. ITILE NE y S NYSSA O. B. Hite has purchased a new Bill Oehr. iu .p u Longcss and Itav C vrolet oar from w..oiea Gar.ge in uor.d OK.uarr. i*turned Monday frori Ontario. a deer hunt on Bull creek Mr. and Mrs. Lee Higldey of Nts Mrs. 0. L. McCoy was ft guest of Mrs. Frank Smith at the Tuesday bridy ’ Meadows were callers at the Bev. Whit home Wednesday. club meeting In Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Bigelow vlaitr tr. and Mrs. John Norwood and ghter Betty Jane of Vale stopped Sunday with Mrs. Corlnne Ward an s last week to visit the J. W. Elston her mother Mrs. Mu.xwell at Roswell. -ily when en route to the world's Mrs. Fred Powell left Thursday foi In Chicago. Crlcago where she plans to spend sev eral weeks with her son and daughU A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mi Douglas Matteson last Monday at th home of Mrs. Matteson's sister Mrs. L L. Gray. — New— STAMPED GOODS Now on Display at— JOHNSON VARIETY Nyssa, Oregon CHAS. M. CRANDALL VALE. OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton are livln In La Grande where Tom was recent transferred by the Western Union frt Lime. Wm. Schweizer and family are ei Joying the visit of his brother and sist who are here from Seattle. A party < friends is with them. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Browne returi ed last Wednesday from Detroit i their new Plymouth coach, and al brought a new Plymouth car from tl factory for Chas. M. Paradis. M Browne found conditions much beth here than In the east, particularly in the mlddlewest where the drouth left the country In ruins. The KOZY CAFE Continues Monday Under New Management Republican Candidate for the Office of District Attorney ok Excellent meals, lunches and beer served day and night. Malheur County, Oregon. Your Support Respectfully Paul Wishart of Weiaer ha3 begin ork as assistant druggist at the Nyai Pharmacy. Dewey Hoxle came from Pendletoi or a visit with his parents Mr. and .I ts . W. B. Hoxle this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin and Mr and Mrs. J. B. Owens of Boise left for coast points Tuesday after a visit with he Hugh Glasgow family. Mrs. N. B. Towne of Crane Is visiting ler sister. Miss Rubye Lou Hemenwuy rid their mother who Is seriously ill at he Ontario hospital. Fred Woods from Granger, Wash., is ■ompletlng improvements at his rcsi- lence. A back porch has been added nd the house has been painted. Mrs. Dick Adams returned to River on, Wyo., for a week's visit with he lster and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bar les who made Nyssa the mecca of their acation trip. Solicited. EAGLES BOXING EXHIBITION Friday, October 19 Featuring Kid Lem (Kid Weston) the Fighting Parson from Nampa and Sleepy Blaunt of Bak er; also Wendell Grow of Nampa vs. Buddy Ed wards; Jack Fellows vs. Kenneth Draper of Pay ette; A If Parrish of Nyssa vs. Toughie Burke, Caldwell.—In all 28 rounds. NYSSA E g GLES HALL DON’T MISS IT! BULBS Anc! PEONIES REBE LAI S, I. O. (». 1 (Ey f . j. Tot i Johnson > The annual convention of Re ekt; Ledge of Dis-t let 25 met In Onta io ct October 10, v. th Grace Chris', nse president of t ie Re! ckah and Cht Poole, grand master of the Oddi llo\ lodge of Oregon, In attendance. The following officers served: chair - man.Edna Kii g; vice chairman, Maiy Pierson: secretary-treasurer, Luci.e Prahl; warden, Harriet Sears; co lduc- ort, Dairy Johnson; inside gua-dla;i Angie Cook: outside guardian. Lizzie Carey; right supporter to chai man Effie Davis; right supporter to vice chairman, Mary Felton; left sup ort“ to vice chairman, Mrs. Pink' rtoi: chaplain, Vet na Beam. Three charter members of the On tario and Nysia Rebekah Lodge; were Mr. and Mrs. Warren McHargue gav Introduced an 1 presented