money on improvements. But if you are satisfied as to W. P. AND ALMA McLINO, Publishers these essentials, there is no limit to the many things you Nyssa. Oregon, November 23. 1934 Subscription, Year --- ------------ $1.40 can do to bring the house up to date. deer edetur: Subscrpltlon, 8 Months________ 75c wel, howinel do you like this Icold A new coating of stucco is one good way to make an old wether? Marthle spends moat of her Entered at the Post Office at Nyssa, Oregon, as Second Class Matter house young again. Or you may use lumber or brick or time now karrln In wud. 1 orter help some of the other surfacing materials. her. but my bale akes sum of the time, rumatlck leg alius bothers me, The architectural style of the house frequently can be so and 1 my MODERNIZE YOUR HOME—MAKE EMPLOYMENT completely hev 1 of them tha re alabys them altered with but slight changes to the under­ atomeys talk aboot. Homes throughout the country are being modernized as lying framework. speakin aboot atomeys, tother day a a result of liberal financing plan made available by the Spanish designs are popular in many sections of the dlvorse kase was beln tried afore the Judge; the ladie askin fer the dlvorse National Housing Act. Local banks and other financial in­ country. Because of the regular horizontal lines, char­ had 4 times afore that; | stitutions approved by the Federal Housing Administra­ acteristic of this type of architecture, many old houses can so the bean Jedge divorsed sez to her, sez he "now, if tion are making loans to do this work. you a dlvorse, air you shure you ! converted to the Spanish type at} comparatively small 1 you give won't be up hear agin in aboot a Remember, no down payment is necessary, provided the be cost. yeer askin fer anuther?” and the ladie cost does not exceed $2000 and you can meet other simple sez, sez she, “no jedge, i figgers now on requirements. You pay the money back monthly, accord­ goin outta cirkulashun.” GARDENING IN SEASON wel, i heer the nue deel is komin on ing to your income. has agreed Early fall is the best time to prepare the outdoor living in fine, his and mind thet on don his gram appintments and room or garden for use in the Spring. Plants should be we wil orter have a nise winter, i kno you when i tel you 1 have decided upon, the garden planned, soil prepared and some aplied keap fer it the secret position of privy inspect­ of the planting done. 1 got my naim in erly so as to EXTRA-REFINED In most arrangements the lawn is the foundation, trees or. beet bert hoxie, al hinsh, bob bums and sum of the other boys, among my are the frame, and shrubs and flowers are added to round qualifications aboot my 60 yeer’s off corners and supply color and additional beauty. The experience in i the tole bizness. don’t tall plants should act as a background for the lower ones, get the appointment i shure if wil i maik misurable fer ole don. and they may be set against buildings, along fences and life 1 thing i be bothered aboot and that boundaries and in front of any objectionable view as a is 1 don’t sea any plaise vakant around screen. town fer anuther beer stoar. we shure GASOLINE If a fixed design is adopted, to remain the same year nead yores sum moar. trulie, Farmer Brown. after year, the soil can easily be modified to satisfy the For economy and top-notch motor performance. needs of plants that require conditions other» than those CAIRO NEWS It’s colorless. characteristic of the soil. Sand, clay or muck, and plant Lester Derrick and son Melvin, I. J. food can be added as required by each individual plant. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston and and Mrs. Beh Stover went to the This requires less yearly attention and allows perennials Mr. sale at Payette Saturday. and shrubs to be planted and also permits a much greater auction Frank Urico was in Nampa Wednes­ variety of plants. James Peters and Thelma Price are If it is desired to give the entire surface a general treat­ day. ment, a good procedure is to dig out the natural and fill in ill.Students are taking exams. with the rich soil well mixed with rotted manure. Mr. Coleman of Harper visited the == . ■ "* ■ * 11 THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VELTEX POLITICS The first chilly days tell the world it’s time to Fuel Up! We carry the best coal on the market—- it burns longer, there is less waste. Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Dwight Smith, Manager See Us For Building Supplies PHONE 15 NYSSA OREGON INTRODUCING— the most satisfactory overall you have ever worn Send» these pseturts and f®u will see why Oshkosh B'Cosh sre calWi ih« "world's Bast Overalls" by the men who wear them. Buy fourssll a pair sod il you don't say ao too, take them hack and your daaler will gladly exchange them. Oshkoah B'Cosh cost no more than tha cheapest overall made lor they return the lew extra pen- •tee you give for then in eiua wear. Try a pair. The fit w ill plea* you and the way they wear w ill u r e you money Peace and tranquility l will return to the home, now that the political s oeecnes îhe will not clutter the air. The Literay Digest poi reveals that political talks are the most offensive of all radio programs.