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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1934)
GATE CITY . OURNAL, TWIT'S., OCTO’ ER 18 . 1984 You will take notice th a t this sun ions Is served upon you under and I Irtue of an order pursuant to a n ord f th e Hon. W. W. Wood, Judge of t. bove entitled Court, which order w- ; made and entered on October flth, 193-:, und directing th a t th» summon» h»r»i'i oe published foil four successive and > onsecutlve weeks and five publications hereof, In the O ate City Journal, i weekly newspaper of general clrcula- ion, published a t Nyssa, M alh eir Jounty, Oregon, the date of the first mbllcation hereof Is October 11th, 1931, nd the date of th e last publlactlon is OF CONTRAIL HOOPSTERS WIN Or -yon T rail has winning basket ball t ialJu" of boy» and girl*. The boy» won their third game yesterday by trounc ing Cairo 9 to 7. O ther wins were scor ed over Big Bend and Cairo In the opener with Gilbert Holmes high point b.vsk. t shooter. The girls have won their games with Verda G risham high. Legal Advertisement SUMMONS / IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE O F OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR. Helen Brown, Plaintiff, Ray Brown, Defendant. To Ray Brown, th e above named de fendant: In th e Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear In the above entitled Court and cause w ithin four weeks from th e first pub lication of this summons, which date of first publication Is October 11th, 1934, then and there to answer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed herein and If you fail so to do, for w ant thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for t h e , relief demanded In the complaint on file herein, to-w it: For an order and de NOTICE OF ELECTION cree of said Court th a t th e bonds of m atrim ony now existing between said ONTARIO-N Y S S A IRRIGATION plaintiff and said defendant be fo r D istrict ever dissolved, and th a t an absolute decree of divorce be granted said plain-1 Notice is hereby given th a t th e a n tiff, and th a t the Court may make such nual election will be held on the sec other and fu rth er order and decree as ond Tuesday In November, on Novem may seem Just and equitable In th e ber 13, 1934, a t th e residence of J. T. premises. jong, within the OnUrlo-Nyssa Irrig a- MALHEUR COUNTY BUDGET FOR 1935 NOTICE The Budget Committee of M alheur County. Oregon, has fixed upon Thursday, the 1st day of November ,1934, at 10:00 o'clock A. M„ as the time, and the County Court Room In Vale, Oregon as the place where the estim ate of the am ount of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the ensuing year 1935 may be discussed with the County Levying Board, also when and where any taxpayer, subject to said levy when made, shall be heard for or against any proposed tax levy. Itemized estim ates of the amounts of money proposed to be raised by ta x ation for the ensuing year, 1935, for M alheur County, Oregon, are as follows, to-wit: COUNTY COURT: County Judge, salary .................................................. $ 2,400.00 2 Commissioners, compensation ................................. 700.00 Traveling expenses 200.00 Office expense (stationery, printing, legal blanks, su m p s, etc.) ............. 200.00 - $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 SH ERIFF'S OFFICE: Sa'-’.ry, Sheriff ............................................................. $ 2,100.00 ! alary, 1 deputy, tax dept.............................................. 1,500.00 Salary, 1 deputy ............................................................. 1.500.00 Salary, 1 tax clerk ........................................... 1,200.00 Traveling expenses ......................................................... 2,000.00 County jail and board, prisoners ................................... 1,750.00 Office supplies and collection of taxes ................... 2,000.00 > >h $12,050.00 COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE: Salary, Clerk ..................................................................