with ove i nice chicken supper Sunday evenin ’ bouquets. They were Mesdames *ogve, 'or Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Marshall, Mi Clement and Duncan. Each lod; s e x end Mrs. W. F. McLing and W. C. emplified som phase of the work Du •- Jackson. ing the aften non. dancing gir ; ar.d violin pupils of Chas. Wilson ente ta lli Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Higginson are ed. newcomers here. Mrs. Higginsn arrived Next year's convention will m et at ast week from Pocatello to Join her Nyssa. The following officers fo ■ 19: husband who has been employed with were elected: chairman. Betty F prbe ■ a field crew on the Owyhee project the vice chairman, Emma Eldridge; secre past two months. tary-treasurer. Merle Johnson. The Ontario Lodge served a b?.nqu Mrs. Jesse Lawrence and Mrs. Lon Root are attending the Idaho conven at 6:30. Degree work was beautifully put on tion! of Rebekah lodge In Caldwell this week. Mrs. A V. Cook, Mrs. Will Beam, by Ontario Rebekahs. The committee; Mrs. N. H. Pinkerton, Mrs. Mary Felton on Thanks resolution and memorial all made their reports. Visitors from Jor attended the Tuesday session. dan Valley as well as from Idaho lodges Hugh McDonald of Salem, his sister attended. The collar awarded for the large Mrs. Kittle Finerty who is here fro’ , Minnesota and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Me - percent of attendance was presen ed Donald of Apple Valley spent Thursday j the Yellow Rose Rebecca lodge o Ny here with the Fred Marshalls and Mr; sa. The prize awarded in the Depu President contest went to Gertrud Elizabeth McDonald. Blanton of Beatrice Rebecca lodge of Ontario. Mrs. Kathryn Finerty of Saint Pan 1 mm., arrived Saturday and is a gue t the home of her brother Murdoc | 'cDonald and wife. A brother E. F j IcDonald of Salem, is also enjoylr. i he visit with his sister and brothe Irs. Finerty is en route to Califomi 1 "his is her first visit to Idaho. Last Friday afternoon the Ladies Aid j net at Mrs. Warntjes home. A hand- erchief shower for Mrs. McDonald was a special feature of the meeting. Alfalfa grown on the Levi Stephen inch is being baled and shipped iron I Apple Valley station. Mrs. Cecil Scott and the two youngi ; i hlldren left Thursday for America n ,ake, Washington, to see Dick Scot: vhose condition is not improving. The ilder children will stay at the Reed lome until their mother’s return. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Miller and Mr. ind Mrs. A. J. Cloward are enjoying ine vacation hunting deer. Durir heir absence Evan Miller is doing th; hores at the Cloward ranch. Walter Iiams spent the week end a t ils parents home here. For Sa.e Now NOW 1» The Time To Plant Special Sale on Peonies Now! BOYER FLORAL COMPANY Ontario Friday-Saturday, October 19, 20 John Wayne in “SAGEBRUSH TRAIL” A Lone Star Western Especially selected shorts with this program VOTE 3 5 X L; Sunday-Monday, October 21, 22 “ CHARLEY CHAN IN LONDON” With Warner Oland Tuesday-Wednesday, October 23, 24 Pat Patterson, Nils Asther, Harry Green in “LOVETIME” TRAIL HOOPSTERS WIN USED CARS! USED CARS! by the dozen for special clearance sale at CABLES MOTOR CO. Ontario. St them before you buy. Oregon Trail basket ball team wc:i its fourth stri ight game by def atir' Valley View .3 to 6 Friday. Bi 1 am Frank Wilso: and Olen Nichol toil' scoring honor i for Oregon Trail. G! - bert Holmes \ as unable to play due a bad arm. Oregon Tra'l girls took their thi < game by defe ting Valley View 16 to ? Verda Rae Grisham was high sc rex. Thursday, October 25— One Day Only County Com m issioner ! -I Candidate for re-elect- tion to a job where ex perience is a valuable asset. “MOONSTONE” The Greatest Detective Story every written. MATINEES