—Condon Globe- Times. Politics is merely another name for government. With­ out politics we would have no government. This is claimed to be a “government by the people,” which indicates that all people are presumed to be interestd in politics. If they are not so interested, then they are not good citizens under our form of government. This being the case, when are we going to become good citizens and quit reviling politics and sneering at it as an evil and turning off the radio when some earnest citizen, who has been made »candidate by other citizens, tries to discuss the issues pertaining to the government in which we are all supposed to be interested? Unless the people quit doing these things and take an in­ terest in political affairs, they should also quit kicking when government is not run to suit them, says the Salem Capital Press. EDITORIAL COMMENTS BY CLARK WOOD LOTT D. BROWN Home of GEM and PURINA Quality Feeds Phone 53, Ontario See .... Our Men’s, Women’s STYLE BOOK Fashion Frocks $2.98 to $10. Made to measure, new style book every two weeks, you can see the samples. Men's Tailored Suits—Kahn and Pioneer Lines. Two good ranges in price. See them at— WE SPECIALIZE IN CLEANING AND PRESSING. Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Oregon Ontario Each successive administration is, to Bill Borah, merely like another red rag to a bull. We are a bit, apprehensive as to the effect of a general impression that it was a victory for Santa Claus. Kingford-Smith is so fond of his airplane that it would be just too bad if it took a notion to drop him. Perhaps the barnyard golfers met in Long Beach for the Combination Mixing Sink Faucet reason that California sunshine is great for pitchers. Chromium Plated In Russia they are said to be putting the sun to work. That has been tried by many an old man in the good old $4.50 Installed U.S.A. We understand from Chairman Fletcher that the G.O.P. is still awake and that there is no occasion for a wake for Very New Very Handy Very Attractive the party. Europe will continue to be in a bad way if she settles her problems no better than her war debts. Geo. J. Kinzer SPECIAL ! Plumber Phone 134-J-3 ROBT. D. LYTLE On the Old Job H. D. Holmes TRANSFER AND BAGGAOE Osteopathy and Electrotherapy PHONE 201 Nyssa Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Chiropractic Physician Office in Residence Three Blocks South M. E. Church PHONE 25 Anna B. Pritchett, D. O. Dr. E. D. Norcott Guarantee Work DR. C. A. ABBOTT NYSSA TAILOR SHOP Vale, Oregon. Nyssa, Jregon Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 35F3 X-RAY EXAMINATIONS NYSSA LIBRARY Open Saturday Town patrons, 2:30 to 6:30 Out of town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 Ail patrons welcome. Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian Attorney and Counselor at Law First National Bank Building Phone 66 Vale Oregon Fail-mans Saturday. Lester Derrick and the Fairman family were in Harper on business Sat­ urday. DENTIST Attorney at Law Nyssa, Oregon ONTARIO GRAIN CO. Meets Wed. Night at Eagles Hall Visiting Eagles Welcome Bernard Frost, President Don M. Graham, Secretary iiaiiBiiiiitiiiiiriiiiiii;iii:iiiTiriTi-iui:if(i:tiiiiii!i:i>iiiru:i[iriA Dr. J. A. McFall | Eyesight Specialist Specializing on the care of Children’s Eyes. Ontario, Oregon ;iii iii;niii-i iTniiiii i;i.iii!Gi:i!imiii w : i ; i ib iiiim im ii ' i i h i h i S All Kinds of Hauling In City Limita NYSSA, OR. PHONE S City Transfer TRUCKING ana TRANSFERRING Phone 15 and Phone 28 C. KL1NKENBERG 'um iiBnun nssnmi rori VALE HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM Dr. D. A. Sexton, Prop. Rheumatism, Diabetes, Paralysis Influenza, successfully treated. Mineral Water 212 Deg. Fr. ROOMS AND BOARD At Reasonable Rates ii!i:iii;iii!iiiiiii:i!ii]|.iiiijiiiii:iiiiiii!iiiii!i!i!iiiiiini!i:u Protect What You Have Insure In SURE Insurance —with— Frank T. Morgan Reasonable Rates on Hay and Grain BWWIWBWMMillliMIIIIHIIilllltlllMiMMiMlIllJllilltlillllgMMHIl U t B M ilita RM HM ^iiw w n M M n a F Parma CLEAN CLOTHES For Dirty Ones Rubbing, scrubbing, bending over a tub takes years from your youth. It’s more economical to to have your laundry done at the laundry—be­ cause our charges are so reasonable. Men’s Individual Laundries Carefully Done. Caldwell’s Store THE Mrs. UNITED LAUNDRY Margaret Pashley, Prop. C. M. Caldwell, Prop. PHONE 83F2 Complete Run of Size« Nyssa, Ore. Phone 83F2 NYSSA, ORE. NYSSA SHOE SHOP g = iä i | Invites you to bring in 1 y0Ur old shoes. What g may seem beyond re- | pair might be made into | a good understanding and add a few steps to economy. Expert Leather Work Rich, Wholesome Jersey Milk And Cream We Are Always Glad to Supply You With Extra Deliveries NYSSA SHOE SHOP Shelton Dairy Nyma, Oregon DRINK MORE—USE MORE NYSSA OREGON