$ 2,000.00 Salary, 1 deputy ....................................................... 1,500.00 Salary, deputy-clerks ................................................... 2,400.00 Suppllies (record, stationery, etc.) ............................... 80000 Office equipment ................................... w- t $ 12,050.00 at t hi Plication oven NC TICK OF C ? H l D I' -RIC ir I, 1934. CONTROL way Is located, remove the prob placing one piece of bait In the rui way. Place a covering over the hob to shut out th e light. Care should fc taken not to let any loose d irt fa on the bait: cover with clod or gra: to prevent this. Effective poisoning cannot be obtained if any Ugh: penetrates the gopher runway. If the ground Is thoroughly poisoned three times, with Intervals of abou ten days between poisoning, better than ninety per cent kills should bo obtained. Caution All unclean utensils used in prep aration of poisons and all poison containers should be kept plain! labeled and out of reach of children. Irresponsible persons and livestock. Any unused bait should be burned The land owners falling to comply vith the above order shall be entered ipon by person or persons appointed >y the County Court to eradicate and iestroy pocket gophers on any such lands w ithin the above described dis tricts. The cost of such work consisting of x>Lson bait m aterial and labor shall be held by the county as a lien upon the property treated by the person or per sons appointed by the County Court. DAVID F. ORAHAM, County Judge. FIR ST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN: By th e County Court of Malheur County th a t all land owners within th# following district to-wit: KINGMAN KOLON' GOPHER CONTROL DIS 1RICT described as follows: Bt .¡Inning a t the . unc: ton of the Owyhee and Snake Rive 3, then running west to the west ;ectl n line of section tl.ree (3) Town ship 31 Range 48 East of th» WlUam- ' tte Meridian then south on the above said section line to the south line of section 22 th en east to Snake river, hen down the River to the place of be- ' inning w ithin M alheur County, Oreg >n shall begin in good faith to eradicate or destroy pocket gophers, with n thirty days of pul licatlon of this notlc \ by th e following or any other Ion District, In M alheur County, O re effective method: gon. Po >onlng Pocket Gophers In Mal One member to be elected to the heur County Board for a term of three years and Mixing th e Bait ine for a term of one year. Stockhold Mix one ounce strychlnne alkaloid er» In th e Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation with one-eighth ounce saccharine. Company only, eligible to vote. D ust over 16 qu&rU of sweet poU- The polls shall be opened a t 8:00 toes, carrots or parsnips. These baits o’clock In the morning of day of the are peeled and cut Into 1-2 Inch by election and kept open until 6:00 2 Inches pieces and thoroly dusted o'clock In th e afternoon when the same R. G. LARSON, with the above mixture. must be closed. C ounty Agricultural Agent Placing the Balt Said election shall be held and the In placing the bait th e runway of Oct 4-18. results thereof determ ined In all re- the gopher may be opened by means I pects as nearly as practicable In con NOTICE OF WARRANT CALL of a shovel or garden trowel, dig formity with th e provisions of law gov- ging from the m ound into main •mlng the election of lrrlgaton district D ated October 1, 1934 . runway of the gopher, there plac officers. ing one piece of this bait. In heav- Nyssa School D istrict No. 26, M al By order of th e Board of Directors of ■ lev soils and in irrigated sections, heur County, Oregon, Is calling all reg he Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation D istrict t! ise baits may be placed by m eans istered w arrants to and Including No. D ated this 11th day of October, 1934. of a probe. When the probe Is used 865, payable a t the O ntario National 8 . J. REID, Secretary. do not probe closer th a n six Inches Bank, Ontario, Ore. Interest stops on OnUrlo-Nyssa Irrigation District to th« mound so th a t the m ain ru n - j the above date. drst Publication October 11, 1934. way will be located. After the ru n - | Chas. M. Paradis, Clerk. IXPENDITURES FOR 1931, 193Í, 1933, and SIX MONTHS of 1934, and FOR 1934 1931 COUNTY COURT: Judge ........................... Commissioners ........... Traveling expense .... Supplies ......... ............. T otal ................. 