SATURDAY and SUNDAY VOTE 3 3 x M. A. Biggs D em ocratic T he L ighting Y our H ome ? C an d id ate F or D STRICT A T TO R N EY O f M alheur County E xperienced, Q ualified -= » - Like Seeing With I S m ok ed The Emj::y Sockets Wifci EDISON M A ZD A G la s s e s LAMPS Here’s Some Hot SPECIALS for the RODEO Week End SCIENCE now tells us that constant reading or working in inade quate light is one of the surest ways to damage eyes. The reason many children become nearsighted is that they study in poor light. And not one modem home in ten provides effortless seeing without eye- strain. Buy Them In Cartons cf G and Save 10 per cent Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday SYRUP, Log Cabin, large size can s................ 83c Watch your family as they read. Does a child of yours hold his books noticeably ^¿0S€r than 14 inches? If so, chances are that his eyes are being strained. He needs better home lighting and he may need eye-glasses. Check your home now! SYRUP, Log Cabin, Medium size c a n ..........43c PUMPKIN, 2 1-2 cans, 2 fo r ............................. 25c KC BAKING POWDER, 50 oz. s i z e ............ 39c ! I 6J OR 75-WATT INSIDE-FROST LAMPS FOR SOAP, Bob White, 10 bars................................23c BORAX SOAP CHIPS, 20 Mule Team, large package .......................................... 25c COFFEE, Yellow Bag, 1 lb. pkg........................16c SALAD DRESSING, Quart ja r s ..................... 32c TUNA FISH, 1-2 lb. c a n s................................ 15c SALMON, 1 lb. pink, L i cans, e a c h .............. 1 lc "Better Light S etü rS ight D8 S MUSTARD, Glen Oak, pt. ja r s........................15c KELLOGGS, Corn Flakes, large pkg, each 11c MOTHERS OATS, with cup and saucer....... 29c BUCKWHEAT, Pancake flour, 3 1-2 lb. pkg. E a c h ............................................................ 33c A full line of School Supplies E m p t y SOCKET1' any place in the house cause inconvenienct Empty socket in the basement attic or on stairways nviy cause dangi Empty sockets anywhere often result In eye strain. Check up the lighting in your honv- See how many sockets there are that need new lamp:.. Put a lamp in every socket. Make your home bright and cheerful with Keep a supply of lamp, on hand. H iu when a lamp Is PHONE 21 Oregon Liberty Theatre IRONSIDE MAN DIES Ira M. Nichols, brother of Arthur | Nichols, passed away at Weiser Sunday, i The Arthur Nichols and Orville Nichol i families attended the funeral at On tario Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boor visited ai i Fruitland last week. Mrs. Floyd White and daughter Nor ma came from Boise to spend the wee c ! end here. Miss Norma is attendin ' jinks. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rose spent the week ;nd in the lower country. James DeRoe and Mr. and M r 1 Arthur Simpson were Boise visitors la: t i week. The Walter Parker family have mov 1 ed from Ontario to the Ironside cam p' 1 ('round. Kenneth Boyer of Hereford has mov ed his cattle from the C. F. Wise pas ture. Billy Joslin and daughter Mrs. Bost - .vick of Spokane visited here last week. Mr. Joslin was an old time resident ' who left here 36 years ago. The Carl Wood family of Baki I spent the week end at the Wm. Wood cock home. Merle Cheeley, Proprietor John J. Cancelmo, Assistant ONTARIf EN 'ERTAi: S Follow These Simple Lighting Rules 1-Fill all the empty sockets with lamp bulbs of con et wattage and keep a supply o “extras” on hand. Never read in ela e or in your own shadow. Have all l a m p globes shaded. For portables, a shade which is li< it in color, wide in spread, and open at the top. 4. Make an inspection of your lighting fixtures and bring them up-to-date. This means eye com fort now—eyesight protection later. Í