Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1934)
G A T E C IT Y JO U R N AL, T îUftS., Û C T C fa lR là, hJtt4 ENJOY SOCIAL f Nyssa Funeral Home /rock—A large crowd attend*- 'Trange Boost«- night program Octob 6. Dancing and lunch folowed the prt gram. Russell and Pern Lynde have return. - cd from Yakima where they were pick ing hops. Phone 76F3 Ambulance Service NOTICE T h « Budget Committee of the Toi-n of Nyssa. Malheur County, State c Oregon, h u fixed upon Monday, No mber 5, 1934, at 8 o’clock P. M. as th Urn», and the City' Hall at Nyssa, O. gon, as the place, when and where th estimate of money proposed to be raia d by taxation for the ensuing year 1935, may be discussed »nth the levylr. board of said Town of Nyssa and which nm » and place any taxpayer t .bjeet to said levy, when made, shall t heard for or against any proposed tax rvy. Itemized estimates of the amount i f money proposed to be raised by taxi tlon tor the ensuing fiscal year for the Town of Nyssa are as follows: BUDGET PO R THE T E A R IMS Expendí tores Personal Service» »1.500 00 600 00 _ 150.00 .. 1,080.00 Police Librarian ____________ Street and Water Bupt. Mr. and Mrs C E. I arming have the construclioc of a fine new home we., under way.- About »5 ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. Fred 8cou Sunday afternoon October 7. Games were played an1 lunch was served by Mrs. Carl Fretwe l and Mrs. Mont. Mrs Ted Connors of Jordan Valle1 - visited at the Carl Fretwell ranch over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bruce returnee Last week from a trip through Idah and Washington. Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett and little daughter stopped overnight at th- C. C. Robinson the 9th. The Benner are from W hite Horse and were on their way to rail road points to pur chase a truck load of vegetables ar.c supplies. T. T. Garlick and Percy Garllck wer,’ to McDermltt Monday where they met their niece Augusta who Is passing through from Los Angeles to the world's fair. Mr. and Mrs. L. Y. Mathews made a business trip to McDermltt last week. »3330 r M t « Dori» Smith has begun work in Dr. Norcott's dental office. Material an- .Supplies Printing and Advertising ................. . — ... ....... ....... 60 00 75.00 350.00 A. L. FLETCHER 485 MaMenmaee anil Repair PuH .. „ City Hall .................................................................... Attorney-at-Law 125.00 150.00 Oregon Fewer and Water 1.800 00 500 00 1.000.00 3300 Shampoo . , . MlerelMneon» Street L i g h t « __________________________________ _____ Emergency Fund Street Fund ... .............................................. ..... ,....... Sinking Fund for Bonded lndebtednea* _______ _____ Internet for bonded Indebtedness ...... . ....... Marrow 1 900 00 1.980 00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,450.00 Total Oil 7330 O' „.-»14.730.00 Receipts By the B o ttle _______________ 75c Shampoo and Treatment ----- »1 Water rotta Licenses ___ Pines J o r d a n v a l TW O 4-H CLUB j l ' í Jordan V .xry—Catordar nli t the Oddfellows of Jordan Chts Poole, granc mast- r. The Rtt>:kai. were honored by the visit of Mrs. Yrate Christianson, »resident of the Re x k r \ assembly. Re -resen atlves from Va-e Ontario and Huntington were pieser.t. A banquet w u served a t midnight at the Jordan Valley hotel to 90 gu sts. Domingo Y-.urrl and fam ily left for |Boise Saturday, M r Yturrl and son Louis will go on to Atlanta where Helm ic Yturrl have purchased an interest In a retail store. Louis will remain there. Miss V irgin :» Carter acorn par -d by her cousin, re-.urned from Namp.. Sat* urday. Mrs. James Mills and Miss Dorothy Shea drove from Boise Saturday Sun day. Miss Dorothy returned accompan ied by her sister Beth. Mrs. Pred Scott of Rome Is v -siting at the Carlton. Pretwell home. Dr. John G rrity, Nampa demist, is making his semi-annual visit in Jordan schools. Thur day Dr. W. W. Jor.cs ex amined the eyes, ears and threats of the children. We are very fortur ite In having this work done every f i l l by these doctors. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Parks an l M.-s V. P. Laca attended the dlstric- con vention of R .-bekahs In Ontario W ed nesday. The highway department pi ced a number of new signs between .Adrian and Jordan end below Jordan which will be a great help to travelers. Harold Gluch la carrying his arm in a sling, the result of a fall while rop ing steers at the J. C. Driscoll ranch last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parks have re turned from a weeks visit in Boise where Mr. Parks has been receiving medical treatment at a Boise hospital. TAKES 6 INCHES OFF HIPS AND BUST The SAFE W ay to Reduce “ For 3 months I ’ve used Kruschen Salta— I’ ve lo t 45 lb*. —taken 6 inches o ff bust— 3 b (ties gave me splendid re sults.” Mrs. < art Wilson. One half level teaspoonful of K nis- chen in hot v oter every morning Is the secret how ov erweight folks can reduce S A FE LY and at the same time gain physical attri-ctlveness. One bottle lasts 4 weeks. You can get Kruschen Sails at the N yssi Pharmacy or any drug store In the world.—Advertisement. _ ... ... „. Delinquent Taxes Deposit boxes 7500 250.00 500 00 75.00 with our (334 Permanent Wave Marrow OU Reconditions the 6350 sociated. MINCE PIES Yes, the good old Mince Pie Season has arrived and we are baking delicious mince pies every day. The Swan Bakery Nyssa Oregon ONTARIO GRAIN CO. Better Light - Home of GEM and PU RINA Better Sight Quality Feeds Phone 53, Ontario Take care of your eyes . . . let us furnish you with bulbs to fill those empty sockets. Longer evenings are here . . . use plenty of light for reading. im iu r Our Special Medicated For you who do not have electricity in your home, come in and let us show you the new— ALLAD IN MANTLE LAMPS Hot Oil TR E A TM E N T Reconditions the hair, will add life and lustre. — T ry Oar— S P A R K L IN G WAVE O IL Lovely Permanents »1.75 and up ; ask for demonstration. Ten times the light you get from ordinary kerosene lamp. You cannot afford to injure your eyesight. Get an Alladin. I Baldridge Implement Co. \ FR E E number of Nyssa business men si a as iliary met as the lodge hall. See Our Fine Fresh Pastries Daily Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newblll a: ¡pending the week In the mountains. We give Marrow OU treatment Road Fund Larry Manuel and Mike J r r- w> re ¡ere yesterday. They repre it a rugerx credit association wit.', tv ich a Friday night, the women s auxiliary held their me-King Wednesday night when both the Eagles and the aux Cairo—Cairo has organised a Handicraft club for boys and a Sewu lub for girls. Sewing club officers ar lelen Davis, president: Alice Tsud ice president: Margaret Magneto ecrctary: Ir-ez Frakes. news reporter Officers of the Handicraft club are Lester Scott, president; Edwin Stove: -ice president; Show Urln. secretary x'orman Derrick, news reporter; loc. | leader Miss I vers. I. J. Mann and grandson Roy W arn n were in Payette Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Frakes and family vlsi ed Mrs. Mary Tharpe In Payette Sa urday. Miss McMurren conferred with M: Kathryn Claypool In Vale Saturday. School was dismissed Friday on a c count o f Mrs. Kinneys funeral. Inez Frakes visited Dorothy Sepp : . Fruitland Sunday. 77500 Nyssa Repair» and Supplies ........ ............................... at On account of the Eagles fight card JAIRO ORGANIZES LODGE OFFICIALS a R O C K g r a n g e r s s s a s s - S t e t s t - F ft — PH O NE 113 NYSSA, ORE. A IR hair—gives it new life and Total !.( I beauty. ..»14.72C 635C Amount to be raised by tax ____ _______ _______________ RUBYE LOU ,...» 8,170. 0 ; Statement of Iadebl- -Iness on June 10, 1934 Water bonds outstanding ............. Street Improvement bonds o standing Registered warrants outstar. :ng »19.000 00 .. 