1932 SIX MONTHS' BUDGET 1933 2,400.00 667,06 200.00 149.70 6 mos. 1934 6 mos. Budget 1,200.00 284.10 29.80 49.25 $ 1,563.15 $ 1,750.00 3 33284.98 $ 3,505.69 $ 3,416.76 2000.00 SH ER IFF’S OFFICE: $ 6,900.00 3 6.900.00 Salary, Sheriff ...... 2,271.80 1,048.19 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE: Salary, 1 deputy .... 1.346.35 748.19 Salary, 1 deputy 1.346.35 748.19 Salary of Assessor ............. ...........................................$ 1,800.00 Salary, 1 tax clerk 598.19 1,076.34 Salary of d e p u ty .............................................................. 1,500.00 Special deputy hire Salary of a s s is ta n t........................................................... 1,200.00 Traveling expenses .......................................... 1.142.12 1,423.52 Field deputies ................................ 900.00 County Jail and .............................................. 695.13 Stationery, records, etc., s ta m p s ................................... 800.00 Board of prisoners ............................................ t.672.74 Office supplies ................................................... 1.513.96 $ 63200.00 $ 63200.00 Collection of taxes ............................................ 1,728.16 TREASURER'S OFFICE: T otal ............................................................ $18,612.67 $11,647.10 $10,865.26 $ 6,493.97 Salary of Treasurer ................. ...................... $ 1,200.00 COUNTY CLERK: Supplies for office ...........................................................’’ 25Ó.ÒÒ 350.00 Office furniture ................................................. 50.00 Clerk ............................................ .............. ....... 2,197.67 1,000.02 D e p u ty .................................................. ................ 1.350.00 750.00 Deputy Clerks .................................................... 1,226.80 2,050.90 « 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Supplies ............................................................... 873.68 546.31 Office equipm ent ................................................ 107.75 2.00 SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE: T otal .......... _ .... ............. .. ..... .................... $ 7,334.06 $ 7,707.70 $ 3,580.00 $ 3,525.13 Salary of Superintendent ............. ............................. ( 1,500,00 Traveling expenses ......................................................... 300.00 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE: Supplies and office expenses ....................................... 300.00 A ssessor........................ ............. .... ............. . . 1.905.94 750.00 Office d e p u tie s..................... ............... 2.430 00 1,350.00 « 2 , 100.00 3 2 , 100.00 : Field deputies .................................... 1,131.00 869.50 Supplies ............................................................... 576.00 536.79 EXPENSES INCURRED BY LEGISLATIVE ENACTMENT Total ........... ................................................ $ 7,549.64 $ 7,057.30 $ 6,042.94 $ 3,506.29 Delinquencies in High School Tuition A Transportation ■ Fund ......M i __ _______________ 3.600.00 COUNTY TREASURER: T ru an t officer ..... ...................................................... 50.00 D istrict Sealer of W eights and Measures 250.00 8alary of T reasurer ......... ................................. 1,200.00 600.00 Dependent Mothers .................................................... 4.500.00 Supplies ......................... 44233 108.13 Official Advertising .................................................... 2 , 000.00 Total $ 1,439.24 $ 1,523.98 $ 1,642.33 708.13 Insan.e examination and care of ............................. 100.00 School Institute and examinations .......................... 