4.000 00 „ 4,441.75 Total ______________ ______ _______ $27,441.75 BEAU TY SHOPPE Nyssa C IT Y OF N YSSA BUDGET FOR Evelyn’s Beauty Shop Howdy Folks—Wouldn’t It be fine If all the ; reat nations loved one another at their statesmen say they do? Sold At— Total estimated expenses for the year Total estimated receipts for t lx year Phone 16 Oregon New, Good-Looking . . . NYSSA Someone said that liquor Is made In Hell. Maybe that ac counts for the burnt taste. Studio Couches wcnxnrrm Be that as it may, the big thrill in the football game is when you try to get your car out of a parking place after the game. )J5 Estimated expenditures, together wi n the expenditures for the years 1931, 132, 1933 and the first half of 1934 Only $32.50 to $46 They’re Real Values Expenditures 1931 1st half Budget B u dgt 1933 1934 1934 1935 1320 00 800 00 150 00 1.080.00 880 00 300 00 7500 640.00 1.320 00 600 00 150.00 1,080.00 1800 00 600 00 150.00 1,080.10 3280 3634 58 80 200 00 75.00 600.00 80.00 7 5 .» 350.» 174.00 3850 150 00 125.» 197.75 17430 220 00 160.» 1.890.75 457 69 1.690 46 62235 228.72 117.80 1.800.00 500.00 1,000 00 1 ,8 »» 5» » 1,000» 1932 Personal Services Police ...... ............... ..... Recorder ....................... Librarian .............. Street and Water Bupt »1.800.00 800 00 150 00 1 . 200.00 1,060» 800 00 150 00 1.130 00 Material and Supplie» 68 48 49 82 Print itine and Adi Advertising Office oe Supplica .... K re Department 253.07 89 75 5705 183 67 »4 44 97 89 The thrill of motoring comes after we have serviced your car with Super Shell Gas and Shell Oil C 0 M I N G— Our largest shipment o f new LAM PS, Bridge lamps, table lamps, all Alladin quality made. Watch for them. Customer: ‘ Did I say four pounds of steak, goodness. I must be losing my mind.” • • • • See you next week. Al Thompson Maintenance and Repairs Puri _______ Rent City Hall 10930 30000 97 48 275 00 500 00 "T h e Farmer’s Own Co-Op1 Power and Water 1,793 55 225.54 35.48 Repairs and Supplies Im provem ents____ __ 1.803.75 817 88 Nordale Furniture Store NORCOTT SERVICE Phone 26 Nyssa Miscellaneous Emergency Fund Street Fund ...... Sinking Fund for Indebtedness Interest ....... ..... T o t a l s ____ 1.762.15 909.28 570.98 1,87381 13-5156 531.72 1.869 91 827.17 820.58 777 40 23835 372.82 1.900 00 1800 00 500.00 1.900» 1.980» 1,000» 1.000 00 1.62780 3.000 00 . 1.488.53 1,385 00 737 16 1.000 00 1.500 00 1,000» 1,450 00 12.092.82 18.28438 12.839 48 5,038 94 13.995 00 14,730.» 5.248 82 *49 00 258 00 741.7» 4.809 35 400 00 30 ño 43880 4.423 45 830 00 25.00 174.93 2.628 37 80.00 40.00 183.18 64.50 4785 4,700 00 500 00 50.00 100 00 400 00 78.00 53» » 450 >3 75» 250» 5» » 75» 5317.88 2359 00 5.835.00 6 .5 5 0 » CLEAN CLOTHES New . . . . Fre«h GOODRICH Receipts Water rente Licensee Fine» Road Fund .. Delinquent Taxe« Deposit Boxea ........ ..... — Totale - .............. 8,895 55 5,774.85 R ubber Goods Guaranteed Rubbing, scrubbing, bending over a tub takes years from your youth. It’s more economical to to have your laundry done at the laundry— be cause our charges are so reasonable. Hot Water Bottle ................................ 79c up Men’» Individual Laundries Fountain Syringes, Combinations, all Kind* Of Rubber Good* Carefully Done. % At Low Price* R ee* p ria is Uon Total estimated expenses for the year Total estimated receipts for the year .... Amount to be raised by tax ... »14.720 00 6.550 00 »8.170.00 • T A T I OP ORSOOH ) County of Malheur i For Dirty Ones *" We. the undersigned Budget Committee of the Town o f Nyssa, Oregon, going la the estimate of this i.'udget Committee of the probable expenditures allowance« and detailed ex;.- .i.iiturv* of said Town for the first six month tune (Or the years 1911.f i n and 1933 rebe certify that the above and fore- ir the year 1938; together with budget f the year 1934, and detailed expend! R8S E. THOM PSON 11NR8T C. W ILSO N ID BUR B ID O l KAN SM ITH TOWARD J LARSEN D IC K TENSEN K. J. PO W E LL S. D. NOROOTT — AT— Nyssa Pharm acy THE UNITES LAUNDRY Mrs. Margaret Pashley, Prop. The Rexall Store Nyssa Phone 83F2 Oregon PHONE 83F2 NYSSA, ORE. nuiTtmia inni mim mu n mm n 111:11:111:1111 ram mmnmi 1 1 11 ri mi mini irora i Recapitulation