100.00 COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT: Circuit Court, 3 term s ............................................... 4.500.00 .titctipn Court ...................................................... Salary of Superintendent .............................. 450.00 1,500.00 750.00 Traveling expense ........................ .............. Coroner ......................... ................................................. 150.00 178.35 160.58 A ssista n t...................................... County H ealth Officer and County Physician .... 300.00 Supplies ................................................ Appropriation for Insane In State Institutions .... 5,000.00 510.05 323.66 Tuberculosis In d e m n ity ............................................... 100.00 T o ta l........ .... $ 2.587.84 $ 2,065.85 2.188.40 1,234.23 Vital Statistics 75.00 Audit County Books ...................................... ......... 2sn no Officers Indem nity Bonds ............. _............ .......... 550.00 EXPENSES INCURRED BY LEGISLATIVE EN AC IMENT Bee Inspector .............................................................. 50.00 Stock Inspector ......... ................................ ............... 400.00 High School Tuition Fund .......................... S tate Tax Estimated .................................................. 50.000. 00 T ru a n t O ffic e r....................................... ........ 9.00 49.05 23.08 General School Tax estim ated ............................... 40.000. 00 Sealer of Weights A Measures .................... .... 224.50 227.11 188.69 95.34 M arket Roads (No levy to be made. 32500.00 on 8 U te Industrial Acc. Comm, (included In hand) .................. .................................................. 2.500.00 current expenses ...................................... Sinking Fund, road bonds ....... ................................ 10.000. 00 County V eterinarian ..._................... 6.100 00 Interest on $111.000.00 road bonds ......................... D ependent M others ........................................ Z 4,712.00 4,055.00 4,345.00 1,790.00 Election ......... ............................................................... Official Advertising ....................................... 2.250.00 1 982.10 1.949.23 1,225.15 27224 W aterm aster and deputies ........................... 4,646.96 3,349.67 2,052.57 15.00 (165,525.00 3165,525.00 Insane, examination of ................................ 15.00 6845 102.50 500 School Institute & Examinations ................ 211.73 86.00 69.00 22.11 EXPENSES INCURRED OVER WHICH THE COUNTY COURT Circuit Court, 3 term s ................................... .... 5,474 18 4,786 09 6.402.59 2,223.27 Justice Court .............................. .................... HAS CONTROL 1,103.63 588.50 429.45 133.26 Juvenile Court ............... ................................ 72.25 D istrict A ttorney’s office ............................................ $ 250.00 C o ro n e r............ .................................... 404 35 161.15 74.40 65.00 Court House (office furniture, improvements, insurance, County Physician .................... .... 276.00 300.00 307.50 150.00 etc.) ........................................................................... 600.00 Tuberculosis Indem nity ..................... 7.50 44 00 37.50 80 49 C urrent expenses (fuel, water, telephone, Janitor, etc. Appm. Insane in S tate In stn s........................ 2,505.00 4.210.00 1,000.00 including accident insurance ............................... 4.000.00 8ta te Library T a x .......................... ................ Care of Poor .................................................................. 24,000.00 Tax Rebates ............. ..... ..... .......... _ .............. .... 462.19 190 22 Appropriation for veterans organization for Audit County B o o k s........................................ .... 350.00 300.00 250.00 150.00 Indgts................................................................... 500.00 Officer’s Indem nity Bonds ........................... 394.00 464.00 505.00 265.00 Library Contract. .3 mills e stim a te d ........................... 3,500.00 Bee Inspector .X................................................. 50.00 50,00 Agrlcu cultural Advisor ....................................................... 2,900.00 Stock Inspector ............................................. " .... 399.96 399.96 399.96 199.98 Emergency Fund 4.000 00 State Tax Estim ated ................................ Miscellaneous .................................... 1 , 000.00 O eneral School Tax, estim ated ............................... Destruction of Predatory animals 750.00 M arket R o ad s e stim a te d .................. Z 32.63U 8 9.785.69 1,711.75 58.50 insurance on County F air Buildings ................... 110.00 Election ............................................... 4.581.81 2,059 42 2,301.71 42.000.00 Roads (27,000.00 to be levied. $15,000 on hand) .... Sinking Fund, road b o n d s ................ 10,000.00 9000.00 Advertising County Lands ..................................... 2 . 000.0 Interest on $111,000.00 road bonds .... 6,600.00 6,105.00 Weed Control Revolving Fund ................................ 500.00 8.000 00 Old Age P e n sio n s........................................................ EXPENSES INCURRED OVER WHICH THE COUNTY COURT HAS CONTROL D istrict Attorney’s office ........................................... 123 38 299.66 451.84 191.63 $94.110.00 $ 94,110.00 Court House (office furniture, Improvements, Insurance, etc.) ................................................... . 45166 147.28 592.28 $259,63500 Total E xpenses_______________ __ ___ C urrent expenses (fuel, water, telephone, janitor, etc., also accident Insurance ................................ 4,233.71 4.154.36 3,854.12 1.992 30 LESS ESTIMATED RECEIPTS FOR YEAR Care of Poor ............................................... 23 679.91 17,741.41 24,660.01 11,101.92 County Clerk's f e e s ........... ...........................................$ 7,200.00 Library Contract (.3 mills estim ated) .................. s!240.00 2,610.15 1 822 32 1,997.43 Sheriff's Fees ............ 500.00 Agricultural Advisor 3,400.00 1,900.00 2.300.00 650.00 Interest on County M o n e y .......................................... 400.00 Emergency Fund ....... ...........— 1,132.63 1.095.19 2,258 70 784.25 Miscellaneous cell Circuit A Justice Court fees & fines......................... 2,000.00 .................—. 1.646.98 2.148.10 1,646.26 115.20 Penalty and Interest on delinquent taxes .............. 8,000.00 Destruction of Predatory anim als ................... 1 , 000.00 750.00 250.00 Motor License fund ..................................................... 12,000.00 Insurance on County F air Bldgs. ......................... 110.00 110.00 110.00 Inspection fees ............... ............................ .................. 750.00 County F air Appropriations ............. ....................... 1.040.00 2,200.00 660.00 100.00 County lands, re n t ........... —..................................... 500.00 Roads A Highways ........................37,161.90 28.403.75 24,392.42 14.506.34 Rale of County land .................................................... 10,000.00 Advertising County Lands ........... ................... 1,518.98 1.293.45 804.25 504.20 Appropriation for In Funds on hands ‘ <$15,000.00 -------------- In O - eneral “ Road ‘ “ Fund. 1. indgt. Veterans 382.00 212.53 17,500.00 Old Age Penisons $2,500.00 In M arket Road Fund) .................. 2,060.00 Rabbit Bounty ........... 983 29 $ 58,850 OO 3 58.850.00 STATE OF OREOON 3200.785.00 County of M alheur i T o t a l _________ . . . . . . . . . f » ALLOWANCE DELINQUENT TAX. MALHEUR COUNTY Year 1925 _____ __________________ $ 20,384 19 22,173.10 Year 1926 _____ __________________ 25,667 A3 Year 1927 _____ ______ ___ _______ 46.358.74 Y ear 1928 _____ __________________ 0M33.32 Y ear 1929 ......... .......... ......................... 139.784.57 Year 1930 .......... 172382 62 Year 1931 _____ 164.466.84 Y ear 1932 _____ 32232731 Years 1933 A INDEBTEDNESS $111,00030 Roads bonds $ 6.400.00 $ 3,675.00 $ 3,175.00 $ 775.00 $ 1,050.00 25.00 125.00 2.250.00 1,000.00 50.00 100.00 2.250.00 300.00 50.00 150.00 12.50 3.500.00 125.00 125.00 350.00 25.00 200.00 1 , 000.00 2.250.00 5,000.00 3.300.00 j 125.00 200.00 : 1 1,750.00 9.375.00 I 1,260.00 I 1,300.00 1 2,500.00 500.00 I 250.00 1 1 55.00 9,375.00 750.00 8,725.00 We. the undersigned. Budget Committee of M alheur Oonntjr, Oregon, hereby certify th a t the above and fore going Is the estim ate of the Budget Committee of M alheur County, Oregon, of the probable expenditure* of M alheur County, Oregon, for th e year 1935, together with the Budget al owsnee and c 'ailed expenditures for th e first six m onths of th e year 1934, tha (totalled expenditures for the year :9J3, and the unit cost of sxperdltures during th# years 19*1 and 1932. Dated a t Vale. Oregon, this 3rd day of October, 1934 DAVID F GRAHAM, Chairm an C. O .HUf 7, Secretary E. M. ORM O GEO ROE W. McKNIOHT ORA E. C ARK E. H. B R I .IBACH ET ovember bili, i9Jt. Seo F P ii tii: N 't & N •4 Sc ■ i J N R g 48. I L- /: i D. .iK • «V. ’ V 00 A ttori.' ’ for F u bit,ft. R tiding a . Nyssa, Oregon p 8N%, Bee » T v 'ct. 4 *6. ,• i5; S : . « . A- SVj S E K . 6c -------- P l i H i *5; -Hi, See 17 Twp 17 R , OTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP- p ‘^ce $440.00. Tr. No. 742—All, Sec 11 Twp 30 Rg ERTY BID IN FOR TAXES AND 45; Price $160 00. OWNED BY MALHEUR COUNTY, Tr. No. 743—West 17 acres lying be OREGON. tween County road and M alheur Riv P ursuant to an order of the County in the EK W S BEK A WH EH Si: 'ourt of M alheur County, Oregon, dat- Sec 2 Twp 18 Rg 48; Price $20.00. d September 5th, 1934, I will on the Tr. No. 744—SEK BEK, Sec 18 Tw id day of November, 1934, a t the north 28 Rg 46; Price $20.00. lain entrance door of the County Tr. No. 745— 1 acre lying in the 6 ouit House a t Vale, M alheur County, com er of SEK SWK, Sec 17 Twp 18 iregon, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the Rg 46; Price $2.60. orenoon of said day, offer for sale at Tr. No. 746-A ll, Sec 23 Twp 30 F ublic auction to the highest bidder 46; W K N E',4, NWK, Sec 25 Twp 30 F herefor, the following described tracts 1 *6; NK SWK N W d SEK, Sec 25 Tv f land, said tracts being numbered as 30 Rg 46; Price $250.00. lerelnafter set out, and each tract will Tr. No. 747—Lot 4, SEK SWK, Sec e offered for not less th a n the prices Twp 21 Rg 48; Price $30.00. ixed by said order as hereinafter set Tr. No. 748—NWK, Sec 18 Twp 30 I orth together w ith the proportionate 45; All, Sec 17 Twp 30 Rg 45; SEKNE ost of publication for each tra c t so Sec 36 Twp 31 Rg 46; 8 KNWK A W old: NEK, Sec 36 Twp 31 Rg 46; Price $ Tr. No. 716—SEKNW K, Sec 12 Twp Tr. No. 749—All lands south of sc 3 Rg 39; Price $20. meander line of Owyhee River In Tr. No. 717—All. Sec 4 Twp 27 Rg 40; SEK, 8ec 25 Twp 20 Rg 46; Price $’ \11, Sec 5 Twp 27 Rg 40; All, Sec 8 Tr. No. 750—NWK NWK. 844 NE t wp 27 Rg 40; W KSEK, Sec 10 Twp 27 NWK. Sec 17 Twp 17 Rg 47; Price S Ig 40, W KNEK, Sec 15 Twp 27 Rg 40; Tr. No. 751—All west of rail: > «W ^ SEK, N 't SWK, SW KSW K, Sec track In NEK, Sec 20 Twp 19 Rg 4 5 Twp 27 Rg 40; WK. Sec 21 Twp 27 Price $50.00. lg40; E'.a, Sec 28 Twp 27 Rg 40; N K Tr. No. 752—Jamieson Acreage Trac ti SEK, Sec 33 Twp 27 Rg 40; SWK, No. 154, 155, 156, 157, 158; Price $50.0C ;ec 34 Twp 27 Rg 40; Price $600.00. Tr. No. 755—Lots 17, 18, 19, Block 31 Tr. No. 718—8)4, Sec 18 Twp 17 Rg Hope-Holland Add. to Vale; Prl 2; Price $80 00. $15.00. Tr. No. 719—SH SWK, Sec 14 Twp 25 Tr. No. 754—Lots 8, 6, 7, 8, Block i.g 42; SW K SEK , Sec 14 Twp 25 Rg 42; Hadley’s 1st Add. to Vale; Price $450. ■1EK NEK. Sec 23 Twp 25 Rg 42; NwK, Tr. No. 753—Lots 1 2, 3, Block 2. Ha !ec 23 Twp 26 Rg 42; WK NEK, NEK ley's 1st Add. to Vale; Price 3100.00. !WK, NWK SEK , Sec 23, Twp 25 Rg Tr. No. 756—Tract» 1 A 4, Block 2; WK N W ti, Sec 24 Twp 25 Rg 42; Barton Add. to Ontario; Price $10.00. 'W% 8W(4, Sec 24 Twp 25 Rg 42; Tr. No. 757—Lots 9 A 10. Block 1' Tice $150.00. City of O ntario; Price $10.00. Tr. No. 720—All, Sec 12 Twp 16 Rg Tr. NO. 768—Loti 34 A 36. Block 1; Price $160.00. LoU 18, 19, 20. Block 2 Riverside Ac Tr. No 721—All, Sec 14 Twp 15 Rg 41; •o Ontario; Price $25.00. rice $160.00. T r. No. 750—LoU 3« A 37 Block Tr. No. 722—WH A 8 H 8E14, Sec 15 LoU 11, 12, 13. Block 2, Riverside Ac wp 14 Rg 41; S',4, Sec 19 Twp 14 Rg to Ontario; Price 325.00. 1; SW li SE'4, Sec 20 Twp 14 Rg 41; Tr. No. 760—LoU 20 A 21. Block a WVi &NW‘/i NW14 & StiNW W , Sec Riverside Add. to Ontario; Price 310.C Tr. No. 761—LoU 34 A 28. Block 0 Twp 14 Rg 41; S'/4, Sec 21 Twp 14 Rg 1; N(4, W14 SE14 A SW34, Sec 22 Twp LoU 9, 10. 11. 12, Block 9 Riverside Ac 14 Rg 41; Nt4, Sec 28 Twp 14Rg41; All to Ontario; Price 830.00. Tr. No. 763—LoU 15 A 16, Block 21 , ec 29 Twp 14 Rg 41; Price $720.00. Tr. No. 723—WV4 N E14 A SE'4 NEV4, City of O ntario; Pries $10.00. «c 36 Twp 26 Rg 43; Price $30.00. Tr. No. 763—LoU 11. 12, IS, 14. Bio. k T r No 724—SE'4 SWV4 8E34, Sec 18 11, Town of Adrian; Price $10.00. Said lands will be offered for sal« is l'wp 41 Rg 43; Price $10.00. Tr. No. 725—All land south and west follows; All tracts priced a t $300Do of M alheur River In NE14 SW14, Sec 6 less to the highest bidder for cash; all tracts priced a t more th a n $200.00 ai 1 wp 19 Rg 44; Price $15.00. T r. No. 726—NEV4 NE14, Sec 28 Twp not more than $500.00, to the highest bidder for cash or for not less than :0 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 727—SE14 N E!4, Sec 28 Twp per cent cash and the rem ainder to be paid under w ritten agreem ent In squil 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 728—SW H SW '4, Sec 35 Twp installm ents over a period not exceed ing 5 years; and all tracts priced 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 729—SE'4 SW '4, Sec 35 Twp more th an $500.00 to the highest bldd: r for cash or for not less th a n 20 per cent 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. T r No. 730—SW34 SEV4, Sec 35 Twp cash and the rem ainder to be paid u n der w ritten agreem ent in equal Install 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 731—SE'4 SE ‘4 , Sec 35 Twp ments over a period not exceeding 10 years,, all deferred payments to draw' 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 732—SWV4 SW '4, Sec 4 Twp Interest a t the rate of 8 per cent per annum, payable annually, and such 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 733—SE'4 NW14, Sec 24 Twp agreements shall be subject to all terms and conditions of Sections 69-818 and 7 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No. 734—SW34 N W «, Sec 24 Twp 69-836, Oregon Code, as «mended by Session Laws of 1931 and 1933. 17 Rg 44; Price $100.00. Tr. No 735—N E'4 SW '4, Sec 24 Twp All lands within the boundaries of ir '7 Rg 44; Price $100.00. rigation or dralange districts will be T r No. 736—NW ‘4 SW '4, Sec 24 Twp sold subject to any valid »«swarm : 7 Rg 44; Price $100.00. made or to be made by said district Tr. No. 737—NE'4 NEt4, Sec 3 Twp since the date said lands were acquln 8 Rg 44; Price $100.00. by the County, and all lands w ithin t! Tr. No. 738—N E li N W «, Sec 21 Twp boundaries of th e W armsprlngs I n ’3 Rg 44; Price $100.00. gation D istrict and which have be: Tr. No. 739—N W « N W «, Sec 21 Twp classified as to Classes 5 and 6, and 8 Rg 44; Price $100.00. to which said County has hereto! Tr. No. 740—S E li, Sec 11 Twp 17 Rg by resolution dated September 3, 192 .5; S W « S « N W « , SW 4N E K . 8ec 12 authorised a transfer to said district. . wp 17 Rg 45; NW 4SE14, 8V4 8E K , the water rights appurtenant to sa :ec 12 Twp 17 Rg 45; E li E'4 A N W « lands will be sold w ithout water right JE14, Sec 13 Twp 17 Rg 45; N% NW li Dated a t Vale, Oregon th is 28th da .ec 13 Twp 17 Rg 45; Nt4 NEK, Sec 14 of September, 1934. wp 17 Rg 45; NEK, Sec 24 Twp 17 Rg O. W. GLENN, 15; SE'4 SE'4, Sec 25 Twp 17 Rg 45; Sheriff, M alheur County, Oregon W ’4 , NK SE'4. WK N W «, Sec 18 wp 17 Rg 46; 8EK NWK, Sec 18 Twp Date of first publication. Oct. 4, 1934 7 Rg 46; NWK, EK SEK, Sec 19 Twp Date of last publication, Nov. 1, 193 17 Rg 46; SW K, Sec 20 Twp 17 Rg 46; Date of sale Nov. 3, 1934, a t 10:00 A. 5 » II The first chilly days tell the world it's time to Fuel Up! W e carry the best coal on the market— it burns longer, the re is less waste. Phone 21 i Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Dwight Smith, Manager See Us For Building Supplies Nyssa, Oregon